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synced 2025-02-03 09:44:24 -05:00
17 lines
508 B
17 lines
508 B
# gnuplot script for "ntrials_vs_nhard" figure
# run: gnuplot fig_ntrials_vs_nhard.gnuplot
# then: pdflatex fig_ntrials_vs_nhard.tex
set term epslatex standalone size 12cm,8cm
set output "fig_ntrials_vs_nhard.tex"
set xlabel "Errors in received word ($X$)"
set ylabel "Number of trials"
set title "AWGN, $\\frac{E_s}{N_o}=5.7$ dB"
set tics in
set mxtics 5
set mytics 10
#set grid
set logscale y
plot "stats-100000-24db-3.dat" using 1:4 pt 12 notitle
#plot "stats-100000-24db-3.dat" using 1:4 pt 13 notitle