New JTMS3 definition (again). Now using 7-bit characters, as in

the JTMS of WSJT9.  Modulation changed to BPSK, speed increased 
from 1378.125 to 2000 baud.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
This commit is contained in:
Joe Taylor 2012-07-12 19:10:39 +00:00
parent f7355e8f77
commit 04c4b99a53
7 changed files with 260 additions and 190 deletions

View File

@ -3,63 +3,48 @@
1. Transmitting 1. Transmitting
Type 1 messages are 72 user-information bits, source encoded as in Messages are sent character-by character, 6 bits plus even parity.
JT65. Convolutional FEC (K=32, r=1/2) increases the number of bits to Message length can be one of {5 7 9 11 13 17 19 23 29}; if necessary
(72+31)*2 = 206; nine bits are sent twice, extending the array to 215 the message is padded with blanks to the next available length. No
bits. These are interleaved by bit-reversal of index values. Then 43 other FEC is used.
sync bits are inserted, spread evenly so as to fall at positions 1, 7,
13, ... 253. Frame size is 258 bits: 215 information-carrying bits
and 43 sync bits. Frame duration is 129 ms.
Type 2 messages convey 4 user information bits (report, R+report, RRR, Modulation is BPSK at 2000 baud. The baseband waveform is built by
73) encoded with a (15,4,8) block code, plus an 11-bit CRC derived inserting a tapered sinc function for each bit, then multiplying by a
from MyCall + HisCall, encoded with the (16,11) extended Hamming code. sine wave at frequency f0 = 10000.0/7 = 1428.57 Hz. Agt sample rate
This makes for 31 information-carrying bits. They are interspersed 48000 Hz there are 24 samples per PSK symbol and 7*24=168 samples per
with 31 sync bits, making a frame of 62 bits and frame time 31 ms. character. The carrier phase increment over one character is
f0*(168/48000) = 5 cycles.
2. Modulation is BPSK at 2000 baud, 24 samples per symbol at 48000 Hz 2. Receiving
asmple rate. The baseband waveform is built by inserting a tapered
sinc function for each bit, then multiplying by a 1500 Hz sine wave.
3. Receiving a. Pings are detected (or mouse-picked data is selected) as in
a. Compute real-to-complex windowed FFTs, N=8192 (t=170 ms), b. Compute real-to-complex FFT. Zap birdies, remove frequency
stepped by 4k (say). Zap birdies, remove frequency components components outside the range 300 - 2700 Hz, and convert to analytic
outside the range 300 - 2700 Hz, and convert to analytic time-domain signal. (analytic)
time-domain signal.
b. Square the complex signal, cx2=cx*cx, and compute N=8k FFT of c. Square the complex signal, cx2=cx*cx, and compute FFT. Look for
cx2 (resolution = 5.9 Hz). Look for carrier at 3000 + 2*DF Hz carrier at frequency 3000 + 2*DF +/- 2*Tol. (msdf)
+/- 2*Tol.
c. If carrier is found, measure frequency f and phase phi. Multiply d. If carrier is found, measure frequency f and phase phi. Multiply
cx by exp(-twopi*i*f*t - phi) to recover the real baseband signal cx by exp(-twopi*i*f*t - phi) to recover the real baseband signal
x() to within a sign ambiguity. x() to within a sign ambiguity. (tweak1)
d. Apply matched filter for the Tx pulse shape to x(). This is e. Apply matched filter for the Tx pulse shape to x(). This is
essentially a rectangular BPF, -1000 to +1000 Hz ? essentially a rectangular BPF, -1000 to +1000 Hz ? (Or convolve
with the generated PSK pulse shape, the tapered sinc() function.)
e. Establish PSK symbol sync (offset i0, 0 to nsps-1 samples) by finding f. Establish symbol and character sync by cross-correlating with
maximum of Sum(sum*sum) over groups of nsps consecutive samples. conjg(cwb), where cwb is the baseband PSK waveform for the
<space> character.
f. Read off the soft symbols, sym(1:512), and compute CCF with 3 g. Find message length by computing ACF (of what? cdat? soft
versions of the 43-bit sync vector (rotated by 0, 14, 29 out of symbol values?)
its 43 positions) and three of the 31-bit sync vector (rotated by
0, 10, 20 of 31).
g. If the best CCF abs(peak) exceeds a specified threshold, the h. Decode the message by cross-correlating character-length segments
signal is detected and synchronized. Sign of peak resolves the of cdat against complex waveforms for each possible character.
sign ambiguity.
h. For Type 1 messages: Gather the proper set of 215 i. If msglen is established and long enough, try folding the data and
information-carrying soft symbols. Form averages using the 9 determining best-fit characters as above.
extra symbols, reducing the number to 206; and remove
interleaving to re-order the symbols. Then run the fano232
decoder. If decoding fails, add soft symbols into an
accumulation array and (if nsum is 2 or more) try decoding the
i. For Type 2 messages: Gather the proper set of 31 soft symbols.
Decode Nrpt using exhaustive search (find peak lag of ccf). For
the CRC, also do an exhaustive search -- and make sure that the
expected value is best (or in the top few, anyway).

View File

@ -1,93 +1,158 @@
subroutine genjtms3(msg,msgsent,iwave,nwave) subroutine genjtms3(msg28,iwave,nwave)
!subroutine genjtms3(msg28,iwave,cwave,isrch,nwave)
character*22 msg,msgsent
integer*1 chansym(258) ! Generate a JTMS3 wavefile.
integer*2 iwave(30*48000)
integer dgen(13) parameter (NMAX=30*48000) !Max length of wave file
integer*1 data0(13) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Generated wave file
integer*1 datsym(215) complex cwave(NMAX) !Alternative for searchms
real*8 pi,twopi,f0,dt,phi,dphi character*28 msg28 !User message
real*4 p(-3095:3096) character*29 msg
real*4 s(6192) character cc*64
real*4 carrier(6192) integer sentsym(203) !Transmitted symbols (0/1)
logical first real sentsam(4872) !Transmitted waveform
integer*1 isync(43) real*8 dt,phi,f0,dphi,pi,twopi,samfac
integer indx0(9) !Indices of duplicated symbols real p(0:420)
data indx0 /16,38,60,82,104,126,148,170,192/ real carrier(4872)
data first/.true./ real dat(4872),bb(4872),wave(4872)
data isync/0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0, & complex cdat(0:2436)
0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0, & logical first
1,1,0/ !Hadamard-43 sync code integer np(9)
save data np/5,7,9,11,13,17,19,23,29/ !Permissible message lengths
! 1 2 3 4 5 6
sinc(x)=sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) ! 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
data cc/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ./?- _ @'/
if(first) then data samfac/1.d0/,first/.true./
pi=4.d0*atan(1.d0) equivalence (dat,cdat)
twopi=2.d0*pi save
x=0. sinc(x)=sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)
do i=1,3096 !Generate the BPSK pulse shape if(first) then
k=k+1 pi=4.d0*atan(1.d0)
if( k=k-6192 twopi=2.d0*pi
x=x+dx x=0.
p(k)=sinc(x) * (sinc(x/2.0))**2 dx=1.0/24.0
if( p(-k)=p(k) width=3.0
enddo do i=1,420 !Generate the BPSK pulse shape
p(0)=1.0 x=x+dx
f0=193.d0*48000.d0/(258.d0*24.d0) if(x/*pi) then
dt=1.d0/48000.d0 fac=(cos(x/width))**2
dphi=twopi*f0*dt ipz=i
phi=0.d0 endif
nmax=0. p(i)=fac*sinc(x)
do i=1,6192 !Generate the carrier enddo
phi=phi+dphi p(0)=1.0
xphi=phi f0=10000.d0/7.d0
carrier(i)=sin(xphi) dt=1.d0/48000.d0
enddo dphi=twopi*f0*dt
endif phi=0.d0
do i=1,4872 !Generate the carrier
call packmsg(msg,dgen) !Pack message into 12 six-bit symbols phi=phi+dphi
call entail(dgen,data0) !Move from 6-bit to 8-bit symbols, add tail if(
ndat=(72+31)*2 xphi=phi
call encode232(data0,ndat,datsym) !Convolutional encoding carrier(i)=sin(xphi)
do i=1,9 !Duplicate 9 symbols at end of datsym
datsym(206+i)=datsym(indx0(i)) first=.false.
enddo endif
call scr258(isync,datsym,1,chansym) !Insert sync and data into chansym(258) msg=msg28//' ' !Extend to 29 characters
do i=28,1,-1 !Find user's message length
if(msg(1:1).eq.'@') chansym=0 if(msg(i:i).ne.' ') go to 1
s=0. 1 iz=i+1 !Add one for space at EOM
do j=1,258 msglen=iz
k1=-3096-24*j if( go to 3
if(chansym(j).eq.1) s=s + cshift(p,k1) do i=1,9
if(chansym(j).eq.0) s=s - cshift(p,k1) if(np(i).ge.iz) go to 2
enddo enddo
nmax=0 2 msglen=np(i)
do i=1,6192
n=30000.0*carrier(i)*s(i) ! Convert message to a bit sequence, 7 bits per character (6 + even parity)
nmax=max(nmax,abs(n)) 3 sentsym=0
if( n=32767 k=0
if( n=-32767 do j=1,msglen
iwave(i)=n if(msg(j:j).eq.' ') then
enddo i=58
go to 5
nblk=30*48000/6192 else
do n=2,nblk do i=1,64
ib=n*6192 if(msg(j:j) go to 5
ia=ib-6191 enddo
iwave(ia:ib)=iwave(1:6192) endif
enddo 5 m=0
do n=5,0,-1 !Each character gets 6 bits
nwave=ib k=k+1
msgsent=msg sentsym(k)=iand(1,ishft(i-1,-n))
return enddo
end subroutine genjtms3 k=k+1
sentsym(k)=iand(m,1) !Insert bit for even parity
nsym=7*msglen !# symbols in message
nsam=24*nsym !# samples in message
do j=1,nsym
if(sentsym(j).eq.0) fac=-1.0
k0=24*j - 23
do i=0,ipz
if( k=k-nsam
bb(k)=bb(k) + fac*p(i)
if( then
if( k=k+nsam
bb(k)=bb(k) + fac*p(i)
do i=1,nsam
sq=sq + wave(i)**2
! write(15,3002) i*dt,bb(i),wave(i)
!3002 format(f12.6,2f12.3)
! print*,rms,wmax,wmax/rms
! nblk=30*48000/nsam
! do n=2,nblk
! i0=(n-1)*nsam
! iwave(i0+1:i0+nsam)=iwave(1:nsam)
! enddo
! nwave=i0+nsam
! Compute the spectrum
! nfft=nsam
! df=48000.0/nfft
! ib=4000.0/df
! fac=10.0/nfft
! dat(1:nfft)=fac*bb(1:nfft)
! call four2a(dat,nfft,1,-1,0)
! do i=0,ib
! sq=real(cdat(i))**2 + aimag(cdat(i))**2
! write(14,3010) i*df,sq,10.0*log10(sq)
!3010 format(3f12.3)
! enddo
! if(isrch.eq.0) iwave(k+1:)=0
! nwave=k
end subroutine genjtms3

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ subroutine scr258(isync,idat,ndir,ichan)
else else
do i=1,258 do i=1,258
j=indx(i) j=indx(i)
! if( isync(-j)=ichan(i) if( isync(-j)=ichan(i)
if( idat(j)=ichan(i) if( idat(j)=ichan(i)
enddo enddo
endif endif

View File

@ -3,16 +3,26 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
! Starting code for a JTMS3 decoder. ! Starting code for a JTMS3 decoder.
parameter (NSMAX=30*48000) parameter (NSMAX=30*48000)
parameter (NFFT=8192,NH=NFFT/2) parameter (NFFT=16384,NH=NFFT/2)
character*22 decoded
character*72 c72
integer*2 id integer*2 id
real x(NFFT),w(NFFT) real x(NFFT),w(NFFT)
real p(24) real p(24)
real chansym(258),softsym(341) real rsent(258),softsym(683),sym2(258)
integer nsum(24) integer nsum(24)
complex cx(NFFT),cx2(NFFT),cx0(NFFT) complex cx(NFFT),cx2(NFFT),cx0(NFFT)
complex covx(NH) complex covx(NH)
real s1a(NH),s2a(580) real s1a(NH),s2a(NH)
integer mettab(0:255,0:1) !Metric table
integer data4a(9) !Decoded data (8-bit byte values)
integer data4(12) !Decoded data (6-bit byte values)
integer*1 data1(13)
integer*1 isync(43)
integer*1 chansym1(258),datsym2(215)
logical first,window logical first,window
integer*1 i1
equivalence (i1,i4)
common/mscom/id(1440000),s1(215,703),s2(215,703) common/mscom/id(1440000),s1(215,703),s2(215,703)
data first/.true./ data first/.true./
save save
@ -28,23 +38,37 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
jb=nint(3400.0)/df jb=nint(3400.0)/df
iz=3000.0/df iz=3000.0/df
covx=0. covx=0.
read(10,3001) chansym kstep=4096
read(10,3001) rsent
3001 format(50f1.0) 3001 format(50f1.0)
chansym=2.0*chansym - 1.0 do i=1,258,6
rsent=2.0*rsent - 1.0
do i=0,255
read(11,*) xjunk,x0,x1
window=.false. window=.false.
first=.false. first=.false.
endif endif
ib=k ib=k
ia=k-4095 ia=k-kstep+1
i0=ib-8191 i0=k-nfft+1
sq=0. sq=0.
do i=ia,ib do i=ia,ib
sq=sq + (0.001*id(i))**2 sq=sq + (0.001*id(i))**2
enddo enddo
write(13,1010) t,sq,db(sq) write(13,1010) t,sq,db(sq)
1010 format(3f12.3) 1010 format(3f12.3)
if( return if( return
x(1:nfft)=0.001*id(i0:ib) x(1:nfft)=0.001*id(i0:ib)
@ -79,30 +103,19 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
f0=0.5*(f-3000.0) f0=0.5*(f-3000.0)
phi0=0.5*atan2(aimag(cx2(j)),real(cx2(j))) phi0=0.5*atan2(aimag(cx2(j)),real(cx2(j)))
endif endif
write(15,1020) (j-1)*df,sq write(15,1020) f,sq
1020 format(f10.3,f12.3) 1020 format(f10.3,f12.3)
enddo enddo
slimit=2.0 slimit=2.5
! slimit=87.5
! if( then ! if( then
if(abs(spk0-87.3).lt.0.1) then if(abs(spk0-43.5).lt.0.1) then
write(*,1030) t,f0,phi0,spk0 write(*,1030) t,f0,phi0,spk0
1030 format('t:',f6.2,' f0:',f7.1,' phi0:',f6.2,' spk0:',f8.1) 1030 format('t:',f6.2,' f0:',f7.1,' phi0:',f6.2,' spk0:',f8.1)
do i=1,iz
write(16,1040) i*df,s1a(i),db(s1a(i))
1040 format(3f12.3)
do j=ja,jb
write(17,1050) f0a,s2a(j)
1050 format(2f12.3)
phi=phi0 phi=phi0
phi=3.9 phi=3.9 !### test ###
dphi=2.0*pi*(f0+1500.0 -1.1)/48000.0 dphi=twopi*(f0+1500.0 -1.1)/48000.0
p=0. p=0.
nsum=0 nsum=0
do i=1,nfft do i=1,nfft
@ -110,8 +123,8 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
if( phi=phi-twopi if( phi=phi-twopi
cx0(i)=cx(i)*cmplx(cos(phi),-sin(phi)) cx0(i)=cx(i)*cmplx(cos(phi),-sin(phi))
pha=atan2(aimag(cx0(i)),real(cx0(i))) pha=atan2(aimag(cx0(i)),real(cx0(i)))
write(18,1060) i,cx0(i),pha ! write(18,1060) i,cx0(i),pha
1060 format(i6,5f12.3) !1060 format(i6,5f12.3)
j=mod(i-1,24) + 1 j=mod(i-1,24) + 1
! p(j)=p(j)+abs(cx0(i)) ! p(j)=p(j)+abs(cx0(i))
p(j)=p(j) + real(cx0(i))**2 + aimag(cx0(i))**2 p(j)=p(j) + real(cx0(i))**2 + aimag(cx0(i))**2
@ -124,18 +137,20 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
1070 format(i6,f12.3) 1070 format(i6,f12.3)
enddo enddo
do i=16,nfft,24 do i=19,nfft,24
amp=abs(cx0(i)) amp=abs(cx0(i))
pha=atan2(aimag(cx0(i)),real(cx0(i))) pha=atan2(aimag(cx0(i)),real(cx0(i)))
j=(i+23)/24 j=(i+23)/24
write(21,1060) j,cx0(i),pha,pha+twopi,amp write(21,1060) j,cx0(i),pha,pha+twopi,amp
1060 format(i6,5f12.3)
softsym(j)=real(cx0(i)) softsym(j)=real(cx0(i))
enddo enddo
! do iter=1,5 ! do iter=1,5
chansym=cshift(chansym,-86) rsent=cshift(rsent,86)
do lag=0,83 lagmax=nfft/24 - 258
sum=dot_product(chansym,softsym(lag+1:lag+258)) do lag=0,lagmax
if(abs(sum).gt.smax) then if(abs(sum).gt.smax) then
smax=abs(sum) smax=abs(sum)
lagpk=lag lagpk=lag
@ -143,18 +158,27 @@ subroutine specjtms(k)
write(22,1080) lag,sum write(22,1080) lag,sum
1080 format(i3,f12.3) 1080 format(i3,f12.3)
enddo enddo
! chansym=cshift(chansym,43) ! rsent=cshift(rsent,43)
! enddo ! enddo
do i=1,258 do i=1,258
prod=-chansym(i)*softsym(lagpk+i) j=mod(i-1+2580,258) + 1
write(23,1090) i,prod,chansym(i),softsym(lagpk+i) prod=rsent(j)*softsym(lagpk+i)
1090 format(i5,3f10.3) nchsym=nint(0.5*(rsent(j)+1.0))
write(23,1090) i,prod,rsent(j),softsym(lagpk+i),j,nchsym,lagpk+i
1090 format(i5,3f10.3,3i5)
enddo enddo
do i=1,258,6 sym2=softsym(lagpk+1:lagpk+258)
write(24,1100) (i+5)/6,int(chansym(i)),softsym(lagpk+i) sym2=cshift(sym2,-86)
1100 format(2i5,f8.1) do i=1,258
i4=128 + nint(6.0*sym2(i))
if( i4=0
if( i4=255
write(24,2001) i,sym2(i),i4,chansym1(i)
2001 format(i6,f8.3,2i6)
enddo enddo
endif endif

View File

@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void MainWindow::dataSink(int k)
mscom_.ndiskdat=0; mscom_.ndiskdat=0;
} }
specjtms_(&k,&px); // specjtms_(&k,&px);
QString t; QString t;
t.sprintf(" Rx noise: %5.1f ",px); t.sprintf(" Rx noise: %5.1f ",px);
lab2->setText(t); lab2->setText(t);
@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ void MainWindow::guiUpdate()
static bool btxok0=false; static bool btxok0=false;
static int nc0=1; static int nc0=1;
static int nc1=1; static int nc1=1;
static char msgsent[23]; static char msgsent[29];
static int nsendingsh=0; static int nsendingsh=0;
int khsym=0; int khsym=0;
double trperiod=30.0; double trperiod=30.0;
@ -1147,7 +1147,6 @@ void MainWindow::guiUpdate()
if(!soundOutThread.isRunning()) { if(!soundOutThread.isRunning()) {
soundOutThread.start(QThread::HighPriority); soundOutThread.start(QThread::HighPriority);
} }
qDebug() << "PTT raised, soundOut started";
} }
if(!bTxTime || m_txMute) { if(!bTxTime || m_txMute) {
btxok=false; btxok=false;
@ -1156,7 +1155,7 @@ void MainWindow::guiUpdate()
// Calculate Tx waveform when needed // Calculate Tx waveform when needed
if((iptt==1 && iptt0==0) || m_restart) { if((iptt==1 && iptt0==0) || m_restart) {
char message[23]; char message[29];
QByteArray ba; QByteArray ba;
if(m_ntx == 1) ba=ui->tx1->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 1) ba=ui->tx1->text().toLocal8Bit();
if(m_ntx == 2) ba=ui->tx2->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 2) ba=ui->tx2->text().toLocal8Bit();
@ -1166,9 +1165,9 @@ void MainWindow::guiUpdate()
if(m_ntx == 6) ba=ui->tx6->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 6) ba=ui->tx6->text().toLocal8Bit();
ba2msg(ba,message); ba2msg(ba,message);
int len1=22; ba2msg(ba,msgsent);
genjtms3_(message,msgsent,iwave,&nwave,len1,len1); int len1=28;
msgsent[22]=0; genjtms3_(message,iwave,&nwave,len1);
if(m_restart) { if(m_restart) {
QFile f("jtms3_tx.log"); QFile f("jtms3_tx.log");

View File

@ -237,8 +237,7 @@ extern "C" {
//----------------------------------------------------- C and Fortran routines //----------------------------------------------------- C and Fortran routines
void specjtms_(int* k, float* px); void specjtms_(int* k, float* px);
void genjtms3_(char* message, char* msgsent, short iwave[], void genjtms3_(char* message, short iwave[], int* nwave, int len1);
int* nwave, int len1, int len2);
void gen65_(char* msg, int* mode65, double* samfac, int* nsendingsh, void gen65_(char* msg, int* mode65, double* samfac, int* nsendingsh,
char* msgsent, short iwave[], int* nwave, int len1, int len2); char* msgsent, short iwave[], int* nwave, int len1, int len2);

View File

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ void SoundOutThread::run()
} }
const PaStreamInfo* p=Pa_GetStreamInfo(outStream); const PaStreamInfo* p=Pa_GetStreamInfo(outStream);
outputLatency = p->outputLatency; outputLatency = p->outputLatency;
qDebug() << "SoundOut started, latency =" << outputLatency;
bool qe = quitExecution; bool qe = quitExecution;
//---------------------------------------------- Soundcard output loop //---------------------------------------------- Soundcard output loop
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ void SoundOutThread::run()
} }
Pa_StopStream(outStream); Pa_StopStream(outStream);
Pa_CloseStream(outStream); Pa_CloseStream(outStream);
qDebug() << "SoundOut terminated";
} }
void SoundOutThread::setOutputDevice(int n) //setOutputDevice() void SoundOutThread::setOutputDevice(int n) //setOutputDevice()