
124 lines
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Callsign Lookup extension for qrm
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 classabbyamp, 0x5c (as qrz.py)
Copyright (C) 2021 classabbyamp, 0x5c
SPDX-License-Identifier: LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1
from typing import Dict
import aiohttp
from callsignlookuptools import QrzAsyncClient, CallsignLookupError, CallsignData
from discord.ext import commands
import common as cmn
import data.options as opt
import data.keys as keys
class QRZCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self.qrz = None
if keys.qrz_user and keys.qrz_pass:
# seed the qrz object with the previous session key, in case it already works
session_key = ""
with open("data/qrz_session") as qrz_file:
session_key = qrz_file.readline().strip()
except FileNotFoundError:
self.qrz = QrzAsyncClient(username=keys.qrz_user, password=keys.qrz_pass, useragent="discord-qrm2",
except AttributeError:
@commands.command(name="call", aliases=["qrz"], category=cmn.Cats.LOOKUP)
async def _qrz_lookup(self, ctx: commands.Context, callsign: str, *flags):
"""Looks up a callsign on [QRZ.com](https://www.qrz.com/). Add `--link` to only link the QRZ page."""
flags = [f.lower() for f in flags]
if self.qrz is None or "--link" in flags:
if ctx.invoked_with == "qrz":
await ctx.send("⚠️ **Deprecated Command Alias**\n"
f"This command has been renamed to `{ctx.prefix}call`!\n"
"This alias will be removed in the next version.")
await ctx.send(f"http://qrz.com/db/{callsign}")
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
embed.title = f"QRZ Data for {callsign.upper()}"
if ctx.invoked_with == "qrz":
embed.description = ("⚠️ **Deprecated Command Alias**\n"
f"This command has been renamed to `{ctx.prefix}call`!\n"
"This alias will be removed in the next version.")
async with ctx.typing():
data = await self.qrz.search(callsign)
except CallsignLookupError as e:
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
embed.description = str(e)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
embed.title = f"QRZ Data for {data.callsign}"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.good
embed.url = data.url
if data.image is not None:
for title, val in qrz_process_info(data).items():
if val:
embed.add_field(name=title, value=val, inline=True)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def qrz_process_info(data: CallsignData) -> Dict:
if data.name is not None:
if opt.qrz_only_nickname:
nm = data.name.name if data.name.name is not None else ""
if data.name.nickname is not None:
name = data.name.nickname + " " + nm
elif data.name.first:
name = data.name.first + " " + nm
name = nm
name = str(data.name)
name = None
return {
"Name": name,
"Country": data.address.country if data.address is not None else None,
"Address": str(data.address),
"Grid Square": str(data.grid),
"County": data.county,
"CQ Zone": str(data.cq_zone),
"ITU Zone": str(data.itu_zone),
"IOTA Designator": data.iota,
"Expires": f"{data.expire_date:%Y-%m-%d}" if data.expire_date is not None else None,
"Aliases": ", ".join(data.aliases) if data.aliases else None,
"Previous Callsign": data.prev_call,
"License Class": str(data.lic_class),
"Trustee": str(data.trustee),
"eQSL?": data.qsl.eqsl.name.title() if data.qsl is not None else None,
"Paper QSL?": data.qsl.mail.name.title() if data.qsl is not None else None,
"LotW?": data.qsl.lotw.name.title() if data.qsl is not None else None,
"QSL Info": str(data.qsl.info) if data.qsl is not None else None,
"Born": f"{data.born:%Y-%m-%d}" if data.born is not None else None
def setup(bot):