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[book Standardized Floating-Point typedefs for C and C++
[quickbook 1.7]
[copyright 2014 Christopher Kormanyos, John Maddock, Paul A. Bristow]
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
[authors [Kormanyos, Christopher], [Maddock, John], [Bristow, Paul A.] ]
[last-revision $Date$]
[/version 1.8.3]
[template tr1[] [@ Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions]]
[template C99[] [@ C99 Standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999]]
[def __gsl [@ GSL-1.9]]
[def __glibc [@ GNU C Lib]]
[def __hpc [@ HP-UX C Library]]
[def __cephes [@ Cephes]]
[def __NTL [@ NTL A Library for doing Number Theory]]
[def __NTL_RR [@ NTL::RR]]
[def __NTL_quad_float [@ NTL::quad_float]]
[def __MPFR [@ GNU MPFR library]]
[def __GMP [@ GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library]]
[def __multiprecision [@ Boost.Multiprecision]]
[def __cpp_dec_float [@ cpp_dec_float]]
[def __R [@ The R Project for Statistical Computing]]
[def __godfrey [link godfrey Godfrey]]
[def __pugh [link pugh Pugh]]
[def __NaN [@ NaN]]
[def __errno [@ `::errno`]]
[def __Mathworld [@ Wolfram MathWorld]]
[def __Mathematica [@ Wolfram Mathematica]]
[def __WolframAlpha [@ Wolfram Alpha]]
[def __TOMS748 [@ TOMS Algorithm 748: enclosing zeros of continuous functions]]
[def __TOMS910 [@ TOMS Algorithm 910: A Portable C++ Multiple-Precision System for Special-Function Calculations]]
[def __why_complements [link why_complements why complements?]]
[def __complements [link math_toolkit.stat_tut.overview.complements complements]]
[def __performance [link perf performance]]
[def __building [link math_toolkit.building building libraries]]
[def __e_float [@ e_float (TOMS Algorithm 910)]]
[def __Abramowitz_Stegun M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, NBS (1964)]
[def __DMLF [@ NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions]]
[def __IEEE754 [@ IEEE_floating_point]]
[def __N3626 [@ N3626]]
[def __N1703 [@ N1703]]
[/ Some composite templates]
[template super[x]'''<superscript>'''[x]'''</superscript>''']
[template sub[x]'''<subscript>'''[x]'''</subscript>''']
[template floor[x]'''&#x230A;'''[x]'''&#x230B;''']
[template floorlr[x][lfloor][x][rfloor]]
[template ceil[x] '''&#x2308;'''[x]'''&#x2309;''']
[/template header_file[file] [@../../../../[file] [file]]]
[note A printer-friendly PDF version of this manual is also available.]
[section:overview Overview]
The header `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` provides optional standardized
floating-point `typedef`s having specified widths.
These are useful for writing portable code because they
should behave identically on all platforms.
All `typedef`s are in `namespace boost`.
The `typedef`s include `float16_t, float32_t, float64_t, float128_t`,
their corresponding least and fast types,
and the corresponding maximum-width type.
The `typedef`s are based on underlying built-in types
such as `float`, `double`, or `long double`, or based on other compiler-specific
non-standardized types such as `__float128`.
The underlying types of these typedef's must conform with
the corresponding specifications of binary16, binary32, binary64,
and binary128 in __IEEE754 floating-point format
The typedef's are based on __N3626
proposed for a new C++14 standard header `<cstdfloat>` and
__N1703 proposed for a new C language standard header `<stdfloat.h>`.
The 128-bit floating-point type, of great interest in scientific and
numeric programming, is not required in the boost header,
and may not be supplied for all platforms/compilers, because compiler
support for a 128-bit floating-point type is not mandated by either
the C standard or the C++ standard.
The following code uses `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` in combination with
`<boost/math/special_functions.hpp>` to compute a simplified
version of the Jahnke-Emden-Lambda function. Here, we use
a floating-point type with exactly 64 bits (i.e., `float64_t`).
If we were to use, for instance, built-in `double`,
then there would be no guarantee that the code would
behave identically on all platforms. With `float64_t` from
`<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>`, however, this is very likely.
Using `float64_t`, we know that
this code is portable and uses a floating-point type
with approximately 15 decimal digits of precision.
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/cstdfloat.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
boost::float64_t jahnke_emden_lambda(boost::float64_t v, boost::float64_t x)
const boost::float64_t gamma_v_plus_one = boost::math::tgamma(v + 1);
const boost::float64_t x_half_pow_v = std::pow(x / 2, v);
return gamma_v_plus_one * boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(x, v) / x_half_pow_v;
See `cstdfloat_test.cpp` for a more detailed test program.
[endsect] [/section:overview Overview]
[section:rationale Rationale]
The implementation of `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` is designed to utilize `<float.h>`,
defined in the 1989 C standard. The preprocessor is used to query certain
preprocessor definitions in `<float.h>` such as FLT_MAX, DBL_MAX, etc.
Based on the results of these queries, an attempt is made to automatically
detect the presence of built-in floating-point types having specified widths.
An unequivocal test regarding conformance with __IEEE754 (IEC599) based on
[@ `std::numeric_limits<>::is_iec559`]
is performed with `BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT`.
The header `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` makes the standardized floating-point
`typedef`s safely available in `namespace boost` without placing any names
in `namespace std`. The intention is to complement rather than compete
with a potential future C++ Standard Library that may contain these `typedef`s.
Should some future C++ standard include `<stdfloat.h>` and `<cstdfloat>`,
then `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` will continue to function, but will become redundant
and may be safely deprecated.
Because `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` is a boost header, its name conforms to the
boost header naming conventions, not the C++ Standard Library header
naming conventions.
<boost/cstdfloat.hpp> [*cannot synthesize or create
a `typedef` if the underlying type is not provided by the compiler].
For example, if a compiler does not have an underlying floating-point
type with 128 bits (highly sought-after in scientific and numeric programming),
then `float128_t` and its corresponding least and fast types are not
provided by `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp`>.]
As an implementation artifact, certain C macro names from `<float.h>`
may possibly be visible to users of `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>`.
Don't rely on using these macros; they are not part of any Boost-specified interface.
Use `std::numeric_limits<>` for floating-point ranges, etc. instead.]
[endsect] [/section:rationale Rationale]
[section:exact_typdefs Exact-Width Floating-Point `typedef`s]
The `typedef float#_t`, with # replaced by the width, designates a
floating-point type of exactly # bits. For example `float32_t` denotes
a single-precision floating-point type with approximately
7 decimal digits of precision (equivalent to binary32 in __IEEE754).
Floating-point types specified in C and C++ are allowed to have
implementation-specific widths and formats.
However, if a platform supports underlying floating-point types
(conformant with __IEEE754) with widths of 16, 32, 64, 128 bits,
or any combination thereof,
then `<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>` does provide the corresponding `typedef`s
`float16_t, float32_t, float64_t, float128_t,`
their corresponding least and fast types,
and the corresponding maximum-width type
The absence of `float128_t` is indicated by the macro `BOOST_NO_FLOAT128_T`.
[endsect] [/section:exact_typdefs Exact-Width Floating-Point `typedef`s]
[section:fastest_typdefs Fastest minimum-width floating-point `typedef`s]
The `typedef float_least#_t`, with # replaced by the width, designates a
floating-point type with a [*width of at least # bits], such that no
floating-point type with lesser size has at least the specified width.
Thus, `float_least32_t` denotes the smallest floating-point type with
a width of at least 32 bits.
Minimum-width floating-point types are provided for all existing
exact-width floating-point types on a given platform.
For example, if a platfrom supports `float32_t` and `float64_t`,
then `float_least32_t` and `float_least64_t` will also be supported, etc.
[endsect] [/section:fastest_typdefs Fastest minimum-width floating-point `typedef`s]
[section:fastest_typdefs Fastest minimum-width floating-point `typedef`s]
The typedef `float_fast#_t`, with # replaced by the width, designates
the [*fastest] floating-point type with a width of at least # bits.
There is no absolute guarantee that these types are the fastest for all purposes.
In any case, however, they satisfy the precision and width requirements.
Fastest minimum-width floating-point types are provided for all existing
exact-width floating-point types on a given platform.
For example, if a platform supports `float32_t` and `float64_t`,
then `float_fast32_t` and `float_fast64_t` will also be supported, etc.
[endsect] [/section:fastest_typdefs Fastest minimum-width floating-point `typedef`s]
[section:greatest_typdefs Greatest-width floating-point typedef]
The `typedef floatmax_t` designates a floating-point type capable of representing
any value of any floating-point type in a given platform.
The greatest-width typedef is provided for all platforms.
[endsect] [/section:greatest_typdefs Greatest-width floating-point typedef]
[section:macros Floating-Point Constant Macros]
All macros of the type `BOOST_FLOAT16_C, BOOST_FLOAT32_C, BOOST_FLOAT64_C,
BOOST_FLOAT128_C, BOOST_FLOATMAX_C` are always defined after inclusion of
`<boost/cstdfloat.hpp>`. These allow floating-point constants of at
least the specified width to be declared.
For example:
#include <boost/cstdfloat.hpp>
// Declare Pythagoras' constant with approximately 7 decimal digits of precision.
static const boost::float32_t pi = BOOST_FLOAT32_C(3.1415926536);
// Declare the Euler-gamma constant with approximately 34 decimal digits of precision.
static const boost::float128_t euler = BOOST_FLOAT128_C(0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104216);
[endsect] [/section:macros Floating-Point Constant Macros]
[/ cstdfloat.qbk
Copyright 2014 Christopher Kormanyos, John Maddock and Paul A. Bristow.
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at