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synced 2025-03-23 12:38:53 -04:00
Merge branch 'release-2.4.0' of bitbucket.org:k1jt/wsjtx into release-2.4.0
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,6 +11,38 @@
Copyright 2001 - 2021 by Joe Taylor, K1JT.
Release: WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc4
Mar 21, 2021
WSJT-X 2.4.0 Release Candidate 4 adds new Q65 mode functionality and
decoder optimizations and repairs several defects and regressions
discovered in the RC3 and v2.3.0 GA releases.
- Correct a problem with display of Q65 sync curves for submodes
Q65-120x and Q65-300x.
- Audio frequency and decoded message are now saved for up to 100
most recent Q65 decodes. Subsequent double-click on waterfall will
search the list for the clicked frequency +/- 10 Hz, recover
"DXCall" from the mosr recent decode there, and attempt a decode at
that frequency with full "q3" sensitivity.
- Use new ADIF recommendations for Q65: mode=MFSK, submode=Q65.
- If "Single decode" is unchecked, look for Q65 decodes from
accumulated average even after obtaining a single-sequence
decode at selected Rx Freq.
- For data read from .wav files, display the original UTC (derived
from file name) on the waterfall instead of current UTC.
- Protect against bounds errors caused by unusual settings on the
Wide Graph.
- Correct a problem with Split operation in FT4 mode. Thanks to
Release: WSJT-X 2.4.0-rc3
Mar 15, 2021
@ -703,15 +703,20 @@ end subroutine q65_snr
subroutine q65_hist(if0,msg0,dxcall,dxgrid)
! Save the MAXHIST most receent decodes, and their f0 values; or, if
! dxcall is present, look up the most recent dxcall and dxgrid at the
! specified f0.
parameter (MAXHIST=100)
integer,intent(in) :: if0
character(len=37),intent(in),optional :: msg0
character(len=12),intent(out),optional :: dxcall
character(len=6),intent(out),optional :: dxgrid
integer,intent(in) :: if0 !Audio freq of decode
character(len=37),intent(in),optional :: msg0 !Decoded message
character(len=12),intent(out),optional :: dxcall !Second callsign in message
character(len=6),intent(out),optional :: dxgrid !Third word in msg, if grid
character*6 g1
character*37 msg(MAXHIST)
integer nf0(MAXHIST)
logical isgrid
character*37 msg(MAXHIST) !Saved messages
integer nf0(MAXHIST) !Saved frequencies
logical isgrid !Statement function
data nhist/0/
save nhist,nf0,msg
@ -719,28 +724,30 @@ subroutine q65_hist(if0,msg0,dxcall,dxgrid)
g1(2:2).le.'R' .and. g1(3:3).ge.'0' .and. g1(3:3).le.'9' .and. &
g1(4:4).ge.'0' .and. g1(4:4).le.'9' .and. g1(1:4).ne.'RR73'
if(present(dxcall)) go to 100
if(present(dxcall)) go to 100 !This is a lookup request
if(nhist.eq.MAXHIST) then
nf0(1:MAXHIST-1)=nf0(2:MAXHIST) !List is full, must make room
nhist=nhist+1 !Insert msg0 at end of list
go to 900
100 dxcall=' '
100 dxcall=' ' !This is a lookup request
dxgrid=' '
do i=1,nhist
! Look for a decode close to if0, starting with most recent ones
do i=nhist,1,-1
if(abs(nf0(i)-if0).gt.10) cycle
i1=index(msg(i),' ')
if(i1.ge.4 .and. i1.le.13) then
i2=index(msg(i)(i1+1:),' ') + i1
dxcall=msg(i)(i1+1:i2-1) !Extract dxcall
if(isgrid(g1)) dxgrid=g1(1:4)
if(isgrid(g1)) dxgrid=g1(1:4) !Extract dxgrid
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ void WideGraph::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) //F1
void WideGraph::setRxFreq(int n) //setRxFreq
if(m_mode!="Q65") ui->widePlot->draw(m_swide,false,false);
int WideGraph::rxFreq() //rxFreq
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