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// Status=review
At the center of the main window are a number of controls you will
use when making QSOs:
//.Misc Controls Center
image::images/misc-controls-center.png[align="center",alt="Misc Controls Center"]
* Select *Tx even* to transmit in even-numbered UTC minutes. Uncheck
this box to transmit in the odd intervals. This selection is made
automatically when you double-click on a decoded text line as
described in the Basic Operating Tutorial.
* Your audio Tx and Rx frequencies can be adjusted with spinner
controls. These settings are usually handled automatically by the
double-click procedure.
* The on-the-air frequency of your lowest JT9 or JT65 tone is the sum
of dial and audio frequencies. You can force Tx frequency to the
current Rx frequency by clicking the *Tx=Rx* button, and vice-versa
for *Rx=Tx*. Check the box *Lock Tx=Rx* to make the frequencies
always track one another.
* The *Report* control lets you change a signal report that has been
inserted automatically. Most reports will fall in the range 26 to
+10 dB. Remember that JT65 reports cannot be greater than -1 dB.
IMPORTANT: When signals are close to or above 0 dB, you and your QSO
partner should probably reduce power. JT65 and JT9 are supposed to be
weak signal modes!