diff --git a/lib/azdist.f90 b/lib/azdist.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..528801f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/azdist.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+subroutine azdist(MyGrid,HisGrid,utch,nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter)
+  character*6 MyGrid,HisGrid,mygrid0,hisgrid0
+  real*8 utch,utch0
+  logical HotABetter,IamEast
+  real eltab(22),daztab(22)
+  data eltab/18.,15.,13.,11.,9.,8.,7.,6.,5.3,4.7,4.,3.3,2.7,    &
+       2.,1.5,1.,0.8,0.6,0.4,0.2,0.0,0.0/
+  data daztab/21.,18.,16.,15.,14.,13.,12.,11.,10.7,10.3,10.,    &
+       10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,10.,9.,9.,9.,8.,8./
+  data mygrid0/"      "/,hisgrid0/"      "/,utch0/-999.d0/
+  save
+  if(MyGrid.eq.HisGrid) then
+     naz=0
+     nel=0
+     ndmiles=0
+     ndkm=0
+     nhotaz=0
+     nhotabetter=1
+     go to 999
+  endif
+  if(mygrid.eq.mygrid0 .and. hisgrid.eq.hisgrid0 .and.              &
+       abs(utch-utch0).lt.0.1666667d0) go to 900
+  utch0=utch
+  mygrid0=mygrid
+  hisgrid0=hisgrid
+  utchours=utch
+  if(MyGrid(5:5).eq.' ') MyGrid(5:5)='m'
+  if(MyGrid(6:6).eq.' ') MyGrid(6:6)='m'
+  if(HisGrid(5:5).eq.' ') HisGrid(5:5)='m'
+  if(HisGrid(6:6).eq.' ') HisGrid(6:6)='m'
+  if(MyGrid.eq.HisGrid) then
+     Az=0.
+     Dmiles=0.
+     Dkm=0.0
+     El=0.
+     HotA=0.
+     HotB=0.
+     HotABetter=.true.
+     go to 900
+  endif
+  call grid2deg(MyGrid,dlong1,dlat1)
+  call grid2deg(HisGrid,dlong2,dlat2)
+  call geodist(dlat1,dlong1,dlat2,dlong2,Az,Baz,Dkm)
+  ndkm=Dkm/100
+  j=ndkm-4
+  if(j.lt.1) j=1
+  if(j.gt.21)j=21
+  if(Dkm.lt.500.0) then
+     El=18.0
+  else
+     u=(Dkm-100.0*ndkm)/100.0
+     El=(1.0-u)*eltab(j) + u*eltab(j+1)
+  endif
+  daz=daztab(j) + u * (daztab(j+1)-daztab(j))
+  Dmiles=Dkm/1.609344
+  tmid=mod(UTChours-0.5*(dlong1+dlong2)/15.0+48.0,24.0)
+  IamEast=.false.
+  if(dlong1.lt.dlong2) IamEast=.true.
+  if(dlong1.eq.dlong2 .and. dlat1.gt.dlat2) IamEast=.false.
+  azEast=baz
+  if(IamEast) azEast=az
+  if((azEast.ge.45.0 .and. azEast.lt.135.0) .or.                    &
+       (azEast.ge.225.0 .and. azEast.lt.315.0)) then
+! The path will be taken as "east-west".
+     HotABetter=.true.
+     if(abs(tmid-6.0).lt.6.0) HotABetter=.false.
+     if((dlat1+dlat2)/2.0 .lt. 0.0) HotABetter=.not.HotABetter
+  else
+! The path will be taken as "north-south".
+     HotABetter=.false.
+     if(abs(tmid-12.0).lt.6.0) HotABetter=.true.
+  endif
+  if(IamEast) then
+     HotA = Az - daz
+     HotB = Az + daz
+  else
+     HotA = Az + daz
+     HotB = Az - daz
+  endif
+  if(HotA.lt.0.0)   HotA=HotA+360.0
+  if(HotA.gt.360.0) HotA=HotA-360.0
+  if(HotB.lt.0.0)   HotB=HotB+360.0
+  if(HotB.gt.360.0) HotB=HotB-360.0
+900 continue
+  naz=nint(Az)
+  nel=nint(el)
+  nDmiles=nint(Dmiles)
+  nDkm=nint(Dkm)
+  nHotAz=nint(HotB)
+  nHotABetter=0
+  if(HotABetter) then
+     nHotAz=nint(HotA)
+     nHotABetter=1
+  endif
+999 return
+end subroutine azdist
diff --git a/lib/geodist.f90 b/lib/geodist.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ca755354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/geodist.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+subroutine geodist(Eplat,Eplon,Stlat,Stlon,Az,Baz,Dist)
+  implicit none
+  real eplat, eplon, stlat, stlon, az, baz, dist
+! JHT: In actual fact, I use the first two arguments for "My Location",
+!     the second two for "His location"; West longitude is positive.
+!      Taken directly from:
+!      Thomas, P.D., 1970, Spheroidal geodesics, reference systems,
+!      & local geometry, U.S. Naval Oceanographi!Office SP-138,
+!      165 pp.
+!      assumes North Latitude and East Longitude are positive
+!      EpLat, EpLon = End point Lat/Long
+!      Stlat, Stlon = Start point lat/long
+!      Az, BAz = direct & reverse azimuith
+!      Dist = Dist (km); Deg = central angle, discarded
+  real BOA, F, P1R, P2R, L1R, L2R, DLR, T1R, T2R, TM,          &
+       DTM, STM, CTM, SDTM,CDTM, KL, KK, SDLMR, L,                &
+       CD, DL, SD, T, U, V, D, X, E, Y, A, FF64, TDLPM,           &
+       HAPBR, HAMBR, A1M2, A2M1
+  real AL,BL,D2R,Pi2
+  data AL/6378206.4/              ! Clarke 1866 ellipsoid
+  data BL/6356583.8/
+!      real pi /3.14159265359/
+  data D2R/0.01745329251994/      ! degrees to radians conversion factor
+  data Pi2/6.28318530718/
+  BOA = BL/AL
+  F = 1.0 - BOA
+! Convert st/end pts to radians
+  P1R = Eplat * D2R
+  P2R = Stlat * D2R
+  L1R = Eplon * D2R
+  L2R = StLon * D2R
+  DLR = L2R - L1R                 ! DLR = Delta Long in Rads
+  T1R = ATan(BOA * Tan(P1R))
+  T2R = ATan(BOA * Tan(P2R))
+  TM = (T1R + T2R) / 2.0
+  DTM = (T2R - T1R) / 2.0
+  STM = Sin(TM)
+  CTM = Cos(TM)
+  SDTM = Sin(DTM)
+  CDTM = Cos(DTM)
+  KL = STM * CDTM
+  KK = SDTM * CTM
+  SDLMR = Sin(DLR/2.0)
+  CD = 1.0 - 2.0 * L
+  DL = ACos(CD)
+  SD = Sin(DL)
+  T = DL/SD
+  U = 2.0 * KL * KL / (1.0 - L)
+  V = 2.0 * KK * KK / L
+  D = 4.0 * T * T
+  X = U + V
+  E = -2.0 * CD
+  Y = U - V
+  A = -D * E
+  FF64 = F * F / 64.0
+  Dist = AL*SD*(T -(F/4.0)*(T*X-Y)+FF64*(X*(A+(T-(A+E)                 &
+       /2.0)*X)+Y*(-2.0*D+E*Y)+D*X*Y))/1000.0
+  TDLPM = Tan((DLR+(-((E*(4.0-X)+2.0*Y)*((F/2.0)*T+FF64*               &
+       (32.0*T+(A-20.0*T)*X-2.0*(D+2.0)*Y))/4.0)*Tan(DLR)))/2.0)
+  A1M2 = Pi2 + HAMBR - HAPBR
+  A2M1 = Pi2 - HAMBR - HAPBR
+1 If ((A1M2 .ge. 0.0) .AND. (A1M2 .lt. Pi2)) GOTO 5
+  If (A1M2 .lt. Pi2) GOTO 4
+  A1M2 = A1M2 - Pi2
+  GOTO 1
+4 A1M2 = A1M2 + Pi2
+  GOTO 1
+! All of this gens the proper az, baz (forward and back azimuth)
+5 If ((A2M1 .ge. 0.0) .AND. (A2M1 .lt. Pi2)) GOTO 9
+  If (A2M1 .lt. Pi2) GOTO 8
+  A2M1 = A2M1 - Pi2
+  GOTO 5
+8 A2M1 = A2M1 + Pi2
+  GOTO 5
+9 Az = A1M2 / D2R
+  BAZ = A2M1 / D2R
+!Fix the mirrored coords here.
+  az = 360.0 - az
+  baz = 360.0 - baz
+end subroutine geodist
diff --git a/mainwindow.cpp b/mainwindow.cpp
index a51b7212c..44ca00da0 100644
--- a/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
+  ui->labAzDist->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;");
 #ifdef WIN32
   while(true) {
@@ -1702,6 +1703,19 @@ void MainWindow::on_dxGridEntry_textChanged(const QString &t) //dxGrid changed
   if(n==6) m_hisGrid=t.mid(0,2).toUpper() + t.mid(2,2) +
+  if(gridOK(m_hisGrid)) {
+    qint64 nsec = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400;
+    double utch=nsec/3600.0;
+    int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter;
+    azdist_(m_myGrid.toAscii().data(),m_hisGrid.toAscii().data(),&utch,
+           &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,6,6);
+    QString t;
+    t.sprintf("Az: %d       %d km",nAz,nDkm);
+    ui->labAzDist->setText(t);
+  } else {
+    ui->labAzDist->setText("");
+  }
 void MainWindow::on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked()         //genStdMsgs button
@@ -1891,6 +1905,7 @@ void MainWindow::on_actionErase_wsjtx_log_adi_triggered()
 void MainWindow::showMacros(const QPoint &pos)
+  if(m_macro.length()<10) return;
   QPoint globalPos = ui->tx5->mapToGlobal(pos);
   QMenu popupMenu;
   QAction* popup1 = new QAction(m_macro[0],ui->tx5);
diff --git a/mainwindow.h b/mainwindow.h
index 073f4110c..8e1fd293b 100644
--- a/mainwindow.h
+++ b/mainwindow.h
@@ -268,6 +268,10 @@ void genjt9_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
              int* itext, int len1, int len2);
 bool stdmsg_(const char* msg);
+void azdist_(char* MyGrid, char* HisGrid, double* utch, int* nAz, int* nEl,
+             int* nDmiles, int* nDkm, int* nHotAz, int* nHotABetter,
+             int len1, int len2);
 #endif // MAINWINDOW_H
diff --git a/mainwindow.ui b/mainwindow.ui
index c7baffaf1..cdffe032b 100644
--- a/mainwindow.ui
+++ b/mainwindow.ui
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-    <height>536</height>
+    <height>527</height>
   <property name="sizePolicy">
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
             <property name="maximumSize">
-              <height>115</height>
+              <height>135</height>
             <property name="styleSheet">
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
-               <height>87</height>
+               <height>113</height>
              <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_6">
@@ -456,6 +456,22 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+              <item>
+               <widget class="QLabel" name="labAzDist">
+                <property name="minimumSize">
+                 <size>
+                  <width>0</width>
+                  <height>20</height>
+                 </size>
+                </property>
+                <property name="text">
+                 <string/>
+                </property>
+                <property name="alignment">
+                 <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
+                </property>
+               </widget>
+              </item>
                <widget class="QPushButton" name="genStdMsgsPushButton">
                 <property name="maximumSize">
@@ -478,7 +494,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
             <property name="maximumSize">
-              <height>60</height>
+              <height>52</height>
             <property name="font">
@@ -499,7 +515,8 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
             <property name="text">
-             <string> 01:23:45 </string>
+             <string>2013 Mar 23
+ 01:23:45 </string>
             <property name="alignment">