Try for q3 averages only if 'Enable averaging' is checked.

This commit is contained in:
Joe Taylor 2023-02-15 17:27:51 -05:00
parent da3c63e739
commit 47aeb84c05

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@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ contains
go to 100
if(ncontest.eq.1 .and. lagain) go to 50
if(ncontest.eq.1 .and. lagain .and. iand(ndepth,16).eq.16) go to 50
if(ncontest.eq.1 .and. lagain .and. iand(ndepth,16).eq.0) go to 100
! Prepare for a single-period decode with iaptype = 0, 1, 2, or 4
jpk0=(xdt+1.0)*6000 !Index of nominal start of signal