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synced 2025-03-20 11:08:31 -04:00
Added playback to record_time_signal tool
The tool may be started with either '-o <file-path>' to record or with '-i <file-path>', where file-path is an existing .WAV file, to playback audio. Audio output devices may be listed with the '-O' option and selected by index number using the '-P <device-index>' option. No format conversions are done for playback by the tool so the output device must support the format of the input .WAV file. The playback duration is the duration of the input .WAV file. The tool '-s <start-second-in-minute>' option is now optional, without it recording or playback starts immediately. So to playback a .WAV file: $ record_time_signal -i wwv.wav To play back the same file stating at second 55 in the minute: $ record_time_signal -i wwv.wav -s 55 Use the '-h' option for more help.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <locale.h>
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
#include <QAudioFormat>
#include <QAudioDeviceInfo>
#include <QAudioInput>
#include <QAudioOutput>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QDateTime>
@ -25,63 +27,151 @@ namespace
QTextStream qtout {stdout};
class Recorder final
class Record final
: public QObject
Recorder (int start, int duration, QString const& output, QAudioDeviceInfo const& source_device, QAudioFormat const& format, int notify_interval, int buffer_size)
: source_ {source_device, format}
Record (int start, int duration, QAudioDeviceInfo const& source_device, BWFFile * output, int notify_interval, int buffer_size)
: source_ {source_device, output->format ()}
, notify_interval_ {notify_interval}
, output_ {format, output}
, output_ {output}
, duration_ {duration}
if (!output_.open (BWFFile::WriteOnly)) throw std::invalid_argument {QString {"cannot open output file \"%1\""}.arg (output).toStdString ()};
if (buffer_size) source_.setBufferSize (format.bytesForFrames (buffer_size));
if (buffer_size) source_.setBufferSize (output_->format ().bytesForFrames (buffer_size));
if (notify_interval_)
source_.setNotifyInterval (notify_interval);
connect (&source_, &QAudioInput::notify, this, &Recorder::notify);
connect (&source_, &QAudioInput::notify, this, &Record::notify);
QTimer::singleShot (int ((((start - (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000) % 60) + 60) % 60) * 1000), Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Recorder::start);
if (start == -1)
start_recording ();
QTimer::singleShot (int ((((start - (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000) % 60) + 60) % 60) * 1000), Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Record::start_recording);
Q_SIGNAL void done ();
Q_SLOT void start ()
Q_SLOT void start_recording ()
qtout << "started recording at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
source_.start (&output_);
if (!notify_interval_) QTimer::singleShot (duration_ * 1000, Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Recorder::stop);
source_.start (output_);
if (!notify_interval_) QTimer::singleShot (duration_ * 1000, Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Record::stop_recording);
qtout << QString {"buffer size used is: %1"}.arg (source_.bufferSize ()) << endl;
Q_SLOT void notify ()
auto length = source_.elapsedUSecs ();
qtout << QString {"%1 US recorded\r"}.arg (length) << flush;
if (length >= duration_ * 1000 * 1000) stop ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs recorded\r"}.arg (length) << flush;
if (length >= duration_ * 1000 * 1000) stop_recording ();
Q_SLOT void stop ()
Q_SLOT void stop_recording ()
auto length = source_.elapsedUSecs ();
source_.stop ();
qtout << QString {"%1 uS recorded "}.arg (length) << '(' << source_.format ().framesForBytes (output_.size ()) << " frames recorded)\n";
qtout << QString {"%1 μs recorded "}.arg (length) << '(' << source_.format ().framesForBytes (output_->size ()) << " frames recorded)\n";
qtout << "stopped recording at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
Q_EMIT done ();
QAudioInput source_;
int notify_interval_;
BWFFile output_;
BWFFile * output_;
int duration_;
class Playback final
: public QObject
Playback (int start, BWFFile * input, QAudioDeviceInfo const& sink_device, int notify_interval, int buffer_size)
: input_ {input}
, sink_ {sink_device, input->format ()}
, notify_interval_ {notify_interval}
if (buffer_size) sink_.setBufferSize (input_->format ().bytesForFrames (buffer_size));
if (notify_interval_)
sink_.setNotifyInterval (notify_interval);
connect (&sink_, &QAudioOutput::notify, this, &Playback::notify);
if (start == -1)
start_playback ();
QTimer::singleShot (int ((((start - (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000) % 60) + 60) % 60) * 1000), Qt::PreciseTimer, this, &Playback::start_playback);
Q_SIGNAL void done ();
Q_SLOT void start_playback ()
qtout << "started playback at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
sink_.start (input_);
qtout << QString {"buffer size used is: %1 (%2 frames)"}.arg (sink_.bufferSize ()).arg (sink_.format ().framesForBytes (sink_.bufferSize ())) << endl;
connect (&sink_, &QAudioOutput::stateChanged, this, &Playback::sink_state_changed);
Q_SLOT void notify ()
auto length = sink_.elapsedUSecs ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs rendered\r"}.arg (length) << flush;
Q_SLOT void sink_state_changed (QAudio::State state)
switch (state)
case QAudio::ActiveState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to active\n";
case QAudio::SuspendedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to suspended\n";
case QAudio::StoppedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to stopped\n";
case QAudio::IdleState:
stop_playback ();
case QAudio::InterruptedState:
qtout << "\naudio output state changed to interrupted\n";
Q_SLOT void stop_playback ()
auto length = sink_.elapsedUSecs ();
sink_.stop ();
qtout << QString {"%1 μs rendered "}.arg (length) << '(' << sink_.format ().framesForBytes (input_->size ()) << " frames rendered)\n";
qtout << "stopped playback at " << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hh:mm:ss.zzz UTC") << endl;
Q_EMIT done ();
BWFFile * input_;
QAudioOutput sink_;
int notify_interval_;
#include "record_time_signal.moc"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@ -110,8 +200,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
parser.addOptions ({
{{"I", "list-audio-inputs"},
app.translate ("main", "List the available audio input devices")},
{{"O", "list-audio-outputs"},
app.translate ("main", "List the available audio output devices")},
{{"s", "start-time"},
app.translate ("main", "Record from <start-time> seconds"),
app.translate ("main", "Record from <start-time> seconds, default start immediately"),
app.translate ("main", "start-time")},
{{"d", "duration"},
app.translate ("main", "Recording <duration> seconds"),
@ -119,17 +211,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{{"o", "output"},
app.translate ("main", "Save output as <output-file>"),
app.translate ("main", "output-file")},
{{"i", "input"},
app.translate ("main", "Playback <input-file>"),
app.translate ("main", "input-file")},
{{"f", "force"},
app.translate ("main", "Overwrite existing file")},
{{"r", "sample-rate"},
app.translate ("main", "Record at <sample-rate>"),
app.translate ("main", "Record at <sample-rate>, default 48000 Hz"),
app.translate ("main", "sample-rate")},
{{"c", "num-channels"},
app.translate ("main", "Record <num> channels"),
app.translate ("main", "Record <num> channels, default 2"),
app.translate ("main", "num")},
{{"R", "recording-device-number"},
app.translate ("main", "Record from <device-number>"),
app.translate ("main", "device-number")},
{{"P", "playback-device-number"},
app.translate ("main", "Playback to <device-number>"),
app.translate ("main", "device-number")},
{{"n", "notify-interval"},
app.translate ("main", "use notify signals every <interval> milliseconds, zero to use a timer"),
app.translate ("main", "interval")},
@ -150,11 +248,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
auto output_devices = QAudioDeviceInfo::availableDevices (QAudio::AudioOutput);
if (parser.isSet ("O"))
int n {0};
for (auto const& device : output_devices)
qtout << ++n << " - [" << device.deviceName () << ']' << endl;
return 0;
bool ok;
int start = parser.value ("s").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"start time not a number"};
int duration = parser.value ("d").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"duration not a number"};
int start {-1};
if (parser.isSet ("s"))
start = parser.value ("s").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"start time not a number"};
int sample_rate {48000};
if (parser.isSet ("r"))
@ -188,35 +299,74 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
throw std::invalid_argument {"invalid recording device"};
if (!parser.isSet ("o")) throw std::invalid_argument {"output file required"};
QFileInfo ofi {parser.value ("o")};
if (!ofi.suffix ().size () && ofi.fileName ()[ofi.fileName ().size () - 1] != QChar {'.'})
int output_device {0};
if (parser.isSet ("P"))
ofi.setFile (ofi.filePath () + ".wav");
if (!parser.isSet ("f") && ofi.isFile ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"set the `-force' option to overwrite an existing output file"};
output_device = parser.value ("P").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok || 0 >= output_device || output_device > output_devices.size ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"invalid playback device"};
if (!(parser.isSet ("o") || parser.isSet ("i"))) throw std::invalid_argument {"file required"};
if (parser.isSet ("o") && parser.isSet ("i")) throw std::invalid_argument {"specify either input or output"};
QAudioFormat audio_format;
audio_format.setSampleRate (sample_rate);
audio_format.setChannelCount (num_channels);
audio_format.setSampleSize (16);
audio_format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
audio_format.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
auto source = input_device ? input_devices[input_device] : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ();
if (!source.isFormatSupported (audio_format))
if (parser.isSet ("o")) // Record
qtout << "warning, requested format not supported, using nearest" << endl;
audio_format = source.nearestFormat (audio_format);
int duration = parser.value ("d").toInt (&ok);
if (!ok) throw std::invalid_argument {"duration not a number"};
// run the application
Recorder record {start, duration, ofi.filePath (), source, audio_format, notify_interval, buffer_size};
QObject::connect (&record, &Recorder::done, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
QFileInfo ofi {parser.value ("o")};
if (!ofi.suffix ().size () && ofi.fileName ()[ofi.fileName ().size () - 1] != QChar {'.'})
ofi.setFile (ofi.filePath () + ".wav");
if (!parser.isSet ("f") && ofi.isFile ())
throw std::invalid_argument {"set the `-force' option to overwrite an existing output file"};
audio_format.setSampleRate (sample_rate);
audio_format.setChannelCount (num_channels);
audio_format.setSampleSize (16);
audio_format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
audio_format.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
auto source = input_device ? input_devices[input_device] : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice ();
if (!source.isFormatSupported (audio_format))
qtout << "warning, requested format not supported, using nearest" << endl;
audio_format = source.nearestFormat (audio_format);
BWFFile output_file {audio_format, ofi.filePath ()};
if (!output_file.open (BWFFile::WriteOnly)) throw std::invalid_argument {QString {"cannot open output file \"%1\""}.arg (ofi.filePath ()).toStdString ()};
// run the application
Record record {start, duration, source, &output_file, notify_interval, buffer_size};
QObject::connect (&record, &Record::done, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
else // Playback
QFileInfo ifi {parser.value ("i")};
if (!ifi.isFile () && !ifi.suffix ().size () && ifi.fileName ()[ifi.fileName ().size () - 1] != QChar {'.'})
ifi.setFile (ifi.filePath () + ".wav");
BWFFile input_file {audio_format, ifi.filePath ()};
if (!input_file.open (BWFFile::ReadOnly)) throw std::invalid_argument {QString {"cannot open input file \"%1\""}.arg (ifi.filePath ()).toStdString ()};
auto sink = output_device ? output_devices[output_device] : QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice ();
if (!sink.isFormatSupported (input_file.format ()))
throw std::invalid_argument {"audio output device does not support input file audio format"};
// run the application
Playback play {start, &input_file, sink, notify_interval, buffer_size};
QObject::connect (&play, &Playback::done, &app, &QCoreApplication::quit);
return app.exec();
catch (std::exception const& e)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user