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// qra64.h
// Encoding/decoding functions for the QRA64 mode
// (c) 2016 - Nico Palermo, IV3NWV
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of the qracodes project, a Forward Error Control
// encoding/decoding package based on Q-ary RA (Repeat and Accumulate) LDPC codes.
// qracodes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// qracodes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with qracodes source distribution.
// If not, see <>.
#ifndef _qra64_h_
#define _qra64_h_
// qra64_init(...) initialization flags
#define QRA_NOAP 0 // don't use a-priori knowledge
#define QRA_AUTOAP 1 // use auto a-priori knowledge
// QRA code parameters
#define QRA64_K 12 // information symbols
#define QRA64_N 63 // codeword length
#define QRA64_C 51 // (number of parity checks C=(N-K))
#define QRA64_M 64 // code alphabet size
#define QRA64_m 6 // bits per symbol
// packed predefined callsigns and fields as defined in JT65
#define CALL_CQ 0xFA08319
#define CALL_QRZ 0xFA0831A
#define CALL_CQ000 0xFA0831B
#define CALL_CQ999 0xFA08702
#define CALL_CQDX 0x5624C39
#define CALL_DE 0xFF641D1
#define GRID_BLANK 0x7E91
typedef struct {
float decEsNoMetric;
int apflags;
int apmycall;
int apsrccall;
int apmsg_cqqrz[12]; // [cq/qrz ? blank]
int apmsg_call1[12]; // [mycall ? blank]
int apmsg_call1_call2[12]; // [mycall srccall ?]
int apmask_cqqrz[12];
int apmask_cqqrz_ooo[12];
int apmask_call1[12];
int apmask_call1_ooo[12];
int apmask_call1_call2[12];
} qra64codec;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
qra64codec *qra64_init(int flags, const int mycall);
// QRA64 mode initialization function
// arguments:
// flags: set the decoder mode
// When flags = QRA_NOAP no a-priori information will be used by the decoder
// When flags = QRA_AUTOAP the decoder will attempt to decode with the amount
// of available a-priori information
// mycall: 28-bit packed callsign of the user (as computed by JT65)
// returns:
// Pointer to the qra64codec data structure allocated and inizialized by the function
// this handle should be passed to the encoding/decoding functions
// 0 if unsuccessful (can't allocate memory)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void qra64_encode(qra64codec *pcodec, int *y, const int *x);
// QRA64 mode encoder
// arguments:
// pcodec = pointer to a qra64codec data structure as returned by qra64_init
// x = pointer to the message to encode
// x must point to an array of integers (i.e. defined as int x[12])
// y = pointer to the encoded message
// y must point to an array of integers of lenght 63 (i.e. defined as int y[63])
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int qra64_decode(qra64codec *pcodec, int *x, const float *r);
// QRA64 mode decoder
// arguments:
// pcodec = pointer to a qra64codec data structure as returned by qra64_init
// x = pointer to the array of integers where the decoded message will be stored
// x must point to an array of integers (i.e. defined as int x[12])
// r = pointer to the received symbols energies (squared amplitudes)
// r must point to an array of QRA64_M*QRA64_N (=64*63=4032) float numbers.
// The first QRA_M entries should be the energies of the first symbol in the codeword
// The last QRA_M entries should be the energies of the last symbol in the codeword
// return code:
// The return code is <0 when decoding is unsuccessful
// -16 indicates that the definition of QRA64_NMSG does not match what required by the code
// If the decoding process is successfull the return code is accordingly to the following table
// rc=0 [? ? ?] AP0 (decoding with no a-priori)
// rc=1 [CQ ? ?] AP27
// rc=2 [CQ ? ] AP44
// rc=3 [CALL ? ?] AP29
// rc=4 [CALL ? ] AP45
// rc=5 [CALL CALL ?] AP57
// return codes in the range 1-5 indicate the amount of a-priori information which was required
// to decode the received message and are possible only when the QRA_AUTOAP mode has been enabled.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// encode/decode std msgs in 12 symbols as done in jt65
void encodemsg_jt65(int *y, const int call1, const int call2, const int grid);
void decodemsg_jt65(int *call1, int *call2, int *grid, const int *x);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _qra64_h_