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# Copyright 2009-2013 Karsten Ahnert
# Copyright 2011-2012 Mario Mulansky
# Copyright 2012 Daniel James
# Copyright 2013 Pascal Germroth
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
using quickbook ;
using boostbook ;
using doxygen ;
import modules ;
path-constant here : . ;
project : requirements
if --enable-index in [ modules.peek : ARGV ]
ECHO "Building the odeint docs with automatic index generation enabled." ;
using auto-index ;
project : requirements
# Choose indexing method (separately for html and pdf):
<format>html:<auto-index-internal>on # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes.
# <format>html:<xsl:param>generate.index=0 # Don't let the XSL stylesheets generate indexes.
<format>pdf:<auto-index-internal>off # on (or off) to use internally generated indexes.
# <auto-index-type>index # Use <index>...</index> as the XML wrapper.
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>index.on.type=1 # For the native stylesheets to generate the different indexes.
# PDF native index support is probably better for PDFs as then you actually get page numbers.
<auto-index-script>odeint.idx # Specifies the name of the index script to load.
# Inform Quickbook that there is to be an index(es).
ECHO "Building the odeint docs with automatic index generation disabled. To get an auto-index, try building with --enable-index." ;
doxygen reference
# [ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/*.hpp ]
[ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/*.hpp ]
[ glob ../incude/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/base/*.hpp ]
# [ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/stepper/generation/*.hpp ]
[ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/*.hpp : ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/null_observer.hpp ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/observer_collection.hpp ]
[ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/iterator/*.hpp ]
# [ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/iterator/impl/*.hpp ]
# [ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/algebra/*.hpp ]
# [ glob ../include/boost/numeric/odeint/util/*.hpp ]
# ../include/boost/numeric/odeint.hpp
# Lots of parameters passed to Doxygen. You can see these in the doxygen docs, or the Wizard Expert tab displays them.
# If you have successfuly built your Doxygen docs standalone using the Wizard (strongly recommended as it is much quicker).
# The values in your project's doxyfile are what to put as the Doxygen parameters passed below.
<doxygen:param>WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED=NO # Default NO but useful if you aim to Doxygen document *all* members.
<doxygen:param>WARN_NO_PARAMDOC=NO # Default no, but YES useful if you aim to document all function parameters.
# Preprocessor settings.
# Some ugly examples of predefined macro calls (from Boost.Units library) :(
<doxygen:param>"PREDEFINED= \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_STATIC_CONSTANT(a,b)=static const b a\" \\
\"BOOST_UNITS_TYPEOF(a)=typeof(a)\" \\
<doxygen:param>ENABLE_PREPROCESSING=YES # Evaluates all C-preprocessor directives found in files.
<doxygen:param>MACRO_EXPANSION=YES # Will expand all macro names.
<doxygen:param>EXPAND_ONLY_PREDEF=YES # Only predefined macros expanded. See units library for an example.
<doxygen:param>SEARCH_INCLUDES=YES # Search #include files found.
<doxygen:param>INLINE_INFO=YES # If the INLINE_INFO tag is set to YES (the default) then a tag [inline] is inserted in the documentation for inline members.
<doxygen:param>SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES=NO # List of the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file.
<doxygen:param>REPEAT_BRIEF=YES # Prepend the brief description of a member or function before the detailed description
<doxygen:param>BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC=YES # Include brief member descriptions after the members that are listed in the file and class
<doxygen:param>MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF=YES # Treat a multi-line C++ special comment block (i.e. a block of //! or /// comments) as a brief description.
# May be best to always use \brief and \details to avoid ambiguity?
# <doxygen:param>STRIP_FROM_PATH=NO # Most useful to leave default to strip just the directory from which Doxygen is run.
# Yes gives the full path, but NO is more useful, only giving enough to be
# <doxygen:param>CPP_CLI_SUPPORT=NO # unless, most unusually, you are compiled for a 'managed' CLI application.
<doxygen:param>SHOW_USED_FILES=YES # Default YES to show a list files used to generate documention.
<doxygen:param>SHOW_DIRECTORIES=YES # Default NO, but useful to show directory heirarchy.
<doxygen:param>SHOW_FILES=YES # Default YES is to include a tab for a page of files listed. Useful.
<doxygen:param>SHOW_NAMESPACES=YES # Default YES to include tab for list of namespaces. Useful if you have namespacess other than boost::
<doxygen:param>FILE_PATTERNS= # Types of files to be used as input. Default includes *.c *.cc *.cxx *.cpp *.c++ *.ipp *.i++ *.inl *.h *.hh *.hxx *.hpp *.h++ *.py
# Might include .qbk?
<doxygen:param>RECURSIVE=YES # Search recursively down subdirectories.
<doxygen:param>EXCLUDE= # Files or directories that should be excluded from INPUT source files.
# Headers and footers are actually rather attractive,
# <doxygen:param>HTML_HEADER="doxygen/checks_doxygen_header.html" # A sample including a draft stamp and 'Not_Yet_In_Boost' logo.
# Take care that if you use this (recommended), you need to ensure that the html
# <doxygen:param>HTML_FOOTER="doxygen/checks_doxygen_footer.html" # This is very useful to add copyright, date of revision, versioning etc.
# A custom stylesheet is also useful, as the default syntax coloring is 'unusual' ;-)
<doxygen:param>HTML_STYLESHEET="doxygen/doxygen.css" # Placed in the doxygen directory,
# this will change to your choice of C++ syntax coloring when viewing source from Doxygen.
# Users can place (or edit) their own personal choice CSS file here.
# Default is just Reference but you can provide your own title for reference section here.
<xsl:param>"boost.doxygen.reftitle=odeint Reference"
xml odeint
boostbook standalone
# Path for links to Boost:
#<xsl:param>boost.root=\$(local-boost-root) # Link to Boost logo boost.png
# Links are relative and trying to make absolute does NOT work.
# And remember that all links MUST (unless in quotes) use backslash, not forward that is trip char.
<xsl:param>boost.root=../../../../.. # OK but link to I:/boost_trunk/boost.png
# Also control links to admonitions, so need to set separately.
#<xsl:param>boost.root=../../../../../../../boost_1_47_0 # OK file:///I:/boost_1_48_0/boost.png
# Quickbook [@boost:/boost/units/detail/utility.hpp] should make it relative to xsl parameter boost.root.
# Use the your own local Boost stylesheet:
# <xsl:param>html.stylesheet=../html/boostbook.css
# Some general style settings:
# see
<xsl:param>table.footnote.number.format=1 # Identifies the format used for footnote numbers in tables.
<xsl:param>footnote.number.format=1 # Identifies the format used for text footnote numbers.
# Default to not including the Boost logo in the navbar, when one expressly asks to include the navbar.
# Boost jamroot now includes
# Default to not include a navbar.
#<xsl:param>nav.layout=none # No navigation bar (home, prev, next).
# defining creates a runtime error: Global parameter nav.layout already defined
#<xsl:param>nav.layout=horizontal # to get a horizontal navigation bar (you probably DO want this).
<xsl:param>boost.image.src=logo.jpg #
<xsl:param>boost.image.width=294 # Width of logo in pixels.
<xsl:param>boost.image.height=127 # Height of logo in pixels.
# HTML options:
# ------------
<xsl:param> # Use graphics not text for navigation.
<xsl:param>chunk.section.depth=2 # How far down we chunk nested sections, basically all of them.
<xsl:param>chunk.first.sections=1 # Don't put the first section on the same page as the TOC.
<xsl:param>toc.section.depth=2 # How far down sections get TOCs.
<xsl:param>toc.max.depth=2 # Max depth in each TOC.
<xsl:param>generate.section.toc.level=3 # How far down we go with TOCs.
#<format>html:<xsl:param>".png" # default type for admonitions (important, warning, note ...)
#<format>html:<xsl:param>$(nav-images)/ # path to admonition (warning, note...) image (.png) files.
# <xsl:param name="draft.watermark.image"></xsl:param>
# but use a local copy of draft.png.
# PDF Options:
# -----------
# TOC Generation
<xsl:param>fop1.extensions=0 # DISable extensions for FOP version 0.90 and later .
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>fop.extensions=0 # DISable extensions for FOP version 0.20.5 and earlier.
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>xep.extensions=1 # Use XEP extension- PDF bookmarks, document information and better index processing.
# No indent on body text:
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>body.start.indent=0pt #
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>paper.type=A4 # Paper type = A4
# Making Postscript and PDF International, J Palme, RFC 2346 recommends
# If you are using US letter paper format, ensure that both left and right margins are at least 21 mm (0.8 in).
# If you are using A4 paper, ensure that both the top and bottom margins are at least 33 mm (1.3 in).
# Margins sizes:
# DocBook XSL Stylesheets: Reference Documentation.
# Yes, we want graphics for admonishments:
# Set these one for PDF generation *only*:
# In PDF format, default PNG graphics are awful, so better use SVG images (type .svg) instead.
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>".svg" #
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>use.role.for.mediaobject=1 # Use print role on next line.
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>preferred.mediaobject.role=print # pdf role is to be printed.
<format>pdf:<xsl:param>img.src.path=$(here)/html/ # Path of image (.svg) files. (Note trailing /) ?
#<format>pdf:<xsl:param>$(nav_images)/ # path to admonition (warning, note...) image (.svg) files.
#<format>pdf:<xsl:param>draft.mode="yes" # Yes if draft watermark wanted!
#<format>pdf:<xsl:param>draft.watermark.image="draft.png" # Watermark (local copy).
#<format>pdf:<xsl:param>draft.watermark.image= # Watermark.
<dependency>reference # Doxygen reference section
# <dependency>pdf-install # final pdf
# <dependency>png-install # Boost standard icons in both png
# <dependency>svg-install # and svg.
# To install a copy of 'master' boostbook.css and logo.
# install html : ../../../doc/html/boostbook.css ;
# install ../ : ../../../boost.png ;
# Install (copy) the 'master' copy of boostbook Cascading Style sheet
# from your current Boost-root to the /doc/html folder.
# path-constant boost-root : [ modules.peek : BOOST ] ;
# install css-install : $(boost-root)/doc/src/boostbook.css : <location>html ;
# path-constant boost-root : [ modules.peek : BOOST ] ;
# Install (copy) the 'master' copies of all icon images (both PNG and SVG)
# and the Boost logo from your current Boost-root
# to the local /doc/html/images folder so that html is complete and standalone.
# install png-install : [ glob $(boost-root)/doc/src/images/*.png $(boost-root)/boost.png ] : <location>html/images ;
# install svg-install : [ glob $(boost-root)/doc/src/images/*.svg ] : <location>html/images ;
# install unordered_pdf : standalone/<format>pdf : <location>. ;
# explicit unordered_pdf ;
# The explicit rule is there so that it's only installed when the target is explicitly named.
# Effectively copies the file from \bin folder to the \doc folder.
# install pdf-install : standalone : <location>. <install-type>PDF ;
# But will not work as expected if doxygen and/or autoindex is used
# because a modified pdf file is created, so this command below
# will rename the file to the expected filename, here quick_auto_dox_index.pdf.
# <location>. means installed in same place as this jamfile, /doc.
install pdfinstall : standalone : <install-type>PDF <location>. <name>odeint.pdf ;
install callouts : [ glob src/images/callouts/*.png ] : <location>html/images/callouts ;