
237 lines
8.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "adif.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
<CALL:4>W1XT<BAND:3>20m<FREQ:6>14.076<GRIDSQUARE:4>DM33<MODE:4>JT65<RST_RCVD:3>-21<RST_SENT:3>-14<QSO_DATE:8>20110422<TIME_ON:6>041712<TIME_OFF:6>042435<TX_PWR:1>4<COMMENT:34>1st JT65A QSO. Him: mag loop 20W<STATION_CALLSIGN:6>VK3ACF<MY_GRIDSQUARE:6>qf22lb<eor>
<CALL:6:S>W4ABC> ...
void ADIF::init(QString const& filename)
_filename = filename;
QString ADIF::extractField(QString const& record, QString const& fieldName) const
int fieldNameIndex = record.indexOf ('<' + fieldName + ':', 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (fieldNameIndex >=0)
int closingBracketIndex = record.indexOf('>',fieldNameIndex);
int fieldLengthIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldNameIndex); // find the size delimiter
int dataTypeIndex = -1;
if (fieldLengthIndex >= 0)
dataTypeIndex = record.indexOf(':',fieldLengthIndex+1); // check for a second : indicating there is a data type
if (dataTypeIndex > closingBracketIndex)
dataTypeIndex = -1; // second : was found but it was beyond the closing >
if ((closingBracketIndex > fieldNameIndex) && (fieldLengthIndex > fieldNameIndex) && (fieldLengthIndex< closingBracketIndex))
int fieldLengthCharCount = closingBracketIndex - fieldLengthIndex -1;
if (dataTypeIndex >= 0)
fieldLengthCharCount -= 2; // data type indicator is always a colon followed by a single character
QString fieldLengthString = record.mid(fieldLengthIndex+1,fieldLengthCharCount);
int fieldLength = fieldLengthString.toInt();
if (fieldLength > 0)
QString field = record.mid(closingBracketIndex+1,fieldLength);
return field;
return "";
void ADIF::load()
QFile inputFile(_filename);
if (
QTextStream in(&inputFile);
QString buffer;
bool pre_read {false};
int end_position {-1};
// skip optional header record
buffer += in.readLine () + '\n';
if (buffer.startsWith (QChar {'<'})) // denotes no header
pre_read = true;
end_position = buffer.indexOf ("<EOH>", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
while (!in.atEnd () && !pre_read && end_position < 0);
if (!pre_read) // found header
buffer.remove (0, end_position + 5);
while (buffer.size () || !in.atEnd ())
end_position = buffer.indexOf ("<EOR>", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
if (!in.atEnd () && end_position < 0)
buffer += in.readLine () + '\n';
while (!in.atEnd () && end_position < 0);
int record_length {end_position >= 0 ? end_position + 5 : -1};
auto record = buffer.left (record_length).trimmed ();
auto next_record = buffer.indexOf (QChar {'<'}, record_length);
buffer.remove (0, next_record >=0 ? next_record : buffer.size ());
record = record.mid (record.indexOf (QChar {'<'}));
add (extractField (record, "CALL")
, extractField (record, "GRIDSQUARE")
, extractField (record, "BAND")
, extractField (record, "MODE")
, extractField (record, "QSO_DATE"));
inputFile.close ();
void ADIF::add(QString const& call, QString const& grid, QString const& band,
QString const& mode, QString const& date)
QSO q; = call;
q.grid = grid.left(4); //We only want to test matches to 4-character grids. = band;
q.mode = mode; = date;
if( ()) {
// qDebug() << "In the log:" << call << grid << band << mode << date;
// return true if in the log same band and mode (where JT65 == JT9 == FT8)
bool ADIF::match(QString const& call, QString const& band, QString const& mode) const
QList<QSO> qsos;
QRegularExpression grid_regexp {"\\A(?![Rr]{2}73)[A-Ra-r]{2}[0-9]{2}([A-Xa-x]{2}){0,1}\\z"};
if(!call.contains(grid_regexp)) {
qsos = _data.values(call);
} else {
qsos = _data2.values(call);
// qDebug() << "AA" << call << qsos.size();
if (qsos.size()>0) {
QSO q;
foreach(q,qsos) {
if((,Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) || (band=="") || ("")) {
(("JT65",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
("JT9",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
(("JT65",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
("JT9",Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) ||
|| (,Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0)
|| (mode=="")
|| (q.mode=="")
return true;
return false;
QList<QString> ADIF::getCallList() const
QList<QString> p;
QMultiHash<QString,QSO>::const_iterator i = _data.constBegin();
while (i != _data.constEnd())
p << i.key();
return p;
int ADIF::getCount() const
return _data.size();
QByteArray ADIF::QSOToADIF(QString const& hisCall, QString const& hisGrid, QString const& mode,
QString const& rptSent, QString const& rptRcvd, QDateTime const& dateTimeOn,
QDateTime const& dateTimeOff, QString const& band, QString const& comments,
QString const& name, QString const& strDialFreq, QString const& m_myCall,
QString const& m_myGrid, QString const& m_txPower, QString const& operator_call,
QString const& xSent, QString const& xRcvd)
QString t;
t = "<call:" + QString::number(hisCall.length()) + ">" + hisCall;
t += " <gridsquare:" + QString::number(hisGrid.length()) + ">" + hisGrid;
t += " <mode:" + QString::number(mode.length()) + ">" + mode;
t += " <rst_sent:" + QString::number(rptSent.length()) + ">" + rptSent;
t += " <rst_rcvd:" + QString::number(rptRcvd.length()) + ">" + rptRcvd;
t += " <qso_date:8>" +"yyyyMMdd");
t += " <time_on:6>" + dateTimeOn.time().toString("hhmmss");
t += " <qso_date_off:8>" +"yyyyMMdd");
t += " <time_off:6>" + dateTimeOff.time().toString("hhmmss");
t += " <band:" + QString::number(band.length()) + ">" + band;
t += " <freq:" + QString::number(strDialFreq.length()) + ">" + strDialFreq;
t += " <station_callsign:" + QString::number(m_myCall.length()) + ">" + m_myCall;
t += " <my_gridsquare:" + QString::number(m_myGrid.length()) + ">" + m_myGrid;
if(m_txPower!="") t += " <tx_pwr:" + QString::number(m_txPower.length()) + ">" + m_txPower;
if(comments!="") t += " <comment:" + QString::number(comments.length()) + ">" + comments;
if(name!="") t += " <name:" + QString::number(name.length()) + ">" + name;
if(operator_call!="") t+=" <operator:" + QString::number(operator_call.length()) + ">" + operator_call;
if(xRcvd!="") {
QString t1="";
if(xRcvd.split(" ").size()==2) t1=xRcvd.split(" ").at(1);
if(t1.toInt()>0) {
t += " <SRX:" + QString::number(t1.length()) + ">" + t1;
} else {
t += " <STATE:" + QString::number(t1.length()) + ">" + t1;
return t.toLatin1();
// open ADIF file and append the QSO details. Return true on success
bool ADIF::addQSOToFile(QByteArray const& ADIF_record)
QFile f2(_filename);
if (! | QIODevice::Append))
return false;
QTextStream out(&f2);
if (f2.size()==0)
out << "WSJT-X ADIF Export<eoh>" << endl; // new file
out << ADIF_record << " <eor>" << endl;
return true;