unique identifier as in the following two-instance example. This
procedure will isolate the *Settings* file and the writable file
location for each instance of _WSJT-X_.
wsjtx --rig-name=TS2000
wsjtx --rig-name=FT847
When setting up rig control through _OmniRig_, something goes wrong when I click *Test CAT*. What can I do about it?::
_OmniRig_ apparently has a bug that appears when you click *Test CAT*.
Forget using *Test CAT* and just click *OK*. _OmniRig_ then behaves
I am using _WSJT-X_ with _Ham Radio Deluxe_. All seems well until I start HRD Logbook or DM780 running in parallel; then CAT control becomes unreliable.::
You may see delays up to 20 seconds or so in frequency changes or
other radio commands, due to a bug in HRD. HRD folks are aware of the