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# Copyright (C) 2013 Steven Watanabe
# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
import sys
def create(t):
t.write('''mockinfo.py''', '''
import re
import optparse
import os
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-o', dest="output_file")
parser.add_option('-x', dest="language")
parser.add_option('-c', dest="compile", action="store_true")
parser.add_option('-I', dest="includes", action="append")
parser.add_option('-L', dest="library_path", action="append")
parser.add_option('--dll', dest="dll", action="store_true")
parser.add_option('--archive', dest="archive", action="store_true")
parser.add_option('--static-lib', dest="static_libraries", action="append")
parser.add_option('--shared-lib', dest="shared_libraries", action="append")
cwd = os.environ["JAM_CWD"]
class MockInfo(object):
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
self.files = dict()
self.commands = list()
self.verbose = verbose
def source_file(self, name, pattern):
self.files[name] = pattern
def action(self, command, status=0):
self.commands.append((command, status))
def check(self, command):
print "Testing command", command
for (raw, status) in self.commands:
if self.matches(raw, command):
return status
def matches(self, raw, command):
(expected_options, expected_args) = parser.parse_args(raw.split())
options = command[0]
input_files = list(command[1])
if self.verbose:
print " - matching against", (expected_options, expected_args)
if len(expected_args) != len(input_files):
if self.verbose:
print " argument list sizes differ"
return False
for arg in expected_args:
if arg.startswith('$'):
fileid = arg[1:]
pattern = self.files[fileid] if fileid in self.files else fileid
matching_file = None
for input_file in input_files:
with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
contents = f.read()
if pattern == contents:
matching_file = input_file
if matching_file is not None:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match input file contents: %s" % arg
return False
if arg in input_files:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match input file: %s" % arg
return False
if options.language != expected_options.language:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match -c"
return False
if options.compile != expected_options.compile:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match -x"
return False
# Normalize a path for comparison purposes
def adjust_path(p):
return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(cwd, p)))
# order matters
if options.includes is None:
options.includes = []
if expected_options.includes is None:
expected_options.includes = []
if map(adjust_path, options.includes) != \
map(adjust_path, expected_options.includes):
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match -I ", map(adjust_path, options.includes), \
" != ", map(adjust_path, expected_options.includes)
return False
if options.library_path is None:
options.library_path = []
if expected_options.library_path is None:
expected_options.library_path = []
if map(adjust_path, options.library_path) != \
map(adjust_path, expected_options.library_path):
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match -L ", map(adjust_path, options.library_path), \
" != ", map(adjust_path, expected_options.library_path)
return False
if options.static_libraries != expected_options.static_libraries:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match --static-lib"
return False
if options.shared_libraries != expected_options.shared_libraries:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match --shared-lib"
return False
if options.dll != expected_options.dll:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match --dll"
return False
if options.archive != expected_options.archive:
if self.verbose:
print " Failed to match --archive"
return False
# The output must be handled after everything else
# is validated
if expected_options.output_file is not None:
if options.output_file is not None:
if expected_options.output_file.startswith('$'):
fileid = expected_options.output_file[1:]
if fileid not in self.files:
self.files[fileid] = fileid
assert(self.files[fileid] == fileid)
with open(options.output_file, 'w') as output:
if self.verbose:
print "Failed to match -o"
return False
elif options.output_file is not None:
if self.verbose:
print "Failed to match -o"
return False
# if we've gotten here, then everything matched
if self.verbose:
print " Matched"
return True
t.write('mock.py', '''
import mockinfo
import markup
import sys
status = markup.info.check(mockinfo.parser.parse_args())
if status is not None:
print("Unrecognized command: " + ' '.join(sys.argv))
t.write('mock.jam', '''
import feature ;
import toolset ;
import path ;
import modules ;
import common ;
import type ;
.python-cmd = "\"%s\"" ;
# Behave the same as gcc on Windows, because that's what
# the test system expects
type.set-generated-target-prefix SHARED_LIB : <toolset>mock <target-os>windows : lib ;
type.set-generated-target-suffix STATIC_LIB : <toolset>mock <target-os>windows : a ;
rule init ( )
local here = [ path.make [ modules.binding $(__name__) ] ] ;
here = [ path.native [ path.root [ path.parent $(here) ] [ path.pwd ] ] ] ;
.config-cmd = [ common.variable-setting-command JAM_CWD : $(here) ] $(.python-cmd) -B ;
feature.extend toolset : mock ;
generators.register-c-compiler mock.compile.c++ : CPP : OBJ : <toolset>mock ;
generators.register-c-compiler mock.compile.c : C : OBJ : <toolset>mock ;
generators.register-linker mock.link : LIB OBJ : EXE : <toolset>mock ;
generators.register-linker mock.link.dll : LIB OBJ : SHARED_LIB : <toolset>mock ;
generators.register-archiver mock.archive : OBJ : STATIC_LIB : <toolset>mock ;
toolset.flags mock.compile INCLUDES <include> ;
actions compile.c
$(.config-cmd) mock.py -c -x c -I"$(INCLUDES)" "$(>)" -o "$(<)"
actions compile.c++
$(.config-cmd) mock.py -c -x c++ -I"$(INCLUDES)" "$(>)" -o "$(<)"
toolset.flags mock.link USER_OPTIONS <linkflags> ;
toolset.flags mock.link FINDLIBS-STATIC <find-static-library> ;
toolset.flags mock.link FINDLIBS-SHARED <find-shared-library> ;
toolset.flags mock.link LINK_PATH <library-path> ;
toolset.flags mock.link LIBRARIES <library-file> ;
actions link
$(.config-cmd) mock.py "$(>)" -o "$(<)" $(USER_OPTIONS) -L"$(LINK_PATH)" --static-lib=$(FINDLIBS-STATIC) --shared-lib=$(FINDLIBS-SHARED)
actions archive
$(.config-cmd) mock.py --archive "$(>)" -o "$(<)" $(USER_OPTIONS)
actions link.dll
$(.config-cmd) mock.py --dll "$(>)" -o "$(<)" $(USER_OPTIONS) -L"$(LINK_PATH)" --static-lib=$(FINDLIBS-STATIC) --shared-lib=$(FINDLIBS-SHARED)
''' % sys.executable.replace('\\', '\\\\'))
def set_expected(t, markup):
verbose = "True" if t.verbose else "False"
t.write('markup.py', '''
import mockinfo
info = mockinfo.MockInfo(%s)
def source_file(name, contents):
info.source_file(name, contents)
def action(command, status=0):
info.action(command, status)
''' % verbose + markup)