From 91661c1d951fb9aba67632d449b388bb5029c13d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Moran <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 13:09:36 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] show freq of regular fox verification msg

 Network/FoxVerifier.cpp   |    14 +-
 Network/FoxVerifier.hpp   |     9 +-
 widgets/mainwindow.cpp    |    29 +-
 widgets/mainwindow.cppNEW | 11459 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 widgets/mainwindow.h      |     2 +-
 5 files changed, 11492 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 widgets/mainwindow.cppNEW

diff --git a/Network/FoxVerifier.cpp b/Network/FoxVerifier.cpp
index 87d0715e8..51cdddf23 100644
--- a/Network/FoxVerifier.cpp
+++ b/Network/FoxVerifier.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #include "FoxVerifier.hpp"
 #include "Logger.hpp"
-FoxVerifier::FoxVerifier(QString user_agent, QNetworkAccessManager *manager,QString base_url, QString callsign, QDateTime timestamp, QString code) : QObject(nullptr)
+FoxVerifier::FoxVerifier(QString user_agent, QNetworkAccessManager *manager,QString base_url, QString callsign, QDateTime timestamp, QString code, unsigned int hz=750) : QObject(nullptr)
   manager_ = manager;
   finished_ = false;
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ FoxVerifier::FoxVerifier(QString user_agent, QNetworkAccessManager *manager,QStr
   callsign_ = callsign;
   code_ = code;
   ts_ = timestamp;
+  hz_ = hz;
   QString url = QString("%1/check/%2/%3/%4.text").arg(base_url).arg(callsign).arg(timestamp.toString(Qt::ISODate)).arg(code);
   LOG_INFO(QString("FoxVerifier: url %1").arg(url).toStdString());
@@ -72,14 +73,14 @@ void FoxVerifier::httpFinished()
   if (reply_->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
     LOG_INFO(QString("FoxVerifier: httpFinished error:[%1 - %2] msg:[%3]").arg(status).arg(reason).arg(reply_->errorString()).toStdString());
-    emit verifyError(status, ts_, callsign_, code_, reply_->errorString());
+    emit verifyError(status, ts_, callsign_, code_, hz_, reply_->errorString());
   return_value = reply_->read(1024); // limit amount we get
   LOG_INFO(QString("FoxVerifier: httpFinished status:[%1 - %2] body:[%3] ").arg(status).arg(reason).arg(return_value).toStdString());
   finished_ = true;
   if (status >= 200 && status <= 299) {
-    emit verifyComplete(status, ts_, callsign_, code_, return_value);
+    emit verifyComplete(status, ts_, callsign_, code_, hz_, return_value);
@@ -97,15 +98,16 @@ void FoxVerifier::httpEncrypted() {
   LOG_INFO("FoxVerifier: httpEncrypted");
-QString FoxVerifier::formatDecodeMessage(QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString const& verify_message) {
+QString FoxVerifier::formatDecodeMessage(QDateTime ts, QString callsign, unsigned int hz_, QString const& verify_message) {
   //"172100 -00  0.0  750 ~  K8R VERIFIED"
   QTime rx_time = ts.time();
+  QString hz=QString("%1").arg(hz_, 4, 10 ); // insert Hz
   if (verify_message.endsWith(" VERIFIED")) {
-    return QString("%1 -00  0.0  750 ~  %2 VERIFIED").arg(rx_time.toString("hhmmss")).arg(callsign);
+    return QString("%1   0  0.0 %2 ~  %3 VERIFIED").arg(rx_time.toString("hhmmss")).arg(hz).arg(callsign);
   } else
     if (verify_message.endsWith(" INVALID"))
-      return QString("%1   0  0.0  750 ~  %2 INVALID").arg(rx_time.toString("hhmmss")).arg(callsign);
+      return QString("%1   0  0.0 %2 ~  %3 INVALID").arg(rx_time.toString("hhmmss")).arg(hz).arg(callsign);
       return QString{};
diff --git a/Network/FoxVerifier.hpp b/Network/FoxVerifier.hpp
index 920fbf0bf..8a867f1ef 100644
--- a/Network/FoxVerifier.hpp
+++ b/Network/FoxVerifier.hpp
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ class FoxVerifier : public QObject {
     QMutex mutex_;
-    explicit FoxVerifier(QString user_agent, QNetworkAccessManager *manager, QString base_url, QString callsign, QDateTime timestamp, QString code);
+    explicit FoxVerifier(QString user_agent, QNetworkAccessManager *manager, QString base_url, QString callsign, QDateTime timestamp, QString code, unsigned int);
     QString return_value;
     bool finished();
-    static QString formatDecodeMessage(QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString const& verify_message);
+    static QString formatDecodeMessage(QDateTime ts, QString callsign, unsigned int hz, QString const& verify_message);
     static QString default_url();
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ private:
     QUrl q_url_;
     bool finished_;
     bool errored_;
+    unsigned int hz_;
     QString error_reason_;
     QDateTime ts_;
     QString callsign_;
@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ private slots:
 public slots:
-     void verifyComplete(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, QString const& response);
-     void verifyError(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, QString const& response);
+     void verifyComplete(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, unsigned int hz, QString const& response);
+     void verifyError(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, unsigned int hz, QString const& response);
diff --git a/widgets/mainwindow.cpp b/widgets/mainwindow.cpp
index cd1503011..7ffee16be 100644
--- a/widgets/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/widgets/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -2494,11 +2494,10 @@ void MainWindow::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * e)
   QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e);
-void MainWindow::handleVerifyMsg(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, QString const &response) {
-  (void)status;
+void MainWindow::handleVerifyMsg(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, unsigned int hz, QString const &response) {  (void)status;
   if (response.length() > 0) {
-    QString msg = FoxVerifier::formatDecodeMessage(ts, callsign, response);
+    QString msg = FoxVerifier::formatDecodeMessage(ts, callsign, hz, response);
       if (msg.length() > 0)
         ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText(DecodedText{msg}, m_config.my_callsign(), m_mode, m_config.DXCC(),
                                                    m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx());
@@ -4293,6 +4292,7 @@ void MainWindow::readFromStdout()                             //readFromStdout
         } else {
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
           // remove verifications that are done
           QMutableListIterator < FoxVerifier * > it(m_verifications);
           while (it.hasNext()) {
@@ -4300,34 +4300,38 @@ void MainWindow::readFromStdout()                             //readFromStdout
           DecodedText decodedtext1 = decodedtext0;
           if ((m_mode == "FT4" or m_mode == "FT8") and bDisplayPoints and decodedtext1.isStandardMessage()) {
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
           if ((SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp) &&
                ((m_config.superFox() && (decodedtext0.mid(24, 8) == "$VERIFY$")) || // $VERIFY$ K8R 920749
-               (decodedtext0.mid(24, 8).contains(QRegularExpression{"^[A-Z0-9]{2,5}\\.V[0-9]{6}$"})))) // K8R.V920749
+               (decodedtext0.mid(24,-1).contains(QRegularExpression{"^[A-Z0-9]{2,5}\\.V[0-9]{6}"})))) // K8R.V920749
             // two cases:
             // QString test_return = QString{"203630 -12  0.1  775 ~  K8R.V920749"};
             // $VERIFY$ foxcall otp
             // QString test_return = QString{"203630 -12  0.1  775 ~  $VERIFY$ K8R 920749"};
             QStringList lineparts;
-            QStringList otp_parts;
             QString callsign, otp;
+            unsigned int hz;
             lineparts = decodedtext0.string().split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
             if (lineparts.length() <= 6) {
+              QStringList otp_parts;
               // split K8R.V920749 into K8R and 920749
               otp_parts = lineparts[5].split('.', SkipEmptyParts);
               callsign = otp_parts[0];
               otp = otp_parts[1].mid(1); // remove the V
+              hz = lineparts[3].toInt();
             } else
               // split $VERIFY$ K8R 920749 into K8R and 920749
               callsign = lineparts[6];
               otp = lineparts[7];
+              hz = 750; // SF is 750
             QDateTime verifyDateTime;
             if (m_diskData) {
@@ -4341,11 +4345,13 @@ void MainWindow::readFromStdout()                             //readFromStdout
                                               callsign, // foxcall
-                                              otp); // otp
+                                              otp,
+                                              hz); // freq
             connect(fv, &FoxVerifier::verifyComplete, this, &MainWindow::handleVerifyMsg);
             m_verifications << fv;
-          } else {
+          }
+          {
             if (ui->labDXped->text() == "Super Hound" && decodedtext0.mid(3, 18).contains(" verified")) {
               verified = true;
@@ -10201,7 +10207,7 @@ void MainWindow::on_comboBoxHoundSort_activated(int index)
   if(index!=-99) houndCallers();            //Silence compiler warning
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
 QString MainWindow::foxOTPcode()
   QString code;
@@ -10228,6 +10234,7 @@ QString MainWindow::foxOTPcode()
   return code;
 QString MainWindow::sortHoundCalls(QString t, int isort, int max_dB)
@@ -10602,6 +10609,7 @@ void MainWindow::foxTxSequencer()
     goto Transmit;
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
   // Send OTP message maybe for regular fox mode
   if (!m_config.superFox() && m_config.OTPEnabled() && (islot < m_Nslots) && (m_tFoxTxSinceOTP >= m_config.OTPinterval()))
@@ -10612,6 +10620,7 @@ void MainWindow::foxTxSequencer()
       foxGenWaveform(islot - 1, fm);
 //Compile list1: up to NSLots Hound calls to be sent RR73
   for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {           //Check all Hound calls: First priority
diff --git a/widgets/mainwindow.cppNEW b/widgets/mainwindow.cppNEW
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4ed39448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/widgets/mainwindow.cppNEW
@@ -0,0 +1,11459 @@
+//---------------------------------------------------------- MainWindow
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include <cinttypes>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <limits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fftw3.h>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QStringListModel>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QKeyEvent>
+#include <QProcessEnvironment>
+#include <QSharedMemory>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QTextBlock>
+#include <QProgressBar>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QRegExpValidator>
+#include <QRegExp>
+#include <QRegularExpression>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QStandardPaths>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QtConcurrent/QtConcurrentRun>
+#include <QProgressDialog>
+#include <QHostInfo>
+#include <QVector>
+#include <QCursor>
+#include <QToolTip>
+#include <QAction>
+#include <QButtonGroup>
+#include <QActionGroup>
+#include <QSplashScreen>
+#include <QUdpSocket>
+#include <QAbstractItemView>
+#include <QInputDialog>
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+#include <QRandomGenerator>
+#include "helper_functions.h"
+#include "revision_utils.hpp"
+#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
+#include "Network/NetworkAccessManager.hpp"
+#include "Audio/soundout.h"
+#include "Audio/soundin.h"
+#include "Modulator/Modulator.hpp"
+#include "Detector/Detector.hpp"
+#include "plotter.h"
+#include "echoplot.h"
+#include "echograph.h"
+#include "fastplot.h"
+#include "fastgraph.h"
+#include "foxotpcode.h"
+#include "about.h"
+#include "messageaveraging.h"
+#include "activeStations.h"
+#include "colorhighlighting.h"
+#include "widegraph.h"
+#include "sleep.h"
+#include "logqso.h"
+#include "Decoder/decodedtext.h"
+#include "Radio.hpp"
+#include "models/Bands.hpp"
+#include "Transceiver/TransceiverFactory.hpp"
+#include "models/StationList.hpp"
+#include "validators/LiveFrequencyValidator.hpp"
+#include "Network/MessageClient.hpp"
+#include "Network/FoxVerifier.hpp"
+#include "Network/wsprnet.h"
+#include "signalmeter.h"
+#include "HelpTextWindow.hpp"
+#include "SampleDownloader.hpp"
+#include "Audio/BWFFile.hpp"
+#include "MultiSettings.hpp"
+#include "validators/MaidenheadLocatorValidator.hpp"
+#include "validators/CallsignValidator.hpp"
+#include "EqualizationToolsDialog.hpp"
+#include "Network/LotWUsers.hpp"
+#include "logbook/AD1CCty.hpp"
+#include "models/FoxLog.hpp"
+#include "models/CabrilloLog.hpp"
+#include "FoxLogWindow.hpp"
+#include "CabrilloLogWindow.hpp"
+#include "ExportCabrillo.h"
+#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
+#include "moc_mainwindow.cpp"
+#include "Logger.hpp"
+#define FCL fortran_charlen_t
+extern "C" {
+  //----------------------------------------------------- C and Fortran routines
+  void symspec_(struct dec_data *, int* k, double* trperiod, int* nsps, int* ingain,
+                bool* bLowSidelobes, int* minw, float* px, float s[], float* df3,
+                int* nhsym, int* npts8, float *m_pxmax, int* npct);
+  void hspec_(short int d2[], int* k, int* nutc0, int* ntrperiod, int* nrxfreq, int* ntol,
+              bool* bmsk144, bool* btrain, double const pcoeffs[], int* ingain,
+              char const * mycall, char const * hiscall, bool* bshmsg, bool* bswl,
+              char const * ddir, float green[],
+              float s[], int* jh, float *pxmax, float *rmsNoGain, char line[],
+              fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void genft8_(char* msg, int* i3, int* n3, char* msgsent, char ft8msgbits[],
+               int itone[], fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void genft4_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, char ft4msgbits[], int itone[],
+               fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void genfst4_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, char fst4msgbits[],
+                 int itone[], int* iwspr, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void gen_ft8wave_(int itone[], int* nsym, int* nsps, float* bt, float* fsample, float* f0,
+                    float xjunk[], float wave[], int* icmplx, int* nwave);
+  void gen_ft4wave_(int itone[], int* nsym, int* nsps, float* fsample, float* f0,
+                    float xjunk[], float wave[], int* icmplx, int* nwave);
+  void gen_fst4wave_(int itone[], int* nsym, int* nsps, int* nwave, float* fsample,
+                       int* hmod, float* f0, int* icmplx, float xjunk[], float wave[]);
+  void genwave_(int itone[], int* nsym, int* nsps, int* nwave, float* fsample,
+                       int* hmod, float* f0, int* icmplx, float xjunk[], float wave[]);
+  void gen4_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
+               int* itext, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void gen9_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
+               int* itext, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void genmsk_128_90_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[], int* itype,
+                      fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void gen65(char* msg, int* ichk, char msgsent[], int itone[], int* itext);
+  void genq65_(char* msg, int* ichk, char* msgsent, int itone[],
+              int* i3, int* n3, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void genwspr_(char* msg, char* msgsent, int itone[], fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void azdist_(char* MyGrid, char* HisGrid, double* utch, int* nAz, int* nEl,
+               int* nDmiles, int* nDkm, int* nHotAz, int* nHotABetter,
+               fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void morse_(char* msg, int* icw, int* ncw, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void wspr_downsample_(short int d2[], int* k);
+  int savec2_(char const * fname, int* TR_seconds, double* dial_freq, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void save_echo_params_(int* ndoptotal, int* ndop, int* nfrit, float* f1, float* fspread, short id2[], int* idir);
+  void avecho_( short id2[], int* dop, int* nfrit, int* nauto, int* navg, int* nqual, float* f1,
+                float* level, float* sigdb, float* snr, float* dfreq,
+                float* width, bool* bDiskData);
+  void fast_decode_(short id2[], int narg[], double * trperiod,
+                    char msg[], char mycall[], char hiscall[],
+                    fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void degrade_snr_(short d2[], int* n, float* db, float* bandwidth);
+  void wav12_(short d2[], short d1[], int* nbytes, short* nbitsam2);
+  void refspectrum_(short int d2[], bool* bclearrefspec,
+                    bool* brefspec, bool* buseref, const char* c_fname, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void freqcal_(short d2[], int* k, int* nkhz,int* noffset, int* ntol,
+                char line[], fortran_charlen_t);
+  void calibrate_(char const * data_dir, int* iz, double* a, double* b, double* rms,
+                  double* sigmaa, double* sigmab, int* irc, fortran_charlen_t);
+  void foxgen_(bool* bSuperFox, char const * fname, FCL len);
+  void sfox_wave_gfsk_(char const * fname, FCL len);
+  void plotsave_(float swide[], int* m_w , int* m_h1, int* irow);
+  void chk_samples_(int* m_ihsym,int* k, int* m_hsymStop);
+  void save_dxbase_(char* dxbase, FCL len);
+  void indexx_(float arr[], int* n, int indx[]);
+  void get_q3list_(char* fname, bool* bDiskData, int* nlist, char* list, FCL len1, FCL len2);
+  void rm_q3list_(char* callsign, FCL len);
+  void jpl_setup_(char* fname, FCL len);
+QList<FoxVerifier *> m_verifications;
+int volatile itone[MAX_NUM_SYMBOLS];   //Audio tones for all Tx symbols
+int volatile itone0[MAX_NUM_SYMBOLS];  //Dummy array, data not actually used
+int volatile icw[NUM_CW_SYMBOLS];        //Dits for CW ID
+dec_data_t dec_data;                // for sharing with Fortran
+int outBufSize;
+int rc;
+qint32  g_iptt {0};
+wchar_t buffer[256];
+float fast_green[703];
+float fast_green2[703];
+float fast_s[44992];                                    //44992=64*703
+float fast_s2[44992];
+int   fast_jh {0};
+int   fast_jhpeak {0};
+int   fast_jh2 {0};
+int narg[15];
+QVector<QColor> g_ColorTbl;
+using SpecOp = Configuration::SpecialOperatingActivity;
+bool verified = false;
+bool blocked = false;
+bool m_displayBand = false;
+bool no_a7_decodes = false;
+bool keep_frequency = false;
+int m_Nslots0 {1};
+int m_TxFreqFox {300};
+QSharedMemory mem_qmap("mem_qmap");         //Memory segment to be shared (optionally) with QMAP
+struct {
+  int ndecodes;          //Number of QMAP decodes available (so far)
+  int ncand;             //Number of QMAP candidates considered for decoding
+  int nQDecoderDone;     //QMAP decoder is finished (0 or 1)
+  int nWDecoderBusy;     //WSJT-X decoder is busy (0 or 1)
+  int nWTransmitting;    //WSJT-X is transmitting (0 or 1)
+  int kHzRequested;      //Integer kHz dial frequency requested from QMAP
+  char result[50][64];   //Decodes as character*64 arrays
+} qmapcom;
+int* ipc_qmap;
+  Radio::Frequency constexpr default_frequency {14074000};
+  QRegExp message_alphabet {"[- @A-Za-z0-9+./?#<>;$]*"};
+  // grid exact match excluding RR73
+  QRegularExpression grid_regexp {"\\A(?![Rr]{2}73)[A-Ra-r]{2}[0-9]{2}([A-Xa-x]{2}){0,1}\\z"};
+  QRegularExpression non_r_db_regexp {"\\A[-+]{1}[0-9]{1,2}\\z"};
+  auto quint32_max = std::numeric_limits<quint32>::max ();
+  constexpr int N_WIDGETS {38};
+  constexpr int default_rx_audio_buffer_frames {-1}; // lets Qt decide
+  constexpr int default_tx_audio_buffer_frames {-1}; // lets Qt decide
+  bool message_is_73 (int type, QStringList const& msg_parts)
+  {
+    return type >= 0
+      && (((type < 6 || 7 == type)
+           && (msg_parts.contains ("73") || msg_parts.contains ("RR73")))
+          || (type == 6 && !msg_parts.filter ("73").isEmpty ()));
+  }
+  int ms_minute_error ()
+  {
+    auto const& now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+    auto const& time = now.time ();
+    auto second = time.second ();
+    return now.msecsTo (now.addSecs (second > 30 ? 60 - second : -second)) - time.msec ();
+  }
+//--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow constructor
+MainWindow::MainWindow(QDir const& temp_directory, bool multiple,
+                       MultiSettings * multi_settings, QSharedMemory *shdmem,
+                       unsigned downSampleFactor,
+                       QSplashScreen * splash, QProcessEnvironment const& env, QWidget *parent) :
+  MultiGeometryWidget {parent},
+  m_env {env},
+  m_network_manager {this},
+  m_valid {true},
+  m_splash {splash},
+  m_revision {revision ()},
+  m_multiple {multiple},
+  m_multi_settings {multi_settings},
+  m_configurations_button {0},
+  m_settings {multi_settings->settings ()},
+  ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
+  m_config {&m_network_manager, temp_directory, m_settings, &m_logBook, this},
+  m_logBook {&m_config},
+  m_WSPR_band_hopping {m_settings, &m_config, this},
+  m_WSPR_tx_next {false},
+  m_rigErrorMessageBox {MessageBox::Critical, tr ("Rig Control Error")
+      , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Ok | MessageBox::Retry},
+  m_wideGraph (new WideGraph(m_settings)),
+  m_echoGraph (new EchoGraph(m_settings)),
+  m_fastGraph (new FastGraph(m_settings)),
+  // no parent so that it has a taskbar icon
+  m_logDlg (new LogQSO (program_title (), m_settings, &m_config, &m_logBook, nullptr)),
+  m_lastDialFreq {0},
+  m_dialFreqRxWSPR {0},
+  m_detector {new Detector {RX_SAMPLE_RATE, double(NTMAX), downSampleFactor}},
+  m_FFTSize {6192 / 2},         // conservative value to avoid buffer overruns
+  m_soundInput {new SoundInput},
+  m_modulator {new Modulator {TX_SAMPLE_RATE, NTMAX}},
+  m_soundOutput {new SoundOutput},
+  m_rx_audio_buffer_frames {0},
+  m_tx_audio_buffer_frames {0},
+  m_msErase {0},
+  m_secBandChanged {0},
+  m_freqNominal {0},
+  m_freqNominalPeriod {0},
+  m_freqTxNominal {0},
+  m_reverse_Doppler {"1" == env.value ("WSJT_REVERSE_DOPPLER", "0")},
+  m_tRemaining {0.},
+  m_TRperiod {60.0},
+  m_DTtol {3.0},
+  m_waterfallAvg {1},
+  m_ntx {1},
+  m_gen_message_is_cq {false},
+  m_send_RR73 {false},
+  m_XIT {0},
+  m_sec0 {-1},
+  m_RxLog {1},      //Write Date and Time to RxLog
+  m_nutc0 {999999},
+  m_ntr {0},
+  m_tx {0},
+  m_inGain {0},
+  m_secID {0},
+  m_idleMinutes {0},
+  m_nSubMode {0},
+  m_nSubMode_Q65 {0},
+  m_nSubMode_JT65 {0},
+  m_nSubMode_JT4 {0},
+  m_nclearave {1},
+  m_nWSPRdecodes {0},
+  m_k0 {9999999},
+  m_nPick {0},
+  m_frequency_list_fcal_iter {m_config.frequencies ()->begin ()},
+  m_nTx73 {0},
+  m_btxok {false},
+  m_diskData {false},
+  m_loopall {false},
+  m_txFirst {false},
+  m_auto {false},
+  m_restart {false},
+  m_startAnother {false},
+  m_saveDecoded {false},
+  m_saveAll {false},
+  m_widebandDecode {false},
+  m_dataAvailable {false},
+  m_decodedText2 {false},
+  m_freeText {false},
+  m_sentFirst73 {false},
+  m_currentMessageType {-1},
+  m_lastMessageType {-1},
+  m_bShMsgs {false},
+  m_bSWL {false},
+  m_uploading {false},
+  m_grid6 {false},
+  m_tuneup {false},
+  m_bTxTime {false},
+  m_rxDone {true},
+  m_bSimplex {false},
+  m_bEchoTxOK {false},
+  m_bTransmittedEcho {false},
+  m_bEchoTxed {false},
+  m_bFastDecodeCalled {false},
+  m_bDoubleClickAfterCQnnn {false},
+  m_bRefSpec {false},
+  m_bClearRefSpec {false},
+  m_bTrain {false},
+  m_bAutoReply {false},
+  m_QSOProgress {CALLING},
+  m_ihsym {0},
+  m_nzap {0},
+  m_px {0.0},
+  m_iptt0 {0},
+  m_btxok0 {false},
+  m_nsendingsh {0},
+  m_onAirFreq0 {0.0},
+  m_first_error {true},
+  tx_status_label {tr ("Receiving")},
+  wsprNet {new WSPRNet {&m_network_manager, this}},
+  m_baseCall {Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ())},
+  m_appDir {QApplication::applicationDirPath ()},
+  m_cqStr {""},
+  m_palette {"Linrad"},
+  m_mode {"FT8"},
+  m_rpt {"-15"},
+  m_pfx {
+    "1A", "1S",
+      "3A", "3B6", "3B8", "3B9", "3C", "3C0", "3D2", "3D2C",
+      "3D2R", "3DA", "3V", "3W", "3X", "3Y", "3YB", "3YP",
+      "4J", "4L", "4S", "4U1I", "4U1U", "4W", "4X",
+      "5A", "5B", "5H", "5N", "5R", "5T", "5U", "5V", "5W", "5X", "5Z",
+      "6W", "6Y",
+      "7O", "7P", "7Q", "7X",
+      "8P", "8Q", "8R",
+      "9A", "9G", "9H", "9J", "9K", "9L", "9M2", "9M6", "9N",
+      "9Q", "9U", "9V", "9X", "9Y",
+      "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A9", "AP",
+      "BS7", "BV", "BV9", "BY",
+      "C2", "C3", "C5", "C6", "C9", "CE", "CE0X", "CE0Y",
+      "CE0Z", "CE9", "CM", "CN", "CP", "CT", "CT3", "CU",
+      "CX", "CY0", "CY9",
+      "D2", "D4", "D6", "DL", "DU",
+      "E3", "E4", "E5", "EA", "EA6", "EA8", "EA9", "EI", "EK",
+      "EL", "EP", "ER", "ES", "ET", "EU", "EX", "EY", "EZ",
+      "F", "FG", "FH", "FJ", "FK", "FKC", "FM", "FO", "FOA",
+      "FOC", "FOM", "FP", "FR", "FRG", "FRJ", "FRT", "FT5W",
+      "FT5X", "FT5Z", "FW", "FY",
+      "M", "MD", "MI", "MJ", "MM", "MU", "MW",
+      "H4", "H40", "HA", "HB", "HB0", "HC", "HC8", "HH",
+      "HI", "HK", "HK0", "HK0M", "HL", "HM", "HP", "HR",
+      "HS", "HV", "HZ",
+      "I", "IS", "IS0",
+      "J2", "J3", "J5", "J6", "J7", "J8", "JA", "JDM",
+      "JDO", "JT", "JW", "JX", "JY",
+      "K", "KC4", "KG4", "KH0", "KH1", "KH2", "KH3", "KH4", "KH5",
+      "KH5K", "KH6", "KH7", "KH8", "KH9", "KL", "KP1", "KP2",
+      "KP4", "KP5",
+      "LA", "LU", "LX", "LY", "LZ",
+      "OA", "OD", "OE", "OH", "OH0", "OJ0", "OK", "OM", "ON",
+      "OX", "OY", "OZ",
+      "P2", "P4", "PA", "PJ2", "PJ7", "PY", "PY0F", "PT0S", "PY0T", "PZ",
+      "R1F", "R1M",
+      "S0", "S2", "S5", "S7", "S9", "SM", "SP", "ST", "SU",
+      "SV", "SVA", "SV5", "SV9",
+      "T2", "T30", "T31", "T32", "T33", "T5", "T7", "T8", "T9", "TA",
+      "TF", "TG", "TI", "TI9", "TJ", "TK", "TL", "TN", "TR", "TT",
+      "TU", "TY", "TZ",
+      "UA", "UA2", "UA9", "UK", "UN", "UR",
+      "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "VE", "VK", "VK0H",
+      "VK0M", "VK9C", "VK9L", "VK9M", "VK9N", "VK9W", "VK9X", "VP2E",
+      "VP2M", "VP2V", "VP5", "VP6", "VP6D", "VP8", "VP8G", "VP8H",
+      "VP8O", "VP8S", "VP9", "VQ9", "VR", "VU", "VU4", "VU7",
+      "XE", "XF4", "XT", "XU", "XW", "XX9", "XZ",
+      "YA", "YB", "YI", "YJ", "YK", "YL", "YN", "YO", "YS", "YU", "YV", "YV0",
+      "Z2", "Z3", "ZA", "ZB", "ZC4", "ZD7", "ZD8", "ZD9", "ZF", "ZK1N",
+      "ZK1S", "ZK2", "ZK3", "ZL", "ZL7", "ZL8", "ZL9", "ZP", "ZS", "ZS8"
+      },
+  m_sfx {"P",  "0",  "1",  "2",  "3",  "4",  "5",  "6",  "7",  "8",  "9",  "A"},
+  mem_jt9 {shdmem},
+  m_downSampleFactor (downSampleFactor),
+  m_audioThreadPriority (QThread::HighPriority),
+  m_bandEdited {false},
+  m_splitMode {false},
+  m_monitoring {false},
+  m_tx_when_ready {false},
+  m_transmitting {false},
+  m_tune {false},
+  m_tx_watchdog {false},
+  m_block_pwr_tooltip {false},
+  m_PwrBandSetOK {true},
+  m_lastMonitoredFrequency {default_frequency},
+  m_toneSpacing {0.},
+  m_firstDecode {0},
+  m_optimizingProgress {"Optimizing decoder FFTs for your CPU.\n"
+      "Please be patient,\n"
+      "this may take a few minutes", QString {}, 0, 1, this},
+  m_messageClient {new MessageClient {QApplication::applicationName (),
+        version (), revision (),
+        m_config.udp_server_name (), m_config.udp_server_port (),
+        m_config.udp_interface_names (), m_config.udp_TTL (),
+        this}},
+  m_psk_Reporter {&m_config, QString {"WSJT-X v" + version () + " " + m_revision}.simplified ()},
+  m_manual {&m_network_manager},
+  m_block_udp_status_updates {false}
+  ui->setupUi(this);
+  setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac (true);
+  createStatusBar();
+  add_child_to_event_filter (this);
+  ui->dxGridEntry->setValidator (new MaidenheadLocatorValidator {this});
+  ui->dxCallEntry->setValidator (new CallsignValidator {this});
+  ui->sbTR->values ({5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 900, 1800});
+  ui->sbTR_FST4W->values ({120, 300, 900, 1800});
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser->set_configuration (&m_config, true);
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser2->set_configuration (&m_config);
+  m_optimizingProgress.setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModal);
+  m_optimizingProgress.setAutoReset (false);
+  m_optimizingProgress.setMinimumDuration (15000); // only show after 15s delay
+  //Attach or create a memory segment to be shared with QMAP.
+  int memSize=4096;
+  if(!mem_qmap.attach()) mem_qmap.create(memSize);
+  ipc_qmap = (int*);
+  mem_qmap.lock();
+  memset(ipc_qmap,0,memSize);         //Zero all of QMAP shared memory
+  mem_qmap.unlock();
+  // Closedown.
+  connect (ui->actionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &QMainWindow::close);
+  // parts of the rig error message box that are fixed
+  m_rigErrorMessageBox.setInformativeText (tr ("Do you want to reconfigure the radio interface?"));
+  m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDefaultButton (MessageBox::Ok);
+  // start audio thread and hook up slots & signals for shutdown management
+  // these objects need to be in the audio thread so that invoking
+  // their slots is done in a thread safe way
+  m_soundOutput->moveToThread (&m_audioThread);
+  m_modulator->moveToThread (&m_audioThread);
+  m_soundInput->moveToThread (&m_audioThread);
+  m_detector->moveToThread (&m_audioThread);
+  bool ok;
+  auto buffer_size = env.value ("WSJT_RX_AUDIO_BUFFER_FRAMES", "0").toInt (&ok);
+  m_rx_audio_buffer_frames = ok && buffer_size ? buffer_size : default_rx_audio_buffer_frames;
+  buffer_size = env.value ("WSJT_TX_AUDIO_BUFFER_FRAMES", "0").toInt (&ok);
+  m_tx_audio_buffer_frames = ok && buffer_size ? buffer_size : default_tx_audio_buffer_frames;
+  // hook up sound output stream slots & signals and disposal
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::initializeAudioOutputStream, m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setFormat);
+  connect (m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundOutError);
+  connect (m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::error, &m_config, &Configuration::invalidate_audio_output_device);
+  // connect (m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::status, this, &MainWindow::showStatusMessage);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::outAttenuationChanged, m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setAttenuation);
+  connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_soundOutput, &QObject::deleteLater);
+  // hook up Modulator slots and disposal
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::transmitFrequency, m_modulator, &Modulator::setFrequency);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::endTransmitMessage, m_modulator, &Modulator::stop);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::tune, m_modulator, &Modulator::tune);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::sendMessage, m_modulator, &Modulator::start);
+  connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_modulator, &QObject::deleteLater);
+  // hook up the audio input stream signals, slots and disposal
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::startAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::start);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::suspendAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::suspend);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::resumeAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::resume);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::reset_audio_input_stream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::reset);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::stop);
+  connect(m_soundInput, &SoundInput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundInError);
+  connect(m_soundInput, &SoundInput::error, &m_config, &Configuration::invalidate_audio_input_device);
+  // connect(m_soundInput, &SoundInput::status, this, &MainWindow::showStatusMessage);
+  connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_soundInput, &QObject::deleteLater);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, this, &MainWindow::close);
+  // hook up the detector signals, slots and disposal
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::FFTSize, m_detector, &Detector::setBlockSize);
+  connect(m_detector, &Detector::framesWritten, this, &MainWindow::dataSink);
+  connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_detector, &QObject::deleteLater);
+  // setup the waterfall
+  connect( (), SIGNAL(freezeDecode2(int)),this,SLOT(freezeDecode(int)));
+  connect( (), SIGNAL(f11f12(int)),this,SLOT(bumpFqso(int)));
+  connect( (), SIGNAL(setXIT2(int)),this,SLOT(setXIT(int)));
+  connect ( (), &FastGraph::fastPick, this, &MainWindow::fastPick);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &WideGraph::close);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &EchoGraph::close);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &FastGraph::close);
+  // setup the log QSO dialog
+  connect ( (), &LogQSO::acceptQSO, this, &MainWindow::acceptQSO);
+  connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &LogQSO::close);
+  // hook up the log book
+  connect (&m_logBook, &LogBook::finished_loading, [this] (int record_count, QString cty_version, QString const& error) {
+      if (error.size ())
+        {
+          MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error Scanning ADIF Log"), error);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          m_config.set_CTY_DAT_version(cty_version);
+          showStatusMessage (tr ("Scanned ADIF log, %1 worked-before records created. CTY: %2").arg (record_count).arg (cty_version));
+        }
+    });
+  // Network message handlers
+  m_messageClient->enable (m_config.accept_udp_requests ());
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::clear_decodes, [this] (quint8 window) {
+      ++window;
+      if (window & 1)
+        {
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser->erase ();
+        }
+      if (window & 2)
+        {
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser2->erase ();
+        }
+    });
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::reply, this, &MainWindow::replyToCQ);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::close, this, &MainWindow::close);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::replay, this, &MainWindow::replayDecodes);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::location, this, &MainWindow::locationChange);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::halt_tx, [this] (bool auto_only) {
+      if (auto_only) {
+        if (ui->autoButton->isChecked ()) {
+          ui->autoButton->click();
+        }
+      } else {
+        ui->stopTxButton->click();
+      }
+    });
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::error, this, &MainWindow::networkError);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::free_text, [this] (QString const& text, bool send) {
+      tx_watchdog (false);
+      // send + non-empty text means set and send the free text
+      // message, !send + non-empty text means set the current free
+      // text message, send + empty text means send the current free
+      // text message without change, !send + empty text means clear
+      // the current free text message
+      if (0 == ui->tabWidget->currentIndex ()) {
+        if (!text.isEmpty ()) {
+          ui->tx5->setCurrentText (text);
+        }
+        if (send) {
+          ui->txb5->click ();
+        } else if (text.isEmpty ()) {
+          ui->tx5->setCurrentText (text);
+        }
+      }
+      QApplication::alert (this);
+    });
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::highlight_callsign, ui->decodedTextBrowser, &DisplayText::highlight_callsign);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::switch_configuration, m_multi_settings, &MultiSettings::select_configuration);
+  connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::configure, this, &MainWindow::remote_configure);
+  // Hook up WSPR band hopping
+  connect (ui->band_hopping_schedule_push_button, &QPushButton::clicked
+           , &m_WSPR_band_hopping, &WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog);
+  connect (ui->sbTxPercent, static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*) (int)> (&QSpinBox::valueChanged)
+           , &m_WSPR_band_hopping, &WSPRBandHopping::set_tx_percent);
+  on_EraseButton_clicked ();
+  QActionGroup* modeGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+  ui->actionFST4->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionFST4W->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionFT4->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionFT8->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionJT9->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionJT65->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionJT4->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionWSPR->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionEcho->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionMSK144->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionQ65->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  ui->actionFreqCal->setActionGroup(modeGroup);
+  QActionGroup* saveGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+  ui->actionNone->setActionGroup(saveGroup);
+  ui->actionSave_decoded->setActionGroup(saveGroup);
+  ui->actionSave_all->setActionGroup(saveGroup);
+  QActionGroup* alltxtGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+  ui->actionDon_t_split_ALL_TXT->setActionGroup(alltxtGroup);
+  ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_yearly->setActionGroup(alltxtGroup);
+  ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_monthly->setActionGroup(alltxtGroup);
+  ui->actionDisable_writing_of_ALL_TXT->setActionGroup(alltxtGroup);
+  QActionGroup* DepthGroup = new QActionGroup(this);
+  ui->actionQuickDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup);
+  ui->actionMediumDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup);
+  ui->actionDeepestDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup);
+  connect (ui->download_samples_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
+      if (!m_sampleDownloader)
+        {
+          m_sampleDownloader.reset (new SampleDownloader {m_settings, &m_config, &m_network_manager, this});
+        }
+      m_sampleDownloader->show ();
+    });
+  connect (ui->view_phase_response_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
+      if (!m_equalizationToolsDialog)
+        {
+          m_equalizationToolsDialog.reset (new EqualizationToolsDialog {m_settings, m_config.writeable_data_dir (), m_phaseEqCoefficients, this});
+          connect ( (), &EqualizationToolsDialog::phase_equalization_changed,
+                   [this] (QVector<double> const& coeffs) {
+                     m_phaseEqCoefficients = coeffs;
+                   });
+        }
+      m_equalizationToolsDialog->show ();
+    });
+  connect (&m_config.lotw_users (), &LotWUsers::LotW_users_error, this, [this] (QString const& reason) {
+      MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error Loading LotW Users Data"), reason);
+    }, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+  QButtonGroup* txMsgButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup {this};
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb1,1);
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb2,2);
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb3,3);
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb4,4);
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb5,5);
+  txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb6,6);
+  set_dateTimeQSO(-1);
+  connect(txMsgButtonGroup,SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)),SLOT(set_ntx(int)));
+  connect (ui->decodedTextBrowser, &DisplayText::selectCallsign, this, &MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall2);
+  connect (ui->decodedTextBrowser2, &DisplayText::selectCallsign, this, &MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall);
+  connect (ui->houndQueueTextBrowser, &DisplayText::selectCallsign, this, &MainWindow::doubleClickOnFoxQueue);
+  connect (ui->foxTxListTextBrowser, &DisplayText::selectCallsign, this, &MainWindow::doubleClickOnFoxInProgress);
+  connect (ui->decodedTextBrowser, &DisplayText::erased, this, &MainWindow::band_activity_cleared);
+  connect (ui->decodedTextBrowser2, &DisplayText::erased, this, &MainWindow::rx_frequency_activity_cleared);
+  // initialize decoded text font and hook up font change signals
+  // defer initialization until after construction otherwise menu fonts do not get set
+  // with 50 ms delay we are on the safe side
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, this, SLOT (initialize_fonts ()));
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const& font) {
+      set_application_font (font);
+    });
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::decoded_text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const& font) {
+      setDecodedTextFont (font);
+    });
+  setWindowTitle (program_title ());
+  connect(&proc_jt9, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &MainWindow::readFromStdout);
+  connect(&proc_jt9, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (QProcess::ProcessError)> (&QProcess::error),
+          [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+            subProcessError (&proc_jt9, error);
+          });
+  connect(&proc_jt9, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+                                                 subProcessError (&proc_jt9, error);
+                                               });
+  connect(&proc_jt9, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (int, QProcess::ExitStatus)> (&QProcess::finished),
+          [this] (int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) {
+            if (subProcessFailed (&proc_jt9, exitCode, status))
+              {
+                m_valid = false;          // ensures exit if still
+                                          // constructing
+                QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ()));
+              }
+          });
+  connect(&p1, &QProcess::started, [this] () {
+                                     showStatusMessage (QString {"Started: %1 \"%2\""}.arg (p1.program ()).arg (p1.arguments ().join ("\" \"")));
+                                   });
+  connect(&p1, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, &MainWindow::p1ReadFromStdout);
+  connect(&p1, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (QProcess::ProcessError)> (&QProcess::error),
+          [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+            subProcessError (&p1, error);
+          });
+  connect(&p1, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+                                           subProcessError (&p1, error);
+                                         });
+  connect(&p1, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (int, QProcess::ExitStatus)> (&QProcess::finished),
+          [this] (int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) {
+            if (subProcessFailed (&p1, exitCode, status))
+              {
+                m_valid = false;          // ensures exit if still
+                                          // constructing
+                QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ()));
+              }
+          });
+  connect(&p3, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (QProcess::ProcessError)> (&QProcess::error),
+          [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+  connect(&p3, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [this] (QProcess::ProcessError error) {
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+                                           if (QProcess::FailedToStart != error)
+                                           if (QProcess::Crashed != error)
+                                             {
+                                               subProcessError (&p3, error);
+                                             }
+                                         });
+  connect(&p3, &QProcess::started, [this] () {
+                                     showStatusMessage (QString {"Started: %1 \"%2\""}.arg (p3.program ()).arg (p3.arguments ().join ("\" \"")));
+                                   });
+  connect(&p3, static_cast<void (QProcess::*) (int, QProcess::ExitStatus)> (&QProcess::finished),
+          [this] (int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) {
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+            // We forgo detecting user_hardware failures with exit
+            // code 1 on Windows. This is because we use CMD.EXE to
+            // run the executable. CMD.EXE returns exit code 1 when it
+            // can't find the target executable.
+            if (exitCode != 1)  // CMD.EXE couldn't find file to execute
+            // We forgo detecting user_hardware failures with exit
+            // code 127 non-Windows. This is because we use /bin/sh to
+            // run the executable. /bin/sh returns exit code 127 when it
+            // can't find the target executable.
+            if (exitCode != 127)  // /bin/sh couldn't find file to execute
+              {
+                subProcessFailed (&p3, exitCode, status);
+              }
+          });
+  // hook up save WAV file exit handling
+  connect (&m_saveWAVWatcher, &QFutureWatcher<QString>::finished, [this] {
+      // extract the promise from the future
+      auto const& result = m_saveWAVWatcher.future ().result ();
+      if (!result.isEmpty ())   // error
+        {
+          MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr("Error Writing WAV File"), result);
+        }
+    });
+  // Hook up working frequencies.
+  ui->bandComboBox->setModel (m_config.frequencies ());
+  ui->bandComboBox->setModelColumn (FrequencyList_v2_101::frequency_mhz_column);
+  // Enable live band combo box entry validation and action.
+  auto band_validator = new LiveFrequencyValidator {ui->bandComboBox
+                                                    , m_config.bands ()
+                                                    , m_config.frequencies ()
+                                                    , &m_freqNominal
+                                                    , this};
+  ui->bandComboBox->setValidator (band_validator);
+  // Hook up signals.
+  connect (band_validator, &LiveFrequencyValidator::valid, this, &MainWindow::band_changed);
+  connect (ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit (), &QLineEdit::textEdited, [this] (QString const&) {m_bandEdited = true;});
+  // hook up configuration signals
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_update, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_failure, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::udp_server_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::set_server);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::udp_server_port_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::set_server_port);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::udp_TTL_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::set_TTL);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::accept_udp_requests_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::enable);
+  connect (&m_config, &Configuration::enumerating_audio_devices, [this] () {
+                                                                   showStatusMessage (tr ("Enumerating audio devices"));
+                                                                 });
+  // set up configurations menu
+  connect (m_multi_settings, &MultiSettings::configurationNameChanged, [this] (QString const& name) {
+      if ("Default" != name) {
+        config_label.setText (name);
+ ();
+      }
+      else {
+        config_label.hide ();
+      }
+      statusUpdate ();
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+      QTimer::singleShot (250, [=] {setRig (m_lastMonitoredFrequency);});   // This is needed for Hamradio Deluxe
+    });
+  m_multi_settings->create_menu_actions (this, ui->menuConfig);
+  m_configurations_button = m_rigErrorMessageBox.addButton (tr ("Configurations...")
+                                                            , QMessageBox::ActionRole);
+  // set up message text validators
+  ui->tx1->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  ui->tx2->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  ui->tx3->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  ui->tx4->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  ui->tx5->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  ui->tx6->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this});
+  // Free text macros model to widget hook up.
+  ui->tx5->setModel (m_config.macros ());
+  connect (ui->tx5->lineEdit(), &QLineEdit::editingFinished,
+           [this] () {on_tx5_currentTextChanged (ui->tx5->lineEdit()->text());});
+  connect(&m_guiTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::guiUpdate);
+  m_guiTimer.start(100);   //### Don't change the 100 ms! ###
+  stopWRTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&stopWRTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopWRTimeout);
+  ptt0Timer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&ptt0Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopTx2);
+  ptt1Timer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&ptt1Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::startTx2);
+  p1Timer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&p1Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::startP1);
+  logQSOTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&logQSOTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked);
+  tuneButtonTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&tuneButtonTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::end_tuning);
+  tuneATU_Timer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&tuneATU_Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopTuneATU);
+  killFileTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&killFileTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::killFile);
+  uploadTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&uploadTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [this] () {uploadWSPRSpots ();});
+  TxAgainTimer.setSingleShot(true);
+  connect(&TxAgainTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(TxAgain()));
+  connect( (), SIGNAL(setFreq3(int,int)),this,
+          SLOT(setFreq4(int,int)));
+  decodeBusy(false);
+  m_msg[0][0]=0;
+  char const * const power[] = {"1 mW","2 mW","5 mW","10 mW","20 mW","50 mW","100 mW","200 mW","500 mW",
+                  "1 W","2 W","5 W","10 W","20 W","50 W","100 W","200 W","500 W","1 kW"};
+  for(auto i = 0u; i < sizeof power / sizeof power[0]; ++i)  { //Initialize dBm values
+    auto dBm = int ((10. * i / 3.) + .5);
+    ui->TxPowerComboBox->addItem (QString {"%1 dBm  %2"}.arg (dBm).arg (power[i]), dBm);
+  }
+  ui->respondComboBox->addItem("CQ: None");
+  ui->respondComboBox->addItem("CQ: First");
+  ui->respondComboBox->addItem("CQ: Max Dist");
+  m_dateTimeRcvdRR73=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+  m_dateTimeSentTx3=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+  ui->labAz->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;");
+  ui->labAz->setText("");
+  auto t = "UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message");
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText(t);
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText(t);
+  readSettings();            //Restore user's setup parameters
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    m_score=0;
+    read_log();
+  }
+  m_audioThread.start (m_audioThreadPriority);
+#ifdef WIN32
+  if (!m_multiple)
+    {
+      while(true)
+        {
+          int iret=killbyname("jt9.exe");
+          if(iret == 603) break;
+          if(iret != 0)
+            MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error Killing jt9.exe Process")
+                                         , tr ("KillByName return code: %1")
+                                         .arg (iret));
+        }
+    }
+  {
+    //delete any .quit file that might have been left lying around
+    //since its presence will cause jt9 to exit a soon as we start it
+    //and decodes will hang
+    QFile quitFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".quit")};
+    while (quitFile.exists ())
+      {
+        if (!quitFile.remove ())
+          {
+            MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Error removing \"%1\"").arg (quitFile.fileName ())
+                                       , tr ("Click OK to retry"));
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  to_jt9(0,0,0);     //initialize IPC variables
+  QStringList jt9_args {
+    "-s", QApplication::applicationName () // shared memory key,
+                                           // includes rig
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+      , "-w", "1"               //FFTW patience - release
+      , "-w", "1"               //FFTW patience - debug builds for speed
+      // The number  of threads for  FFTW specified here is  chosen as
+      // three because  that gives  the best  throughput of  the large
+      // FFTs used  in jt9.  The count  is the minimum of  (the number
+      // available CPU threads less one) and three.  This ensures that
+      // there is always at least one free CPU thread to run the other
+      // mode decoder in parallel.
+      , "-m", QString::number (qMin (qMax (QThread::idealThreadCount () - 1, 1), 3)) //FFTW threads
+      , "-e", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir)
+      , "-a", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath ())
+      , "-t", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.temp_dir ().absolutePath ())
+      };
+  QProcessEnvironment new_env {m_env};
+  new_env.insert ("OMP_STACKSIZE", "4M");
+  proc_jt9.setProcessEnvironment (new_env);
+  proc_jt9.start(QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir) + QDir::separator () +
+          "jt9", jt9_args, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered);
+  auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))};
+  fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename (fname.toLocal8Bit ());
+  m_ntx = 6;
+  ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+  connect (&m_wav_future_watcher, &QFutureWatcher<void>::finished, this, &MainWindow::diskDat);
+  connect(&watcher3, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(fast_decode_done()));
+  if (!m_config.audio_input_device ().isNull ())
+    {
+      Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device ()
+                                    , m_rx_audio_buffer_frames
+                                    , m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ());
+    }
+  if (!m_config.audio_output_device ().isNull ())
+    {
+      Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device ()
+                                          , AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2
+                                          , m_tx_audio_buffer_frames);
+    }
+  Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT);
+  enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ());  // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook
+  // this must be done before initializing the mode as some modes need
+  // to turn off split on the rig e.g. WSPR
+  m_config.transceiver_online ();
+  bool vhf {m_config.enable_VHF_features ()};
+  ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst);
+  morse_(const_cast<char *> (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()),
+         const_cast<int *> (icw), &m_ncw, (FCL)m_config.my_callsign().length());
+  on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered();
+  ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs);
+  ui->cbSWL->setChecked(m_bSWL);
+  if(m_bFast9) m_bFastMode=true;
+  ui->cbFast9->setChecked(m_bFast9 or m_bFastMode);
+  set_mode (m_mode);
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") monitor(false);   //Don't auto-start Monitor in Echo mode.
+  ui->sbSubmode->setValue (vhf ? m_nSubMode : 0);  //Submodes require VHF features
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+    Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (1000.0);
+  } else {
+    Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT);
+  }
+  m_saveDecoded=ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked();
+  m_saveAll=ui->actionSave_all->isChecked();
+  ui->TxPowerComboBox->setCurrentIndex(int(.3 * m_dBm + .2));
+  ui->cbUploadWSPR_Spots->setChecked(m_uploadWSPRSpots);
+  if((m_ndepth&7)==1) ui->actionQuickDecode->setChecked(true);
+  if((m_ndepth&7)==2) ui->actionMediumDecode->setChecked(true);
+  if((m_ndepth&7)==3) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked(true);
+  ui->actionInclude_averaging->setChecked(m_ndepth&16);
+  ui->actionInclude_correlation->setChecked(m_ndepth&32);
+  ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->setChecked(m_ndepth&64);
+  ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setChecked(m_ndepth&128);
+  m_UTCdisk=-1;
+  m_UTCdiskDateTime=QDateTime{}; // UTCDateTime of file being read from disk.
+  m_fCPUmskrtd=0.0;
+  m_bFastDone=false;
+  m_bAltV=false;
+  m_bNoMoreFiles=false;
+  m_bDoubleClicked=false;
+  m_bCallingCQ=false;
+  m_bCheckedContest=false;
+  m_bDisplayedOnce=false;
+  m_wait=0;
+  m_isort=-3;
+  m_max_dB=70;
+  m_CQtype="CQ";
+  fixStop();
+  VHF_features_enabled(m_config.enable_VHF_features());
+  m_wideGraph->setVHF(m_config.enable_VHF_features());
+  connect( wsprNet, SIGNAL(uploadStatus(QString)), this, SLOT(uploadResponse(QString)));
+  statusChanged();
+  m_fastGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  connect (&minuteTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_the_minute);
+  connect (&minuteTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::invalidate_frequencies_filter);
+  minuteTimer.setSingleShot (true);
+  minuteTimer.start (ms_minute_error () + 60 * 1000);
+  connect (&splashTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::splash_done);
+  splashTimer.setSingleShot (true);
+  splashTimer.start (20 * 1000);
+  if(QCoreApplication::applicationVersion().contains("-devel") or
+     QCoreApplication::applicationVersion().contains("-rc")) {
+    QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (not_GA_warning_message ()));
+  }
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  // Starting in FT8 Hound mode needs this initialization
+  if (m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+      on_ft8Button_clicked();
+      ui->houndButton->click();
+  }
+  ui->labDXped->setVisible(SpecOp::NONE != m_specOp);
+  ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+  ui->pbBestSP->setVisible(m_mode=="FT4");
+  update_foxLogWindow_rate(); // update the rate on the window
+  QString jpleph = m_config.data_dir().absoluteFilePath("JPLEPH");
+  jpl_setup_(const_cast<char *>(jpleph.toLocal8Bit().constData()),256);
+#ifdef WIN32
+  // backup libhamlib-4.dll file, so it is still available after the next program update
+  QDir dataPath = QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath();
+  QFile f {dataPath.absolutePath() + "/" + "libhamlib-4_old.dll"};
+  if (!f.exists()) {
+      QFile::copy(dataPath.absolutePath() + "/" + "libhamlib-4.dll", dataPath.absolutePath() + "/" + "libhamlib-4_old.dll");
+      QTimer::singleShot (5000, [=] {  //wait until hamlib has been started
+        extern char* hamlib_version2;
+        QString hamlib = QString(QLatin1String(hamlib_version2));
+        m_settings->beginGroup("Configuration");
+        m_settings->setValue ("HamlibBackedUp", hamlib);
+        m_settings->endGroup();
+      });
+  }
+// this must be the last statement of constructor
+  if (!m_valid) throw std::runtime_error {"Fatal initialization exception"};
+void MainWindow::not_GA_warning_message ()
+  if(m_config.my_callsign()=="K1JT" or m_config.my_callsign()=="W2ZQ") return;
+  MessageBox::critical_message (this,
+                                "This is a pre-release version of WSJT-X " + version (false) + " made\n"
+                                "available for testing purposes.  By design it will\n"
+                                "be nonfunctional after December 31, 2024.");
+  auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+  if (now >= QDateTime {{2024, 12, 31}, {23, 59, 59, 999}, Qt::UTC}) {
+    Q_EMIT finished ();
+  }
+void MainWindow::initialize_fonts ()
+  set_application_font (m_config.text_font ());
+  setDecodedTextFont (m_config.decoded_text_font ());
+void MainWindow::splash_done ()
+  m_splash && m_splash->close ();
+void MainWindow::invalidate_frequencies_filter ()
+  // every interval, invalidate the frequency filter, so that if any
+  // working frequency goes in/out of scope, we pick it up.
+  m_config.frequencies ()->filter_refresh ();
+  ui->bandComboBox->update ();
+void MainWindow::on_the_minute ()
+  if (minuteTimer.isSingleShot ())
+    {
+      minuteTimer.setSingleShot (false);
+      minuteTimer.start (60 * 1000); // run free
+    }
+  else
+    {
+        auto const& ms_error = ms_minute_error ();
+        if (qAbs (ms_error) > 1000) // keep drift within +-1s
+        {
+          minuteTimer.setSingleShot (true);
+          minuteTimer.start (ms_error + 60 * 1000);
+        }
+    }
+  if (m_config.watchdog () && m_mode!="WSPR" && m_mode!="FST4W") {
+    if (m_idleMinutes < m_config.watchdog ()) ++m_idleMinutes;
+    update_watchdog_label ();
+  } else {
+    tx_watchdog (false);
+  }
+  update_foxLogWindow_rate(); // update the rate on the window
+  if ((!verified && ui->labDXped->isVisible()) or ui->labDXped->text()!="Super Hound")
+    ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+  verified = false;
+//--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow destructor
+  if(m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget.reset ();
+  auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))};
+  fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename (fname.toLocal8Bit ());
+  m_audioThread.quit ();
+  m_audioThread.wait ();
+  remove_child_from_event_filter (this);
+  memset(ipc_qmap,0,4096);         //Zero all of QMAP shared memory
+//-------------------------------------------------------- writeSettings()
+void MainWindow::writeSettings()
+  m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow");
+  if (ui->actionSWL_Mode->isChecked ())
+    {
+      m_settings->setValue ("SWLView", true);
+      m_settings->setValue ("ShowMenus", ui->cbMenus->isChecked ());
+      m_settings->setValue ("geometry", geometries ()[0]);
+      m_settings->setValue ("SWLModeGeometry", saveGeometry ());
+      m_settings->setValue ("geometryNoControls", geometries ()[2]);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (ui->cbMenus->isChecked())
+        {
+          m_settings->setValue ("SWLView", ui->actionSWL_Mode->isChecked ());
+          m_settings->setValue ("ShowMenus", true);
+          m_settings->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ());
+          m_settings->setValue ("SWLModeGeometry", geometries ()[1]);
+          m_settings->setValue ("geometryNoControls", geometries ()[2]);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          m_settings->setValue ("SWLView", ui->actionSWL_Mode->isChecked ());
+          m_settings->setValue ("ShowMenus", false);
+          m_settings->setValue ("geometry", geometries ()[0]);
+          m_settings->setValue ("SWLModeGeometry", geometries ()[1]);
+          m_settings->setValue ("geometryNoControls", saveGeometry ());
+        }
+    }
+  m_settings->setValue ("state", saveState ());
+  m_settings->setValue("MRUdir", m_path);
+  m_settings->setValue("TxFirst",m_txFirst);
+  m_settings->setValue("DXcall",ui->dxCallEntry->text());
+  m_settings->setValue("DXgrid",ui->dxGridEntry->text());
+  m_settings->setValue ("AstroDisplayed", m_astroWidget && m_astroWidget->isVisible());
+  m_settings->setValue ("MsgAvgDisplayed", m_msgAvgWidget && m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("FoxLogDisplayed", m_foxLogWindow && m_foxLogWindow->isVisible ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("ContestLogDisplayed", m_contestLogWindow && m_contestLogWindow->isVisible ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("ActiveStationsDisplayed", m_ActiveStationsWidget && m_ActiveStationsWidget->isVisible ());
+  m_settings->setValue("RespondCQ",ui->respondComboBox->currentIndex());
+  m_settings->setValue("HoundSort",ui->comboBoxHoundSort->currentIndex());
+  m_settings->setValue("FoxNlist",ui->sbNlist->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("FoxNslots",m_Nslots0);
+  m_settings->setValue("FoxMaxDB_v2",ui->sbMax_dB->value()); // original key abandoned
+  m_settings->setValue ("SerialNumber",ui->sbSerialNumber->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("FoxTextMsg", m_freeTextMsg0);
+  m_settings->setValue("WorkDupes", ui->cbWorkDupes->isChecked());
+  m_settings->endGroup();
+  // do this in the General group because we save the parameters from various places
+  if(m_mode=="JT9") {
+    m_settings->setValue("SubMode",ui->sbSubmode->value());
+    m_settings->setValue("TRPeriod", ui->sbTR->value());
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_MSK144",m_bShMsgs);
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_Q65",m_bShMsgs);
+  if(m_mode=="JT65") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_JT65",m_bShMsgs);
+  if(m_mode=="JT4") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_JT4",m_bShMsgs);
+  m_settings->beginGroup("Common");
+  m_settings->setValue("Mode",m_mode);
+  m_settings->setValue("SaveNone",ui->actionNone->isChecked());
+  m_settings->setValue("SaveDecoded",ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked());
+  m_settings->setValue("SaveAll",ui->actionSave_all->isChecked());
+  m_settings->setValue("NDepth",m_ndepth);
+  m_settings->setValue("RxFreq",ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) m_settings->setValue("TxFreq",ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("TxFreqFox",m_TxFreqFox);
+  m_settings->setValue("WSPRfreq",ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("FST4W_RxFreq",ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("FST4W_FTol",ui->sbFST4W_FTol->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("FST4_FLow",ui->sbF_Low->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("FST4_FHigh",ui->sbF_High->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("DTtol",m_DTtol);
+  m_settings->setValue("Ftol", ui->sbFtol->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("MinSync",m_minSync);
+  m_settings->setValue ("AutoSeq", ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("RxAll", ui->cbRxAll->isChecked ());
+// m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs",m_bShMsgs);
+  m_settings->setValue("SWL",ui->cbSWL->isChecked());
+  m_settings->setValue ("DialFreq", QVariant::fromValue(m_lastMonitoredFrequency));
+  m_settings->setValue("OutAttenuation", ui->outAttenuation->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("NoSuffix",m_noSuffix);
+  m_settings->setValue("GUItab",ui->tabWidget->currentIndex());
+  m_settings->setValue("OutBufSize",outBufSize);
+  m_settings->setValue ("HoldTxFreq", ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue("PctTx", ui->sbTxPercent->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("RoundRobin",ui->RoundRobin->currentText());
+  m_settings->setValue("dBm",m_dBm);
+  m_settings->setValue("RR73",m_send_RR73);
+  m_settings->setValue ("WSPRPreferType1", ui->WSPR_prefer_type_1_check_box->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue("UploadSpots",m_uploadWSPRSpots);
+  m_settings->setValue("NoOwnCall",ui->cbNoOwnCall->isChecked());
+  m_settings->setValue ("BandHopping", ui->band_hopping_group_box->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("MaxDrift", ui->sbMaxDrift->value());
+  m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_FST4W", ui->sbTR_FST4W->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("FastMode",m_bFastMode);
+  m_settings->setValue("Fast9",m_bFast9);
+  m_settings->setValue ("CQTxfreq", ui->sbCQTxFreq->value ());
+  m_settings->setValue("pwrBandTxMemory",m_pwrBandTxMemory);
+  m_settings->setValue("pwrBandTuneMemory",m_pwrBandTuneMemory);
+  m_settings->setValue ("FT8AP", ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("JT65AP", ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue ("AutoClearAvg", ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->isChecked ());
+  m_settings->setValue("SplitterState",ui->decodes_splitter->saveState());
+  m_settings->setValue("Blanker",ui->sbNB->value());
+  m_settings->setValue("Score",m_score);
+  m_settings->setValue("labDXpedText",ui->labDXped->text());
+  m_settings->setValue("EchoAvg",ui->sbEchoAvg->value());
+  {
+    QList<QVariant> coeffs;     // suitable for QSettings
+    for (auto const& coeff : m_phaseEqCoefficients)
+      {
+        coeffs << coeff;
+      }
+    m_settings->setValue ("PhaseEqualizationCoefficients", QVariant {coeffs});
+  }
+  m_settings->setValue ("actionDontSplitALLTXT", ui->actionDon_t_split_ALL_TXT->isChecked() );
+  m_settings->setValue ("splitAllTxtYearly", ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_yearly->isChecked() );
+  m_settings->setValue ("splitAllTxtMonthly", ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_monthly->isChecked() );
+  m_settings->setValue ("disableWritingOfAllTxt", ui->actionDisable_writing_of_ALL_TXT->isChecked() );
+  m_settings->endGroup();
+//---------------------------------------------------------- readSettings()
+void MainWindow::readSettings()
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(false);
+  ui->respondComboBox->setVisible(false);
+  m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow");
+  std::array<QByteArray, 3> the_geometries;
+  the_geometries[0] = m_settings->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ();
+  the_geometries[1] = m_settings->value ("SWLModeGeometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ();
+  the_geometries[2] = m_settings->value ("geometryNoControls", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ();
+  auto SWL_mode = m_settings->value ("SWLView", false).toBool ();
+  auto show_menus = m_settings->value ("ShowMenus", true).toBool ();
+  ui->actionSWL_Mode->setChecked (SWL_mode);
+  ui->cbMenus->setChecked (show_menus);
+  auto current_view_mode = SWL_mode ? 1 : show_menus ? 0 : 2;
+  change_layout (current_view_mode);
+  geometries (current_view_mode, the_geometries);
+  restoreState (m_settings->value ("state", saveState ()).toByteArray ());
+  ui->dxCallEntry->setText (m_settings->value ("DXcall", QString {}).toString ());
+  ui->dxGridEntry->setText (m_settings->value ("DXgrid", QString {}).toString ());
+  m_path = m_settings->value("MRUdir", m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ()).toString ();
+  m_txFirst = m_settings->value("TxFirst",false).toBool();
+  auto displayAstro = m_settings->value ("AstroDisplayed", false).toBool ();
+  auto displayMsgAvg = m_settings->value ("MsgAvgDisplayed", false).toBool ();
+  auto displayFoxLog = m_settings->value ("FoxLogDisplayed", false).toBool ();
+  auto displayContestLog = m_settings->value ("ContestLogDisplayed", false).toBool ();
+  bool displayActiveStations = m_settings->value ("ActiveStationsDisplayed", false).toBool ();
+  ui->respondComboBox->setCurrentIndex(m_settings->value("RespondCQ",0).toInt());
+  ui->comboBoxHoundSort->setCurrentIndex(m_settings->value("HoundSort",3).toInt());
+  ui->sbNlist->setValue(m_settings->value("FoxNlist",12).toInt());
+  m_Nslots=m_settings->value("FoxNslots",3).toInt();
+  m_Nslots0=m_Nslots;
+  if(!m_config.superFox()) ui->sbNslots->setValue(m_Nslots);
+  ui->sbMax_dB->setValue(m_settings->value("FoxMaxDB_v2",70).toInt());
+  ui->sbSerialNumber->setValue (m_settings->value ("SerialNumber", 1).toInt ());
+  m_freeTextMsg0=m_settings->value("FoxTextMsg","").toString();
+  m_freeTextMsg=m_freeTextMsg0;
+  ui->cbWorkDupes->setChecked(m_settings->value("WorkDupes",false).toBool());
+  m_settings->endGroup();
+  m_settings->beginGroup("Common");
+  m_mode=m_settings->value("Mode","FT8").toString();
+  m_settings->endGroup();
+  // do this outside of settings group because it uses groups internally
+  ui->actionAstronomical_data->setChecked (displayAstro);
+  // do this in the General group because we save the parameters from various places
+  if(m_mode=="JT9") {
+    blocked=true;
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_nSubMode);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_JT9", 50).toInt());
+    ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod", 15).toInt());
+    QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {blocked = false;});
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="FT8") {
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_SF", 50).toInt());
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="Q65") {
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_Q65",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_nSubMode_Q65);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_Q65", 50).toInt());
+    ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_Q65", 30).toInt());
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="JT65") {
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_JT65",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_nSubMode_JT65);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_JT65", 50).toInt());
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="JT4") {
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_JT4",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_nSubMode_JT4);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_JT4", 50).toInt());
+    ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_FST4", 60).toInt());
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="MSK144") {
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol_MSK144",50).toInt());
+    if (!(m_currentBand=="6m" or m_currentBand=="4m" or m_currentBand=="2m")) ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_MSK144", 30).toInt());
+    if (m_currentBand=="6m" or m_currentBand=="4m") ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_MSK144_6m", 15).toInt());
+    if (m_currentBand=="2m") ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_MSK144_2m", 30).toInt());
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="MSK144") m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_MSK144",false).toBool();
+  if (m_mode=="Q65") m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_Q65",false).toBool();
+  if (m_mode=="JT65") m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_JT65",false).toBool();
+  if (m_mode=="JT4") m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_JT4",false).toBool();
+  m_settings->beginGroup("Common");
+  ui->labDXped->setText(m_settings->value("labDXpedText",QString {}).toString ());
+  ui->actionDon_t_split_ALL_TXT->setChecked(m_settings->value("actionDontSplitALLTXT", true).toBool());
+  ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_yearly->setChecked(m_settings->value("splitAllTxtYearly", false).toBool());
+  ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_monthly->setChecked(m_settings->value("splitAllTxtMonthly", false).toBool());
+  ui->actionDisable_writing_of_ALL_TXT->setChecked(m_settings->value("disableWritingOfAllTxt", false).toBool());
+//  m_mode=m_settings->value("Mode","FT8").toString();
+  ui->actionNone->setChecked(m_settings->value("SaveNone",true).toBool());
+  ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(m_settings->value("SaveDecoded",false).toBool());
+  ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(m_settings->value("SaveAll",false).toBool());
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq",1500).toInt());
+  ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->setValue(0);
+  ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->setValue(m_settings->value("FST4W_RxFreq",1500).toInt());
+  ui->sbF_Low->setValue(m_settings->value("FST4_FLow",600).toInt());
+  ui->sbF_High->setValue(m_settings->value("FST4_FHigh",1400).toInt());
+  ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol", 50).toInt());
+  ui->sbFST4W_FTol->setValue(m_settings->value("FST4W_FTol",100).toInt());
+  m_minSync=m_settings->value("MinSync",0).toInt();
+  ui->syncSpinBox->setValue(m_minSync);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked (m_settings->value ("AutoSeq", false).toBool());
+  ui->cbRxAll->setChecked (m_settings->value ("RxAll", false).toBool());
+// m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs",false).toBool();
+  m_bSWL=m_settings->value("SWL",false).toBool();
+  m_bFast9=m_settings->value("Fast9",false).toBool();
+  m_bFastMode=m_settings->value("FastMode",false).toBool();
+  ui->sbMaxDrift->setValue (m_settings->value ("MaxDrift",0).toInt());
+  ui->sbTR_FST4W->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_FST4W", 15).toInt());
+  m_lastMonitoredFrequency = m_settings->value ("DialFreq",
+    QVariant::fromValue<Frequency> (default_frequency)).value<Frequency> ();
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("WSPRfreq",1500).toInt());
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq",1500).toInt());
+  m_TxFreqFox=m_settings->value("TxFreqFox",300).toInt();
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX && !m_config.superFox()) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_TxFreqFox);
+  m_ndepth=m_settings->value("NDepth",3).toInt();
+  ui->sbTxPercent->setValue (m_settings->value ("PctTx", 20).toInt ());
+  on_sbTxPercent_valueChanged (ui->sbTxPercent->value ());
+  ui->RoundRobin->setCurrentText(m_settings->value("RoundRobin",tr("Random")).toString());
+  m_dBm=m_settings->value("dBm",37).toInt();
+  m_send_RR73=m_settings->value("RR73",false).toBool();
+  m_score=m_settings->value("Score",0).toInt();
+  if(m_send_RR73) {
+    m_send_RR73=false;
+    on_txrb4_doubleClicked();
+  }
+  ui->WSPR_prefer_type_1_check_box->setChecked (m_settings->value ("WSPRPreferType1", true).toBool ());
+  m_uploadWSPRSpots=m_settings->value("UploadSpots",false).toBool();
+  ui->cbNoOwnCall->setChecked(m_settings->value("NoOwnCall",false).toBool());
+  ui->band_hopping_group_box->setChecked (m_settings->value ("BandHopping", false).toBool());
+  // setup initial value of tx attenuator
+  m_block_pwr_tooltip = true;
+  ui->outAttenuation->setValue (m_settings->value ("OutAttenuation", 0).toInt ());
+  m_block_pwr_tooltip = false;
+  ui->sbCQTxFreq->setValue (m_settings->value ("CQTxFreq", 260).toInt());
+  m_noSuffix=m_settings->value("NoSuffix",false).toBool();
+  int n=m_settings->value("GUItab",0).toInt();
+  if (SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) {
+    ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(n);
+  } else {
+    ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);  // needed for GUI initialisation when SuperFox controls are invisible
+    ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(n);
+  }
+  outBufSize=m_settings->value("OutBufSize",4096).toInt();
+  ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setChecked (m_settings->value ("HoldTxFreq", false).toBool ());
+  m_pwrBandTxMemory=m_settings->value("pwrBandTxMemory").toHash();
+  m_pwrBandTuneMemory=m_settings->value("pwrBandTuneMemory").toHash();
+  ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->setChecked (m_settings->value ("FT8AP", false).toBool());
+  ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setChecked (m_settings->value ("JT65AP", false).toBool());
+  ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setChecked (m_settings->value ("AutoClearAvg", false).toBool());
+  ui->decodes_splitter->restoreState(m_settings->value("SplitterState").toByteArray());
+  ui->sbNB->setValue(m_settings->value("Blanker",0).toInt());
+  ui->sbEchoAvg->setValue(m_settings->value("EchoAvg",10).toInt());
+  {
+    auto const& coeffs = m_settings->value ("PhaseEqualizationCoefficients"
+                                            , QList<QVariant> {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}).toList ();
+    m_phaseEqCoefficients.clear ();
+    for (auto const& coeff : coeffs)
+      {
+        m_phaseEqCoefficients.append (coeff.value<double> ());
+      }
+  }
+  m_settings->endGroup();
+  // use these initialisation settings to tune the audio o/p buffer
+  // size and audio thread priority
+  m_settings->beginGroup ("Tune");
+  m_audioThreadPriority = static_cast<QThread::Priority> (m_settings->value ("Audio/ThreadPriority", QThread::TimeCriticalPriority).toInt () % 8);
+  m_settings->endGroup ();
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  checkMSK144ContestType();
+  if (displayMsgAvg) on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered();
+  if (displayFoxLog) on_fox_log_action_triggered ();
+  if (displayContestLog) on_contest_log_action_triggered ();
+  if (displayActiveStations) on_actionActiveStations_triggered();
+void MainWindow::checkMSK144ContestType()
+  if(SpecOp::NONE != m_specOp)
+    {
+      if(m_mode=="MSK144" && SpecOp::EU_VHF < m_specOp)
+        {
+          MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Improper mode"),
+          "Mode will be changed to FT8. MSK144 not available if Fox, Hound, Field Day, FT Roundup, WW Digi. or ARRL Digi contest is selected.");
+          on_actionFT8_triggered();
+        }
+    }
+void MainWindow::set_application_font (QFont const& font)
+  qApp->setFont (font);
+  // set font in the application style sheet as well in case it has
+  // been modified in the style sheet which has priority
+  QString ss;
+  if (qApp->styleSheet ().size ())
+    {
+      auto sheet = qApp->styleSheet ();
+      sheet.remove ("file:///");
+      QFile sf {sheet};
+      if ( (QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
+        {
+          QString tmp = sf.readAll();
+          if (tmp != NULL) ss = sf.readAll () + tmp;
+          else qDebug() << "tmp==NULL at sf.readAll";
+        }
+    }
+  qApp->setStyleSheet (ss + "* {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}');
+  // ensure a balanced layout of the mode buttons
+  qreal pointSize = m_config.text_font().pointSizeF();
+  if (pointSize < 11) {
+      ui->houndButton->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->ft8Button->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->ft4Button->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->msk144Button->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->q65Button->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->jt65Button->setMaximumWidth(40);
+      ui->houndButton->setMinimumWidth(0);
+      ui->ft8Button->setMinimumWidth(0);
+      ui->ft4Button->setMinimumWidth(0);
+      ui->msk144Button->setMinimumWidth(0);
+      ui->q65Button->setMinimumWidth(0);
+      ui->jt65Button->setMinimumWidth(0);
+  } else {
+      ui->houndButton->setMinimumWidth(50);
+      ui->ft8Button->setMinimumWidth(50);
+      ui->ft4Button->setMinimumWidth(50);
+      ui->msk144Button->setMinimumWidth(50);
+      ui->q65Button->setMinimumWidth(50);
+      ui->jt65Button->setMinimumWidth(50);
+  }
+  for (auto& widget : qApp->topLevelWidgets ())
+    {
+      widget->updateGeometry ();
+    }
+void MainWindow::setDecodedTextFont (QFont const& font)
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser->setContentFont (font);
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser2->setContentFont (font);
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->setContentFont(font);
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->displayHoundToBeCalled(" ");
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->setText("");
+  ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->setContentFont(font);
+  ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->displayHoundToBeCalled(" ");
+  ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->setText("");
+  auto style_sheet = "QLabel {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}';
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setStyleSheet (ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->styleSheet () + style_sheet);
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setStyleSheet (ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->styleSheet () + style_sheet);
+  if (m_msgAvgWidget) {
+    m_msgAvgWidget->changeFont (font);
+  }
+  if (m_foxLogWindow) {
+    m_foxLogWindow->set_log_view_font (font);
+  }
+  if (m_contestLogWindow) {
+    m_contestLogWindow->set_log_view_font (font);
+    m_contestLogWindow->set_nQSO(m_logBook.contest_log()->n_qso());
+  }
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->changeFont(font);
+  }
+  updateGeometry ();
+void MainWindow::fixStop()
+  m_hsymStop=179;
+  if(m_mode=="WSPR") {
+    m_hsymStop=396;
+  } else if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+    m_hsymStop=9;
+  } else if (m_mode=="JT4"){
+    m_hsymStop=176;
+    if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=179;
+  } else if (m_mode=="JT9"){
+    m_hsymStop=173;
+    if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=179;
+  } else if (m_mode=="JT65"){
+    m_hsymStop=174;
+    if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=179;
+  } else if (m_mode=="Q65"){
+    m_hsymStop=48;                                  // 13.8 s
+    if(m_TRperiod==30) {
+      m_hsymStop=96;                                // 27.6 s
+      if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=100;  // 28.8 s
+    }
+    if(m_TRperiod==60) m_hsymStop=196;              // 56.4 s
+    if(m_TRperiod==120) m_hsymStop=408;             // 117.5 s
+    if(m_TRperiod==300) m_hsymStop=1030;            // 296.6 s
+  } else if (m_mode=="FreqCal"){
+    m_hsymStop=((int(m_TRperiod/0.288))/8)*8;
+  } else if (m_mode=="FT8") {
+    m_hsymStop=50;
+  } else if (m_mode=="FT4") {
+  m_hsymStop=21;
+  } else if(m_mode=="FST4" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+    int stop[] = {39,85,187,387,1003,3107,6232};
+    int stop_EME[] = {48,95,197,396,1012,3107,6232};
+    int i=0;
+    if(m_TRperiod==30) i=1;
+    if(m_TRperiod==60) i=2;
+    if(m_TRperiod==120) i=3;
+    if(m_TRperiod==300) i=4;
+    if(m_TRperiod==900) i=5;
+    if(m_TRperiod==1800) i=6;
+    if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) {
+      m_hsymStop=stop_EME[i];
+    } else {
+      m_hsymStop=stop[i];
+    }
+  }
+//-------------------------------------------------------------- dataSink()
+void MainWindow::dataSink(qint64 frames)
+  static float s[NSMAX];
+  char line[80];
+  int k(frames);
+  auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("refspec.dat")).toLocal8Bit ()};
+  if(m_diskData) {
+    dec_data.params.ndiskdat=1;
+  } else {
+    dec_data.params.ndiskdat=0;
+    m_wideGraph->setDiskUTC(-1);
+  }
+  m_bUseRef=m_wideGraph->useRef();
+  if(!m_diskData) {
+    refspectrum_(&dec_data.d2[k-m_nsps/2],&m_bClearRefSpec,&m_bRefSpec,
+                 &m_bUseRef, fname.constData (), (FCL)fname.size ());
+  }
+  m_bClearRefSpec=false;
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144" or m_bFast9) {
+    fastSink(frames);
+    if(m_bFastMode) return;
+  }
+// Get power, spectrum, and ihsym
+  dec_data.params.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq();
+  dec_data.params.nfb=m_wideGraph->Fmax();
+  if(m_mode=="FST4") {
+    dec_data.params.nfa=ui->sbF_Low->value();
+    dec_data.params.nfb=ui->sbF_High->value();
+  }
+  int nsps=m_nsps;
+  if(m_bFastMode) nsps=6912;
+  int nsmo=m_wideGraph->smoothYellow()-1;
+  bool bLowSidelobes=m_config.lowSidelobes();
+  int npct=0;
+  if(m_mode.startsWith("FST4")) npct=ui->sbNB->value();
+  symspec_(&dec_data,&k,&m_TRperiod,&nsps,&m_inGain,&bLowSidelobes,&nsmo,&m_px,s,
+           &m_df3,&m_ihsym,&m_npts8,&m_pxmax,&npct);
+  if(m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") wspr_downsample_(dec_data.d2,&k);
+  if(m_ihsym <=0) return;
+  if(ui) ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(m_px,m_pxmax); // Update thermometer
+  if(m_monitoring || m_diskData) {
+    m_wideGraph->dataSink2(s,m_df3,m_ihsym,m_diskData,m_px);
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") return;
+  fixStop();
+  if (m_mode == "FreqCal"
+      // only calculate after 1st chunk, also skip chunk where rig
+      // changed frequency
+      && !(m_ihsym % 8) && m_ihsym > 8 && m_ihsym <= m_hsymStop) {
+    int RxFreq=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+    int nkhz=(m_freqNominal+RxFreq)/1000;
+    int ftol = ui->sbFtol->value ();
+    freqcal_(&dec_data.d2[0], &k, &nkhz, &RxFreq, &ftol, &line[0], (FCL)80);
+    QString t=QString::fromLatin1(line);
+    DecodedText decodedtext {t};
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText (decodedtext, m_config.my_callsign(),
+          m_mode, m_config.DXCC(), m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx());
+    if (ui->measure_check_box->isChecked ()) {
+      // Append results text to file "fmt.all".
+      QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("fmt.all")};
+      if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) {
+        QTextStream out(&f);
+        out << t
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+            << Qt::endl
+            << endl
+          ;
+        f.close();
+      } else {
+        MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Open Error")
+                                     , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2")
+                                     .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ()));
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_ihsym==m_hsymStop && ui->actionFrequency_calibration->isChecked()) {
+      freqCalStep();
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_ihsym==3*m_hsymStop/4) {
+    m_dialFreqRxWSPR=m_freqNominal;
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FT8") {
+    to_jt9(m_ihsym,-1,-1);     //Allow jt9 to bail out early, if necessary
+    if(m_ihsym==40 and m_decoderBusy) {
+      qDebug() << "Clearing hung decoder status";
+      decodeDone();  //Clear a hung decoder status
+    }
+  }
+  bool bCallDecoder=false;
+  if(m_ihsym==m_hsymStop) bCallDecoder=true;
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" and !m_diskData) {
+    if(m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode) bCallDecoder=true;
+    if(m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode2) bCallDecoder=true;
+  }
+  if(bCallDecoder) {
+    if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+      float dBerr=0.0;
+      int nfrit=0;
+      if(m_astroWidget) nfrit=m_astroWidget->nfRIT();
+      int nauto=0;
+      if(m_auto) nauto=1;
+      int nqual=0;
+      float f1=1500.0 + m_fDither;
+      float xlevel=0.0;
+      float sigdb=0.0;
+      float dfreq=0.0;
+      float width=m_fSpread;
+      echocom_.nclearave=m_nclearave;
+      int nDop=m_fAudioShift;
+      if(m_astroWidget->DopplerMethod()==2) nDop=0;   //Using CFOM
+      int nDopTotal=m_fDop;
+      int navg=ui->sbEchoAvg->value();
+      if(m_diskData) {
+        int idir=-1;
+        save_echo_params_(&nDopTotal,&nDop,&nfrit,&f1,&width,dec_data.d2,&idir);
+      }
+      avecho_(dec_data.d2,&nDop,&nfrit,&nauto,&navg,&nqual,&f1,&xlevel,&sigdb,
+          &dBerr,&dfreq,&width,&m_diskData);
+      //Don't restart Monitor after an Echo transmission
+      if(m_bEchoTxed and !m_auto) {
+        monitor(false);
+        m_bEchoTxed=false;
+      }
+      if(m_monitoring or m_auto or m_diskData) {
+        QString t0,t1;
+        if(m_diskData) {
+          t0=t0.asprintf("%06d  ",m_UTCdisk);
+        } else {
+          QDateTime now=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+          int ihr=now.toString("hh").toInt();
+          int imin=now.toString("mm").toInt();
+          int isec=now.toString("ss").toInt();
+          if(m_auto) isec=isec - isec%6;
+          if(!m_auto) isec=isec - isec%3;
+          t0=t0.asprintf("%02d%02d%02d  ",ihr,imin,isec);
+          t1=now.toString("yyMMdd_");
+        }
+        int n=t0.toInt();
+        int nsec=((n/10000)*3600) + (((n/100)%100)*60) + (n%100);
+        if(!m_echoRunning or echocom_.nsum<2) m_echoSec0=nsec;
+        float hour=n/10000 + ((n/100)%100)/60.0 + (n%100)/3600.0;
+        m_echoRunning=true;
+        QString t;
+        t = t.asprintf("%9.6f  %5.2f %7d %7.1f %7d %7d %7d %7.1f %7.1f",hour,xlevel,
+                       nDopTotal,width,echocom_.nsum,nqual,qRound(dfreq),sigdb,dBerr);
+        t = t0 + t;
+        if (ui) ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertText(t);
+        t=t1+t;
+        write_all("Rx",t);
+      }
+      if(m_echoGraph->isVisible()) m_echoGraph->plotSpec();
+      if(m_saveAll and !m_diskData) {
+        int idir=1;
+        save_echo_params_(&m_fDop,&nDop,&nfrit,&f1,&width,dec_data.d2,&idir);
+        m_fSpread=width;
+      }
+      m_nclearave=0;
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="FreqCal") return;
+    if(m_dialFreqRxWSPR==0) m_dialFreqRxWSPR=m_freqNominal;
+    m_dataAvailable=true;
+    dec_data.params.npts8=(m_ihsym*m_nsps)/16;
+    dec_data.params.newdat=1;
+    dec_data.params.nagain=0;
+    dec_data.params.nzhsym=m_hsymStop;
+    if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode and !m_diskData) dec_data.params.nzhsym=m_earlyDecode;
+    if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode2 and !m_diskData) dec_data.params.nzhsym=m_earlyDecode2;
+    QDateTime now {QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ()};
+    m_dateTime = now.toString ("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm");
+    if(m_mode!="WSPR") decode(); //Start decoder
+    if(m_mode=="FT8" and !m_diskData and (m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode or m_ihsym==m_earlyDecode2)) return;
+    if (!m_diskData)
+      {
+        Q_EMIT reset_audio_input_stream (true); // reports dropped samples
+      }
+    if(!m_diskData and (m_saveAll or m_saveDecoded or m_mode=="WSPR")) {
+      //Always save unless "Save None"; may delete later
+      if(m_TRperiod < 60) {
+        int n=fmod(double(now.time().second()),m_TRperiod);
+        if(n<(m_TRperiod/2)) n=n+m_TRperiod;
+        auto const& period_start=now.addSecs(-n);
+        m_fnameWE=m_config.save_directory().absoluteFilePath (period_start.toString("yyMMdd_hhmmss"));
+      } else {
+        auto const& period_start = now.addSecs (-(now.time ().minute () % (int(m_TRperiod) / 60)) * 60);
+        m_fnameWE=m_config.save_directory ().absoluteFilePath (period_start.toString ("yyMMdd_hhmm"));
+      }
+      int samples=m_TRperiod*12000;
+      if(m_mode=="FT4") samples=21*3456;
+      // the following is potential a threading hazard - not a good
+      // idea to pass pointer to be processed in another thread
+      m_saveWAVWatcher.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run (std::bind (&MainWindow::save_wave_file,
+            this, m_fnameWE, &dec_data.d2[0], samples, m_config.my_callsign(),
+            m_config.my_grid(), m_mode, m_nSubMode, m_freqNominalPeriod, m_hisCall, m_hisGrid)));
+      if (m_mode=="WSPR") {
+        auto c2name {(m_fnameWE + ".c2").toLocal8Bit ()};
+        int nsec=120;
+        int nbfo=1500;
+        double f0m1500=m_freqNominal/1000000.0 + nbfo - 1500;
+        int err = savec2_(c2name.constData (),&nsec,&f0m1500, (FCL)c2name.size());
+        if (err!=0) MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error saving c2 file"), c2name);
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="WSPR") {
+      QStringList t2;
+      QStringList depth_args;
+      t2 << "-f" << QString {"%1"}.arg (m_dialFreqRxWSPR / 1e6, 0, 'f', 6);
+      if((m_ndepth&7)==1) depth_args << "-qB"; //2 pass w subtract, no Block detection, no shift jittering
+      if((m_ndepth&7)==2) depth_args << "-C" << "500" << "-o" << "4"; //3 pass, subtract, Block detection, OSD 
+      if((m_ndepth&7)==3) depth_args << "-C" << "500"  << "-o" << "4" << "-d"; //3 pass, subtract, Block detect, OSD, more candidates 
+      QStringList degrade;
+      degrade << "-d" << QString {"%1"}.arg (m_config.degrade(), 4, 'f', 1);
+      m_cmndP1.clear ();
+      if(m_diskData) {
+        m_cmndP1 << depth_args << "-a"
+                 << QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath()) << m_path;
+      } else {
+        m_cmndP1 << depth_args << "-a"
+                 << QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath())
+                 << t2 << m_fnameWE + ".wav";
+      }
+      if (ui) ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (true);
+      p1Timer.start(1000);
+      m_decoderBusy = true;
+      statusUpdate ();
+    }
+    m_rxDone=true;
+  }
+void MainWindow::startP1()
+  p1.start (QDir::toNativeSeparators (QDir {QApplication::applicationDirPath ()}.absoluteFilePath ("wsprd")), m_cmndP1);
+QString MainWindow::save_wave_file (QString const& name, short const * data, int samples,
+        QString const& my_callsign, QString const& my_grid, QString const& mode, qint32 sub_mode,
+        Frequency frequency, QString const& his_call, QString const& his_grid) const
+  //
+  // This member function runs in a thread and should not access
+  // members that may be changed in the GUI thread or any other thread
+  // without suitable synchronization.
+  //
+  QAudioFormat format;
+  format.setCodec ("audio/pcm");
+  format.setSampleRate (12000);
+  format.setChannelCount (1);
+  format.setSampleSize (16);
+  format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt);
+  auto source = QString {"%1; %2"}.arg (my_callsign).arg (my_grid);
+  auto comment = QString {"Mode=%1%2; Freq=%3%4"}
+                   .arg (mode)
+                   .arg (QString {(mode.contains ('J') && !mode.contains ('+'))
+                         || mode.startsWith ("FST4") || mode.startsWith ('Q')
+                         ? QString {"; Sub Mode="} + QString::number (int (samples / 12000)) + QChar {'A' + sub_mode}
+                       : QString {}})
+                   .arg (Radio::frequency_MHz_string (frequency))
+                   .arg (QString {mode!="WSPR" ? QString {"; DXCall=%1; DXGrid=%2"}
+         .arg (his_call)
+         .arg (his_grid).toLocal8Bit () : ""});
+  BWFFile::InfoDictionary list_info {
+      {{{'I','S','R','C'}}, source.toLocal8Bit ()},
+      {{{'I','S','F','T'}}, program_title (revision ()).simplified ().toLocal8Bit ()},
+      {{{'I','C','R','D'}}, QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ()
+                          .toString ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ").toLocal8Bit ()},
+      {{{'I','C','M','T'}}, comment.toLocal8Bit ()},
+        };
+  auto file_name = name + ".wav";
+  BWFFile wav {format, file_name, list_info};
+  if (! (BWFFile::WriteOnly)
+      || 0 > wav.write (reinterpret_cast<char const *> (data)
+                        , sizeof (short) * samples))
+    {
+      return file_name + ": " + wav.errorString ();
+    }
+  return QString {};
+//-------------------------------------------------------------- fastSink()
+void MainWindow::fastSink(qint64 frames)
+  int k (frames);
+  bool decodeNow=false;
+  if(k < m_k0) {                                 //New sequence ?
+    memcpy(fast_green2,fast_green,4*703);        //Copy fast_green[] to fast_green2[]
+    memcpy(fast_s2,fast_s,4*703*64);             //Copy fast_s[] into fast_s2[]
+    fast_jh2=fast_jh;
+    if(!m_diskData) memset(dec_data.d2,0,2*30*12000);   //Zero the d2[] array
+    m_bFastDecodeCalled=false;
+    m_bDecoded=false;
+  }
+  QDateTime tnow=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+  int ihr=tnow.toString("hh").toInt();
+  int imin=tnow.toString("mm").toInt();
+  int isec=tnow.toString("ss").toInt();
+  isec=isec - fmod(double(isec),m_TRperiod);
+  int nutc0=10000*ihr + 100*imin + isec;
+  if(m_diskData) nutc0=m_UTCdisk;
+  char line[80];
+  bool bmsk144=((m_mode=="MSK144") and (m_monitoring or m_diskData));
+  line[0]=0;
+  int RxFreq=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+  int nTRpDepth=m_TRperiod + 1000*(m_ndepth & 3);
+  qint64 ms0 = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+//  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.mycall, (m_baseCall+"            ").toLatin1(),sizeof dec_data.params.mycall);
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.mycall,(m_config.my_callsign () + "            ").toLatin1(),sizeof dec_data.params.mycall);
+  QString hisCall {ui->dxCallEntry->text ()};
+  bool bshmsg=ui->cbShMsgs->isChecked();
+  bool bswl=ui->cbSWL->isChecked();
+//  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.hiscall,(Radio::base_callsign (hisCall) +  "            ").toLatin1 ().constData (), sizeof dec_data.params.hiscall);
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.hiscall,(hisCall + "            ").toLatin1 ().constData (), sizeof dec_data.params.hiscall);
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.mygrid, (m_config.my_grid()+"      ").toLatin1(), sizeof dec_data.params.mygrid);
+  auto data_dir {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath ().toLocal8Bit ()};
+  float pxmax = 0;
+  float rmsNoGain = 0;
+  int ftol = ui->sbFtol->value ();
+  hspec_(dec_data.d2,&k,&nutc0,&nTRpDepth,&RxFreq,&ftol,&bmsk144,
+      &m_bTrain,m_phaseEqCoefficients.constData(),&m_inGain,&dec_data.params.mycall[0],
+      &dec_data.params.hiscall[0],&bshmsg,&bswl,
+      data_dir.constData (),fast_green,fast_s,&fast_jh,&pxmax,&rmsNoGain,&line[0],(FCL)12,
+      (FCL)12,(FCL)data_dir.size (),(FCL)80);
+  float px = fast_green[fast_jh];
+  QString t;
+  t = t.asprintf(" Rx noise: %5.1f ",px);
+  ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(rmsNoGain,pxmax); // Update thermometer
+  m_fastGraph->plotSpec(m_diskData,m_UTCdisk);
+  if(bmsk144 and (line[0]!=0)) {
+    QString message {QString::fromLatin1 (line)};
+    DecodedText decodedtext {message.replace (QChar::LineFeed, "")};
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText (decodedtext, m_config.my_callsign (), m_mode, m_config.DXCC(),
+         m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx ());
+    m_bDecoded=true;
+    auto_sequence (decodedtext, ui->sbFtol->value (), std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max ());
+    postDecode (true, decodedtext.string ());
+//    writeAllTxt(message);
+    write_all("Rx",message);
+    bool stdMsg =,
+                  Radio::base_callsign(ui->dxCallEntry->text()),m_rptRcvd);
+    if (stdMsg) pskPost (decodedtext);
+  }
+  float fracTR=float(k)/(12000.0*m_TRperiod);
+  decodeNow=false;
+  if(fracTR>0.92) {
+    m_dataAvailable=true;
+    fast_decode_done();
+    m_bFastDone=true;
+  }
+  m_k0=k;
+  if(m_diskData and m_k0 >= dec_data.params.kin - 7 * 512) decodeNow=true;
+  if(!m_diskData and m_tRemaining<0.35 and !m_bFastDecodeCalled) decodeNow=true;
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") decodeNow=false;
+  if(decodeNow) {
+    m_dataAvailable=true;
+    m_t0=0.0;
+    m_t1=k/12000.0;
+    m_kdone=k;
+    dec_data.params.newdat=1;
+    if(!m_decoderBusy) {
+      m_bFastDecodeCalled=true;
+      decode();
+    }
+  }
+  if(decodeNow or m_bFastDone) {
+    if(!m_diskData and (m_saveAll or m_saveDecoded)) {
+      QDateTime now {QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()};
+      int n=fmod(double(now.time().second()),m_TRperiod);
+      if(n<(m_TRperiod/2)) n=n+m_TRperiod;
+      auto const& period_start = now.addSecs (-n);
+      m_fnameWE = m_config.save_directory ().absoluteFilePath (period_start.toString ("yyMMdd_hhmmss"));
+      if(m_saveAll or m_bAltV or (m_bDecoded and m_saveDecoded) or (m_mode!="MSK144")) {
+        m_bAltV=false;
+        // the following is potential a threading hazard - not a good
+        // idea to pass pointer to be processed in another thread
+        m_saveWAVWatcher.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run (std::bind (&MainWindow::save_wave_file,
+           this, m_fnameWE, &dec_data.d2[0], int(m_TRperiod*12000.0), m_config.my_callsign(),
+           m_config.my_grid(), m_mode, m_nSubMode, m_freqNominal, m_hisCall, m_hisGrid)));
+      }
+      if(m_mode!="MSK144") {
+        killFileTimer.start (int(750.0*m_TRperiod)); //Kill 3/4 period from now
+      }
+    }
+    m_bFastDone=false;
+  }
+  float tsec=0.001*(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - ms0);
+  m_fCPUmskrtd=0.9*m_fCPUmskrtd + 0.1*tsec;
+void MainWindow::showSoundInError(const QString& errorMsg)
+  if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+  MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Error in Sound Input"), errorMsg);
+void MainWindow::showSoundOutError(const QString& errorMsg)
+  if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+  MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Error in Sound Output"), errorMsg);
+void MainWindow::showStatusMessage(const QString& statusMsg)
+  statusBar()->showMessage(statusMsg, 5000);
+void MainWindow::on_actionSettings_triggered()               //Setup Dialog
+  // things that might change that we need know about
+  auto callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  auto my_grid = m_config.my_grid ();
+  SpecOp nContest0=m_specOp;
+  auto psk_on = m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ();
+  if (QDialog::Accepted == m_config.exec ()) {
+    checkMSK144ContestType();
+    if (m_config.my_callsign () != callsign) {
+      m_baseCall = Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ());
+      ui->tx1->setEnabled (elide_tx1_not_allowed () || ui->tx1->isEnabled ());
+      morse_(const_cast<char *> (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()),
+             const_cast<int *> (icw), &m_ncw, (FCL)m_config.my_callsign().length());
+    }
+    if (m_config.my_callsign () != callsign || m_config.my_grid () != my_grid) {
+      statusUpdate ();
+    }
+    on_dxGridEntry_textChanged (m_hisGrid); // recalculate distances in case of units change
+    enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ());  // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook
+    pskSetLocal ();
+    // this will close the connection to PSKReporter if it has been
+    // disabled
+    if (psk_on && !m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ())
+      {
+        m_psk_Reporter.sendReport (true);
+      }
+    if(m_config.restart_audio_input () && !m_config.audio_input_device ().isNull ()) {
+      Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device ()
+                                    , m_rx_audio_buffer_frames
+                                    , m_detector, m_downSampleFactor
+                                    , m_config.audio_input_channel ());
+    }
+    if(m_config.restart_audio_output () && !m_config.audio_output_device ().isNull ()) {
+      Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device ()
+                                          , AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2
+                                          , m_tx_audio_buffer_frames);
+    }
+    displayDialFrequency ();
+    bool vhf {m_config.enable_VHF_features()};
+    m_wideGraph->setVHF(vhf);
+    if (!vhf) ui->sbSubmode->setValue (0);
+    setup_status_bar (vhf);
+    bool b = vhf && (m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65" or
+                     m_mode=="JT9" or m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="Q65");
+    if(b) VHF_features_enabled(b);
+    set_mode (m_mode);
+    if(b) VHF_features_enabled(b);
+    m_config.transceiver_online ();
+    if(!m_bFastMode) setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+    if ((m_config.single_decode () && !m_mode.startsWith ("FST4")) || m_mode=="JT4") {
+      ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Single-Period Decodes"));
+      ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Average Decodes"));
+    }
+    update_watchdog_label ();
+    if(!m_splitMode) ui->cbCQTx->setChecked(false);
+    if(!m_config.enable_VHF_features()) {
+      ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible(false);
+      ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (false);
+      ui->actionInclude_averaging->setChecked(false);
+      ui->actionInclude_correlation->setChecked(false);
+      ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible(false);
+      ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setVisible(false);
+    }
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+    if(m_specOp!=nContest0) {
+      ui->tx1->setEnabled(true);
+      ui->txb1->setEnabled(true);
+      set_mode(m_mode);
+    }
+    chkFT4();
+    if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp and m_config.my_grid().size()<6) {
+      MessageBox::information_message (this,
+          "EU VHF Contest messages require a 6-character locator.");
+    }
+    if((m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX or m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) and
+       m_mode!="FT8") {
+      MessageBox::information_message (this,
+          "Fox-and-Hound operation is available only in FT8 mode.\nGo back and change your selection.");
+    }
+    ui->labDXped->setVisible(SpecOp::NONE != m_specOp);
+    if ((!verified && ui->labDXped->isVisible()) or ui->labDXped->text()!="Super Hound")
+      ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+    set_mode(m_mode);
+    configActiveStations();
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FT8") on_actionFT8_triggered(); //in case we need to reset some things for Fox/Hound
+void MainWindow::on_monitorButton_clicked (bool checked)
+  if (!m_transmitting) {
+    auto prior = m_monitoring;
+    monitor (checked);
+    if (checked && !prior) {
+      if (m_config.monitor_last_used ()) {
+              // put rig back where it was when last in control
+        setRig (m_lastMonitoredFrequency);
+        setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+      }
+          // ensure FreqCal triggers
+      if(m_mode=="FST4W") {
+        on_sbFST4W_RxFreq_valueChanged(ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->value());
+      } else {
+        on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+      }
+    }
+      //Get Configuration in/out of strict split and mode checking
+    m_config.sync_transceiver (true, checked);
+  } else {
+    ui->monitorButton->setChecked (false); // disallow
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") m_echoRunning=false;
+void MainWindow::monitor (bool state)
+  ui->monitorButton->setChecked (state);
+  if (state) {
+    m_diskData = false; // no longer reading WAV files
+    if (!m_monitoring) Q_EMIT resumeAudioInputStream ();
+  } else {
+    Q_EMIT suspendAudioInputStream ();
+  }
+  m_monitoring = state;
+void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered()                  //Display "About"
+  CAboutDlg {this}.exec ();
+void MainWindow::on_autoButton_clicked (bool checked)
+  stopWRTimer.stop();             // stop a running Tx3 timer
+  m_auto = checked;
+  m_maxPoints=-1;
+  if (checked
+      && ui->respondComboBox->isVisible () && ui->respondComboBox->currentText() != "CQ: None"
+      && CALLING == m_QSOProgress) {
+    m_bAutoReply = false;         // ready for next
+    m_bCallingCQ = true;          // allows tail-enders to be picked up
+  }
+  if (!checked) m_bCallingCQ = false;
+  statusUpdate ();
+  m_bEchoTxOK=false;
+  if(m_mode=="Echo" and m_auto) {
+    m_nclearave=1;
+    echocom_.nsum=0;
+  }
+  m_tAutoOn=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000;
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") m_echoRunning=false;
+void MainWindow::on_sbTxPercent_valueChanged (int n)
+  update_dynamic_property (ui->sbTxPercent, "notx", !n);
+void MainWindow::auto_tx_mode (bool state)
+  ui->autoButton->setChecked (state);
+  on_autoButton_clicked (state);
+void MainWindow::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * e)
+  if(SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp) {
+    switch (e->key()) {
+      case Qt::Key_Return:
+        doubleClickOnCall2(Qt::KeyboardModifier(Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::AltModifier));
+        return;
+      case Qt::Key_Enter:
+        doubleClickOnCall2(Qt::KeyboardModifier(Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::AltModifier));
+        return;
+      case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+        qDebug() << "Key Backspace";
+        return;
+      case Qt::Key_X:
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+            foxTest();
+            return;
+          }
+    }
+    QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e);
+  }
+  // Why shall RETURN switch Tx on when in Hound mode? Makes little sense and confuses many OMs!
+//  if(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp) {
+//    switch (e->key()) {
+//      case Qt::Key_Return:
+//        auto_tx_mode(true);
+//        return;
+//      case Qt::Key_Enter:
+//        auto_tx_mode(true);
+//        return;
+//    }
+//    QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e);
+//  }
+  int n;
+  bool bAltF1F6=m_config.alternate_bindings();
+  switch(e->key())
+    {
+  case Qt::Key_A:
+    if(m_mode=="Q65" && e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+      m_EMECall.clear();
+      qmapcom.ndecodes=0;
+      readWidebandDecodes();
+    }
+  return;
+  case Qt::Key_B:
+    if(m_mode=="FT4" && e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+      on_pbBestSP_clicked();
+    }
+  return;
+    case Qt::Key_C:
+    if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+        int n=ui->respondComboBox->currentIndex()+1;
+        if(n>2) n=0;
+        ui->respondComboBox->setCurrentIndex(n);
+      }
+    return;
+    case Qt::Key_D:
+      if(m_mode != "WSPR" && e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+        if(!m_decoderBusy) {
+          dec_data.params.newdat=0;
+          dec_data.params.nagain=0;
+          decode();
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_F1:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        auto_tx_mode(true);
+        on_txb6_clicked();
+        return;
+      } else {
+        on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered();
+        return;
+      }
+    case Qt::Key_F2:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        auto_tx_mode(true);
+        on_txb2_clicked();
+        return;
+      } else {
+        on_actionSettings_triggered();
+        return;
+      }
+    case Qt::Key_F3:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        auto_tx_mode(true);
+        on_txb3_clicked();
+        return;
+      } else {
+        on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered();
+        return;
+      }
+    case Qt::Key_F4:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        auto_tx_mode(true);
+        on_txb4_clicked();
+        return;
+      } else {
+        clearDX ();
+        ui->dxCallEntry->setFocus();
+        return;
+      }
+    case Qt::Key_F5:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        auto_tx_mode(true);
+        on_txb5_clicked();
+        return;
+      } else {
+        on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered();
+        return;
+      }
+    case Qt::Key_F6:
+      if(bAltF1F6) {
+        int n=ui->respondComboBox->currentIndex()+1;
+        if(n>2) n=0;
+        ui->respondComboBox->setCurrentIndex(n);
+      } else {
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+          on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered();
+        } else {
+          on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered();
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    case Qt::Key_F11:
+      if((e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) and (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
+        m_bandEdited = true;
+        band_changed(m_freqNominal-1000);
+      } else {
+        n=11;
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) n+=100;
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+          int offset=60;
+          if(m_mode=="FT4") offset=90;
+          ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()-offset);
+        } else{
+          bumpFqso(n);
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    case Qt::Key_F12:
+      if((e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) and (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
+        m_bandEdited = true;
+        band_changed(m_freqNominal+1000);
+      } else {
+        n=12;
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) n+=100;
+        if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+          int offset=60;
+          if(m_mode=="FT4") offset=90;
+          ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()+offset);
+        } else {
+          bumpFqso(n);
+        }
+      }
+      return;
+    case Qt::Key_Escape:
+      m_nextCall="";
+      on_stopTxButton_clicked();
+      abortQSO();
+      return;
+    case Qt::Key_E:
+      if((e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+          ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(false);
+          return;
+      }
+      else if((e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+          ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+          return;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_F:
+      if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+        if(ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==0) {
+          ui->tx5->clearEditText();
+          ui->tx5->setFocus();
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_G:
+      if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+        genStdMsgs (m_rpt, true);
+        return;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_H:
+      if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+        on_stopTxButton_clicked();
+        return;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_L:
+      if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+        lookup();
+        genStdMsgs(m_rpt);
+        return;
+      }
+      break;
+    case Qt::Key_O:
+      if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+          on_actionOpen_triggered();
+          return;
+      }
+      else if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+        bool ok;
+        auto call = QInputDialog::getText (this, tr ("Change Operator"), tr ("New operator:"),
+                                           QLineEdit::Normal, m_config.opCall (), &ok);
+        if (ok) {
+          m_config.opCall (call);
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      break;
+  case Qt::Key_R:
+    if(m_mode=="Q65" and e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier and
+       e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+      if(m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+        refreshPileupList();
+      } else {
+        m_fetched=0;
+        readWidebandDecodes();
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+      if(!m_send_RR73) on_txrb4_doubleClicked();
+    return;
+    }
+    if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+      if(m_send_RR73) on_txrb4_doubleClicked();
+      return;
+    }
+    break;
+  case Qt::Key_X:
+    if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier) {
+      //foxTest();
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e);
+void MainWindow::handleVerifyMsg(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, unsigned int hz, QString const &response) {
+  (void)status;
+  (void)code;
+  if (response.length() > 0) {
+    QString msg = FoxVerifier::formatDecodeMessage(ts, callsign, hz, response);
+      if (msg.length() > 0)
+        ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText(DecodedText{msg}, m_config.my_callsign(), m_mode, m_config.DXCC(),
+                                                   m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx());
+        write_all("Ck",msg);
+    }
+  LOG_INFO(QString("FoxVerifier response for [%1]: - [%2]").arg(callsign).arg(response).toStdString());
+QString MainWindow::userAgent() {
+  // see User-Agent format definition
+  //
+  QString platform = "(" + QSysInfo::prettyProductName()+"; "+QSysInfo::productType() + " " + QSysInfo::productVersion() + "; " +
+                     QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture() + "; " +
+                     QString("rv:%1").arg(QSysInfo::kernelVersion()) + ")";
+  QString userAgent = QString{"WSJT-X/" + version() + "_" + m_revision}.simplified() + " " +platform;
+  return userAgent;
+  }
+void MainWindow::bumpFqso(int n)                                 //bumpFqso()
+  int i;
+  bool ctrl = (n>=100);
+  n=n%100;
+  i=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value();
+  bool bTrackTx=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() == i;
+  if(n==11) i--;
+  if(n==12) i++;
+  if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) {
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i);
+  }
+  if(ctrl and m_mode=="WSPR") {
+    ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(i);
+  } else {
+    if(ctrl and bTrackTx) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i);
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::displayDialFrequency ()
+  Frequency dial_frequency {m_rigState.ptt () && m_rigState.split () ?
+      m_rigState.tx_frequency () : m_rigState.frequency ()};
+  // lookup band
+  auto const& band_name = m_config.bands ()->find (dial_frequency);
+  if (m_lastBand != band_name)
+    {
+      // only change this when necessary as we get called a lot and it
+      // would trash any user input to the band combo box line edit
+      ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (band_name.size () ? band_name : m_config.bands ()->oob ());
+      m_wideGraph->setRxBand (band_name);
+      m_lastBand = band_name;
+      band_changed(dial_frequency);
+      // prevent wrong frequencies for all.txt, PSK Reporter and highlighting for late decodes after band changes
+      m_displayBand = false;
+      QTimer::singleShot ((int(600.0*m_TRperiod)), [=] {
+          m_freqNominalPeriod = m_freqNominal;
+          m_currentBandPeriod = m_currentBand;
+          m_displayBand = true;
+      });
+    }
+  // search working frequencies for one we are within 10kHz of (1 Mhz
+  // of on VHF and up)
+  bool valid {false};
+  quint64 min_offset {99999999};
+  for (auto const& item : *m_config.frequencies ())
+    {
+      // we need to do specific checks for above and below here to
+      // ensure that we can use unsigned Radio::Frequency since we
+      // potentially use the full 64-bit unsigned range.
+      auto const& working_frequency = item.frequency_;
+      auto const& offset = dial_frequency > working_frequency ?
+        dial_frequency - working_frequency :
+        working_frequency - dial_frequency;
+      if (offset < min_offset) {
+        min_offset = offset;
+      }
+    }
+  if (min_offset < 10000u || (m_config.enable_VHF_features() && min_offset < 1000000u)) {
+    valid = true;
+  }
+  update_dynamic_property (ui->labDialFreq, "oob", !valid);
+  ui->labDialFreq->setText (Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (dial_frequency));
+  void MainWindow::stopWRTimeout()
+  {
+      auto_tx_mode(false);
+  }
+void MainWindow::statusChanged()
+  if (m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP && m_mode != "Q65") on_actionQ65_triggered();
+  statusUpdate ();
+  QFile f {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_status.txt")};
+  if( | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    QTextStream out(&f);
+    QString tmpGrid = m_hisGrid;
+    if (!tmpGrid.size ()) tmpGrid="n/a"; // Not Available
+    out << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6)
+        << ";" << m_mode << ";" << m_hisCall << ";"
+        << ui->rptSpinBox->value() << ";" << m_mode << ";" << tmpGrid
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+    f.close();
+  } else {
+    if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Status File Error")
+                                 , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for writing: %2")
+                                 .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ()));
+  }
+  on_dxGridEntry_textChanged(m_hisGrid);
+  if (m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    ui->txb2->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txrb2->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txb4->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txrb4->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txb5->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txrb5->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txb6->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txrb6->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->houndButton->setChecked(false);
+  }
+  if (m_config.enable_VHF_features() && (m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="Q65" or m_mode=="JT65")) {
+    ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible(true);
+    ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setVisible(true);
+  } else {
+    ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible(false);
+    ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setVisible(false);
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="Q65" or m_mode=="JT65") {
+    if (ui->actionInclude_averaging->isVisible() && ui->actionInclude_averaging->isChecked()) {
+      ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Single-Period Decodes"));
+      ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Average Decodes"));
+    } else {
+      if (m_config.enable_VHF_features()) {
+        ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+        ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Decodes containing My Call"));
+      } else {
+        ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+        ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp && m_config.superFox()) {
+    ui->sbNslots->setVisible(false);
+    ui->pbFreeText->setVisible(true);
+    ui->cbSendMsg->setVisible(true);
+    if(ui->cbSendMsg->isChecked()) {
+      ui->sbNslots->setValue(2);
+    } else {
+      ui->sbNslots->setValue(5);
+    }
+  } else {
+    ui->sbNslots->setVisible(true);
+    ui->pbFreeText->setVisible(false);
+    ui->cbSendMsg->setVisible(false);
+    ui->sbNslots->setValue(m_Nslots0);
+  }
+  if (SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp) ui->cbRxAll->setVisible(!m_config.superFox());
+bool MainWindow::eventFilter (QObject * object, QEvent * event)
+  switch (event->type())
+    {
+    case QEvent::KeyPress:
+      // fall through
+    case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+      // reset the Tx watchdog
+      tx_watchdog (false);
+      break;
+    case QEvent::ChildAdded:
+      // ensure our child widgets get added to our event filter
+      add_child_to_event_filter (static_cast<QChildEvent *> (event)->child ());
+      break;
+    case QEvent::ChildRemoved:
+      // ensure our child widgets get d=removed from our event filter
+      remove_child_from_event_filter (static_cast<QChildEvent *> (event)->child ());
+      break;
+    default: break;
+    }
+  return QObject::eventFilter(object, event);
+void MainWindow::createStatusBar()                           //createStatusBar
+  tx_status_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  tx_status_label.setMinimumSize (QSize  {100, 18});
+  tx_status_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #00ff00}");
+  tx_status_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addWidget (&tx_status_label);
+  config_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  config_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {80, 18});
+  config_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addWidget (&config_label);
+  config_label.hide ();         // only shown for non-default configuration
+  mode_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  mode_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {80, 18});
+  mode_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addWidget (&mode_label);
+  last_tx_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  last_tx_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {150, 18});
+  last_tx_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addWidget (&last_tx_label);
+  ndecodes_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  ndecodes_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {30, 18});
+  ndecodes_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addWidget (&ndecodes_label);
+  band_hopping_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter);
+  band_hopping_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {90, 18});
+  band_hopping_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
+  statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(&progressBar);
+  progressBar.setMinimumSize (QSize {150, 18});
+  statusBar ()->addPermanentWidget (&watchdog_label);
+  update_watchdog_label ();
+void MainWindow::setup_status_bar (bool vhf)
+  auto submode = current_submode ();
+  if (vhf && submode != QChar::Null) {
+    QString t{m_mode + " " + submode};
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") t=m_mode + "-" + QString::number(m_TRperiod) + submode;
+    mode_label.setText (t);
+  } else {
+    mode_label.setText (m_mode);
+  } 
+  if ("JT9" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff6ec7}");
+  } else if ("JT4" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #cc99ff}");
+  } else if ("Echo" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #66ffff}");
+  } else if ("JT65" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #66ff66}");
+  } else if ("Q65" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #99ff33}");
+  } else if ("MSK144" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff6666}");
+  } else if ("FT4" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff0099}");
+  } else if ("FT8" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff6699}");
+  } else if ("FST4" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #99ff66}");
+  } else if ("FST4W" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #6699ff}");
+  } else if ("FreqCal" == m_mode) {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff9933}");
+  }
+  last_tx_label.setText (QString {});
+  if (m_mode.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(^(Echo))"})) {
+    if (band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) statusBar ()->removeWidget (&band_hopping_label);
+  } else if (m_mode=="WSPR") {
+    mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff66ff}");
+    if (!band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) {
+      statusBar ()->addWidget (&band_hopping_label);
+ ();
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) statusBar ()->removeWidget (&band_hopping_label);
+  }
+bool MainWindow::subProcessFailed (QProcess * process, int exit_code, QProcess::ExitStatus status)
+  if (m_valid && (exit_code || QProcess::NormalExit != status))
+    {
+      QStringList arguments;
+      for (auto argument: process->arguments ())
+        {
+          if (argument.contains (' ')) argument = '"' + argument + '"';
+          arguments << argument;
+        }
+      if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+      MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Subprocess Error")
+                                    , tr ("Subprocess failed with exit code %1")
+                                    .arg (exit_code)
+                                    , tr ("Running: %1\n%2")
+                                    .arg (process->program () + ' ' + arguments.join (' '))
+                                    .arg (QString {process->readAllStandardError()}));
+      return true;
+    }
+  return false;
+void MainWindow::subProcessError (QProcess * process, QProcess::ProcessError)
+  if (m_valid)
+    {
+      QStringList arguments;
+      for (auto argument: process->arguments ())
+        {
+          if (argument.contains (' ')) argument = '"' + argument + '"';
+          arguments << argument;
+        }
+      if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+      MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Subprocess error")
+                                    , tr ("Running: %1\n%2")
+                                    .arg (process->program () + ' ' + arguments.join (' '))
+                                    .arg (process->errorString ()));
+      m_valid = false;              // ensures exit if still constructing
+      QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ()));
+    }
+void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e)
+  m_valid = false;              // suppresses subprocess errors
+  m_config.transceiver_offline ();
+  writeSettings ();
+  if(m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget.reset ();
+  m_guiTimer.stop ();
+  m_prefixes.reset ();
+  m_shortcuts.reset ();
+  m_mouseCmnds.reset ();
+  m_colorHighlighting.reset ();
+  if(m_mode!="MSK144" and m_mode!="FT8") killFile();
+  float sw=0.0;
+  int nw=400;
+  int nh=100;
+  int irow=-99;
+  plotsave_(&sw,&nw,&nh,&irow);
+  to_jt9(m_ihsym,999,-1);          //Tell jt9 to terminate
+  if (!proc_jt9.waitForFinished(1000)) proc_jt9.close();
+  mem_jt9->detach();
+  Q_EMIT finished ();
+  QMainWindow::closeEvent (e);
+void MainWindow::on_stopButton_clicked()                       //stopButton
+  monitor (false);
+  m_loopall=false;
+  if(m_bRefSpec) {
+    MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Reference spectrum saved"));
+    m_bRefSpec=false;
+  }
+  stopWRTimer.stop();             // stop a running Tx3 timer
+void MainWindow::on_actionRelease_Notes_triggered ()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionFT8_DXpedition_Mode_User_Guide_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionSuperFox_User_Guide_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionQSG_FST4_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionQSG_Q65_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionQSG_X250_M3_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionQuick_Start_Guide_to_WSJT_X_2_7_and_QMAP_triggered()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {""});
+void MainWindow::on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered()      //Display manual
+#if defined (CMAKE_BUILD)
+  m_manual.display_html_url (QUrl {PROJECT_MANUAL_DIRECTORY_URL}, PROJECT_MANUAL);
+//Display local copy of manual
+void MainWindow::on_actionLocal_User_Guide_triggered()
+#if defined (CMAKE_BUILD)
+  m_manual.display_html_file (m_config.doc_dir (), PROJECT_MANUAL);
+void MainWindow::on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered()      //Display Waterfalls
+  m_wideGraph->showNormal();
+void MainWindow::on_actionEcho_Graph_triggered()
+  m_echoGraph->showNormal();
+void MainWindow::on_actionFast_Graph_triggered()
+  m_fastGraph->showNormal();
+void MainWindow::on_actionSolve_FreqCal_triggered()
+  auto data_dir {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absolutePath()).toLocal8Bit ()};
+  int iz,irc;
+  double a,b,rms,sigmaa,sigmab;
+  calibrate_(data_dir.constData(), &iz, &a, &b, &rms, &sigmaa, &sigmab, &irc, (FCL)data_dir.size());
+  QString t2;
+  if(irc==-1) t2="Cannot open " + data_dir + "/fmt.all";
+  if(irc==-2) t2="Cannot open " + data_dir + "/fcal2.out";
+  if(irc==-3) t2="Insufficient data in fmt.all";
+  if(irc==-4) t2 = tr ("Invalid data in fmt.all at line %1").arg (iz);
+  if(irc>0 or rms>1.0) t2="Check fmt.all for possible bad data.";
+  if (irc < 0 || irc > 0 || rms > 1.) {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, "Calibration Error", t2);
+  }
+  else if (MessageBox::Apply == MessageBox::query_message (this
+                                                           , tr ("Good Calibration Solution")
+                                                           , tr ("<pre>"
+                                                                 "%1%L2 ±%L3 ppm\n"
+                                                                 "%4%L5 ±%L6 Hz\n\n"
+                                                                 "%7%L8\n"
+                                                                 "%9%L10 Hz"
+                                                                 "</pre>")
+                                                           .arg ("Slope: ", 12).arg (b, 0, 'f', 3).arg (sigmab, 0, 'f', 3)
+                                                           .arg ("Intercept: ", 12).arg (a, 0, 'f', 2).arg (sigmaa, 0, 'f', 2)
+                                                           .arg ("N: ", 12).arg (iz)
+                                                           .arg ("StdDev: ", 12).arg (rms, 0, 'f', 2)
+                                                           , QString {}
+                                                           , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Apply)) {
+    m_config.set_calibration (Configuration::CalibrationParams {a, b});
+    if (MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message (this
+                                                      , tr ("Delete Calibration Measurements")
+                                                      , tr ("The \"fmt.all\" file will be renamed as \"fmt.bak\""))) {
+      // rename fmt.all as we have consumed the resulting calibration
+      // solution
+      auto const& backup_file_name = m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("fmt.bak");
+      QFile::remove (backup_file_name);
+      QFile::rename (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("fmt.all"), backup_file_name);
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionCopyright_Notice_triggered()
+  auto const& message = tr("If you make fair use of any part of WSJT-X under terms of the GNU "
+                           "General Public License, you must display the following copyright "
+                           "notice prominently in your derivative work:\n\n"
+                           "\"The algorithms, source code, look-and-feel of WSJT-X and related "
+                           "programs, and protocol specifications for the modes FSK441, FST4, FT8, "
+                           "JT4, JT6M, JT9, JT65, JTMS, QRA64, Q65, MSK144 are Copyright (C) "
+                           "2001-2024 by one or more of the following authors: Joseph Taylor, "
+                           "K1JT; Bill Somerville, G4WJS; Steven Franke, K9AN; Nico Palermo, "
+                           "IV3NWV; Greg Beam, KI7MT; Michael Black, W9MDB; Edson Pereira, PY2SDR; "
+                           "Philip Karn, KA9Q; Uwe Risse, DG2YCB; Brian Moran, N9ADG; "
+                           "and other members of the WSJT Development Group.\"");
+  MessageBox::warning_message(this, message);
+// Implement the MultiGeometryWidget::change_layout() operation.
+void MainWindow::change_layout (std::size_t n)
+  switch (n)
+    {
+    case 1:                     // SWL view
+      ui->menuBar->show ();
+      ui->lower_panel_widget->hide ();
+      trim_view (false);        // ensure we can switch back
+      break;
+    case 2:                     // hide menus view
+      ui->menuBar->hide ();
+      ui->lower_panel_widget->show ();
+      trim_view (true);
+      break;
+    default:                    // normal view
+      ui->menuBar->setVisible (ui->cbMenus->isChecked ());
+      ui->lower_panel_widget->show ();
+      trim_view (!ui->cbMenus->isChecked ());
+      break;
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_actionSWL_Mode_triggered (bool checked)
+  select_geometry (checked ? 1 : ui->cbMenus->isChecked () ? 0 : 2);
+// This allows the window to shrink by removing certain things
+// and reducing space used by controls
+void MainWindow::trim_view (bool checked)
+  int spacing = checked ? 1 : 6;
+  if (checked) {
+      statusBar ()->removeWidget (&auto_tx_label);
+  } else {
+      statusBar ()->addWidget(&auto_tx_label);
+  }
+  if (m_mode != "FreqCal" && m_mode != "WSPR" && m_mode != "FST4W") {
+    ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setVisible(!checked);
+    ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setVisible(!checked);
+  }
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setVisible(!checked);
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setVisible(!checked);
+  ui->gridLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_2->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_6->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_7->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_8->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_9->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_10->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_11->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_12->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_13->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->horizontalLayout_14->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->rh_decodes_widget->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->verticalLayout_2->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->verticalLayout_3->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->verticalLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->verticalLayout_7->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->verticalLayout_8->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+  ui->tab->layout()->setSpacing(spacing);
+void MainWindow::on_actionAstronomical_data_toggled (bool checked)
+  if (checked)
+    {
+      m_astroWidget.reset (new Astro {m_settings, &m_config});
+      // hook up termination signal
+      connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &Astro::close);
+      connect ( (), &Astro::tracking_update, [this] {
+          m_astroCorrection = {};
+          setRig ();
+          setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+          displayDialFrequency ();
+        });
+      m_astroWidget->showNormal();
+      m_astroWidget->raise ();
+      m_astroWidget->activateWindow ();
+      m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      m_astroWidget.reset ();
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_fox_log_action_triggered()
+  if (!m_foxLogWindow)
+    {
+      m_foxLogWindow.reset (new FoxLogWindow {m_settings, &m_config, m_logBook.fox_log ()});
+      // Connect signals from fox log window
+      connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &FoxLogWindow::close);
+      connect ( (), &FoxLogWindow::reset_log_model, [this] () {
+          m_logBook.fox_log ()->reset ();
+        });
+    }
+  m_foxLogWindow->showNormal ();
+  m_foxLogWindow->raise ();
+  m_foxLogWindow->activateWindow ();
+void MainWindow::on_contest_log_action_triggered()
+  if (!m_contestLogWindow)
+    {
+      m_contestLogWindow.reset (new CabrilloLogWindow {m_settings, &m_config, m_logBook.contest_log ()->model ()});
+      // Connect signals from contest log window
+      connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &CabrilloLogWindow::close);
+    }
+  m_contestLogWindow->showNormal ();
+  m_contestLogWindow->raise ();
+  m_contestLogWindow->activateWindow ();
+  // connect signal from m_logBook.contest_log to m_contestLogWindow
+  connect(m_logBook.contest_log(), &CabrilloLog::qso_count_changed, (), &CabrilloLogWindow::set_nQSO);
+  m_contestLogWindow->set_nQSO(m_logBook.contest_log()->n_qso());
+void MainWindow::on_actionColors_triggered()
+  if (!m_colorHighlighting)
+    {
+      m_colorHighlighting.reset (new ColorHighlighting {m_settings, m_config.decode_highlighting ()});
+      connect (&m_config, &Configuration::decode_highlighting_changed, (), &ColorHighlighting::set_items);
+    }
+  m_colorHighlighting->showNormal ();
+  m_colorHighlighting->raise ();
+  m_colorHighlighting->activateWindow ();
+void MainWindow::on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered()
+  if(m_msgAvgWidget == NULL) {
+    m_msgAvgWidget.reset (new MessageAveraging {m_settings, m_config.decoded_text_font ()});
+    // Connect signals from Message Averaging window
+    connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &MessageAveraging::close);
+  }
+  m_msgAvgWidget->showNormal();
+  m_msgAvgWidget->raise();
+  m_msgAvgWidget->activateWindow();
+void MainWindow::on_actionActiveStations_triggered()
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget == NULL) {
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget.reset (new ActiveStations {m_settings, m_config.decoded_text_font ()});
+    // Connect signals from Message Averaging window
+    connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, (), &ActiveStations::close);
+  }
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->showNormal();
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->raise();
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->activateWindow();
+  configActiveStations();
+  connect(, SIGNAL(callSandP(int)),this,SLOT(callSandP2(int)));
+  // connect up another signal to handle clicks in the Activity window when in Fox mode
+  connect(, SIGNAL(queueActiveWindowHound(QString)),this,SLOT(queueActiveWindowHound2(QString)),static_cast<Qt::ConnectionType>(Qt::UniqueConnection));
+  connect(, SIGNAL(activeStationsDisplay()),this,SLOT(ARRL_Digi_Display()));
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setScore(m_score);
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") m_ActiveStationsWidget->setRate(m_score);
+  QString as_mode = m_mode;
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" && SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) as_mode="Fox Mode"; // TODO - active stations for hound mode?
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setupUi(as_mode);
+void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered()                     //Open File
+  monitor (false);
+  QString fname;
+  fname=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open File", m_path,
+                                     "WSJT Files (*.wav)");
+  if(!fname.isEmpty ()) {
+    m_path=fname;
+    int i1=fname.lastIndexOf("/");
+    QString baseName=fname.mid(i1+1);
+    tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #99ffff}");
+    tx_status_label.setText(" " + baseName + " ");
+    on_stopButton_clicked();
+    m_diskData=true;
+    read_wav_file (fname);
+  }
+void MainWindow::read_wav_file (QString const& fname)
+  // call diskDat() when done
+  int i0=fname.lastIndexOf("_");
+  int i1=fname.indexOf(".wav");
+  m_nutc0=m_UTCdisk;
+  m_UTCdisk=fname.mid(i0+1,i1-i0-1).toInt();
+  if (i0 > 6) {
+    m_UTCdiskDateTime = QDateTime::fromString("20" + fname.mid(i0 - 6, 13) + "Z", "yyyyMMdd_hhmmsst").toUTC();
+  } else
+    m_UTCdiskDateTime = QDateTime{};
+  m_wav_future_watcher.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run ([this, fname] {
+        auto basename = fname.mid (fname.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1);
+        auto pos = fname.indexOf (".wav", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+        // global variables and threads do not mix well, this needs changing
+        dec_data.params.nutc = 0;
+        if (pos > 0) {
+          if (pos == fname.indexOf ('_', -11) + 7) {
+            dec_data.params.nutc = fname.mid (pos - 6, 6).toInt ();
+            m_fileDateTime=fname.mid(pos-13,13);
+          } else {
+            dec_data.params.nutc = 100 * fname.mid (pos - 4, 4).toInt ();
+            m_fileDateTime=fname.mid(pos-11,11);
+          }
+        }
+        BWFFile file {QAudioFormat {}, fname};
+        bool (BWFFile::ReadOnly);
+        if(ok) {
+          auto bytes_per_frame = file.format ().bytesPerFrame ();
+          int nsamples=m_TRperiod * RX_SAMPLE_RATE;
+          qint64 max_bytes = std::min (std::size_t (nsamples),
+              sizeof (dec_data.d2) / sizeof (dec_data.d2[0]))* bytes_per_frame;
+          auto n = (reinterpret_cast<char *> (dec_data.d2),
+                            std::min (max_bytes, file.size ()));
+          int frames_read = n / bytes_per_frame;
+        // zero unfilled remaining sample space
+          std::memset(&dec_data.d2[frames_read],0,max_bytes - n);
+          if (11025 == file.format ().sampleRate ()) {
+            short sample_size = file.format ().sampleSize ();
+            wav12_ (dec_data.d2, dec_data.d2, &frames_read, &sample_size);
+          }
+          dec_data.params.kin = frames_read;
+          dec_data.params.newdat = 1;
+        } else {
+          dec_data.params.kin = 0;
+          dec_data.params.newdat = 0;
+        }
+        dec_data.params.yymmdd=basename.left(6).toInt();
+      }));
+void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered()   //Open Next
+  if(m_decoderBusy) return;
+  monitor (false);
+  int i,len;
+  QFileInfo fi(m_path);
+  QStringList list;
+  list= fi.dir().entryList().filter(".wav",Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+  for (i = 0; i < list.size()-1; ++i) {
+    if( {
+      int n=m_path.length();
+      QString fname=m_path.replace(n-len,len,;
+      m_path=fname;
+      int i1=fname.lastIndexOf("/");
+      QString baseName=fname.mid(i1+1);
+      tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #99ffff}");
+      tx_status_label.setText(" " + baseName + " ");
+      m_diskData=true;
+      read_wav_file (fname);
+      if(m_loopall and (i==list.size()-2)) {
+        m_loopall=false;
+        m_bNoMoreFiles=true;
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+//Open all remaining files
+void MainWindow::on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered()
+  if(m_decoderBusy) return;
+  m_loopall=true;
+  on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered();
+void MainWindow::diskDat()                                   //diskDat()
+  m_wideGraph->setDiskUTC(dec_data.params.nutc);
+  if(dec_data.params.kin>0) {
+    int k;
+    int kstep=m_FFTSize;
+    m_diskData=true;
+    float db=m_config.degrade();
+    float bw=m_config.RxBandwidth();
+    if(db > 0.0) degrade_snr_(dec_data.d2,&dec_data.params.kin,&db,&bw);
+    for(int n=1; n<=m_hsymStop; n++) {                      // Do the waterfall spectra
+//      k=(n+1)*kstep;           //### Why was this (n+1) ??? ###
+      k=n*kstep;
+      if(k > dec_data.params.kin) break;
+      dec_data.params.npts8=k/8;
+      dataSink(k);
+      qApp->processEvents();                                //Update the waterfall
+    }
+  } else {
+    MessageBox::information_message(this, tr("No data read from disk. Wrong file format?"));
+  }
+//Delete ../save/*.wav
+void MainWindow::on_actionDelete_all_wav_files_in_SaveDir_triggered()
+  auto button = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Delete"),
+                                             tr ("Are you sure you want to delete all *.wav and *.c2 files in \"%1\"?")
+                                             .arg (QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ())));
+  if (MessageBox::Yes == button) {
+    Q_FOREACH (auto const& file
+               , m_config.save_directory ().entryList ({"*.wav", "*.c2"}, QDir::Files | QDir::Writable)) {
+      m_config.save_directory ().remove (file);
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionNone_triggered()                    //Save None
+  m_saveDecoded=false;
+  m_saveAll=false;
+  ui->actionNone->setChecked(true);
+void MainWindow::on_actionSave_decoded_triggered()
+  m_saveDecoded=true;
+  m_saveAll=false;
+  ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(true);
+void MainWindow::on_actionSave_all_triggered()                //Save All
+  m_saveDecoded=false;
+  m_saveAll=true;
+  ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(true);
+void MainWindow::on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered()
+  if (!m_shortcuts)
+    {
+      QFont font;
+      font.setPointSize (10);
+      m_shortcuts.reset (new HelpTextWindow {tr ("Keyboard Shortcuts"),
+                                               //: Keyboard shortcuts help window contents
+                                               tr (R"(<table cellspacing=1>
+  <tr><td><b>Esc      </b></td><td>Stop Tx, abort QSO, clear next-call queue</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F1       </b></td><td>Online User's Guide (Alt: transmit Tx6)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+F1  </b></td><td>Copyright Notice</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+F1  </b></td><td>About WSJT-X</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F2       </b></td><td>Open settings window (Alt: transmit Tx2)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F3       </b></td><td>Display keyboard shortcuts (Alt: transmit Tx3)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F4       </b></td><td>Clear DX Call, DX Grid, Tx messages 1-4 (Alt: transmit Tx4)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+F4   </b></td><td>Exit program</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F5       </b></td><td>Display special mouse commands (Alt: transmit Tx5)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F6       </b></td><td>Open next file in directory (Alt: toggle "Call 1st")</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+F6 </b></td><td>Decode all remaining files in directory</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F7       </b></td><td>Display Message Averaging window</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F11      </b></td><td>Move Rx frequency down 1 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+F11 </b></td><td>Move identical Rx and Tx frequencies down 1 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+F11 </b></td><td>Move Tx frequency down 60 Hz (FT8) or 90 Hz (FT4)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+Shift+F11 </b></td><td>Move dial frequency down 1000 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>F12      </b></td><td>Move Rx frequency up 1 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+F12 </b></td><td>Move identical Rx and Tx frequencies up 1 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+F12 </b></td><td>Move Tx frequency up 60 Hz (FT8) or 90 Hz (FT4)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+Shift+F12 </b></td><td>Move dial frequency up 1000 Hz</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+1-6  </b></td><td>Set now transmission to this number on Tab 1</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctl+1-6  </b></td><td>Set next transmission to this number on Tab 1</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+A    </b></td><td>Clear Active Stations for QMAP</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+B    </b></td><td>Toggle "Best S+P" status</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+C    </b></td><td>Toggle "Call 1st" checkbox</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+D    </b></td><td>Decode again at QSO frequency</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+D  </b></td><td>Full decode (both windows)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+E   </b></td><td>Turn on TX even/1st</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Shift+E  </b></td><td>Turn off TX even/1st</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+E    </b></td><td>Erase</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+F   </b></td><td>Edit the free text message box</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+G    </b></td><td>Generate standard messages</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+H    </b></td><td>Halt Tx</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+L   </b></td><td>Lookup callsign in database, generate standard messages</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+M    </b></td><td>Monitor</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+N    </b></td><td>Toggle "Enable Tx"</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+O   </b></td><td>Open a .wav file</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+O    </b></td><td>Change operator</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+Q    </b></td><td>Open "Log QSO" window</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+R   </b></td><td>Set Tx4 message to RRR (not in FT4)</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+R    </b></td><td>Set Tx4 message to RR73</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Ctrl+Shift+R  </b></td><td>Refresh Active Stations window</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+S    </b></td><td>Stop monitoring</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+T    </b></td><td>Toggle Tune status</td></tr>
+  <tr><td><b>Alt+Z    </b></td><td>Clear hung decoder status</td></tr>
+</table>)"), font});
+    }
+  m_shortcuts->showNormal ();
+  m_shortcuts->raise ();
+void MainWindow::on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered()
+  if (!m_mouseCmnds)
+    {
+      QFont font;
+      font.setPointSize (10);
+      m_mouseCmnds.reset (new HelpTextWindow {tr ("Special Mouse Commands"),
+                                                //: Mouse commands help window contents
+                                                tr (R"(<table cellpadding=5>
+  <tr>
+    <th align="right">Click on</th>
+    <th align="left">Action</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td align="right">Waterfall:</td>
+    <td><b>Click</b> to set Rx frequency.<br/>
+        <b>Shift-click</b> to set Tx frequency.<br/>
+        <b>Ctrl-click</b> or <b>Right-click</b> to set Rx and Tx frequencies.<br/>
+        <b>Double-click</b> to also decode at Rx frequency.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td align="right">Decoded text:</td>
+    <td><b>Double-click</b> to copy second callsign to Dx Call,<br/>
+        locator to Dx Grid, change Rx and Tx frequency to<br/>
+        decoded signal's frequency, and generate standard<br/>
+        messages.<br/>
+        If <b>Hold Tx Freq</b> is checked or first callsign in message<br/>
+        is your own call, Tx frequency is not changed unless <br/>
+        <b>Ctrl</b> is held down.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td align="right">Erase button:</td>
+    <td><b>Click</b> to erase QSO window.<br/>
+        <b>Double-click</b> to erase QSO and Band Activity windows.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td align="right">Q65 Button:</td>
+    <td><b>Click</b> to switch to Q65 Mode.<br/>
+        <b>Right-click</b> to switch to Q65 Pileup Mode.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td align="right">JT65 Button:</td>
+    <td><b>Click</b> to switch to JT65 Mode.<br/>
+        <b>Right-click</b> to switch to JT9 Mode.
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+</table>)"), font});
+    }
+  m_mouseCmnds->showNormal ();
+  m_mouseCmnds->raise ();
+void MainWindow::on_DecodeButton_clicked (bool /* checked */) //Decode request
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+    ui->DecodeButton->setChecked(false);
+  } else {
+    if(m_mode!="WSPR" && !m_decoderBusy) {
+      dec_data.params.newdat=0;
+      dec_data.params.nagain=1;
+      decode();
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::freezeDecode(int n)                          //freezeDecode()
+  if((n%100)==2) {
+    if(m_mode=="FST4" and m_config.single_decode() and ui->sbFtol->value()>10) ui->sbFtol->setValue(10);
+    on_DecodeButton_clicked (true);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_ClrAvgButton_clicked()
+  m_nclearave=1;
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+    echocom_.nsum=0;
+    m_echoGraph->clearAvg();
+    m_wideGraph->restartTotalPower();
+  } else {
+    if(m_msgAvgWidget != NULL) {
+      if(m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible()) m_msgAvgWidget->displayAvg("");
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") ndecodes_label.setText("0  0");
+  }
+void MainWindow::msgAvgDecode2()
+  on_DecodeButton_clicked (true);
+void MainWindow::decode()                                       //decode()
+  if(m_decoderBusy) return;                          //Don't start decoder if it's already busy.
+  m_fetched=0;
+  QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+  if( m_dateTimeLastTX.isValid () ) {
+    qint64 isecs_since_tx = m_dateTimeLastTX.secsTo(now);
+    dec_data.params.lapcqonly= (isecs_since_tx > 300); 
+  } else { 
+    m_dateTimeLastTX = now.addSecs(-900);
+    dec_data.params.lapcqonly=true;
+  }
+  if(m_diskData) {
+    dec_data.params.lapcqonly=false;
+  } else {
+    dec_data.params.yymmdd=-1;
+  }
+  if(!m_dataAvailable or m_TRperiod==0.0) return;
+  ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (true);
+  if(!dec_data.params.nagain && m_diskData && m_TRperiod >= 60.) {
+    dec_data.params.nutc=dec_data.params.nutc/100;
+  }
+  if(dec_data.params.nagain==0 && dec_data.params.newdat==1 && (!m_diskData)) {
+    m_dateTimeSeqStart = qt_truncate_date_time_to (QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc (), m_TRperiod * 1.e3);
+    auto t = m_dateTimeSeqStart.time ();
+    dec_data.params.nutc = t.hour () * 100 + t.minute ();
+    if (m_TRperiod < 60.)
+      {
+        dec_data.params.nutc = dec_data.params.nutc * 100 + t.second ();
+      }
+  }
+  if(m_nPick==1 and !m_diskData) {
+    QDateTime t=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+    int ihr=t.toString("hh").toInt();
+    int imin=t.toString("mm").toInt();
+    int isec=t.toString("ss").toInt();
+    isec=isec - fmod(double(isec),m_TRperiod);
+    dec_data.params.nutc=10000*ihr + 100*imin + isec;
+  }
+  if(m_nPick==2) dec_data.params.nutc=m_nutc0;
+  dec_data.params.nQSOProgress = m_QSOProgress;
+  dec_data.params.nfqso=m_wideGraph->rxFreq();
+  dec_data.params.nftx = ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+  qint32 depth {m_ndepth};
+  if (!ui->actionInclude_averaging->isVisible ()) depth &= ~16;
+  if (!ui->actionInclude_correlation->isVisible ()) depth &= ~32;
+  if (!ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->isVisible ()) depth &= ~64;
+  if (!ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->isVisible()) depth &= ~128;
+  dec_data.params.ndepth=depth;
+  dec_data.params.n2pass=1;
+  if(m_config.twoPass()) dec_data.params.n2pass=2;
+  dec_data.params.nranera=m_config.ntrials();
+  dec_data.params.naggressive=m_config.aggressive();
+  dec_data.params.nrobust=0;
+  dec_data.params.ndiskdat=0;
+  if(m_diskData) dec_data.params.ndiskdat=1;
+  dec_data.params.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq();
+  dec_data.params.nfSplit=m_wideGraph->Fmin();  // Not used any more?
+  if(dec_data.params.nfSplit==8) dec_data.params.nfSplit=1;
+  dec_data.params.nfb=m_wideGraph->Fmax();
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp and !ui->cbRxAll->isChecked() and
+     !m_config.superFox()) dec_data.params.nfb=1000;
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp ) dec_data.params.nfqso=200;
+  dec_data.params.b_even_seq=(dec_data.params.nutc%10)==0;
+  dec_data.params.b_superfox=(m_config.superFox() and (SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp or SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp));
+  if(dec_data.params.b_superfox and dec_data.params.b_even_seq and m_ihsym<50) return;
+  dec_data.params.ntol=ui->sbFtol->value ();
+  if(!m_config.enable_VHF_features()) {
+    dec_data.params.ntol=20;
+    dec_data.params.naggressive=0;
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FST4") {
+    dec_data.params.ntol=ui->sbFtol->value();
+    if(m_config.single_decode()) {
+      dec_data.params.nfa=m_wideGraph->rxFreq() - ui->sbFtol->value();
+      dec_data.params.nfb=m_wideGraph->rxFreq() + ui->sbFtol->value();
+    } else {
+      dec_data.params.nfa=ui->sbF_Low->value();
+      dec_data.params.nfb=ui->sbF_High->value();
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FST4W") dec_data.params.ntol=ui->sbFST4W_FTol->value();
+  if(dec_data.params.nutc < m_nutc0) m_RxLog = 1;       //Date and Time to file "ALL.TXT".
+  if(dec_data.params.newdat==1 and !m_diskData) m_nutc0=dec_data.params.nutc;
+  dec_data.params.ntxmode=9;
+  dec_data.params.nmode=9;
+  if(m_mode=="JT65") dec_data.params.nmode=65;
+  if(m_mode=="JT65") dec_data.params.ljt65apon = ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->isVisible () &&
+      ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->isChecked ();
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") dec_data.params.nmode=66;
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") dec_data.params.ntxmode=66;
+  if(m_mode=="JT4") {
+    dec_data.params.nmode=4;
+    dec_data.params.ntxmode=4;
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FT8") dec_data.params.nmode=8;
+  if(m_mode=="FT8") dec_data.params.lft8apon = ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->isVisible () &&
+      ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->isChecked ();
+  if(m_mode=="FT8") dec_data.params.napwid=50;
+  if(m_mode=="FT4") {
+    dec_data.params.nmode=5;
+    m_BestCQpriority="";
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FST4") dec_data.params.nmode=240;
+  if(m_mode=="FST4W") dec_data.params.nmode=241;
+  dec_data.params.ntxmode=dec_data.params.nmode;   // Is this used any more?
+  dec_data.params.ntrperiod=m_TRperiod;
+  dec_data.params.nsubmode=m_nSubMode;
+  dec_data.params.minw=0;
+  dec_data.params.nclearave=m_nclearave;
+  if(m_nclearave!=0) {
+    QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("avemsg.txt"));
+    f.remove();
+  }
+  dec_data.params.dttol=m_DTtol;
+  dec_data.params.emedelay=0.0;
+  if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) dec_data.params.emedelay=2.5;
+  dec_data.params.minSync=ui->syncSpinBox->isVisible () ? m_minSync : 0;
+  dec_data.params.nexp_decode=int(m_specOp);
+  if(dec_data.params.nexp_decode==5) dec_data.params.nexp_decode=1;  //NA VHF, WW Digi, ARRL Digi contests
+  if(dec_data.params.nexp_decode==8) dec_data.params.nexp_decode=1;  //and Q65 Pileup all use 4-character
+  if(dec_data.params.nexp_decode==9) dec_data.params.nexp_decode=1;  //grid exchange
+  if(m_config.single_decode()) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 32;
+  if(m_config.enable_VHF_features()) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 64;
+  if(m_mode.startsWith("FST4")) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 256*(ui->sbNB->value()+3);
+  dec_data.params.max_drift=ui->sbMaxDrift->value();  
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.datetime, m_dateTime.toLatin1()+"    ", sizeof dec_data.params.datetime);
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.mycall, (m_config.my_callsign()+"            ").toLatin1(), sizeof dec_data.params.mycall);
+  ::memcpy(dec_data.params.mygrid, (m_config.my_grid()+"      ").toLatin1(), sizeof dec_data.params.mygrid);
+  QString hisCall {ui->dxCallEntry->text ()};
+  QString hisGrid {ui->dxGridEntry->text ()};
+  memcpy(dec_data.params.hiscall,(hisCall + "            ").toLatin1 ().constData (), sizeof dec_data.params.hiscall);
+  memcpy(dec_data.params.hisgrid,(hisGrid + "      ").toLatin1 ().constData (), sizeof dec_data.params.hisgrid);
+  //newdat=1  ==> this is new data, must do the big FFT
+  //nagain=1  ==> decode only at fQSO +/- Tol
+  if (auto * to = reinterpret_cast<char *> (mem_jt9->data()))
+    {
+      char *from = (char*) dec_data.ipc;
+      int size=sizeof(struct dec_data);
+      if(dec_data.params.newdat==0) {
+        int noffset {offsetof (struct dec_data, params.nutc)};
+        to += noffset;
+        from += noffset;
+        size -= noffset;
+      }
+      if(m_mode=="MSK144" or m_bFast9) {
+        float t0=m_t0;
+        float t1=m_t1;
+        qApp->processEvents();                                //Update the waterfall
+        if(m_nPick > 0) {
+          t0=m_t0Pick;
+          t1=m_t1Pick;
+        }
+        static short int d2b[360000];
+        narg[0]=dec_data.params.nutc;
+        if(m_kdone>int(12000.0*m_TRperiod)) {
+          m_kdone=int(12000.0*m_TRperiod);
+        }
+        narg[1]=m_kdone;
+        narg[2]=m_nSubMode;
+        narg[3]=dec_data.params.newdat;
+        narg[4]=dec_data.params.minSync;
+        narg[5]=m_nPick;
+        narg[6]=1000.0*t0;
+        narg[7]=1000.0*t1;
+        narg[8]=2;                                //Max decode lines per decode attempt
+        if(dec_data.params.minSync<0) narg[8]=50;
+        if(m_mode=="JT9") narg[9]=102;            //Fast JT9
+        if(m_mode=="MSK144") narg[9]=104;         //MSK144
+        narg[10]=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value();
+        narg[11]=ui->sbFtol->value ();
+        narg[12]=0;
+        narg[13]=-1;
+        narg[14]=m_config.aggressive();
+        memcpy(d2b,dec_data.d2,2*360000);
+        watcher3.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run (std::bind (fast_decode_, &d2b[0],
+            &narg[0],&m_TRperiod, &m_msg[0][0], dec_data.params.mycall,
+            dec_data.params.hiscall, (FCL)8000, (FCL)12, (FCL)12)));
+      } else {
+        mem_jt9->lock ();
+        memcpy(to, from, qMin(mem_jt9->size(), size));
+        mem_jt9->unlock ();
+        to_jt9(m_ihsym,1,-1);                //Send m_ihsym to jt9[.exe] and start decoding
+        decodeBusy(true);
+      }
+    }
+  if((m_mode=="FT4" or (m_mode=="FT8" and m_ihsym==41) or m_diskData) and
+     m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+    if(m_mode!="Q65") m_ActiveStationsWidget->erase();  //TEMP
+  }
+  float t,tmax=-99.0;
+  dec_data.params.nagain=false;
+  dec_data.params.ndiskdat=false;
+//  if(m_msg[0][0]==0) m_bDecoded=false;
+  for(int i=0; m_msg[i][0] && i<100; i++) {
+    QString message=QString::fromLatin1(m_msg[i]);
+    m_msg[i][0]=0;
+    if(message.length()>80) message=message.left (80);
+    if(narg[13]/8==narg[12]) message=message.trimmed().replace("<...>",m_calls);
+//Left (Band activity) window
+    DecodedText decodedtext {message.replace (QChar::LineFeed, "")};
+    if(!m_bFastDone) {
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText (decodedtext, m_config.my_callsign (), m_mode, m_config.DXCC (),
+         m_logBook, m_currentBandPeriod, m_config.ppfx ());
+    }
+    t=message.mid(10,5).toFloat();
+    if(t>tmax) {
+      tmax=t;
+      m_bDecoded=true;
+    }
+    postDecode (true, decodedtext.string ());
+    write_all("Rx",message);
+    if(m_mode=="JT9" or m_mode=="MSK144") {
+// find and extract any report for myCall
+      bool stdMsg =,
+                    Radio::base_callsign(ui->dxCallEntry->text()), m_rptRcvd);
+// extract details and send to PSKreporter
+      if (stdMsg) pskPost (decodedtext);
+    }
+    if (tmax >= 0.0) auto_sequence (decodedtext, ui->sbFtol->value (), ui->sbFtol->value ());
+  }
+  m_startAnother=m_loopall;
+  m_nPick=0;
+  ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (false);
+  m_bFastDone=false;
+void MainWindow::to_jt9(qint32 n, qint32 istart, qint32 idone)
+  if (auto * dd = reinterpret_cast<dec_data_t *> (mem_jt9->data()))
+    {
+      mem_jt9->lock ();
+      dd->ipc[0]=n;
+      if(istart>=0) dd->ipc[1]=istart;
+      if(idone>=0)  dd->ipc[2]=idone;
+      mem_jt9->unlock ();
+    }
+void MainWindow::decodeDone ()
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") m_wideGraph->drawRed(0,0);
+  if ("FST4W" == m_mode)
+    {
+      if (m_uploadWSPRSpots
+          && m_config.is_transceiver_online ()) { // need working rig control
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        uploadTimer.start(QRandomGenerator::global ()->bounded (0, 20000)); // Upload delay
+        uploadTimer.start(20000 * qrand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0)); // Upload delay
+      }
+    }
+  auto tnow = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+  double tdone = fmod(double(tnow.time().second()),m_TRperiod);
+  int mswait;
+  if( tdone < 0.5*m_TRperiod ) {
+    mswait = 1000.0 * ( 0.6 * m_TRperiod - tdone );
+  } else {
+    mswait = 1000.0 * ( 1.6 * m_TRperiod - tdone );
+  }
+  m_bDecoded=m_nDecodes>0;
+  if(!m_diskData and !m_saveAll) {
+    if(m_saveDecoded and (m_nDecodes==0)) {
+      killFileTimer.start(mswait); //Kill at 3/4 period
+    }
+  }
+  dec_data.params.nagain=0;
+  dec_data.params.ndiskdat=0;
+  m_nclearave=0;
+//  pause_jt9 ();
+  ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (false);
+  decodeBusy(false);
+  m_RxLog=0;
+  if(SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp) {
+    houndCallers();
+    if(ui->cbWorkDupes->isChecked()) QTimer::singleShot (5000, [=] {band_activity_cleared();});
+  }
+  to_jt9(m_ihsym,-1,1);                //Tell jt9 we know it has finished
+  m_startAnother=m_loopall;
+  if(m_bNoMoreFiles) {
+    MessageBox::information_message(this, tr("No more files to open."));
+    m_bNoMoreFiles=false;
+  }
+  if((m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8")
+     and m_latestDecodeTime>=0 and m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL) {
+    if(!m_diskData and (m_nDecodes==0)) {
+      m_latestDecodeTime = (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000) % 86400;
+      m_latestDecodeTime =  int(m_latestDecodeTime/m_TRperiod);
+      m_latestDecodeTime =  int(m_latestDecodeTime*m_TRperiod);
+    }
+    ARRL_Digi_Display();  // Update the ARRL_DIGI display
+  }
+  if(m_mode!="FT8" or dec_data.params.nzhsym==50) m_nDecodes=0;
+  if(m_mode=="Q65" and (m_specOp==SpecOp::NA_VHF or m_specOp==SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI
+                        or m_specOp==SpecOp::WW_DIGI or m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP)
+                        and m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL) {
+    refreshPileupList();
+  }
+void MainWindow::refreshPileupList()
+  // Update the ActiveStations display for Q65 pileup situation...
+      int nlist=0;
+      char list[2000];
+      char line[36];
+      list[0]=0;
+      auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("tsil.3q"))};
+      get_q3list_(const_cast<char *> (fname.toLatin1().constData()), &m_diskData, &nlist,
+                  &list[0], (FCL)fname.length(), (FCL)2000);
+      QString t="";
+      QString t0="";
+      for(int i=0; i<nlist; i++) {
+        memcpy(line,&list[36*i],36);
+        t0=QString::fromLatin1(line)+"\n";
+        m_callers[i]=t0;
+        t+=t0;
+      }
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(false);
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations("Q65-pileup",t);
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true);
+void MainWindow::read_log()
+  static QFile f {QDir {QStandardPaths::writableLocation (QStandardPaths::DataLocation)}.absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx.log")};
+  if(f.isOpen()) {
+    QTextStream in(&f);
+    QString line,callsign;
+    for(int i=0; i<99999; i++) {
+      line=in.readLine();
+      if(line.length()<=0) break;
+      callsign=line.mid(40,6);
+      int n=callsign.indexOf(",");
+      if(n>0) callsign=callsign.left(n);
+      m_EMEworked[callsign]=true;
+      m_score++;
+    }
+    f.close();
+  }
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL) {
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->setScore(m_score);
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") m_ActiveStationsWidget->setRate(m_score);
+  }
+void MainWindow::ARRL_Digi_Update(DecodedText dt)
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    m_fetched=0;
+    readWidebandDecodes();
+    return;
+  }
+  // Extract information relevant for the ARRL Digi contest
+  QString deCall;
+  QString deGrid;
+  dt.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall,deGrid);
+  ActiveCall ac;
+  RecentCall rc;
+  if(deGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) {
+     if(!m_activeCall.contains(deCall) or deGrid!=m_activeCall.value(deCall).grid4) {
+       // Transmitting station's call is not already in QMap "m_activeCall", or grid has changed.
+       // Insert the call, grid, and associated fixed data into the list.
+       double utch=0.0;
+       int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter;
+       azdist_(const_cast <char *> (m_config.my_grid().left(4).toLatin1().constData()),
+               const_cast <char *> (deGrid.left(4).toLatin1().constData()),&utch,
+               &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,(FCL)6,(FCL)6);
+       int points=nDkm/500;
+       if(nDkm > 500*points) points += 1;
+       points += 1;
+       ac.grid4=deGrid;
+       ac.bands=".......";
+       ac.points=points;
+       m_activeCall[deCall]=ac;
+     }
+  }
+  m_points=-1;
+  if(m_activeCall.contains(deCall)) {
+// Don't display stations we already worked on this band.
+    QString band=m_config.bands()->find(m_freqNominal);
+    if(band=="160m" and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("a")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="80m"  and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("b")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="40m"  and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("c")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="20m"  and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("d")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="15m"  and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("e")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="10m"  and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("f")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    if(band=="6m"   and m_activeCall[deCall].bands.indexOf("g")>=0) {m_recentCall.remove(deCall); return;}
+    // Update the variable data for this deCall
+    rc.dialFreq=m_freqNominal;
+    rc.audioFreq=dt.frequencyOffset();
+    rc.snr=dt.snr();
+    m_latestDecodeTime=dt.timeInSeconds();
+    rc.txEven = (m_latestDecodeTime % int(2*m_TRperiod)) > 0;
+    rc.ready2call=false;
+    bool bCQ=dt.messageWords()[0].left(3)=="CQ ";
+    if(bCQ or deGrid=="RR73" or deGrid=="73") rc.ready2call=true;
+    rc.decodeTime=m_latestDecodeTime;
+    m_recentCall[deCall]=rc;
+    m_points=m_activeCall.value(deCall).points;
+  }
+  updateRate();
+void MainWindow::ARRL_Digi_Display()
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    m_fetched=0;
+    readWidebandDecodes();
+    return;
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "Fox Mode") { // ARRL_Digi_Display can be shown for other modes
+    if (m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  QMutableMapIterator<QString,RecentCall> icall(m_recentCall);
+  QString deCall,deGrid;
+  int age=0;
+  int i=0;
+  int maxAge=m_ActiveStationsWidget->maxAge();
+  int points=0;
+  int maxPoints=0;
+  int indx[1000];
+  float pts[1000];
+  QStringList list;
+  while (icall.hasNext()) {
+    deCall=icall.key();
+    age=int((m_latestDecodeTime - icall.value().decodeTime)/m_TRperiod + 0.5);
+    if(age<0) age=age + int(86400/m_TRperiod);
+    int itx=1;
+    if(icall.value().txEven) itx=0;
+    int snr=icall.value().snr;
+    int freq=icall.value().audioFreq;
+    if(age>maxAge) {
+      icall.remove();
+    } else {
+      bool bReady=false;
+      if(age==0 and m_recentCall.value(deCall).ready2call) bReady=true;
+      QString bands=m_activeCall[deCall].bands;
+      bool bWorkedOnBand=false;
+      if(m_currentBand=="160m" and bands.mid(0,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="80m"  and bands.mid(1,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="40m"  and bands.mid(2,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="20m"  and bands.mid(3,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="15m"  and bands.mid(4,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="10m"  and bands.mid(5,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if(m_currentBand=="6m"   and bands.mid(6,1)!=".") bWorkedOnBand=true;
+      if((bReady or !m_ActiveStationsWidget->readyOnly()) and !bWorkedOnBand) {
+        i++;
+        int az=m_activeCall[deCall].az;
+        deGrid=m_activeCall[deCall].grid4;
+        points=m_activeCall[deCall].points;
+        if(points>maxPoints) maxPoints=points;
+        float x=float(age)/(maxAge+1);
+        if(x>1.0) x=0;
+        pts[i-1]=points - x;
+        QString t1;
+        if(!bReady) t1 = t1.asprintf("  %3d  %+2.2d  %4d  %1d %2d %4d",az,snr,freq,itx,age,points);
+        if(bReady)  t1 = t1.asprintf("  %3d  %+2.2d  %4d  %1d %2d*%4d",az,snr,freq,itx,age,points);
+//        t1 = (deCall + "   ").left(6) + "  " + m_activeCall[deCall].grid4 + t1 + "  " + bands;
+        t1 = (deCall + "   ").left(6) + "  " + m_activeCall[deCall].grid4 + t1;
+        list.append(t1);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if(i==0) return;
+  int jz=i;
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(false);
+  int maxRecent=qMin(i,m_ActiveStationsWidget->maxRecent());
+  indexx_(pts,&jz,indx);
+  QString t;
+  i=0;
+  for(int j=jz-1; j>=0; j--) {
+    int k=indx[j]-1;
+    m_ready2call[i]=list[k];
+    i++;
+    QString t1=QString::number(i) + ".  ";
+    if(i<10) t1=" " + t1;
+    t += (t1 + list[k] + "\n");
+    if(i>=maxRecent) break;
+  }
+  bool is_fox_mode = (m_mode=="FT8" && m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX);
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL && !is_fox_mode) m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations(m_mode,t);
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true);
+void MainWindow::queueActiveWindowHound2(QString line) {
+  // Active Window shows what's going on outside of current F/H display rules (calling below 1000Hz e.g.)
+  // TODO should we allow calling a station that's calling another station, not us?
+  if (m_mode == "FT8" and m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX) {
+    // process the line to get the callsign
+    QStringList w = line.split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+    // make sure our call is the first in the list, or the station is CQing (not a directed CQ)
+    if  ( (w.size() > 7) &&
+          (w[5] == m_config.my_callsign() || w[5] == "<"+m_config.my_callsign()+">" || w[5]=="CQ") &&
+          ( w[7].contains(grid_regexp) || w[7].contains(non_r_db_regexp) )){
+      QString caller = w[6];
+      QString grid = "";
+      QString db = w[1];
+      int db_i = w[1].toInt();
+      db = (db_i >=0 ? "+":"") + QStringLiteral("%1").arg(db_i, (db_i >=0 ? 2:3), 10, QLatin1Char('0')); // +00, -01 etc.
+      // houndcall rpt grid
+      if (w[7].contains(grid_regexp)) grid = w[7];
+      if (w[7].contains(non_r_db_regexp)) {
+        LOG_INFO(QString("ActiveStations Window click: %1 called with signal report %2").arg(caller).arg(w[7]));
+      }
+      if (caller.length() > 2) {
+        // make sure it's not already in the queue
+        for ( QString hs : m_houndQueue) {
+          if (hs.startsWith(caller)) {
+            //LOG_INFO(QString("ActiveStations Window click: %1 already in queue. Skipping").arg(hs));
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+        // make sure caller is not in fox queue either
+        if(m_foxQSO.contains(caller)) {
+          //LOG_INFO(QString("ActiveStations Window click: %1 already in progress. Skipping").arg(caller));
+          return;
+        }
+        QString caller_rpt = (caller+"            ").mid(0,12)+db;
+        if (m_houndQueue.count() < MAX_HOUNDS_IN_QUEUE) {
+          // add it to the queue
+          m_houndQueue.enqueue(caller_rpt + " " + grid);
+          refreshHoundQueueDisplay();
+          // TODO: remove from active stations window too?
+        }
+        removeHoundFromCallingList(caller);
+      }
+    } else {
+      LOG_INFO(QString("ActiveStations Window click: skipping %1").arg(line));
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::callSandP2(int n)
+  bool bCtrl = (n<0);
+  n=qAbs(n)-1;
+  if(m_mode!="Q65" and m_ready2call[n]=="") return;
+  QStringList w=m_ready2call[n].split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+  if(m_mode=="Q65" and m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP and n < 40) {
+    // This code is for 6m EME DXpedition operator
+    w=m_callers[n].split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+    m_deCall=w[2];
+    if(bCtrl) {
+      // Remove this call from q3list.
+      rm_q3list_(const_cast<char *> (m_deCall.toLatin1().constData()), m_deCall.size());
+      refreshPileupList();
+      return;
+    }
+    m_deGrid=w[3];
+    m_bDoubleClicked=true;               //### needed?
+    m_txFirst=true;
+    ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_deCall);
+    ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_deGrid);
+    ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst);
+    genStdMsgs("-22");
+    setTxMsg(3);
+    if (!ui->autoButton->isChecked()) ui->autoButton->click(); // Enable Tx
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+    return;
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    if(!bCtrl) {                          //Do not reset m_freqNominal if CTRL was down
+      double kHz=w[1].toDouble();
+      int nMHz=m_freqNominal/1000000;
+      m_freqNominal=(nMHz*1000 + kHz)* 1000;
+    }
+    m_deCall=w[4];
+    m_deGrid=w[5];
+    m_txFirst=(w[6]=="0");
+//    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1500);
+  } else {
+    m_deCall=w[0];
+    m_deGrid=w[1];
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(w[4].toInt());
+    m_txFirst = (w[5]=="0");
+  }
+  if(w[3].left(2)=="30") {
+    ui->sbTR->setValue(30);
+  } else {
+    ui->sbTR->setValue(60);
+  }
+  if(w[3].right(1)=="A") ui->sbSubmode->setValue(0);
+  if(w[3].right(1)=="B") ui->sbSubmode->setValue(1);
+  if(w[3].right(1)=="C") ui->sbSubmode->setValue(2);
+  if(w[3].right(1)=="D") ui->sbSubmode->setValue(3);
+  if(w[3].right(1)=="E") ui->sbSubmode->setValue(4);
+  m_bDoubleClicked=true;               //### needed?
+  ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_deCall);
+  ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_deGrid);
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(w[2].toInt());
+    genStdMsgs(w[2]);
+  } else {
+    genStdMsgs(w[3]);
+  }
+  setTxMsg(1);
+  ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst);
+  static qint64 ms0=0;
+  qint64 ms=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+  if(ui->autoButton->isChecked()) {
+    if((ms-ms0)<=500) ui->autoButton->click(); // Disable Tx on double click
+  } else if((ms-ms0)>500) {
+    ui->autoButton->click(); // Enable Tx on single click
+  }
+  ms0=ms;
+  if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::activeWorked(QString call, QString band)
+  QString bands=m_activeCall[call].bands;
+  QByteArray ba=bands.toLatin1();
+  if(band=="160m") ba[0]='a';
+  if(band=="80m")  ba[1]='b';
+  if(band=="40m")  ba[2]='c';
+  if(band=="20m")  ba[3]='d';
+  if(band=="15m")  ba[4]='e';
+  if(band=="10m")  ba[5]='f';
+  if(band=="6m")   ba[6]='g';
+  m_activeCall[call].bands=QString::fromLatin1(ba);
+void MainWindow::readFromStdout()                             //readFromStdout
+  bool bDisplayPoints = false;
+  QString all_decodes;
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL) {
+    bDisplayPoints=(m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8") and
+      (m_specOp==SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI or m_ActiveStationsWidget->isVisible());
+  }
+  while(proc_jt9.canReadLine()) {
+    auto line_read = proc_jt9.readLine ();
+    if (m_mode == "FT8" and m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX and m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) { // see if we should add this to ActiveStations window
+      QString the_line = QString(line_read);
+      if (!m_ActiveStationsWidget->wantedOnly() ||
+          (the_line.contains(" " + m_config.my_callsign() + " ") ||
+           the_line.contains(" <" + m_config.my_callsign() + "> ")))
+        all_decodes.append(line_read);
+    }
+    if (auto p = std::strpbrk (line_read.constData (), "\n\r")) {
+      // truncate before line ending chars
+      line_read = line_read.left (p - line_read.constData ());
+    }
+    if(bDisplayPoints) line_read=line_read.replace("a7","  ");
+    bool haveFSpread {false};
+    float fSpread {0.};
+    if (m_mode.startsWith ("FST4"))
+      {
+        auto text = line_read.mid (64, 6).trimmed ();
+        if (text.size ())
+          {
+            fSpread = text.toFloat (&haveFSpread);
+            line_read = line_read.left (64);
+          }
+        auto const& cs = m_config.my_callsign ().toLocal8Bit ();
+        if ("FST4W" == m_mode && ui->cbNoOwnCall->isChecked ()
+            && (line_read.contains (" " + cs + " ")
+                || line_read.contains ("<" + cs + ">"))) {
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+    // Don't allow a7 decodes during the first period because they can be leftovers from the previous band
+    if (!(no_a7_decodes && line_read.contains("a7")))
+    {
+      if (m_mode != "FT8" and m_mode != "FT4" and !m_mode.startsWith("FST4") and m_mode != "Q65")
+      {
+        //Pad 22-char msg to at least 37 chars
+        line_read = line_read.left(44) + "              " + line_read.mid(44);
+      }
+      bool bAvgMsg = false;
+      int navg = 0;
+//    qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000;
+//    double fTR=float((ms%int(1000.0*m_TRperiod)))/int(1000.0*m_TRperiod);
+      if (line_read.indexOf("<DecodeFinished>") >= 0)
+      {
+        m_bDecoded = line_read.mid(20).trimmed().toInt() > 0;
+        int n = line_read.trimmed().size();
+        int n2 = line_read.trimmed().mid(n - 7).toInt();
+        int n0 = n2 / 1000;
+        int n1 = n2 % 1000;
+        if (m_mode == "Q65")
+        {
+          ndecodes_label.setText(QString{"%1  %2"}.arg(n0).arg(n1));
+        } else
+        {
+          if (m_nDecodes == 0) ndecodes_label.setText("0");
+        }
+        decodeDone();
+        return;
+      } else
+      {
+        m_nDecodes += 1;
+        if (m_mode != "Q65") ndecodes_label.setText(QString::number(m_nDecodes));
+        if (m_mode == "JT4" or m_mode == "JT65" or m_mode == "Q65")
+        {
+          //### Do something about Q65 here ?  ###
+          int nf = line_read.indexOf("f");
+          if (nf > 0)
+          {
+            navg = line_read.mid(nf + 1, 1).toInt();
+            if (line_read.indexOf("f*") > 0) navg = 10;
+          }
+          int nd = -1;
+          if (nf < 0) nd = line_read.indexOf("d");
+          if (nd > 0)
+          {
+            navg = line_read.mid(nd + 2, 1).toInt();
+            if (line_read.mid(nd + 2, 1) == "*") navg = 10;
+          }
+          int na = -1;
+          if (nf < 0 and nd < 0) na = line_read.indexOf("a");
+          if (na > 0)
+          {
+            navg = line_read.mid(na + 2, 1).toInt();
+            if (line_read.mid(na + 2, 1) == "*") navg = 10;
+          }
+          int nq = -1;
+          if (nf < 0 and nd < 0 and na < 0) nq = line_read.indexOf("q");
+          if (nq > 0)
+          {
+            navg = line_read.mid(nq + 2, 1).toInt();
+            if (line_read.mid(nq + 2, 1) == "*") navg = 10;
+          }
+          if (navg >= 2) bAvgMsg = true;
+        }
+        if (!line_read.trimmed().contains("$VERIFY$"))
+        {
+          write_all("Rx", line_read.trimmed());
+        }
+        int ntime = 6;
+        if (m_TRperiod >= 60) ntime = 4;
+        if (line_read.left(ntime) != m_tBlankLine &&
+            QString::fromUtf8(line_read.constData()).left(4).contains(QRegularExpression{"\\d\\d\\d\\d"}))
+        {
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser->new_period();
+          if (m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX and m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL)
+          { // clear the ActiveStations window
+            m_ActiveStationsWidget->clearStations();
+            m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations("Fox Mode", "");
+          }
+          if (m_config.insert_blank()
+              && SpecOp::FOX != m_specOp)
+          {
+            QString band;
+            if (((QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 - m_secBandChanged) > 4 * int(m_TRperiod) / 4)
+                or m_displayBand)
+            {
+              band = ' ' + m_config.bands()->find(m_freqNominal);
+            }
+            ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertLineSpacer(band.rightJustified(40, '-'));
+          }
+          m_tBlankLine = line_read.left(ntime);
+        }
+//      if(m_mode=="FT8" && fTR>0.6 && fTR<0.75) decodeDone();  // Clear a hung decoder status
+      }
+      if ("FST4W" == m_mode)
+      {
+        uploadWSPRSpots(true, line_read);
+      }
+      DecodedText decodedtext0{QString::fromUtf8(line_read.constData())};
+      DecodedText decodedtext{QString::fromUtf8(line_read.constData()).remove("TU; ")};
+      if (m_mode == "FT8" and SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp and
+          (decodedtext.string().contains("R+") or decodedtext.string().contains("R-")))
+      {
+        auto for_us = decodedtext.string().contains(" " + m_config.my_callsign() + " ") or
+                      decodedtext.string().contains(" " + m_baseCall) or
+                      decodedtext.string().contains(m_baseCall + " ") or
+                      decodedtext.string().contains(" <" + m_config.my_callsign() + "> ");
+        if (decodedtext.string().contains(" DE ")) for_us = true;   //Hound with compound callsign
+        if (for_us)
+        {
+          QString houndCall, houndGrid;
+          decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/houndCall, houndGrid);
+          foxRxSequencer(decodedtext.string(), houndCall, houndGrid);
+        }
+      }
+//Left (Band activity) window
+      if (!bAvgMsg)
+      {
+        if (m_mode == "FT8" and SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp)
+        {
+          if (!m_bDisplayedOnce)
+          {
+            // This hack sets the font.  Surely there's a better way!
+            DecodedText dt{"."};
+            ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText(dt, m_config.my_callsign(), m_mode, m_config.DXCC(),
+                                                       m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx());
+            m_bDisplayedOnce = true;
+          }
+        } else
+        {
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
+          // remove verifications that are done
+          QMutableListIterator < FoxVerifier * > it(m_verifications);
+          while (it.hasNext()) {
+            if (>finished()) {
+              it.remove();
+            }
+          }
+          DecodedText decodedtext1 = decodedtext0;
+          if ((m_mode == "FT4" or m_mode == "FT8") and bDisplayPoints and decodedtext1.isStandardMessage())
+          {
+            ARRL_Digi_Update(decodedtext1);
+          }
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
+          if ((SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp) &&
+               ((m_config.superFox() && (decodedtext0.mid(24, 8) == "$VERIFY$")) || // $VERIFY$ K8R 920749
+               (decodedtext0.mid(24,-1).contains(QRegularExpression{"^[A-Z0-9]{2,5}\\.V[0-9]{6}"})))) // K8R.V920749
+          {
+            LOG_INFO(QString("Have a verification message"));
+            // two cases:
+            // QString test_return = QString{"203630 -12  0.1  775 ~  K8R.V920749"};
+            // $VERIFY$ foxcall otp
+            // QString test_return = QString{"203630 -12  0.1  775 ~  $VERIFY$ K8R 920749"};
+            QStringList lineparts;
+            QString callsign, otp;
+            unsigned int hz;
+            lineparts = decodedtext0.string().split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+            if (lineparts.length() <= 6) {
+              QStringList otp_parts;
+              // split K8R.V920749 into K8R and 920749
+              otp_parts = lineparts[5].split('.', SkipEmptyParts);
+              callsign = otp_parts[0];
+              otp = otp_parts[1].mid(1); // remove the V
+              hz = lineparts[3].toInt();
+            } else
+            {
+              // split $VERIFY$ K8R 920749 into K8R and 920749
+              callsign = lineparts[6];
+              otp = lineparts[7];
+              hz = 750; // SF is 750
+            }
+            QDateTime verifyDateTime;
+            if (m_diskData) {
+              verifyDateTime = m_UTCdiskDateTime; // get the date set from reading the wav file
+            } else {
+              verifyDateTime = QDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().date(),
+                                         QTime::fromString(lineparts[0], "hhmmss"));
+            }
+            LOG_INFO(QString("Verifying: %1 %2").arg(callsign).arg(otp));
+            FoxVerifier *fv = new FoxVerifier(MainWindow::userAgent(),
+                                              &m_network_manager,
+                                              FOXVERIFIER_DEFAULT_BASE_URL,
+                                              callsign, // foxcall
+                                              verifyDateTime,
+                                              otp,
+                                              hz); // freq
+            connect(fv, &FoxVerifier::verifyComplete, this, &MainWindow::handleVerifyMsg);
+            m_verifications << fv;
+          }
+          if (ui->labDXped->text() == "Super Hound" && decodedtext0.mid(3, 18).contains(" verified"))
+          {
+            verified = true;
+            write_all("Vf", decodedtext0.string());
+            ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: #00ff00; color: black;}");
+          } else
+          {
+            if (decodedtext0.mid(4, 2).contains("00") or decodedtext0.mid(4, 2).contains("30")) verified = false;
+          }
+          if ((!verified && ui->labDXped->isVisible()) or ui->labDXped->text() != "Super Hound")
+            ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser->displayDecodedText(decodedtext1, m_config.my_callsign(), m_mode, m_config.DXCC(),
+                                                     m_logBook, m_currentBandPeriod, m_config.ppfx(),
+                                                     ui->cbCQonly->isVisible() && ui->cbCQonly->isChecked(),
+                                                     haveFSpread, fSpread, bDisplayPoints, m_points);
+          if ((m_mode == "FT4" or m_mode == "FT8") and bDisplayPoints and decodedtext1.isStandardMessage())
+          {
+            QString deCall, deGrid;
+            decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall, deGrid);
+            bool bWorkedOnBand = (ui->decodedTextBrowser->CQPriority() != "New Call on Band") and
+                                 ui->decodedTextBrowser->CQPriority() != "";
+            if (bWorkedOnBand) activeWorked(deCall, m_currentBand);
+          }
+          if (m_config.highlight_DXcall() && (m_hisCall != "") &&
+              ((decodedtext.string().contains(QRegularExpression{"(\\w+) " + m_hisCall}))
+               || (decodedtext.string().contains(QRegularExpression{"(\\w+) <" + m_hisCall + ">"}))
+               || (decodedtext.string().contains(QRegularExpression{"<(\\w+)> " + m_hisCall}))
+               || (decodedtext.string().contains(QRegularExpression{"<...> " + m_hisCall}))))
+          {
+            ui->decodedTextBrowser->highlight_callsign(m_hisCall, QColor(255, 0, 0), QColor(255, 255, 255),
+                                                       true); // highlight dxCallEntry
+            QTimer::singleShot(500, [=] {                       // repeated highlighting to override JTAlert
+                ui->decodedTextBrowser->highlight_callsign(m_hisCall, QColor(255, 0, 0), QColor(255, 255, 255), true);
+            });
+            QTimer::singleShot(1000, [=] {                      // repeated highlighting to override JTAlert
+                ui->decodedTextBrowser->highlight_callsign(m_hisCall, QColor(255, 0, 0), QColor(255, 255, 255), true);
+            });
+            QTimer::singleShot(2500, [=] {                      // repeated highlighting to override JTAlert
+                ui->decodedTextBrowser->highlight_callsign(m_hisCall, QColor(255, 0, 0), QColor(255, 255, 255), true);
+            });
+          }
+          if (m_config.highlight_DXgrid() && (m_hisGrid != "") && (decodedtext.string().contains(m_hisGrid)))
+          {
+            ui->decodedTextBrowser->highlight_callsign(m_hisGrid, QColor(0, 0, 255), QColor(255, 255, 255),
+                                                       true); // highlight dxGridEntry
+          }
+          if (m_bBestSPArmed && m_mode == "FT4" && CALLING == m_QSOProgress)
+          {
+            QString messagePriority = ui->decodedTextBrowser->CQPriority();
+            if (messagePriority != "")
+            {
+              if (messagePriority == "New Call on Band"
+                  and m_BestCQpriority != "New Call on Band"
+                  and m_BestCQpriority != "New Multiplier")
+              {
+                m_BestCQpriority = "New Call on Band";
+                m_bDoubleClicked = true;
+                processMessage(decodedtext0);
+              }
+              if (messagePriority == "New DXCC"
+                  and m_BestCQpriority != "New DXCC"
+                  and m_BestCQpriority != "New Multiplier")
+              {
+                m_BestCQpriority = "New DXCC";
+                m_bDoubleClicked = true;
+                processMessage(decodedtext0);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+//Right (Rx Frequency) window
+      bool bDisplayRight=bAvgMsg;
+      int audioFreq=decodedtext.frequencyOffset();
+      if(m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FST4" or m_mode=="Q65") {
+        int ftol=10;
+        if(m_mode=="Q65") ftol=ui->sbFtol->value();
+        auto const& parts = decodedtext.string().remove("<").remove(">")
+            .split (' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+        if (parts.size() > 6) {
+          auto for_us = parts[5].contains (m_baseCall)
+            || ("DE" == parts[5] && qAbs (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value () - audioFreq) <= ftol);
+          if(m_baseCall == m_config.my_callsign()) {
+            if (m_baseCall != parts[5]) for_us=false;
+          } else {
+            if (m_config.my_callsign () != parts[5]) {
+// Same base call as ours but different prefix or suffix.  Rare but can happen with
+// multi-station special events.
+                  for_us = false;
+            }
+          }
+          if(m_bCallingCQ && !m_bAutoReply && for_us && m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX && m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+            bool bProcessMsgNormally=ui->respondComboBox->currentText()=="CQ: First" or
+                (ui->respondComboBox->currentText()=="CQ: Max Dist" and m_ActiveStationsWidget==NULL) or
+                (m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL and !m_ActiveStationsWidget->isVisible());
+            if (decodedtext.messageWords().length() >= 3) {
+                QString t=decodedtext.messageWords()[2];
+                if(t.contains("R+") or t.contains("R-") or t=="R" or t=="RRR" or t=="RR73") bProcessMsgNormally=true;
+            } else {
+                bProcessMsgNormally=true;
+            }
+            if(bProcessMsgNormally) {
+              m_bDoubleClicked=true;
+              m_bAutoReply = true;
+              processMessage (decodedtext);
+            }
+            if(!bProcessMsgNormally and m_ActiveStationsWidget and ui->respondComboBox->currentText()=="CQ: Max Dist") {
+              QString deCall;
+              QString deGrid;
+              decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall,deGrid);
+              // if they dont' send their grid we'll use ours and assume dx=0
+              if (deGrid.length() == 0) deGrid = m_config.my_grid();
+              if(deGrid.contains(grid_regexp) or
+                 (deGrid.contains("+") or deGrid.contains("-"))) {
+                int points=0;
+                if(m_activeCall.contains(deCall)) {
+                  points=m_activeCall[deCall].points;
+                  deGrid=m_activeCall[deCall].grid4;
+                } else if(deGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) {
+                  double utch=0.0;
+                  int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter;
+                  azdist_(const_cast <char *> ((m_config.my_grid () + "      ").left (6).toLatin1 ().constData ()),
+                          const_cast <char *> ((deGrid + "      ").left(6).toLatin1 ().constData ()),&utch,
+                          &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,(FCL)6,(FCL)6);
+                  points=nDkm/500;
+                  if(nDkm > 500*points) points += 1;
+                  points += 1;
+                }
+                if(points>m_maxPoints) {
+                  m_maxPoints=points;
+                  m_deCall=deCall;
+                  m_bDoubleClicked=true;
+                  ui->dxCallEntry->setText(deCall);
+                  int m_ntx=2;
+                  bool bContest=m_specOp==SpecOp::NA_VHF or m_specOp==SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI;
+                  if(bContest) m_ntx=3;
+                  if(deGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) {
+                    m_deGrid=deGrid;
+                    ui->dxGridEntry->setText(deGrid);
+                  } else {
+                    m_ntx=3;
+                  }
+                  if(m_ntx==2) m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+                  if(m_ntx==3) m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT;
+                  genStdMsgs(QString::number(decodedtext.snr()));
+                  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(decodedtext.frequencyOffset());
+                  setTxMsg(m_ntx);
+                  m_currentMessageType=m_ntx;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and decodedtext.string().contains(" DE ")) for_us=true; //Hound with compound callsign
+          if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and for_us and decodedtext.string().contains(QRegularExpression{" R\\W\\d"})) bDisplayRight=true;
+          if(SpecOp::FOX!=m_specOp and (for_us or (abs(audioFreq - m_wideGraph->rxFreq()) <= 10))) bDisplayRight=true;
+          if(SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp and !for_us) bDisplayRight=false;
+        }
+      } else {
+        if((abs(audioFreq - m_wideGraph->rxFreq()) <= 10) and
+           !m_config.enable_VHF_features()) bDisplayRight=true;
+      }
+      if(m_mode=="Q65" and !bAvgMsg and !decodedtext.string().contains(m_baseCall)) bDisplayRight=false;
+      if((m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="Q65" or m_mode=="JT65") and decodedtext.string().contains(m_baseCall) && ui->actionInclude_averaging->isVisible() && !ui->actionInclude_averaging->isChecked()) bDisplayRight=true;
+      if((m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4") and SpecOp::FOX!=m_specOp && decodedtext0.string().replace("<","").replace(">","").contains(m_baseCall + " " + m_hisCall)) bDisplayRight=true;  // really all messages for us
+      if (bDisplayRight) {
+        // This msg is within 10 hertz of our tuned frequency, or a JT4 or JT65 avg,
+        // or contains MyCall
+        if(!m_bBestSPArmed or m_mode!="FT4") {
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayDecodedText (decodedtext0, m_config.my_callsign (), m_mode, m_config.DXCC (),
+                m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx (), false, false, 0.0, bDisplayPoints, m_points);
+        }
+        m_QSOText = decodedtext.string ().trimmed ();
+      }
+      postDecode (true, decodedtext.string ());
+      if(m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp) {
+        if(decodedtext.string().contains(";")) {
+          QStringList w=decodedtext.string().mid(24).split(" ",SkipEmptyParts);
+          QString;
+          foxCall=foxCall.remove("<").remove(">");
+          if( or {
+            //### Check for ui->dxCallEntry->text()==foxCall before logging! ###
+            ui->stopTxButton->click ();
+            logQSOTimer.start(0);
+          }
+          if(( or
+             and ui->tx3->text().length()>0) {
+  ;
+            m_rptSent=decodedtext.string().mid(7,3);
+            m_nFoxFreq=decodedtext.string().mid(16,4).toInt();
+            hound_reply ();
+          }
+        } else {
+          QString text = decodedtext.string().replace("<","").replace(">","");   // needed for MSHV multistream messages
+          QStringList w=text.mid(24).split(" ",SkipEmptyParts);
+          if(decodedtext.string().contains("/")) w.append(" +00");  //Add a dummy report
+          if(w.size()>=3) {
+            QString;
+            if(( or and
+               ui->tx3->text().length()>0) {
+              if("RR73") {
+                ui->stopTxButton->click ();
+                logQSOTimer.start(0);
+              } else {
+                if(>dxCallEntry->text()) and
+                   (,1)=="+" or,1)=="-")) {
+        ;
+                  m_rptSent=decodedtext.string().mid(7,3);
+                  m_nFoxFreq=decodedtext.string().mid(16,4).toInt();
+                  hound_reply ();
+                } else {
+                  if (SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp && (text.mid(4,2).contains("15") or text.mid(4,2).contains("45"))) return;  // ignore stations calling in the wrong time slot
+                  if (text.contains(" " + m_config.my_callsign() + " " + m_hisCall) && !text.contains("73 "))  processMessage(decodedtext0);   // needed for MSHV multistream messages
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+//### I think this is where we are preventing Hounds from spotting Fox ###
+      if(m_mode!="FT8" or (SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp) or (SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp and m_config.superFox())) {
+        if(m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="Q65"
+           or m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65" or m_mode=="JT9" or m_mode=="FST4") {
+          auto_sequence (decodedtext, 25, 50);
+        }
+// find and extract any report for myCall, but save in m_rptRcvd only if it's from DXcall
+        QString rpt;
+        bool stdMsg =,
+            Radio::base_callsign(ui->dxCallEntry->text()), rpt);
+        QString deCall;
+        QString grid;
+        decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall,grid);
+        {
+          auto t = Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry->text ());
+          auto const& dx_call = ();
+          if (rpt.size ()       // report in message
+              && (m_baseCall == Radio::base_callsign (dx_call) // for us
+                  || "DE" == dx_call)                          // probably for us
+              && (t == deCall   // DX station base call is QSO partner
+                  || ui->dxCallEntry->text () == deCall // DX station full call is QSO partner
+                  || !t.size ()))                       // not in QSO
+            {
+              m_rptRcvd = rpt;
+            }
+        }
+// extract details and send to PSKreporter
+        int nsec=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000-m_secBandChanged;
+        bool okToPost=(nsec > int(4*m_TRperiod)/5);
+        if(m_mode=="FST4W" and okToPost) {
+          line_read=line_read.left(22) + " CQ " + line_read.trimmed().mid(22);
+          auto p = line_read.lastIndexOf (' ');
+          DecodedText FST4W_post {QString::fromUtf8 (line_read.left (p).constData ())};
+          pskPost(FST4W_post);
+        } else {
+          if (stdMsg && okToPost) pskPost(decodedtext);
+        }
+        if((m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65" or m_mode=="Q65") and
+           m_msgAvgWidget!=NULL) {
+          if(m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible()) {
+            QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("avemsg.txt"));
+            if( | QIODevice::Text)) {
+              QTextStream s(&f);
+              QString t=s.readAll();
+              if (t != NULL) m_msgAvgWidget->displayAvg(t);
+              else qDebug() << "tmp==NULL at s.readAll";
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "FT8" and m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX and m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->addLine(all_decodes);
+  }
+// start_tolerance - only respond to "DE ..." and free text 73
+//                   messages within +/- this value
+// stop_tolerance - kill Tx if running station is seen to reply to
+//                  another caller and we are going to transmit within
+//                  +/- this value of the reply to another caller
+void MainWindow::auto_sequence (DecodedText const& message, unsigned start_tolerance, unsigned stop_tolerance)
+  auto const& message_words = message.messageWords ();
+  auto is_73 = message_words.filter (QRegularExpression {"^(73|RR73)$"}).size();
+  auto msg_no_hash = message.clean_string();
+  msg_no_hash = msg_no_hash.mid(22).remove("<").remove(">");
+  bool is_OK=false;
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144" && msg_no_hash.indexOf(ui->dxCallEntry->text()+" R ")>0) is_OK=true;
+  if (message_words.size () > 3 && (message.isStandardMessage() || (is_73 or is_OK))) {
+    auto df = message.frequencyOffset ();
+    auto within_tolerance = (qAbs (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value () - df) <= int (start_tolerance)
+       || qAbs (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - df) <= int (start_tolerance));
+    bool acceptable_73 = is_73
+      && m_QSOProgress >= ROGER_REPORT
+      && ((message.isStandardMessage ()
+           && (message_words.contains (m_baseCall)
+               || message_words.contains (m_config.my_callsign ())
+               || message_words.contains (ui->dxCallEntry->text ())
+               || message_words.contains (Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry->text ()))
+               || message_words.contains ("DE")))
+          || (!message.isStandardMessage () && m_mode != "MSK144")); // free text 73/RR73 except for MSK
+    auto const& w = msg_no_hash.split(" ",SkipEmptyParts);
+    QString w2;
+    int nrpt=0;
+    if (w.size () > 2)
+      {
+        if(w.size()>3) {
+          nrpt=w2.toInt();
+          if(w2=="R");
+        }
+      }
+    bool bEU_VHF=(nrpt>=520001 and nrpt<=594000);
+    if(bEU_VHF and message.clean_string ().contains("<"+m_config.my_callsign() + "> ")) {
+      m_xRcvd=message.clean_string ().trimmed().right(13);
+    }
+    if (m_auto
+        && (m_QSOProgress==REPLYING  or (!ui->tx1->isEnabled () and m_QSOProgress==REPORT))
+        && !m_config.superFox() && (SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp) && qAbs (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - df) <= int (stop_tolerance) //
+        && (2) != "DE"
+        && ! (2).contains (QRegularExpression {"(^(CQ|QRZ))|" + m_baseCall})
+        && (3).contains (Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry->text ()))) {
+      // auto stop to avoid accidental QRM
+      ui->stopTxButton->click (); // halt any transmission
+    } else if (m_auto             // transmit allowed
+               && ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked () // auto-sequencing allowed
+               && ((!m_bCallingCQ      // not calling CQ/QRZ
+                    && !m_sentFirst73       // not finished QSO
+                    && (( (2).contains (m_baseCall)
+                         // being called and not already in a QSO
+                         && (>dxCallEntry->text()))
+                             or bEU_VHF))
+                        || == m_baseCall // <de-call> RR73; ...
+                        // type 2 compound replies
+                        || (within_tolerance &&
+                            (acceptable_73 ||
+                             ("DE" == (2) &&
+                              w2.contains(Radio::base_callsign (m_hisCall)))))))
+                   || (m_bCallingCQ && m_bAutoReply
+                       // look for type 2 compound call replies on our Tx and Rx offsets
+                       && ((within_tolerance && "DE" == (2))
+                           || (2).contains (m_baseCall))))) {
+      if(SpecOp::FOX != m_specOp) processMessage (message);
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::pskPost (DecodedText const& decodedtext)
+  if (m_diskData || !m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter() || decodedtext.isLowConfidence ()
+      || (decodedtext.string().contains(m_baseCall) && decodedtext.string().contains(m_config.my_grid().left(4)))) return; // prevent self-spotting when running multiple instances
+  QString msgmode=m_mode;
+  QString deCall;
+  QString grid;
+  decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/deCall,grid);
+  int audioFrequency = decodedtext.frequencyOffset();
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="FT4") {
+    audioFrequency=decodedtext.string().mid(16,4).toInt();
+  }
+  int snr = decodedtext.snr();
+  Frequency frequency = m_freqNominalPeriod + audioFrequency;   // prevent spotting wrong band
+  if(grid.contains (grid_regexp)  || decodedtext.string().contains(" CQ ")) {
+//    qDebug() << "To PSKreporter:" << deCall << grid << frequency << msgmode << snr;
+    if (!m_psk_Reporter.addRemoteStation (deCall, grid, frequency, msgmode, snr))
+      {
+        showStatusMessage (tr ("Spotting to PSK Reporter unavailable"));
+      }
+  }
+void MainWindow::killFile ()
+  if (m_fnameWE.size () && !(m_saveAll || (m_saveDecoded && m_bDecoded))) {
+    QFile f1 {m_fnameWE + ".wav"};
+    if(f1.exists()) f1.remove();
+    if(m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+      QFile f2 {m_fnameWE + ".c2"};
+      if(f2.exists()) f2.remove();
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_EraseButton_clicked ()
+  qint64 ms=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser2->erase ();
+  if(m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="Echo" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser->erase ();
+  } else {
+    if((ms-m_msErase)<500) {
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser->erase ();
+    }
+  }
+  m_msErase=ms;
+void MainWindow::band_activity_cleared ()
+  m_messageClient->decodes_cleared ();
+  QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("decoded.txt"));
+  if(f.exists()) f.remove();
+void MainWindow::rx_frequency_activity_cleared ()
+  m_QSOText.clear();
+  set_dateTimeQSO(-1);          // G4WJS: why do we do this?
+void MainWindow::decodeBusy(bool b)                             //decodeBusy()
+  if (!b) {
+    m_optimizingProgress.reset ();
+  }
+  m_decoderBusy=b;
+  ui->DecodeButton->setEnabled(!b);
+  ui->actionOpen->setEnabled(!b);
+  ui->actionOpen_next_in_directory->setEnabled(!b);
+  ui->actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory->setEnabled(!b);
+  statusUpdate ();
+//------------------------------------------------------------- //guiUpdate()
+void MainWindow::guiUpdate()
+  static char message[38];
+  static char msgsent[38];
+  double txDuration;
+  if(m_TRperiod==0) m_TRperiod=60.0;
+  txDuration=tx_duration(m_mode,m_TRperiod,m_nsps,m_bFast9);
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX and m_config.superFox()) txDuration=1.0+151*1024.0/12000.0;
+  // qDebug () << "DEBUG SF " << m_mode << m_TRperiod << m_nsps << (SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) << m_config.superFox() << txDuration;
+  double tx1=0.0;
+  double tx2=txDuration;
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4") icw[0]=0;              //No CW ID in FT4 or FT8 mode
+  if((icw[0]>0) and (!m_bFast9)) tx2 += icw[0]*2560.0/48000.0;  //Full length including CW ID
+  if(tx2>m_TRperiod) tx2=m_TRperiod;
+  if(!m_txFirst and m_mode!="WSPR" and m_mode!="FST4W") {
+    tx1 += m_TRperiod;
+    tx2 += m_TRperiod;
+  }
+  qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000;
+  int nsec=ms/1000;
+  double tsec=0.001*ms;
+  double t2p=fmod(tsec,2*m_TRperiod);
+  m_s6=fmod(tsec,6.0);
+  int nseq = fmod(double(nsec),m_TRperiod);
+  m_tRemaining=m_TRperiod - fmod(tsec,m_TRperiod);
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+    tx1=0.0;
+    tx2=txDuration;
+    if(m_auto and m_s6>4.0) m_bEchoTxOK=true;
+    if(m_transmitting) m_bEchoTxed=true;
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+    if(nseq==0 and m_ntr==0) {                   //Decide whether to Tx or Rx
+      m_tuneup=false;                              //This is not an ATU tuneup
+      bool btx = m_auto && m_WSPR_tx_next;         // To Tx, we need m_auto and
+                                                   // scheduled transmit
+      m_WSPR_tx_next = false;
+      if(btx) {
+        m_ntr=-1;                                  //This says we will have transmitted
+        ui->pbTxNext->setChecked (false);
+        m_bTxTime=true;                            //Start a WSPR or FST4W Tx sequence
+      } else {
+        // This will be a WSPR or FST4W Rx sequence.
+        m_ntr=1;                                   //This says we will have received
+        m_bTxTime=false;                           //Start a WSPR or FST4W Rx sequence
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    // For all modes other than WSPR and FST4W
+    m_bTxTime = (t2p >= tx1) and (t2p < tx2);
+    if(m_mode=="Echo") m_bTxTime = m_bTxTime and m_bEchoTxOK;
+    if(m_mode=="FT8" and ui->tx5->currentText().contains("/B ")) {
+      //FT8 beacon transmission from Tx5 only at top of a UTC minute
+      double t4p=fmod(tsec,4*m_TRperiod);
+      if(t4p >= 30.0) m_bTxTime=false;
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_tune) m_bTxTime=true;                 //"Tune" takes precedence
+  if(m_transmitting or m_auto or m_tune) {
+    m_dateTimeLastTX = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+// Check for "txboth" (FT4 testing purposes only)
+    QFile f(m_appDir + "/txboth");
+    if(f.exists() and fmod(tsec,m_TRperiod) < (0.5 + 105.0*576.0/12000.0)) m_bTxTime=true;
+// Don't transmit another mode in the 30 m WSPR sub-band
+    Frequency onAirFreq = m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value();
+    if ((onAirFreq > 10139900 and onAirFreq < 10140320) and m_mode!="WSPR" and m_mode!="FST4W") {
+      m_bTxTime=false;
+      if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false);
+      if(onAirFreq!=m_onAirFreq0) {
+        m_onAirFreq0=onAirFreq;
+        auto const& message = tr ("Please choose another Tx frequency."
+                                  " WSJT-X will not knowingly transmit another"
+                                  " mode in the WSPR sub-band on 30m.");
+        QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] { // don't block guiUpdate
+            MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("WSPR Guard Band"), message);
+          });
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) {
+// Don't allow Fox mode in any of the default FT8 sub-bands.
+      QVector<qint32> ft8Freq = {1840000,3573000,7074000,10136000,14074000,18100000,21074000,24915000,28074000,50313000,70154000};
+      for(int i=0; i<ft8Freq.length()-1; i++) {
+          int kHzdiff=m_freqNominal - ft8Freq[i];
+          if(qAbs(kHzdiff) < 3000 ) {
+          m_bTxTime=false;
+          if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false);
+          if (m_tune) stop_tuning();
+          auto const& message = tr ("Please choose another dial frequency.\n"
+                                    "Must be 3Khz away from %1.\n"
+                                    "WSJT-X will not operate in Fox mode\n"
+                                    "overlapping the standard FT8 sub-bands.").arg(ft8Freq[i]);
+          QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] {               // don't block guiUpdate
+            MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Fox Mode warning"), message);
+          });
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (m_config.watchdog() && m_mode!="WSPR" && m_mode!="FST4W"
+        && m_idleMinutes >= m_config.watchdog ()) {
+      tx_watchdog (true);       // disable transmit
+    }
+    double fTR=float((ms%int(1000.0*m_TRperiod)))/int(1000.0*m_TRperiod);
+    QString txMsg;
+    if(m_ntx == 1) txMsg=ui->tx1->text();
+    if(m_ntx == 2) txMsg=ui->tx2->text();
+    if(m_ntx == 3) txMsg=ui->tx3->text();
+    if(m_ntx == 4) txMsg=ui->tx4->text();
+    if(m_ntx == 5) txMsg=ui->tx5->currentText();
+    if(m_ntx == 6) txMsg=ui->tx6->text();
+    int msgLength=txMsg.trimmed().length();
+    if(msgLength==0 and !m_tune) on_stopTxButton_clicked();
+    if(g_iptt==0 and ((m_bTxTime and (fTR < 0.75) and (msgLength>0)) or m_tune)) {
+      //### Allow late starts
+      icw[0]=m_ncw;
+      g_iptt = 1;
+      setRig ();
+      if(m_mode=="FT8") {
+        if (SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp) {
+          if(m_config.superFox()) {
+            ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(750);            //SuperFox transmits at 750 Hz
+          } else {
+            if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() > 900) {
+              ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(500);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        else if (SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp && !m_config.superFox()) {
+          if(m_auto && !m_tune) {
+            if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() < 999 && m_ntx != 3) {
+              // Hound randomized range: 1000-3000 Hz
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+              ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (QRandomGenerator::global ()->bounded (1000, 2999));
+              ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue ((qrand () % 2000) + 1000);
+            }
+          }
+          if (m_nSentFoxRrpt==2 and m_ntx==3) {
+            // move off the original Fox frequency on subsequent tries of Tx3
+            int nfreq=m_nFoxFreq + 300;
+            if(m_nFoxFreq>600) nfreq=m_nFoxFreq - 300;  //keep nfreq below 900 Hz
+            ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(nfreq);
+          }
+          if (m_nSentFoxRrpt == 1) {
+            ++m_nSentFoxRrpt;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+// If HoldTxFreq is not checked, randomize Fox's Tx Freq
+// NB: Maybe this should be done no more than once every 5 minutes or so ?
+      if(m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and !ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked()) {
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (QRandomGenerator::global ()->bounded (300, 599));
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(300.0 + 300.0*double(qrand())/RAND_MAX);
+      }
+      setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+      m_config.transceiver_ptt (true); //Assert the PTT
+      m_tx_when_ready = true;
+    }
+//    if(!m_bTxTime and !m_tune and m_mode!="FT4") m_btxok=false;       //Time to stop transmitting
+    if(!m_bTxTime and !m_tune) m_btxok=false;       //Time to stop transmitting
+  }
+  if((m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") and
+     ((m_ntr==1 and m_rxDone) or (m_ntr==-1 and nseq>tx2))) {
+    if(m_monitoring) {
+      m_rxDone=false;
+    }
+    if(m_transmitting) {
+      WSPR_history(m_freqNominal,-1);
+      m_bTxTime=false;                        //Time to stop a WSPR or FST4W transmission
+      m_btxok=false;
+    }
+    else if (m_ntr != -1) {
+      WSPR_scheduling ();
+      m_ntr=0;                                //This WSPR or FST4W Rx sequence is complete
+    }
+  }
+  // Calculate Tx tones when needed
+  if((g_iptt==1 && m_iptt0==0) || m_restart) {
+    QByteArray ba;
+    QByteArray ba0;
+    if(m_mode=="WSPR") {
+      ba=WSPR_message().toLatin1();
+    } else {
+      if(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp and m_ntx!=3) {   //Hound transmits only Tx1 or Tx3
+        m_ntx=1;
+        ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+      }
+      if(m_mode=="FT4" and m_bBestSPArmed) {
+        m_BestCQpriority="";
+        m_bBestSPArmed=false;
+        ui->pbBestSP->setStyleSheet ("");
+      }
+      if(m_ntx == 1) ba=ui->tx1->text().toLocal8Bit();
+      if(m_ntx == 2) ba=ui->tx2->text().toLocal8Bit();
+      if(m_ntx == 3) ba=ui->tx3->text().toLocal8Bit();
+      if(m_ntx == 4) ba=ui->tx4->text().toLocal8Bit();
+      if(m_ntx == 5) ba=ui->tx5->currentText().toLocal8Bit();
+      if(m_ntx == 6) ba=ui->tx6->text().toLocal8Bit();
+    }
+    ba2msg(ba,message);
+    int ichk=0;
+    if (m_lastMessageSent != m_currentMessage
+        || m_lastMessageType != m_currentMessageType)
+      {
+        m_lastMessageSent = m_currentMessage;
+        m_lastMessageType = m_currentMessageType;
+      }
+    m_currentMessageType = 0;
+    if(m_tune or m_mode=="Echo") {
+      itone[0]=0;
+    } else {
+      if(m_QSOProgress==REPORT || m_QSOProgress==ROGER_REPORT) m_bSentReport=true;
+      if(m_bSentReport and (m_QSOProgress<REPORT or m_QSOProgress>ROGER_REPORT)) m_bSentReport=false;
+      if(m_mode=="JT4") gen4_(message, &ichk , msgsent, const_cast<int *> (itone),
+                                &m_currentMessageType, (FCL)22, (FCL)22);
+      if(m_mode=="JT9") gen9_(message, &ichk, msgsent, const_cast<int *> (itone),
+                                &m_currentMessageType, (FCL)22, (FCL)22);
+      if(m_mode=="JT65") gen65(message, &ichk, msgsent, const_cast<int *> (itone),
+                                  &m_currentMessageType);
+      if(m_mode=="WSPR") genwspr_(message, msgsent, const_cast<int *> (itone),
+                                    (FCL)22, (FCL)22);
+      if(m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4"
+         or m_mode=="FST4" or m_mode=="FST4W" || "Q65" == m_mode) {
+        if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+          genmsk_128_90_(message, &ichk, msgsent, const_cast<int *> (itone),
+                         &m_currentMessageType, (FCL)37, (FCL)37);
+          if(m_restart) {
+            int nsym=144;
+            if(itone[40]==-40) nsym=40;
+            m_modulator->set_nsym(nsym);
+          }
+        }
+        if(m_mode=="FT8") {
+          if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) {
+            foxTxSequencer();
+          } else {
+            int i3=0;
+            int n3=0;
+            char ft8msgbits[77];
+            genft8_(message, &i3, &n3, msgsent, const_cast<char *> (ft8msgbits),
+                    const_cast<int *> (itone), (FCL)37, (FCL)37);
+            int nsym=79;
+            int nsps=4*1920;
+            float fsample=48000.0;
+            float bt=2.0;
+            float f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT;
+            int icmplx=0;
+            int nwave=nsym*nsps;
+            gen_ft8wave_(const_cast<int *>(itone),&nsym,&nsps,&bt,&fsample,&f0,foxcom_.wave,
+                         foxcom_.wave,&icmplx,&nwave);
+            if(SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp) {
+              //Fox must generate the full Tx waveform, not just an itone[] array.
+              QString fm = QString::fromStdString(message).trimmed();
+              foxGenWaveform(0,fm);
+              foxcom_.nslots=1;
+              foxcom_.nfreq=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value();
+              if(m_config.split_mode()) foxcom_.nfreq = foxcom_.nfreq - m_XIT;  //Fox Tx freq
+              QString foxCall=m_config.my_callsign() + "         ";
+              ::memcpy(foxcom_.mycall, foxCall.toLatin1(), sizeof foxcom_.mycall); //Copy Fox callsign into foxcom_
+              bool bSuperFox=m_config.superFox();
+              auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("sfox_1.dat")).toLocal8Bit()};
+              foxcom_.bMoreCQs=ui->cbMoreCQs->isChecked();
+              foxcom_.bSendMsg=ui->cbSendMsg->isChecked();
+              memcpy(foxcom_.textMsg, m_freeTextMsg.leftJustified(26,' ').toLatin1(),26);
+              foxgen_(&bSuperFox, fname.constData(), (FCL)fname.size());
+              if(bSuperFox) {
+                writeFoxTxMsgs();
+                sfox_tx();
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if(m_mode=="FT4") {
+          int ichk=0;
+          char ft4msgbits[77];
+          genft4_(message, &ichk, msgsent, const_cast<char *> (ft4msgbits),
+                  const_cast<int *>(itone), (FCL)37, (FCL)37);
+          int nsym=103;
+          int nsps=4*576;
+          float fsample=48000.0;
+          float f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT;
+          int nwave=(nsym+2)*nsps;
+          int icmplx=0;
+          gen_ft4wave_(const_cast<int *>(itone),&nsym,&nsps,&fsample,&f0,foxcom_.wave,
+                       foxcom_.wave,&icmplx,&nwave);
+        }
+        if(m_mode=="FST4" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+          int ichk=0;
+          int iwspr=0;
+          char fst4msgbits[101];
+          QString wmsg;
+          if(m_mode=="FST4W") {
+            iwspr = 1;
+            wmsg=WSPR_message();
+            ba=wmsg.toLatin1();
+            ba2msg(ba,message);
+          }
+          genfst4_(message,&ichk,msgsent,const_cast<char *> (fst4msgbits),
+                   const_cast<int *>(itone), &iwspr, (FCL)37, (FCL)37);
+          int hmod=1;
+          if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) hmod=2;
+          if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) hmod=4;
+          int nsps=720;
+          if(m_TRperiod==30) nsps=1680;
+          if(m_TRperiod==60) nsps=3888;
+          if(m_TRperiod==120) nsps=8200;
+          if(m_TRperiod==300) nsps=21504;
+          if(m_TRperiod==900) nsps=66560;
+          if(m_TRperiod==1800) nsps=134400;
+          nsps=4*nsps;                           //48000 Hz sampling
+          int nsym=160;
+          float fsample=48000.0;
+          float dfreq=hmod*fsample/nsps;
+          float f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT + 1.5*dfreq;
+          if(m_mode=="FST4W") f0=ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT + 1.5*dfreq;
+          int nwave=(nsym+2)*nsps;
+          int icmplx=0;
+          gen_fst4wave_(const_cast<int *>(itone),&nsym,&nsps,&nwave,
+                        &fsample,&hmod,&f0,&icmplx,foxcom_.wave,foxcom_.wave);
+          QString t = QString::fromStdString(message).trimmed();
+        }
+        if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+          int i3=-1;
+          int n3=-1;
+          genq65_(message, &ichk,msgsent, const_cast<int *>(itone), &i3, &n3, (FCL)37, (FCL)37);
+          int nsps=1800;
+          if(m_TRperiod==30) nsps=3600;
+          if(m_TRperiod==60) nsps=7200;
+          if(m_TRperiod==120) nsps=16000;
+          if(m_TRperiod==300) nsps=41472;
+          int nsps4=4*nsps;                           //48000 Hz sampling
+          int nsym=85;
+          float fsample=48000.0;
+          int nwave=(nsym+2)*nsps4;
+          int icmplx=0;
+          int hmod=1;
+          float f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()-m_XIT;
+          genwave_(const_cast<int *>(itone),&nsym,&nsps4,&nwave,
+                   &fsample,&hmod,&f0,&icmplx,foxcom_.wave,foxcom_.wave);
+        }
+        if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) {
+          if(m_ntx==2) m_xSent=ui->tx2->text().right(13);
+          if(m_ntx==3) m_xSent=ui->tx3->text().right(13);
+        }
+        if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp or SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) {
+          if(m_ntx==2 or m_ntx==3) {
+            QStringList t=ui->tx2->text().split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+            int n=t.size();
+            if (n > 3) + " " +;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      msgsent[37]=0;
+    }
+    {
+      auto temp = m_currentMessage;
+      m_currentMessage = QString::fromLatin1(msgsent);
+      if (m_currentMessage != temp) // check if tx message changed
+      {
+          statusUpdate ();
+        }
+    }
+    m_bCallingCQ = 6 == m_ntx
+      || m_currentMessage.contains (QRegularExpression {"^(CQ|QRZ) "});
+    m_maxPoints=-1;
+    if (m_tune) {
+      m_currentMessage = "TUNE";
+      m_currentMessageType = -1;
+    }
+    if(m_restart) {
+      write_all("Tx",m_currentMessage);
+      if (m_config.TX_messages () and m_mode!="Echo") {
+        ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(m_currentMessage.trimmed(),m_mode,
+                     ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(),m_bFastMode,m_TRperiod,m_config.superFox());
+        }
+    }
+    auto t2 = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hhmm");
+    icw[0] = 0;
+    auto msg_parts = m_currentMessage.split (' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+    if (msg_parts.size () > 2) {
+      // clean up short code forms
+      msg_parts[0].remove (QChar {'<'});
+      msg_parts[0].remove (QChar {'>'});
+      msg_parts[1].remove (QChar {'<'});
+      msg_parts[1].remove (QChar {'>'});
+    }
+    auto is_73 = message_is_73 (m_currentMessageType, msg_parts);
+    m_sentFirst73 = is_73
+      && !message_is_73 (m_lastMessageType, m_lastMessageSent.split (' ', SkipEmptyParts));
+    if (m_sentFirst73 || (is_73 && CALLING == m_QSOProgress)) {
+      m_qsoStop=t2;
+      if(m_config.id_after_73 ()) {
+        icw[0] = m_ncw;
+      }
+      if((m_config.prompt_to_log() or m_config.autoLog()) && !m_tune && CALLING != m_QSOProgress)
+        {
+          logQSOTimer.start(0);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+        }
+    }
+    bool b=("FT8"==m_mode or "FT4"==m_mode or "Q65"==m_mode) and ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible ()
+        && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ();
+    if(is_73 and (m_config.disable_TX_on_73() or b)) {
+      m_nextCall="";  //### Temporary: disable use of "TU;" messages;
+      if(m_nextCall!="") {
+        useNextCall();
+      } else {
+        auto_tx_mode (false);
+        if(b) {
+          m_ntx=6;
+          ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+          m_QSOProgress = CALLING;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_config.id_interval () >0) {
+      int nmin=(m_sec0-m_secID)/60;
+      if(m_sec0<m_secID) nmin=m_config.id_interval();
+      if(nmin >= m_config.id_interval()) {
+        icw[0]=m_ncw;
+        m_secID=m_sec0;
+      }
+    }
+    if ((m_currentMessageType < 6 || 7 == m_currentMessageType)
+        && msg_parts.length() >= 3
+        && (msg_parts[1] == m_config.my_callsign () ||
+            msg_parts[1] == m_baseCall))
+    {
+      int i1;
+      bool ok;
+      i1 = msg_parts[2].toInt(&ok);
+      if(ok and i1>=-50 and i1<50)
+      {
+        m_rptSent = msg_parts[2];
+        m_qsoStart = t2;
+      } else {
+        if (msg_parts[2].mid (0, 1) == "R")
+        {
+          i1 = msg_parts[2].mid (1).toInt (&ok);
+          if (ok and i1 >= -50 and i1 < 50)
+          {
+            m_rptSent = msg_parts[2].mid (1);
+            m_qsoStart = t2;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    m_restart=false;
+  } else {
+    if (!m_auto && m_sentFirst73) {
+      m_sentFirst73 = false;
+    }
+  }
+  if (g_iptt == 1 && m_iptt0 == 0) {
+    auto const& current_message = QString::fromLatin1 (msgsent);
+    if(m_config.watchdog () && m_mode!="WSPR" && m_mode!="FST4W"
+       && current_message != m_msgSent0) {
+      tx_watchdog (false);  // in case we are auto sequencing
+      m_msgSent0 = current_message;
+    }
+    if (m_mode != "FST4W" && m_mode != "WSPR" && m_mode!="Echo")
+      {
+        if(!m_tune) write_all("Tx",m_currentMessage);
+        if (m_config.TX_messages () && !m_tune && SpecOp::FOX!=m_specOp)
+          {
+            ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(current_message.trimmed(),
+                  m_mode,ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(),m_bFastMode,m_TRperiod,m_config.superFox());
+          }
+      }
+    switch (m_ntx)
+    {
+      case 1: m_QSOProgress = REPLYING; break;
+      case 2: m_QSOProgress = REPORT; break;
+      case 3: m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT; break;
+      case 4: m_QSOProgress = ROGERS; break;
+      case 5: m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF; break;
+      case 6: m_QSOProgress = CALLING; break;
+      default: break;             // determined elsewhere
+    }
+    m_transmitting = true;
+    transmitDisplay (true);
+    statusUpdate ();
+  }
+  if(!m_btxok && m_btxok0 && g_iptt==1) {
+    stopTx();
+    if ("1" == m_env.value ("WSJT_TX_BOTH", "0")) {
+      m_txFirst = !m_txFirst;
+      ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked (m_txFirst);
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_startAnother) {
+    if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+      m_wait++;
+    }
+    if(m_mode!="MSK144" or m_wait>=4) {
+      m_wait=0;
+      m_startAnother=false;
+      on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered();
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="Q65") {
+    if(ui->txrb1->isEnabled() and
+       (SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp or
+        SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp or
+        SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp or
+        SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp or
+        SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp or
+        SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp)) {
+      //We're in a contest-like mode other than EU_VHF: start QSO with Tx2.
+      ui->tx1->setEnabled(false);
+      ui->txb1->setEnabled(false);
+    }
+    if(!ui->tx1->isEnabled() and SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) {
+      //We're in EU_VHF mode: start QSO with Tx1.
+      ui->tx1->setEnabled(true);
+      ui->txb1->setEnabled(true);
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Echo" and !m_monitoring and !m_auto and !m_diskData) m_echoRunning=false;
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    mem_qmap.lock();
+    int n=0;
+    if(m_decoderBusy) n=1;
+    ipc_qmap[3]=n;
+    n=0;
+    if(m_transmitting) n=m_TRperiod;
+    ipc_qmap[4]=n;
+    if(ipc_qmap[0] > 0) {             //ndecodes
+      memcpy(&qmapcom, (char*)ipc_qmap, sizeof(qmapcom));  //Fetch the new decode(s)
+      readWidebandDecodes();
+    }
+    if(ipc_qmap[5]>0) {
+      setRig((m_freqNominal/1000000)*1000000 + 1000*ipc_qmap[5]);
+      ipc_qmap[5]=0;
+    }
+    mem_qmap.unlock();
+  }
+//Once per second (onesec)
+  if(nsec != m_sec0) {
+//    qDebug() << "AAA" << nsec%60 << ui->cbWorkDupes->isChecked();
+//    qint64 n64 = QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch();
+//    n64=n64/30;
+//    n64=n64*30;
+//    qDebug() << "bb" << m_config.FoxKey() << nsec%60 << dec_data.params.nutc << n64 << n64%60;
+    // prevent tuning on top of a SuperFox message
+    if (SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp && m_config.superFox() && m_tune) {
+      QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+      int s = now.time().toString("ss").toInt();
+      if ((s >= 0 && s < 15) || (s >= 30 && s < 45)) ui->tuneButton->click ();
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="FST4") chk_FST4_freq_range();
+    m_currentBand=m_config.bands()->find(m_freqNominal);
+    if( SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp ) {
+      qint32 tHound=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000 - m_tAutoOn;
+      //To keep calling Fox, Hound must reactivate Enable Tx at least once every 2 minutes
+      if(tHound >= 120 and m_ntx==1) {
+      auto_tx_mode(false);
+      statusUpdate ();
+      }
+    }
+    progressBar.setVisible(true);
+    progressBar.setFormat ("%v/%m");
+    if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+      progressBar.setMaximum(3);
+      int n=0;
+      if(m_transmitting or m_monitoring) n=int(m_s6)%3;
+      progressBar.setValue(n);
+    }
+    if(m_mode!="Echo") {
+      if(m_monitoring or m_transmitting) {
+        progressBar.setMaximum(m_TRperiod);
+        int isec=int(fmod(tsec,m_TRperiod));
+        if(m_TRperiod-int(m_TRperiod)>0.0) {
+          QString progBarLabel;
+          progBarLabel = progBarLabel.asprintf("%d/%3.1f",isec,m_TRperiod);
+          progressBar.setFormat (progBarLabel);
+        }
+        progressBar.setValue(isec);
+      } else {
+        progressBar.setValue(0);
+      }
+    }
+    astroUpdate ();
+    if(m_transmitting) {
+      char s[42];
+      if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1) {
+        snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"Tx:  %d Slots",foxcom_.nslots);
+      } else {
+        snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"Tx: %s",msgsent);
+      }
+      m_nsendingsh=0;
+      if(s[4]==64) m_nsendingsh=1;
+      if(m_nsendingsh==1 or m_currentMessageType==7) {
+        tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #66ffff}");
+      } else if(m_nsendingsh==-1 or m_currentMessageType==6) {
+        tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ffccff}");
+      } else {
+        tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ffff33}");
+      }
+      if(m_tune) {
+        tx_status_label.setText("Tx: TUNE");
+      } else {
+        if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+          tx_status_label.setText("Tx: ECHO");
+        } else {
+          s[40]=0;
+          QString t{QString::fromLatin1(s)};
+          if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()==1 and foxcom_.nslots==1) {
+              t=m_fm1.trimmed();
+          }
+          if(m_mode=="FT4") t="Tx: "+ m_currentMessage;
+          tx_status_label.setText(t.trimmed());
+        }
+      }
+    } else if(m_monitoring) {
+      if (!m_tx_watchdog) {
+        tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #00ff00}");
+        auto t = tr ("Receiving");
+        if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+          int npct=int(100.0*m_fCPUmskrtd/0.298667);
+          if(npct>90) tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff0000}");
+          t += QString {"   %1%"}.arg (npct, 2);
+        }
+        tx_status_label.setText (t);
+      }
+      transmitDisplay(false);
+    } else if (!m_diskData && !m_tx_watchdog) {
+      tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("");
+      tx_status_label.setText("");
+    }
+    QDateTime t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+    QString utc ="yyyy MMM dd") + "\n " +
+      t.time().toString() + " ";
+    ui->labUTC->setText(utc);
+    if(m_bBestSPArmed and (m_dateTimeBestSP.secsTo(t) >= 120)) on_pbBestSP_clicked(); //BestSP timeout
+    if(!m_monitoring and !m_diskData) ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0);
+    m_sec0=nsec;
+    displayDialFrequency ();
+  }
+  m_iptt0=g_iptt;
+  m_btxok0=m_btxok;
+}               //End of guiUpdate
+void MainWindow::useNextCall()
+  ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_nextCall);
+  m_nextCall="";
+  if(m_nextGrid.contains(grid_regexp)) {
+    ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_nextGrid);
+    m_ntx=2;
+    ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+  } else {
+    m_ntx=3;
+    ui->txrb3->setChecked(true);
+  }
+  genStdMsgs(m_nextRpt);
+void MainWindow::startTx2()
+  if (!m_modulator->isActive ()) { // TODO - not thread safe
+    double fSpread=0.0;
+    double snr=99.0;
+    QString t=ui->tx5->currentText();
+    if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") fSpread=t.mid(1,5).toDouble();
+    m_modulator->setSpread(fSpread); // TODO - not thread safe
+    t=ui->tx6->text();
+    if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") snr=t.mid(1,5).toDouble();
+    if(snr>0.0 or snr < -50.0) snr=99.0;
+    if((m_ntx==6 or m_ntx==7) and m_config.force_call_1st() and
+       ui->respondComboBox->currentIndex()==0) {
+      ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+      ui->respondComboBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    }
+    transmit (snr);
+    ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0);
+    if(m_mode=="Echo" and !m_tune) m_bTransmittedEcho=true;
+    if((m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") and !m_tune) {
+      if (m_config.TX_messages ()) {
+        t = " Transmitting " + m_mode + " ----------------------- " +
+          m_config.bands ()->find (m_freqNominal);
+        t=beacon_start_time (m_TRperiod / 2) + ' ' + t.rightJustified (66, '-');
+        ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertText(t);
+      }
+      write_all("Tx",m_currentMessage);
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::stopTx()
+  Q_EMIT endTransmitMessage ();
+  m_btxok = false;
+  m_transmitting = false;
+  g_iptt=0;
+  if (!m_tx_watchdog) {
+    tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("");
+    tx_status_label.setText("");
+  }
+  ptt0Timer.start(200);                       //end-of-transmission sequencer delay
+  monitor (true);
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::stopTx2()
+  m_config.transceiver_ptt (false); //Lower PTT
+  if (m_mode == "JT9" && m_bFast9
+      && ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ()
+      && m_ntx == 5 && m_nTx73 >= 5) {
+    on_stopTxButton_clicked ();
+    m_nTx73 = 0;
+  }
+  if(((m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") and m_ntr==-1) and !m_tuneup) {
+    m_wideGraph->setWSPRtransmitted();
+    WSPR_scheduling ();
+    m_ntr=0;
+  }
+  last_tx_label.setText(tr ("Last Tx: %1").arg (m_currentMessage.trimmed()));
+void MainWindow::ba2msg(QByteArray ba, char message[])             //ba2msg()
+  int iz=ba.length();
+  for(int i=0; i<37; i++) {
+    if(i<iz) {
+      if(int(ba[i])>=97 and int(ba[i])<=122) ba[i]=int(ba[i])-32;
+      message[i]=ba[i];
+    } else {
+      message[i]=32;
+    }
+  }
+  message[37]=0;
+void MainWindow::on_txFirstCheckBox_stateChanged(int nstate)        //TxFirst
+  m_txFirst = (nstate==2);
+void MainWindow::set_dateTimeQSO(int m_ntx)
+    // m_ntx = -1 resets to default time
+    // Our QSO start time can be fairly well determined from Tx 2 and Tx 3 -- the grid reports
+    // If we CQ'd and sending sigrpt then 2 minutes ago n=2
+    // If we're on msg 3 then 3 minutes ago n=3 -- might have sat on msg1 for a while
+    // If we've already set our time on just return.
+    // This should mean that Tx2 or Tx3 has been repeated so don't update the start time
+    // We reset it in several places
+    if (m_ntx == -1) { // we use a default date to detect change
+      m_dateTimeQSOOn = QDateTime {};
+    }
+    else if (m_dateTimeQSOOn.isValid ()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    else { // we also take of m_TRperiod/2 to allow for late clicks
+      auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+      m_dateTimeQSOOn = now.addSecs (-(m_ntx - 2) * int(m_TRperiod) -
+                                     int(fmod(double(now.time().second()),m_TRperiod)));
+    }
+void MainWindow::set_ntx(int n)                                   //set_ntx()
+  m_ntx=n;
+void MainWindow::on_txrb1_toggled (bool status)
+  if (status) {
+    if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+      m_ntx = 1;
+      set_dateTimeQSO (-1); // we reset here as tx2/tx3 is used for start times
+    }
+    else {
+      QTimer::singleShot (0, ui->txrb2, SLOT (click ()));
+    }
+  }
+bool MainWindow::elide_tx1_not_allowed () const
+  auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  return
+    (m_mode=="FT8" && SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp)
+    || ((m_mode.startsWith ("FT") || "MSK144" == m_mode || "Q65" == m_mode || "FST4" == m_mode)
+        && Radio::is_77bit_nonstandard_callsign (my_callsign))
+    || (my_callsign != m_baseCall && !shortList (my_callsign));
+void MainWindow::on_txrb1_doubleClicked ()
+  ui->tx1->setEnabled (elide_tx1_not_allowed () || !ui->tx1->isEnabled ());
+  if (!ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+    // leave time for clicks to complete before setting txrb2
+    QTimer::singleShot (500, ui->txrb2, SLOT (click ()));
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txrb2_toggled (bool status)
+  // Tx 2 means we already have CQ'd so good reference
+  if (status) {
+    m_ntx=2;
+    set_dateTimeQSO (m_ntx);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txrb3_toggled(bool status)
+  // Tx 3 means we should have already have done Tx 1 so good reference
+  if (status) {
+    m_ntx=3;
+    set_dateTimeQSO(m_ntx);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txrb4_toggled (bool status)
+  if (status) {
+    m_ntx=4;
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txrb4_doubleClicked ()
+  // RR73 only allowed if not a type 2 compound callsign
+  auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall;
+  m_send_RR73 = !((is_compound && !shortList (my_callsign)) || m_send_RR73);
+  if(m_mode=="FT4") m_send_RR73=true;
+  genStdMsgs (m_rpt);
+void MainWindow::on_txrb5_toggled (bool status)
+  if (status) {
+    m_ntx = 5;
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txrb5_doubleClicked ()
+  genStdMsgs (m_rpt, true);
+void MainWindow::on_txrb6_toggled(bool status)
+  if (status) {
+    m_ntx=6;
+    if (ui->txrb6->text().contains (QRegularExpression {"^(CQ|QRZ) "})) set_dateTimeQSO(-1);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txb1_clicked()
+  if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+    m_ntx=1;
+    m_QSOProgress = REPLYING;
+    ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+  }
+  else {
+    on_txb2_clicked ();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_txb1_doubleClicked()
+  ui->tx1->setEnabled (elide_tx1_not_allowed () || !ui->tx1->isEnabled ());
+void MainWindow::on_txb2_clicked()
+    m_ntx=2;
+    m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+    ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::on_txb3_clicked()
+    m_ntx=3;
+    m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT;
+    ui->txrb3->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::on_txb4_clicked()
+    m_ntx=4;
+    m_QSOProgress = ROGERS;
+    ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::on_txb4_doubleClicked()
+  // RR73 only allowed if not a type 2 compound callsign
+  auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall;
+  m_send_RR73 = !((is_compound && !shortList (my_callsign)) || m_send_RR73);
+  if(m_mode=="FT4") m_send_RR73=true;
+  genStdMsgs (m_rpt);
+void MainWindow::on_txb5_clicked()
+    m_ntx=5;
+    m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF;
+    ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::on_txb5_doubleClicked()
+  genStdMsgs (m_rpt, true);
+void MainWindow::on_txb6_clicked()
+    m_ntx=6;
+    m_QSOProgress = CALLING;
+    set_dateTimeQSO(-1);
+    ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+    if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+void MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall2(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+//Confusing: come here after double-click on left text window, not right window.
+  set_dateTimeQSO(-1); // reset our QSO start time
+  m_decodedText2=true;
+  doubleClickOnCall(modifiers);
+  m_decodedText2=false;
+void MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+  QTextCursor cursor;
+  if(m_mode=="FST4W") {
+    MessageBox::information_message (this,
+        "Double-click not available for FST4W mode");
+    return;
+  }
+  if(m_decodedText2) {
+    cursor=ui->decodedTextBrowser->textCursor();
+  } else {
+    cursor=ui->decodedTextBrowser2->textCursor();
+  }
+  DecodedText message {cursor.block().text().trimmed().left(61).remove("TU; ")};
+  if(message.string().contains(";") && message.string().contains("<")) {
+    QVector<qint32> Freq = {1840000,3573000,7074000,10136000,14074000,18100000,21074000,24915000,28074000,50313000,70154000,3575000,7047500,10140000,14080000,18104000,21140000,24919000,28180000,50318000};
+    for(int i=0; i<Freq.length()-1; i++) {
+        int kHzdiff=m_freqNominal - Freq[i];
+        if(qAbs(kHzdiff) < 3000 ) {
+        m_bTxTime=false;
+        if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false);
+        if (m_tune) stop_tuning();
+//        auto const& msg2 = tr("Double-clicking on combined messages\n"
+//                              "not allowed on the standard FT8 sub-bands.");
+//        QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] {               // don't block guiUpdate
+//          MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Potential hash collision"), msg2);
+//        });
+        return;
+        }
+    }
+  }
+  if(modifiers==(Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::AltModifier)) {
+    //### What was the purpose of this ???  ###
+    cursor.setPosition(0);
+  } else {
+    cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart());
+  }
+  if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and m_decodedText2) {
+    if(m_houndQueue.count()<10 and m_nSortedHounds>0) {
+      QString t=cursor.block().text();
+      selectHound(t, modifiers==(Qt::AltModifier));  // alt double-click gets put at top of queue
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  m_bDoubleClicked = true;
+  processMessage (message, modifiers);
+void MainWindow::processMessage (DecodedText const& message, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+  // decode keyboard modifiers we are interested in
+  auto shift = modifiers.testFlag (Qt::ShiftModifier);
+  auto ctrl = modifiers.testFlag (Qt::ControlModifier);
+  // auto alt = modifiers.testFlag (Qt::AltModifier);
+  auto auto_seq = ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ();
+  // basic mode sanity checks
+  auto const& parts = message.clean_string ().split (' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+  if (parts.size () < 5) return;
+  auto const& mode = (4).left (1);
+  if (("JT65" == m_mode && mode != "#")
+      || ("JT9" == m_mode && mode != "@")
+      || ("MSK144" == m_mode && !("&" == mode || "^" == mode))
+      || ("Q65" == m_mode && mode.left (1) != ":")) {
+    return;      //Currently we do auto-sequencing only in FT4, FT8, MSK144, FST4, and Q65
+  }
+  //Skip the rest if no decoded text extracted
+  int frequency = message.frequencyOffset();
+  if (message.isTX()) {
+    if (!m_config.enable_VHF_features()) {
+      if(!shift) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(frequency); //Set Rx freq
+      if((ctrl or shift) and !ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()) {
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(frequency); //Set Tx freq
+      }
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  // check for CQ with listening frequency
+  if (parts.size () >= 7
+      && (m_bFastMode || m_mode=="FT8")
+      && "CQ" == parts[5]
+      && m_config.is_transceiver_online ()) {
+    bool ok;
+    auto kHz = parts[6].toUInt (&ok);
+    if (ok && kHz >= 10 && 3 == parts[6].size ()) {
+      // QSY Freq for answering CQ nnn
+      setRig (m_freqNominal / 1000000 * 1000000 + 1000 * kHz);
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayQSY (QString {"QSY %1"}.arg (m_freqNominal / 1e6, 7, 'f', 3));
+    }
+  }
+  int nmod = fmod(double(message.timeInSeconds()),2.0*m_TRperiod);
+  m_txFirst=(nmod!=0);
+  if( SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp ) m_txFirst=false;          //Hound must not transmit first
+  if( SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp ) m_txFirst=true;             //Fox must always transmit first
+  ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(m_txFirst);
+  auto const& message_words = message.messageWords ();
+  if (message_words.size () < 3) return;
+  QString hiscall;
+  QString hisgrid;
+  message.deCallAndGrid(/*out*/hiscall,hisgrid);
+  if(message.clean_string ().contains(hiscall+"/R")) {
+    hiscall+="/R";
+    ui->dxCallEntry->setText(hiscall);
+  }
+  if(message.clean_string ().contains(hiscall+"/P")) {
+    hiscall+="/P";
+    ui->dxCallEntry->setText(hiscall);
+  }
+  QStringList w=message.clean_string ().mid(22).remove("<").remove(">").split(" ",SkipEmptyParts);
+  int nw=w.size();
+  if(nw>=4) {
+    if(message_words.size()<4) return;
+    int;
+    if(n>=520001 and n<=592047) {
+    }
+  }
+  bool is_73 = message_words.filter (QRegularExpression {"^(73|RR73)$"}).size ();
+  if (!is_73 and !message.isStandardMessage() and !message.clean_string ().contains("<")) {
+    qDebug () << "Not processing message - hiscall:" << hiscall << "hisgrid:" << hisgrid
+              << message.clean_string () << message.isStandardMessage();
+    return;
+  }
+  if ((message.isJT9 () and m_mode != "JT9" and m_mode != "JT4") or
+             (message.isJT65 () and m_mode != "JT65" and m_mode != "JT4")) {
+    // We are not allowing mode change, so don't process decode
+    return;
+  }
+  // ignore calls by other hounds
+  if (SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp
+      && message.messageWords ().indexOf (QRegularExpression {R"(R\+-[0-9]+)"}) >= 1)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+  QString firstcall =;
+  if(firstcall.length()>=4 and firstcall.mid(0,3)=="CQ ") firstcall="CQ";
+  if(!m_bFastMode and (!m_config.enable_VHF_features() or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FST4")) {
+    // Don't change Tx freq if in a fast mode, or VHF features enabled; also not if a
+    // station is calling me, unless CTRL or SHIFT is held down.
+    if ((Radio::is_callsign (firstcall)
+         && firstcall != m_config.my_callsign () && firstcall != m_baseCall
+         && firstcall != "DE")
+        || "CQ" == firstcall || "QRZ" == firstcall || ctrl || shift) {
+      if (((SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp) || m_mode != "FT8")
+          && (!ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked () || shift || ctrl)) {
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(frequency);
+      }
+      if(m_mode != "JT4" && m_mode != "JT65" && !m_mode.startsWith ("JT9") &&
+         m_mode != "Q65" && m_mode!="FT8" && m_mode!="FT4" && m_mode!="FST4") {
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // prior DX call (possible QSO partner)
+  auto qso_partner_base_call = Radio::base_callsign (ui->dxCallEntry->text ());
+  auto base_call = Radio::base_callsign (hiscall);
+// Determine appropriate response to received message
+  auto dtext = " " + message.clean_string () + " ";
+  dtext=dtext.remove("<").remove(">");
+  if(dtext.contains (" " + m_baseCall + " ")
+     || dtext.contains ("<" + m_baseCall + "> ")
+//###???     || dtext.contains ("<" + m_baseCall + " " + hiscall + "> ")
+     || dtext.contains ("/" + m_baseCall + " ")
+     || dtext.contains (" " + m_baseCall + "/")
+     || (firstcall == "DE")) {
+    QString w2;
+    int nw=w.size();
+    if(nw>=3);
+    int nrpt=w2.toInt();
+    QString w34;
+    if(nw>=4) {
+    }
+    bool bRTTY = (nrpt>=529 and nrpt<=599);
+    bool bEU_VHF_w2=(nrpt>=520001 and nrpt<=594000);
+    if(bEU_VHF_w2 and SpecOp::EU_VHF!=m_specOp) {
+      auto const& msg = tr("Should you switch to EU VHF Contest mode?\n\n"
+                               "To do so, check 'Special operating activity' and\n"
+                               "'EU VHF Contest' on the Settings | Advanced tab.");
+      MessageBox::information_message (this, msg);
+    }
+    QStringList t=message.clean_string ().split(' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+    int n=t.size();
+    QString;
+    QString t1=t0.right(1);
+    bool bFieldDay_msg = (t1>="A" and t1<="F" and t0.size()<=3 and n>=9);
+    int m=t0.remove(t1).toInt();
+    if(m < 1) bFieldDay_msg=false;
+    if(bFieldDay_msg) {
+ + " " +;
+    }
+    if(bFieldDay_msg and SpecOp::FIELD_DAY!=m_specOp) {
+      // ### Should be in ARRL Field Day mode ??? ###
+      MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Should you switch to ARRL Field Day mode?"));
+    }
+    if(bRTTY and SpecOp::RTTY != m_specOp) {
+      // ### Should be in RTTY contest mode ??? ###
+      MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Should you switch to RTTY contest mode?"));
+    }
+    // This is necessary to prevent crashes caused by double-clicking messages with <...> in certain QSO situations.
+    if((SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp or SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp or SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp)
+        and message.string().contains("<...>")) return;
+    if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp and and
+       (! and (!m_bDoubleClicked)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    bool bContestOK=(m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="Q65" or m_mode=="MSK144");
+    if(message_words.size () > 4   // enough fields for a normal message
+       && ( || "DE" ==
+       && ( or m_bDoubleClicked
+           or bEU_VHF_w2 or (m_QSOProgress==CALLING))) {
+      if( and SpecOp::EU_VHF!=m_specOp) {
+        if((SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp or SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp or
+            SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp or SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp)
+           and bContestOK) {
+          setTxMsg(3);
+          m_QSOProgress=ROGER_REPORT;
+        } else {
+          if(m_mode=="JT65" and message_words.size()>5 and"OOO") {
+            setTxMsg(3);
+            m_QSOProgress=ROGER_REPORT;
+          } else {
+            setTxMsg(2);
+            m_QSOProgress=REPORT;
+          }
+        }
+      } else if(w34.contains(grid_regexp) and SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) {
+        if(nrpt==0) {
+          setTxMsg(2);
+          m_QSOProgress=REPORT;
+        } else {
+          if(w2=="R") {
+            setTxMsg(4);
+            m_QSOProgress=ROGERS;
+          } else {
+            setTxMsg(3);
+            m_QSOProgress=ROGER_REPORT;
+          }
+        }
+      } else if(SpecOp::RTTY == m_specOp and bRTTY) {
+        if(w2=="R") {
+          setTxMsg(4);
+          m_QSOProgress=ROGERS;
+        } else {
+          setTxMsg(3);
+          m_QSOProgress=ROGER_REPORT;
+        }
+        m_xRcvd=t[n-2] + " " + t[n-1];
+      } else if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp and bFieldDay_msg) {
+        if(t0=="R") {
+          setTxMsg(4);
+          m_QSOProgress=ROGERS;
+        } else {
+          setTxMsg(3);
+          m_QSOProgress=ROGER_REPORT;
+        }
+      } else {  // no grid on end of msg
+        auto const& word_3 = (4);
+        auto word_3_as_number = word_3.toInt ();
+        if (("RRR" == word_3
+             || (word_3_as_number == 73 && ROGERS == m_QSOProgress)
+             || "RR73" == word_3
+             || ("R" == word_3 && m_QSOProgress != REPORT))) {
+          if(m_mode=="FT4" and "RR73" == word_3) m_dateTimeRcvdRR73=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+          m_bTUmsg=false;
+          m_nextCall="";   //### Temporary: disable use of "TU;" message
+          if(SpecOp::RTTY == m_specOp and m_nextCall!="") {
+            // We're in RTTY contest and have "nextCall" queued up: send a "TU; ..." message
+            if (m_config.prompt_to_log() || m_config.autoLog()) {
+              logQSOTimer.start(0);
+            }
+            else {
+              cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+            }
+            ui->tx3->setText(ui->tx3->text().remove("TU; "));
+            useNextCall();
+            QString t="TU; " + ui->tx3->text();
+            ui->tx3->setText(t);
+            m_bTUmsg=true;
+          } else {
+            if (false)              // Always Send 73 after receiving RRR or RR73, even in contest mode.
+              {
+                if (m_config.prompt_to_log() || m_config.autoLog()) {
+                  logQSOTimer.start(0);
+                }
+                else {
+                  cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+                }
+                m_ntx=6;
+                ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+              }
+            else if (word_3.contains (QRegularExpression {"^R(?!R73|RR)"})
+                     && m_QSOProgress != ROGER_REPORT)
+              {
+                m_ntx=4;
+                ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+              }
+            else if ((m_QSOProgress > CALLING && m_QSOProgress < ROGERS)
+                     || word_3.contains (QRegularExpression {"^RR(?:R|73)$"}))
+              {
+                m_ntx=5;
+                ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+              }
+            else if (ROGERS == m_QSOProgress)
+              {
+                if (m_config.prompt_to_log() || m_config.autoLog()) {
+                  logQSOTimer.start(0);
+                }
+                else {
+                  cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+                }
+                m_ntx=6;
+                ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // just work them (again)
+                if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+                  m_ntx = 1;
+                  m_QSOProgress = REPLYING;
+                  ui->txrb1->setChecked (true);
+                } else {
+                  m_ntx=2;
+                  m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+                  ui->txrb2->setChecked (true);
+                }
+              }
+          }
+          if (m_QSOProgress >= ROGER_REPORT)
+            {
+              m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF;
+            }
+        } else if((m_QSOProgress >= REPORT
+                   || (m_QSOProgress >= REPLYING &&
+                   (m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" || "Q65" == m_mode)))
+                  && word_3.startsWith ('R')) {
+          m_ntx=4;
+          m_QSOProgress = ROGERS;
+          if(SpecOp::RTTY == m_specOp) {
+            int n=t.size();
+            int nRpt=t[n-2].toInt();
+            if(nRpt>=529 and nRpt<=599) m_xRcvd=t[n-2] + " " + t[n-1];
+          }
+          ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+        } else if (m_QSOProgress >= CALLING)
+          {
+            if ((word_3_as_number >= -50 && word_3_as_number <= 49)
+                || (word_3_as_number >= 529 && word_3_as_number <= 599))
+              {
+                if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp or
+                   SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp or
+                   SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp)
+                  {
+                    setTxMsg(2);
+                    m_QSOProgress=REPORT;
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    if (word_3.startsWith ("R-") || word_3.startsWith ("R+"))
+                      {
+                        setTxMsg(4);
+                        m_QSOProgress=ROGERS;
+                      }
+                    else
+                      {
+                        setTxMsg (3);
+                        m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT;
+                      }
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+        else
+          {                // nothing for us
+            return;
+          }
+      }
+    }
+    else if (5 == message_words.size ()
+             && m_baseCall == (1)) {
+      // dual Fox style message, possibly from MSHV
+      if (m_config.prompt_to_log() || m_config.autoLog()) {
+        logQSOTimer.start(0);
+      }
+      else {
+        cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+      }
+      m_ntx=6;
+      ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+    }
+    else if (m_QSOProgress >= ROGERS
+             && message_words.size () > 3 && (2).contains (m_baseCall)
+             && (3) == "73") {
+      // 73 back to compound call holder
+      m_ntx=5;
+      ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+      m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF;
+    }
+    else if (!(m_bAutoReply && (m_QSOProgress > CALLING))) {
+      if ((message_words.size () > 5 && (2).contains (m_baseCall)
+           && (5) == "OOO")) {
+        // EME short code report or MSK144/FT8 contest mode reply, send back Tx3
+        m_ntx=3;
+        m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT;
+        ui->txrb3->setChecked (true);
+      } else if (!is_73) {    // don't respond to sign off messages
+        m_ntx=2;
+        m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+        ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+        if (m_bDoubleClickAfterCQnnn and m_transmitting) {
+          on_stopTxButton_clicked();
+          TxAgainTimer.start(1500);
+        }
+        m_bDoubleClickAfterCQnnn=false;
+      }
+      else {
+        return;               // nothing we need to respond to
+      }
+    }
+    else {                  // nothing for us
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (firstcall == "DE" && message_words.size () > 4 && (4) == "73") {
+    if (m_QSOProgress >= ROGERS && base_call == qso_partner_base_call && m_currentMessageType) {
+      // 73 back to compound call holder
+      m_ntx=5;
+      ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+      m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF;
+    } else {
+      // treat like a CQ/QRZ
+      if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+        m_ntx = 1;
+        m_QSOProgress = REPLYING;
+        ui->txrb1->setChecked (true);
+      } else {
+        m_ntx=2;
+        m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+        ui->txrb2->setChecked (true);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if (is_73 && !message.isStandardMessage ()) {
+    m_ntx=5;
+    ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+    m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF;
+  } else {
+    // just work them
+    if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) {
+      m_ntx = 1;
+      m_QSOProgress = REPLYING;
+      ui->txrb1->setChecked (true);
+    } else {
+      m_ntx=2;
+      m_QSOProgress = REPORT;
+      ui->txrb2->setChecked (true);
+    }
+  }
+  // if we get here then we are reacting to the message
+  if (m_bAutoReply) m_bCallingCQ = CALLING == m_QSOProgress;
+  m_maxPoints=-1;
+  if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled () and m_mode != "MSK144" and !shift) {
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (frequency);    //Set Rx freq
+  }
+  QString s1 = m_QSOText.trimmed ();
+  QString s2 = message.clean_string ().trimmed();
+  if (s1!=s2 and !message.isTX()) {
+    if (!s2.contains(m_baseCall) or m_mode=="MSK144") {  // Taken care of elsewhere if for_us and slow mode
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayDecodedText (message, m_config.my_callsign (), m_mode, m_config.DXCC (),
+      m_logBook, m_currentBand, m_config.ppfx ());
+    }
+    m_QSOText = s2;
+  }
+  if (Radio::is_callsign (hiscall)
+      && (base_call != qso_partner_base_call || base_call != hiscall)) {
+    if (qso_partner_base_call != base_call) {
+      // clear the DX grid if the base call of his call is different
+      // from the current DX call
+      ui->dxGridEntry->clear ();
+    }
+    // his base call different or his call more qualified
+    // i.e. compound version of same base call
+    ui->dxCallEntry->setText (hiscall);
+  }
+  if (hisgrid.contains (grid_regexp)) {
+    if(ui->dxGridEntry->text().mid(0,4) != hisgrid) ui->dxGridEntry->setText(hisgrid);
+  }
+  lookup();
+  m_hisGrid = ui->dxGridEntry->text();
+  if (m_bDoubleClicked)
+    {
+      // extract our report if present
+ (m_baseCall, Radio::base_callsign(ui->dxCallEntry->text()), m_rptRcvd);
+    }
+  if (!m_bSentReport || base_call != qso_partner_base_call) // Don't change report within a QSO
+    {
+      auto n = ().toInt ();
+      if(m_mode=="MSK144" and m_bShMsgs) {
+        if(n<=-2) n=-3;
+        if(n>=-1 and n<=1) n=0;
+        if(n>=2 and n<=4) n=3;
+        if(n>=5 and n<=7) n=6;
+        if(n>=8 and n<=11) n=10;
+        if(n>=12 and n<=14) n=13;
+        if(n>=15) n=16;
+      }
+      ui->rptSpinBox->setValue (n);
+    }
+// Don't genStdMsgs if we're already sending 73, or a "TU; " msg is queued.
+  m_bTUmsg=false;   //### Temporary: disable use of "TU;" messages
+  if (!m_nTx73 and !m_bTUmsg) {
+    genStdMsgs (QString::number (ui->rptSpinBox->value ()));
+  }
+  if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true;
+  if (auto_seq && !m_bDoubleClicked && m_mode!="FT4") {
+    return;
+  }
+  if(m_config.quick_call() && m_bDoubleClicked) auto_tx_mode(true);
+  m_bDoubleClicked=false;
+void MainWindow::setTxMsg(int n)
+  m_ntx=n;
+  if(n==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+  if(n==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+  if(n==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true);
+  if(n==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+  if(n==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+  if(n==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+void MainWindow::genCQMsg ()
+  auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall;
+  auto is_type_two = !is77BitMode () && is_compound && stdCall (m_baseCall) && !shortList (my_callsign);
+  if(my_callsign.size () && m_config.my_grid().size ()) {
+    auto const& grid = m_config.my_grid ();
+    if (ui->cbCQTx->isEnabled () && ui->cbCQTx->isVisible () && ui->cbCQTx->isChecked ()) {
+      if(stdCall (my_callsign)
+         || is_type_two) {
+        msgtype (QString {"CQ %1 %2 %3"}
+               .arg (m_freqNominal / 1000 - m_freqNominal / 1000000 * 1000, 3, 10, QChar {'0'})
+               .arg (my_callsign)
+               .arg (grid.left (4)),
+               ui->tx6);
+      } else {
+        msgtype (QString {"CQ %1 %2"}
+               .arg (m_freqNominal / 1000 - m_freqNominal / 1000000 * 1000, 3, 10, QChar {'0'})
+               .arg (my_callsign),
+               ui->tx6);
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (stdCall (my_callsign)
+          || is_type_two) {
+        msgtype (QString {"%1 %2 %3"}.arg(m_CQtype).arg(my_callsign)
+                 .arg(grid.left(4)),ui->tx6);
+      } else {
+        msgtype (QString {"%1 %2"}.arg(m_CQtype).arg(my_callsign),ui->tx6);
+      }
+    }
+    if ((m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="Q65") and  ui->cbShMsgs->isChecked()) {
+      if (ui->cbTx6->isChecked ()) {
+        msgtype ("@1250  (SEND MSGS)", ui->tx6);
+      } else {
+        msgtype ("@1000  (TUNE)", ui->tx6);
+      }
+    }
+    QString t=ui->tx6->text();
+    QStringList tlist=t.split(" ");
+    if((m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="MSK144" || "Q65" == m_mode) and
+       SpecOp::NONE != m_specOp and SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp and SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP != m_specOp and
+       ( or
+ ) and
+       stdCall(my_callsign)) {
+      if(m_config.Individual_Contest_Name() && SpecOp::FOX != m_specOp)  {
+           m_cqStr = m_config.Contest_Name();
+      } else {
+      if(SpecOp::NA_VHF == m_specOp)    m_cqStr="TEST";
+      if(SpecOp::EU_VHF == m_specOp)    m_cqStr="TEST";
+      if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY == m_specOp) m_cqStr="FD";
+      if(SpecOp::RTTY == m_specOp)      m_cqStr="RU";
+      if(SpecOp::WW_DIGI == m_specOp)   m_cqStr="WW";
+      if(SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI == m_specOp) m_cqStr="TEST";
+      }
+      if( ) {
+         t="CQ " + m_cqStr + " " + + " " +; 
+      } else {
+         t="CQ " + m_cqStr + " " + + " " +;
+      }
+      ui->tx6->setText(t);
+    }
+  } else {
+    ui->tx6->clear ();
+  }
+void MainWindow::abortQSO()
+  bool b=m_auto;
+  clearDX();
+  if(b) auto_tx_mode(false);
+  ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+bool MainWindow::stdCall(QString const& w)
+  static QRegularExpression standard_call_re {
+    R"(
+        ^\s*                                      # optional leading spaces
+        ( [A-Z]{0,2} | [A-Z][0-9] | [0-9][A-Z] )  # part 1
+        ( [0-9][A-Z]{0,3} )                       # part 2
+        (/R | /P)?                                # optional suffix
+        \s*$                                      # optional trailing spaces
+    )", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::ExtendedPatternSyntaxOption};
+  return standard_call_re.match (w).hasMatch ();
+bool MainWindow::is77BitMode () const
+  return "FT8" == m_mode || "FT4" == m_mode || "MSK144" == m_mode
+    || "FST4" == m_mode || "Q65" == m_mode;
+void MainWindow::genStdMsgs(QString rpt, bool unconditional)
+  genCQMsg ();
+  auto const& hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text();
+  if(!hisCall.size ()) {
+    ui->labAz->clear ();
+    ui->tx1->clear ();
+    ui->tx2->clear ();
+    ui->tx3->clear ();
+    ui->tx4->clear ();
+    if(unconditional) ui->tx5->lineEdit ()->clear ();   //Test if it needs sending again
+    m_gen_message_is_cq = false;
+    return;
+  }
+  auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign ();
+  auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall;
+  auto is_type_one = !is77BitMode () && is_compound && shortList (my_callsign);
+  auto const& my_grid = m_config.my_grid ().left (4);
+  auto const& hisBase = Radio::base_callsign (hisCall);
+  save_dxbase_(const_cast <char *> ((hisBase + "   ").left(6).toLatin1().constData()), (FCL)6);
+  auto eme_short_codes = m_config.enable_VHF_features () && ui->cbShMsgs->isChecked ()
+      && m_mode == "JT65";
+  bool bMyCall=stdCall(my_callsign);
+  bool bHisCall=stdCall(hisCall);
+  QString t0=hisBase + " " + m_baseCall + " ";
+  QString t0s=hisCall + " " + my_callsign + " ";
+  QString t0a,t0b;
+  if (is77BitMode () && bHisCall && bMyCall) t0=hisCall + " " + my_callsign + " ";
+  t0a="<"+hisCall + "> " + my_callsign + " ";
+  t0b=hisCall + " <" + my_callsign + "> ";
+  QString t00=t0;
+  QString t {t0 + my_grid};
+  if(!bMyCall) t=t0a;
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx1);
+  if (eme_short_codes) {
+    t=t+" OOO";
+    if(!bHisCall) t=hisCall + " " + m_baseCall + " OOO";
+    if(!bMyCall) t=hisBase + " " + my_callsign + " OOO";
+    msgtype(t, ui->tx2);
+    msgtype("RO", ui->tx3);
+    msgtype("RRR", ui->tx4);
+    msgtype("73", ui->tx5->lineEdit());
+  } else {
+    int n=rpt.toInt();
+    rpt = rpt.asprintf("%+2.2d",n);
+    if (is77BitMode ()) {
+      QString t2,t3;
+      QString sent=rpt;
+      QString rs,rst;
+      int nn=(n+36)/6;
+      if(nn<2) nn=2;
+      if(nn>9) nn=9;
+      rst = rst.asprintf("5%1d9 ",nn);
+      rs=rst.mid(0,2);
+      t=t0;
+      if(!bMyCall) {
+        t=t0b;
+        msgtype(t0a, ui->tx1);
+      }
+      if(!bHisCall) {
+        t=t0a;
+        msgtype(t0a + my_grid, ui->tx1);
+      }
+      if(SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) sent=my_grid;
+      if(SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp) sent=my_grid;
+      if(SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp) sent=my_grid;
+      if(SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp) sent=my_grid;
+      if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp) sent=m_config.Field_Day_Exchange();
+      if(SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) {
+        sent=rst + m_config.RTTY_Exchange();
+        QString t1=m_config.RTTY_Exchange();
+        if(t1=="DX" or t1=="#") {
+          t1 = t1.asprintf("%4.4d",ui->sbSerialNumber->value());
+          sent=rst + t1;
+        }
+        if(t1.contains(QRegularExpression {"\\d\\d\\d\\d"})) {
+          t1 = m_config.RTTY_Exchange();
+        }
+      }
+      if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) {
+        QString a;
+        t="<" + t0s.split(" ").at(0) + "> <" + t0s.split(" ").at(1) + "> ";
+        a = a.asprintf("%4.4d ",ui->sbSerialNumber->value());
+        sent=rs + a + m_config.my_grid();
+      }
+      msgtype(t + sent, ui->tx2);
+      if(sent==rpt) msgtype(t + "R" + sent, ui->tx3);
+      if(sent!=rpt) msgtype(t + "R " + sent, ui->tx3);
+      if(m_mode=="FT4" and SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) {
+        QDateTime now=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+        int sinceTx3 = m_dateTimeSentTx3.secsTo(now);
+        int sinceRR73 = m_dateTimeRcvdRR73.secsTo(now);
+        if(m_bDoubleClicked and (sinceTx3 < 15) and (sinceRR73 < 3)) {
+          t="TU; " + ui->tx3->text();
+          ui->tx3->setText(t);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="MSK144" and m_bShMsgs) {
+      int i=t0s.length()-1;
+      t0="<" + t0s.mid(0,i) + "> ";
+      if(SpecOp::NA_VHF != m_specOp) {
+        if(n<=-2) n=-3;
+        if(n>=-1 and n<=1) n=0;
+        if(n>=2 and n<=4) n=3;
+        if(n>=5 and n<=7) n=6;
+        if(n>=8 and n<=11) n=10;
+        if(n>=12 and n<=14) n=13;
+        if(n>=15) n=16;
+        rpt = rpt.asprintf("%+2.2d",n);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!is77BitMode ()) {
+      t=(is_type_one ? t0 : t00) + rpt;
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx2);
+      t=t0 + "R" + rpt;
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx3);
+    }
+    if(m_mode=="MSK144" and m_bShMsgs) {
+      if(m_specOp==SpecOp::NONE) {
+        t=t0 + "R" + rpt;
+        msgtype(t, ui->tx3);
+      }
+      m_send_RR73=false;
+    }
+    t=t0 + (m_send_RR73 ? "RR73" : "RRR");
+    if((m_mode=="MSK144" and !m_bShMsgs) or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" || m_mode == "FST4" || m_mode == "Q65") {
+      if(!bHisCall and bMyCall) t=hisCall + " <" + my_callsign + "> " + (m_send_RR73 ? "RR73" : "RRR");
+      if(bHisCall and !bMyCall) t="<" + hisCall + "> " + my_callsign + " " + (m_send_RR73 ? "RR73" : "RRR");
+    }
+    if ((m_mode=="JT4" || m_mode=="Q65") && m_bShMsgs) t="@1500  (RRR)";
+    msgtype(t, ui->tx4);
+    t=t0 + "73";
+    if((m_mode=="MSK144" and !m_bShMsgs) or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" || m_mode == "FST4" || m_mode == "Q65") {
+      if(!bHisCall and bMyCall) t=hisCall + " <" + my_callsign + "> 73";
+      if(bHisCall and !bMyCall) t="<" + hisCall + "> " + my_callsign + " 73";
+    }
+    if (m_mode=="JT4" || m_mode=="Q65") {
+      if (m_bShMsgs) t="@1750  (73)";
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit());
+    } else if ("MSK144" == m_mode && m_bShMsgs) {
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit());
+    } else if(unconditional || hisBase != m_lastCallsign || !m_lastCallsign.size ()) {
+      // only update tx5 when forced or  callsign changes
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit());
+      m_lastCallsign = hisBase;
+    }
+  }
+  if (is77BitMode ()) return;
+  if (is_compound) {
+    if (is_type_one) {
+      t=hisBase + " " + my_callsign;
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx1);
+    } else {
+      t = "DE " + my_callsign + " ";
+      switch (m_config.type_2_msg_gen ())
+        {
+        case Configuration::type_2_msg_1_full:
+          msgtype(t + my_grid, ui->tx1);
+          if (!eme_short_codes) {
+            if(is77BitMode () && SpecOp::NA_VHF == m_specOp) {
+              msgtype(t + "R " + my_grid, ui->tx3); // #### Unreachable code
+            } else {
+              msgtype(t + "R" + rpt, ui->tx3);
+            }
+            if ((m_mode != "JT4" && m_mode != "Q65") || !m_bShMsgs) {
+              msgtype(t + "73", ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+            }
+          }
+          break;
+        case Configuration::type_2_msg_3_full:
+          if (is77BitMode () && SpecOp::NA_VHF == m_specOp) {
+            msgtype(t + "R " + my_grid, ui->tx3);
+            msgtype(t + "RRR", ui->tx4);
+          } else {
+            msgtype(t00 + my_grid, ui->tx1);
+            msgtype(t + "R" + rpt, ui->tx3);
+          }
+          if (!eme_short_codes && ((m_mode != "JT4" && m_mode != "Q65") || !m_bShMsgs)) {
+            msgtype(t + "73", ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+          }
+          break;
+        case Configuration::type_2_msg_5_only:
+          msgtype(t00 + my_grid, ui->tx1);
+          if (!eme_short_codes) {
+            if (is77BitMode () && SpecOp::NA_VHF == m_specOp) {
+              msgtype(t + "R " + my_grid, ui->tx3); // #### Unreachable code
+              msgtype(t + "RRR", ui->tx4);
+            } else {
+              msgtype(t0 + "R" + rpt, ui->tx3);
+            }
+          }
+          // don't use short codes here as in a sked with a type 2
+          // prefix we would never send out prefix/suffix
+          msgtype(t + "73", ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (hisCall != hisBase
+        && m_config.type_2_msg_gen () != Configuration::type_2_msg_5_only
+        && !eme_short_codes) {
+      // cfm we have his full call copied as we could not do this earlier
+      t = hisCall + " 73";
+      msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (hisCall != hisBase and SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp) {
+      if (shortList(hisCall)) {
+        // cfm we know his full call with a type 1 tx1 message
+        t = hisCall + " " + my_callsign;
+        msgtype(t, ui->tx1);
+      }
+      else if (!eme_short_codes
+               && ("MSK144" != m_mode || !m_bShMsgs)) {
+        t=hisCall + " 73";
+        msgtype(t, ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  m_rpt=rpt;
+  if(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp and is_compound) ui->tx1->setText("DE " + my_callsign);
+void MainWindow::TxAgain()
+  auto_tx_mode(true);
+void MainWindow::clearDX ()
+  set_dateTimeQSO (-1);
+  if (m_QSOProgress != CALLING) {
+    auto_tx_mode (false);
+  }
+  ui->dxCallEntry->clear ();
+  ui->dxGridEntry->clear ();
+  m_lastCallsign.clear ();
+  m_rptSent.clear ();
+  m_rptRcvd.clear ();
+  m_qsoStart.clear ();
+  m_qsoStop.clear ();
+  m_inQSOwith.clear();
+  genStdMsgs (QString {});
+  if (m_mode=="FT8" and SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp) {
+    m_ntx=1;
+    ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+  } else {
+    m_ntx=6;
+    ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+  }
+  m_QSOProgress = CALLING;
+void MainWindow::lookup()
+  QString hisCall {ui->dxCallEntry->text()};
+  QString hisgrid0 {ui->dxGridEntry->text()};
+  if (!hisCall.size ()) return;
+  QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")};
+  if ( (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
+    {
+      char c[132];
+      qint64 n=0;
+      for(int i=0; i<999999; i++) {
+        n=f.readLine(c,sizeof(c));
+        if(n <= 0) {
+          if(!hisgrid0.contains(grid_regexp)) {
+            ui->dxGridEntry->clear();
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        QString t=QString(c);
+        int i1=t.indexOf(",");
+        if(t.left(i1)==hisCall) {
+          QString hisgrid=t.mid(i1+1,6);
+          i1=hisgrid.indexOf(",");
+          if(i1>0) {
+            hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,4);
+          } else {
+            hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,6).toUpper();
+          }
+          if(hisgrid.left(4)==hisgrid0.left(4) or (hisgrid0.size()==0)) {
+            ui->dxGridEntry->setText(hisgrid);
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      f.close();
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_lookupButton_clicked()                    //Lookup button
+  lookup();
+void MainWindow::on_addButton_clicked()                       //Add button
+  if(!ui->dxGridEntry->text ().size ()) {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT")
+                                 , tr ("Please enter a valid grid locator"));
+    return;
+  }
+  m_call3Modified=false;
+  QString hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text();
+  QString hisgrid=ui->dxGridEntry->text();
+  QString newEntry=hisCall + "," + hisgrid;
+  //  int ret = MessageBox::query_message(this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT"),
+  //       tr ("Is %1 known to be active on EME?").arg (newEntry));
+  //  if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+  //    newEntry += ",EME,,";
+  //  } else {
+  newEntry += ",,,";
+  //  }
+  QFile f1 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")};
+  if(! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT")
+                                 , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for read/write: %2")
+                                 .arg (f1.fileName ()).arg (f1.errorString ()));
+    return;
+  }
+  if(f1.size()==0) {
+    QTextStream out(&f1);
+    out << "ZZZZZZ"
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+ (0);
+  }
+  QFile f2 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TMP")};
+  if(! | QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT")
+                                 , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for writing: %2")
+                                 .arg (f2.fileName ()).arg (f2.errorString ()));
+    return;
+  }
+  {
+    QTextStream in(&f1);          //Read from CALL3.TXT
+    QTextStream out(&f2);         //Copy into CALL3.TMP
+    QString hc=hisCall;
+    QString hc1="";
+    QString hc2="000000";
+    QString s;
+    do {
+      s=in.readLine();
+      hc1=hc2;
+      if(s.mid(0,2)=="//") {
+        out << s + QChar::LineFeed; //Copy all comment lines
+      } else {
+        int i1=s.indexOf(",");
+        hc2=s.mid(0,i1);
+        if(hc>hc1 && hc<hc2) {
+          out << newEntry + QChar::LineFeed;
+          out << s + QChar::LineFeed;
+          m_call3Modified=true;
+        } else if(hc==hc2) {
+          QString t {tr ("%1\nis already in CALL3.TXT"
+                         ", do you wish to replace it?").arg (s)};
+          int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT"), t);
+          if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+            out << newEntry + QChar::LineFeed;
+            m_call3Modified=true;
+          }
+        } else {
+          if(s!="") out << s + QChar::LineFeed;
+        }
+      }
+    } while(!s.isNull());
+    if(hc>hc1 && !m_call3Modified) out << newEntry + QChar::LineFeed;
+  }
+  if(m_call3Modified) {
+    auto const& old_path = m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.OLD");
+    QFile f0 {old_path};
+    if (f0.exists ()) f0.remove ();
+    f1.copy (old_path);                       // copying as we want to
+                                              // preserve symlinks
+ (QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Text); // truncates
+ (0);
+    QByteArray tmp = f2.readAll();
+    if (tmp != (const char*)NULL) f1.write (tmp);                 // copy contents
+    else qDebug() << "tmp==NULL at f1.write";
+    f2.remove ();
+  }
+void MainWindow::msgtype(QString t, QLineEdit* tx)               //msgtype()
+// Set background colors of the Tx message boxes, depending on message type
+  char message[38];
+  char msgsent[38];
+  QByteArray s=t.toUpper().toLocal8Bit();
+  ba2msg(s,message);
+  int ichk=1,itype=0;
+  gen65(message, &ichk,msgsent, const_cast<int*>(itone0), &itype);
+  msgsent[22]=0;
+  bool text=false;
+  bool shortMsg=false;
+  if(itype==6) text=true;
+//### Check this stuff ###
+  if(itype==7 and m_config.enable_VHF_features() and m_mode=="JT65") shortMsg=true;
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144" and t.mid(0,1)=="<") text=false;
+  if((m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" || "Q65" == m_mode) and
+     SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) {
+    int i0=t.trimmed().length()-7;
+    if(t.mid(i0,3)==" R ") text=false;
+  }
+  text=false;
+//### ... to here ...
+  QPalette p(tx->palette());
+  if(text) {
+    p.setColor(QPalette::Base,"#ffccff");       //pink
+  } else {
+    if(shortMsg) {
+      p.setColor(QPalette::Base,"#66ffff");     //light blue
+    } else {
+      p.setColor(QPalette::Base,Qt::transparent);
+      if ("MSK144" == m_mode && t.count ('<') == 1) {
+        p.setColor(QPalette::Base,"#00ffff");   //another light blue
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  tx->setPalette(p);
+  auto pos  = tx->cursorPosition ();
+  tx->setText(t.toUpper());
+  tx->setCursorPosition (pos);
+void MainWindow::on_tx1_editingFinished()                       //tx1 edited
+  QString t=ui->tx1->text();
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx1);
+void MainWindow::on_tx2_editingFinished()                       //tx2 edited
+  QString t=ui->tx2->text();
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx2);
+void MainWindow::on_tx3_editingFinished()                       //tx3 edited
+  QString t=ui->tx3->text();
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx3);
+void MainWindow::on_tx4_editingFinished()                       //tx4 edited
+  QString t=ui->tx4->text();
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx4);
+void MainWindow::on_tx5_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) //tx5 edited
+  msgtype(text, ui->tx5->lineEdit ());
+void MainWindow::on_tx6_editingFinished()                       //tx6 edited
+  QString t=ui->tx6->text().toUpper();
+  if(t.indexOf(" ")>0) {
+    QString t1=t.split(" ").at(1);
+    QRegExp AZ4("^[A-Z]{1,4}$");
+    QRegExp NN3("^[0-9]{1,3}$");
+    m_CQtype="CQ";
+    if(t1.size()<=4 and t1.contains(AZ4)) m_CQtype="CQ " + t1;
+    if(t1.size()<=3 and t1.contains(NN3)) m_CQtype="CQ " + t1;
+  }
+  msgtype(t, ui->tx6);
+void MainWindow::on_RoundRobin_currentTextChanged(QString text)
+  ui->sbTxPercent->setEnabled (text == tr ("Random"));
+void MainWindow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+  if(ui->q65Button->hasFocus() && (event->button() & Qt::RightButton)) {     // switch to Q65_Pileup mode
+      m_config.setSpecial_Q65_Pileup();
+      m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+      on_actionQ65_triggered();
+      ui->q65Button->clearFocus();
+  }
+  if(ui->jt65Button->hasFocus() && (event->button() & Qt::RightButton)) {    // switch to JT9 mode
+      on_actionJT9_triggered();
+      ui->jt65Button->clearFocus();
+  }
+  if(ui->ft8Button->hasFocus() && (event->button() & Qt::RightButton)) {     // toggle SuperFox mode
+      keep_frequency = true;
+      m_config.toggle_SF();
+      QTimer::singleShot (250, [=] {keep_frequency = false;});
+      on_actionFT8_triggered();
+      ui->ft8Button->clearFocus();
+      ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_textChanged (QString const& call)
+  set_dateTimeQSO (-1);  // reset the QSO start time when DXCall changes
+  m_hisCall = call;
+  ui->dxGridEntry->clear();
+  statusChanged();
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_editingFinished()
+  auto const& dxBase = Radio::base_callsign (m_hisCall);
+  save_dxbase_(const_cast <char *> ((dxBase + "   ").left (6).toLatin1().constData()), (FCL)6);
+void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_returnPressed ()
+  on_lookupButton_clicked();
+void MainWindow::on_dxGridEntry_textChanged (QString const& grid)
+  if (ui->dxGridEntry->hasAcceptableInput ()) {
+    if (grid != m_hisGrid) {
+      m_hisGrid = grid;
+      statusUpdate ();
+    }
+    qint64 nsec = (QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000) % 86400;
+    double utch=nsec/3600.0;
+    int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter;
+    azdist_(const_cast <char *> ((m_config.my_grid () + "      ").left (6).toLatin1().constData()),
+            const_cast <char *> ((m_hisGrid + "      ").left (6).toLatin1().constData()),&utch,
+            &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,(FCL)6,(FCL)6);
+    QString t;
+    int nd=nDkm;
+    if(m_config.miles()) nd=nDmiles;
+    if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+      if(nHotABetter==0)t = t.asprintf("Az: %d   B: %d   El: %d   %d",nAz,nHotAz,nEl,nd);
+      if(nHotABetter!=0)t = t.asprintf("Az: %d   A: %d   El: %d   %d",nAz,nHotAz,nEl,nd);
+    } else {
+      t = t.asprintf("Az: %d        %d",nAz,nd);
+    }
+    if(m_config.miles()) t += " mi";
+    if(!m_config.miles()) t += " km";
+    ui->labAz->setText (t);
+  } else {
+    if (m_hisGrid.size ()) {
+      m_hisGrid.clear ();
+      ui->labAz->clear ();
+      statusUpdate ();
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked()         //genStdMsgs button
+  genStdMsgs(m_rpt);
+void MainWindow::cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ()
+  if (SpecOp::FOX != m_specOp
+      && ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ())
+    {
+      // ensure that auto Tx is disabled even if disable Tx
+      // on 73 is not checked, unless in Fox mode where it is allowed
+      // to be a robot.
+      auto_tx_mode (false);
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked()                 //Log QSO button
+  cease_auto_Tx_after_QSO ();
+  if (!m_hisCall.size ()) {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Warning:  DX Call field is empty."));
+  }
+  // m_dateTimeQSOOn should really already be set but we'll ensure it gets set to something just in case
+  if (!m_dateTimeQSOOn.isValid ()) {
+    m_dateTimeQSOOn = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+  }
+  auto dateTimeQSOOff = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+  if (dateTimeQSOOff < m_dateTimeQSOOn) dateTimeQSOOff = m_dateTimeQSOOn;
+  QString grid=m_hisGrid;
+  if(grid=="....") grid="";
+  switch( m_specOp )
+    {
+      case SpecOp::NA_VHF:
+        m_xSent=m_config.my_grid().left(4);
+        m_xRcvd=m_hisGrid.left(4);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::EU_VHF:
+        m_rptSent=m_xSent.split(" ").at(0).left(2);
+        m_rptRcvd=m_xRcvd.split(" ").at(0).left(2);
+        if(m_xRcvd.split(" ").size()>=2) m_hisGrid=m_xRcvd.split(" ").at(1);
+        grid=m_hisGrid;
+        ui->dxGridEntry->setText(grid);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::FIELD_DAY:
+        m_rptSent=m_xSent.split(" ").at(0);
+        m_rptRcvd=m_xRcvd.split(" ").at(0);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::RTTY:
+        m_rptSent=m_xSent.split(" ").at(0);
+        m_rptRcvd=m_xRcvd.split(" ").at(0);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::WW_DIGI:
+        m_xSent=m_config.my_grid().left(4);
+        m_xRcvd=m_hisGrid.left(4);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI:
+        m_xSent=m_config.my_grid().left(4);
+        m_xRcvd=m_hisGrid.left(4);
+        break;
+      case SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP:
+        m_xSent=m_config.my_grid().left(4);
+        m_xRcvd=m_hisGrid;
+        break;
+      default: break;
+    }
+  m_logDlg->initLogQSO (m_hisCall, grid, m_mode, m_rptSent, m_rptRcvd,
+                        m_dateTimeQSOOn, dateTimeQSOOff, m_freqNominal +
+                        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(), m_noSuffix, m_xSent, m_xRcvd);
+  m_inQSOwith="";
+  stopWRTimer.stop();             // stop a running Tx3 timer
+void MainWindow::acceptQSO (QDateTime const& QSO_date_off, QString const& call, QString const& grid
+                            , Frequency dial_freq, QString const& mode
+                            , QString const& rpt_sent, QString const& rpt_received
+                            , QString const& tx_power, QString const& comments
+                            , QString const& name, QDateTime const& QSO_date_on, QString const& operator_call
+                            , QString const& my_call, QString const& my_grid
+                            , QString const& exchange_sent, QString const& exchange_rcvd
+                            , QString const& propmode, QByteArray const& ADIF)
+  QString date = QSO_date_on.toString("yyyyMMdd");
+  if (!m_logBook.add (call, grid, m_config.bands()->find(dial_freq), mode, ADIF))
+    {
+      MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Log file error"),
+                                   tr ("Cannot open \"%1\"").arg (m_logBook.path ()));
+    }
+  m_messageClient->qso_logged (QSO_date_off, call, grid, dial_freq, mode, rpt_sent, rpt_received
+                               , tx_power, comments, name, QSO_date_on, operator_call, my_call, my_grid
+                               , exchange_sent, exchange_rcvd, propmode);
+  m_messageClient->logged_ADIF (ADIF);
+  // Log to N1MM Logger
+  if (m_config.broadcast_to_n1mm () && m_config.valid_n1mm_info ())
+    {
+      QUdpSocket sock;
+      if (-1 == sock.writeDatagram (ADIF + " <eor>"
+                                    , QHostAddress {m_config.n1mm_server_name ()}
+                                    , m_config.n1mm_server_port ()))
+        {
+          MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error sending log to N1MM"),
+                                       tr ("Write returned \"%1\"").arg (sock.errorString ()));
+        }
+    }
+  if(m_config.clear_DX () and SpecOp::HOUND != m_specOp) clearDX ();
+  m_dateTimeQSOOn = QDateTime {};
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::NONE and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    ui->sbSerialNumber->setValue(ui->sbSerialNumber->value() + 1);
+  }
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget!=NULL) {
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+      m_score++;
+      m_EMEworked[call]=true;
+      if(m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+        rm_q3list_(const_cast<char *> (m_deCall.toLatin1().constData()), m_deCall.size());
+        refreshPileupList();
+      }
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->setRate(m_score);
+    } else if (m_specOp==SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI) {
+      QString band=m_config.bands()->find(dial_freq);
+      activeWorked(call,band);
+      int points=m_activeCall[call].points;
+      m_score += points;
+      ARRL_logged al;
+      al.time=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+      al.points=points;
+      m_arrl_log.append(al);
+      updateRate();
+    }
+  }
+  m_xSent.clear ();
+  m_xRcvd.clear ();
+void MainWindow::updateRate()
+  int iz=m_arrl_log.size();
+  int rate=0;
+  int nbc=0;
+  double hrDiff;
+  for(int i=iz-1; i>=0; i--) {
+    hrDiff = m_arrl_log[i].time.msecsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc())/3600000.0;
+    if(hrDiff > 1.0) break;
+    rate += m_arrl_log[i].points;
+    if(i<iz-1 and m_arrl_log[i].band != m_arrl_log[i+1].band) nbc += 1;
+  }
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setRate(rate);
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setScore(m_score);
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setBandChanges(nbc);
+qint64 MainWindow::nWidgets(QString t)
+  Q_ASSERT(t.length()==N_WIDGETS);
+  qint64 n=0;
+  for(int i=0; i<N_WIDGETS; i++) {
+    n=n + n + t.mid(i,1).toInt();
+  }
+  return n;
+void MainWindow::displayWidgets(qint64 n)
+  /* See text file "displayWidgets.txt" for widget numbers */
+  qint64 j=qint64(1)<<(N_WIDGETS-1);
+  bool b;
+  for(int i=0; i<N_WIDGETS; i++) {
+    b=(n&j) != 0;    
+    if(i==0) ui->txFirstCheckBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==1) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==2) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==3) ui->sbFtol->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==4) ui->rptSpinBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==5) ui->sbTR->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==6) {
+      ui->sbCQTxFreq->setVisible (b);
+      ui->cbCQTx->setVisible (b);
+      auto is_compound = m_config.my_callsign () != m_baseCall;
+      ui->cbCQTx->setEnabled (b && (!is_compound || shortList (m_config.my_callsign ())));
+    }
+    if(i==7) ui->cbShMsgs->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==8) ui->cbFast9->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==9) ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==10) ui->cbTx6->setVisible(b);
+    // if(i==11) ui->pbTxMode->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==12) ui->pbR2T->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==13) ui->pbT2R->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==14) ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==15) ui->sbSubmode->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==16) ui->syncSpinBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==17) ui->WSPR_controls_widget->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==18) ui->ClrAvgButton->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==19) ui->actionQuickDecode->setEnabled(b);
+    if(i==19) ui->actionMediumDecode->setEnabled(b);
+    if(i==19) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setEnabled(b);
+    if(i==20) ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==21) ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==22) {
+      if(!b && m_echoGraph->isVisible())  m_echoGraph->hide();
+    }
+    if(i==23) ui->cbSWL->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==24) ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==25) ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==26) ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==27) ui->respondComboBox->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==29) ui->measure_check_box->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==30) ui->labDXped->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==31) ui->cbRxAll->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==32) ui->cbCQonly->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==33) ui->sbTR_FST4W->setVisible(b);
+    if (34 == i)                // adjust the stacked widget
+      {
+        ui->opt_controls_stack->setCurrentIndex (b ? 1 : 0);
+        ui->sbF_Low->setVisible(b);
+      }
+    if(i==35) ui->sbF_High->setVisible(b);
+    if(i==36) ui->actionAuto_Clear_Avg->setVisible (b);
+    if(i==37) ui->sbMaxDrift->setVisible(b);
+    j=j>>1;
+  }
+  ui->pbBestSP->setVisible(m_mode=="FT4");
+  b=false;
+  if(m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8" || "Q65" == m_mode) {
+  b=SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp or
+    ( SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp and
+      (m_config.RTTY_Exchange()=="DX" or m_config.RTTY_Exchange()=="#") );
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") b=SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp;
+  ui->sbEchoAvg->setVisible(m_mode=="Echo");
+  ui->sbSerialNumber->setVisible(b);
+  m_lastCallsign.clear ();     // ensures Tx5 is updated for new modes
+  b=m_mode.startsWith("FST4");
+  ui->sbNB->setVisible(b);
+  genStdMsgs (m_rpt, true);
+  configActiveStations();
+void MainWindow::on_actionFST4_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  });
+  m_mode="FST4";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionFST4->setChecked(true);
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_fastGraph->hide();
+  m_wideGraph->show();
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize(m_FFTSize);
+  ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  if(m_config.single_decode()) {
+//                           01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111100010011100001000000010000000000"));
+    m_wideGraph->setSingleDecode(true);
+  } else {
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101100010011100001000000010000001100"));
+    m_wideGraph->setSingleDecode(false);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue(20);
+  }
+  setup_status_bar(false);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,6912);
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTol(ui->sbFtol->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setFST4_FreqRange(ui->sbF_Low->value(),ui->sbF_High->value());
+  chk_FST4_freq_range();
+  switch_mode (Modes::FST4);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  ui->sbTR->values ({15, 30, 60, 120, 300, 900, 1800});
+  ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_FST4", 60).toInt());    // remember sbTR settings by mode
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());});
+  statusChanged();
+  m_bOK_to_chk=true;
+  chk_FST4_freq_range();
+void MainWindow::on_actionFST4W_triggered()
+  m_mode="FST4W";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionFST4W->setChecked(true);
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_fastGraph->hide();
+  m_wideGraph->show();
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize(m_FFTSize);
+  WSPR_config(true);
+//                         01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("00000000000000000101000000000000010000"));
+  setup_status_bar(false);
+  ui->band_hopping_group_box->setChecked(false);
+  ui->band_hopping_group_box->setVisible(false);
+  on_sbTR_FST4W_valueChanged (ui->sbTR_FST4W->value ());
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setMinimum(100);
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setMaximum(5000);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,6912);
+  m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTol(ui->sbFST4W_FTol->value());
+  ui->sbFtol->setValue(100);
+  switch_mode (Modes::FST4W);
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionFT4_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  });
+  m_mode="FT4";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  m_TRperiod=7.5;
+  bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features();
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  switch_mode (Modes::FT4);
+  m_nsps=6912;
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps/2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=21;
+  setup_status_bar (bVHF);
+  m_toneSpacing=12000.0/576.0;
+  ui->actionFT4->setChecked(true);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_send_RR73=true;
+  VHF_features_enabled(bVHF);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+  m_fastGraph->hide();
+  m_wideGraph->show();
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+  ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText( "  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+//                         01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000010011100001000000011000100000"));
+  ui->txrb2->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb4->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb5->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb6->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb2->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb4->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb5->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb6->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txFirstCheckBox->setEnabled(true);
+  chkFT4();
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionFT8_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    if(m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX && !m_config.superFox()) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_TxFreqFox);
+    if(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp && m_config.superFox() &&
+       (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value() < 700 or ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value() > 800)) {
+      ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(750);
+    } else {
+      ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    }
+    on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  });
+  m_mode="FT8";
+  bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features();
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  m_nsps=6912;
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=50;
+  setup_status_bar (bVHF);
+  m_toneSpacing=0.0;                   //???
+  ui->actionFT8->setChecked(true);     //???
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  VHF_features_enabled(bVHF);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+  m_TRperiod=15.0;
+  ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value ("Ftol_SF", 50).toInt()); // restore last used Ftol parameter
+  m_fastGraph->hide();
+  m_wideGraph->show();
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+  if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) {
+    ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Stations calling DXpedition %1").arg (m_config.my_callsign()));
+    ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText( "Call         Grid   dB  Freq   Dist Age Cont Score");
+  } else {
+    ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+    ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText( "  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  }
+//                         01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000010011100001000010011000100000"));
+  ui->txrb2->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb4->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb5->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txrb6->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb2->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb4->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb5->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txb6->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->txFirstCheckBox->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setEnabled(true);
+  if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp) {
+    ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(true);
+    ui->txFirstCheckBox->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setChecked(true);
+    ui->cbAutoSeq->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    m_wideGraph->setSuperFox(false);
+    if(m_config.superFox()) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(750);            //SuperFox transmits at 750 Hz
+      m_wideGraph->setSuperFox(true);
+    } else {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(500);
+    }
+  //                         01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000010011100001000000000011000000"));
+    ui->cbRxAll->setText(tr("Show Already Worked"));
+    if(m_config.superFox()) {
+      ui->labDXped->setText(tr ("Super Fox"));
+    } else {
+      ui->labDXped->setText(tr ("Fox"));
+    }
+    on_fox_log_action_triggered();
+    if (m_ActiveStationsWidget) m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true); // allow clicks
+  }
+  if(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp) {
+    ui->houndButton->setChecked(true);
+    ui->txFirstCheckBox->setChecked(false);
+    ui->txFirstCheckBox->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->cbAutoSeq->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setChecked(true);
+    m_wideGraph->setSuperHound(false);
+    if(m_config.superFox()) {
+      //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+      displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111000010011000001000000000011000000"));
+      ui->labDXped->setText(tr ("Super Hound"));
+      ui->cbRxAll->setEnabled(false);
+      m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());
+      m_wideGraph->setTol(ui->sbFtol->value());
+      m_wideGraph->setSuperHound(true);
+    } else {
+      //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+      displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000010011000001000000000011000000"));
+      ui->labDXped->setText(tr ("Hound"));
+      ui->cbRxAll->setEnabled(true);
+      m_wideGraph->setSuperHound(false);
+    }
+    ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+    ui->txrb2->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txrb4->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txrb5->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txrb6->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txb2->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txb4->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txb5->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->txb6->setEnabled(false);
+    if (m_ActiveStationsWidget) m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(false);
+  } else {
+    switch_mode (Modes::FT8);
+  }
+  if(m_specOp != SpecOp::HOUND) {
+      ui->houndButton->setChecked(false);
+      m_wideGraph->setSuperHound(false);
+  }
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::NONE and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    QString t0="";
+    if(SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) t0="NA VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) t0="EU VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp) t0="Field Day";
+    if(SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) t0="FT RU";
+    if(SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="WW Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="ARRL Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp) t0="Q65 Pileup";
+    if(t0=="") {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(false);
+    } else {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(true);
+      ui->labDXped->setText(t0);
+    }
+    if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) on_contest_log_action_triggered();
+  }
+  if((SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp or SpecOp::HOUND==m_specOp) and !m_config.superFox() and !m_config.split_mode() and !m_bWarnedSplit) {
+    QString errorMsg;
+    MessageBox::critical_message (this,
+       "Operation in FT8 DXpedition mode normally requires\n"
+       " *Split* rig control (either *Rig* or *Fake It* on\n"
+       "the *Settings | Radio* tab.)", errorMsg);
+    m_bWarnedSplit=true;
+  }
+  if (ui->labDXped->isVisible()) ui->labDXped->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color: red; color: white;}");
+  statusChanged();
+  configActiveStations();
+void MainWindow::on_actionJT4_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+  });
+  m_mode="JT4";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features();
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  switch_mode (Modes::JT4);
+  m_TRperiod=60.0;
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=176;
+  if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=184;
+  m_toneSpacing=0.0;
+  ui->actionJT4->setChecked(true);
+  VHF_features_enabled(true);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  setup_status_bar (bVHF);
+  ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum(6);
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  if(bVHF) {
+    // restore last used parameters
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value ("Ftol_JT4", 50).toInt());
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_JT4",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_settings->value("SubMode_JT4",0).toInt());
+    QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());});
+    m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_JT4",false).toBool();
+    ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs);
+  } else {
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(0);
+  }
+  if(bVHF) {
+    //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111001001011011011110000000000000000"));
+  } else {
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000000011000011000000000000000000"));
+  }
+  fast_config(false);
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionJT9_triggered()
+  m_mode="JT9";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features();
+  // restore last used parameters
+  if(bVHF && m_mode!="JT65" && !blocked) {
+    ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum(7);
+    m_bFast9=m_settings->value("JT9_Fast",false).toBool();
+    ui->cbFast9->setChecked(m_bFast9 or m_bFastMode);
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value ("Ftol_JT9", 50).toInt());
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_nSubMode);
+    QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+      on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());
+      on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+    });
+  }
+//  m_bFast9=ui->cbFast9->isChecked();
+  m_bFastMode=m_bFast9;
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  switch_mode (Modes::JT9);
+  m_nsps=6912;
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=173;
+  if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=179;
+  setup_status_bar (bVHF);
+  m_toneSpacing=0.0;
+  ui->actionJT9->setChecked(true);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  VHF_features_enabled(bVHF);
+  if(m_nSubMode>=4 and bVHF) {
+    ui->cbFast9->setEnabled(true);
+  } else {
+    ui->cbFast9->setEnabled(false);
+    ui->cbFast9->setChecked(false);
+  }
+  ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum(7);
+  if(m_bFast9) {
+    ui->sbTR->values ({5, 10, 15, 30});
+    if(bVHF && m_mode!="JT65" && !blocked) ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod", 15).toInt());  // restore last used TRperiod
+    on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());
+    m_wideGraph->hide();
+    m_fastGraph->showNormal();
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(700);
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(700);
+    ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB    T Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+    ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB    T Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  } else {
+    ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(false);
+    if (m_mode != "FST4")
+      {
+        m_TRperiod=60.0;
+        ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+        ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+      }
+  }
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+  if(bVHF) {
+    //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111010100011111001000000000000000000"));
+  } else {
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000000011100001000000000000100000"));
+  }
+  fast_config(m_bFastMode);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(m_bFast9);
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionJT65_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+  });
+  on_actionJT9_triggered();
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  m_mode="JT65";
+  bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features();
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  switch_mode (Modes::JT65);
+  m_TRperiod=60.0;
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);   // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=174;
+  if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) m_hsymStop=183;
+  m_toneSpacing=0.0;
+  ui->actionJT65->setChecked(true);
+  VHF_features_enabled(bVHF);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTol(ui->sbFtol->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  setup_status_bar (bVHF);
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum(2);
+  if(bVHF) {
+    // restore last used parameters
+    ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value ("Ftol_JT65", 50).toInt());
+    m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_JT65",0).toInt();
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_settings->value("SubMode_JT65",0).toInt());
+    QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());});
+    m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_JT65",false).toBool();
+    ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs);
+  } else {
+    ui->sbSubmode->setValue(0);
+    ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+    ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Rx Frequency"));
+  }
+  if(bVHF) {
+    //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111001000011011010110001000000000000"));
+  } else {
+    displayWidgets(nWidgets("11101000000011100001000000000000100000"));
+  }
+  fast_config(false);
+  if(ui->cbShMsgs->isChecked()) {
+    ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(false);
+    ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(false);
+  }
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionQ65_triggered()
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("RxFreq_old",1500).toInt());
+  });
+  m_mode="Q65";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionQ65->setChecked(true);
+  switch_mode(Modes::Q65);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+  fast_config(false);
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  setup_status_bar(true);
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize(m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=49;
+  ui->sbTR->values ({15, 30, 60, 120, 300});
+  // restore last used parameters
+  ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_Q65", 30).toInt());
+  ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value ("Ftol_Q65", 50).toInt());
+  m_nSubMode=m_settings->value("SubMode_Q65",0).toInt();
+  ui->sbSubmode->setValue(m_settings->value("SubMode_Q65",0).toInt());
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {
+    on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());
+    on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  });
+  m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_Q65",false).toBool();
+  ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs);
+  QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.temp_dir().absoluteFilePath ("red.dat"))};
+  m_wideGraph->setRedFile(fname);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,6912);
+  m_wideGraph->setTol(ui->sbFtol->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());
+  switch_mode (Modes::Q65);
+//                         01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("11111101011011010011100000010000000011"));
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::NONE and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    QString t0="";
+    if(SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) t0="NA VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) t0="EU VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp) t0="Field Day";
+    if(SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) t0="FT RU";
+    if(SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="WW Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="ARRL Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp) t0="Q65 Pileup";
+    if(t0=="") {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(false);
+    } else {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(true);
+      ui->labDXped->setText(t0);
+    }
+    if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+        on_contest_log_action_triggered();
+    } else {
+        if(ui->txrb1->isChecked()) on_txb2_clicked();
+        ui->tx1->setEnabled(true);
+        ui->txb1->setEnabled(true);
+    }
+  }
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionMSK144_triggered()
+  if(SpecOp::EU_VHF < m_specOp) {
+// We are rejecting the requested mode change, so re-check the old mode
+    if("FT8"==m_mode) ui->actionFT8->setChecked(true); 
+    if("JT4"==m_mode) ui->actionJT4->setChecked(true); 
+    if("JT9"==m_mode) ui->actionJT9->setChecked(true); 
+    if("JT65"==m_mode) ui->actionJT65->setChecked(true); 
+    if("Q65"==m_mode) ui->actionQ65->setChecked(true);
+    if("WSPR"==m_mode) ui->actionWSPR->setChecked(true);
+    if("Echo"==m_mode) ui->actionEcho->setChecked(true); 
+    if("FreqCal"==m_mode) ui->actionFreqCal->setChecked(true);
+    if("FST4"==m_mode) ui->actionFST4->setChecked(true);
+    if("FST4W"==m_mode) ui->actionFST4W->setChecked(true);
+// Make sure that MSK144 is not checked.
+    ui->actionMSK144->setChecked(false);
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Improper mode"),
+       "MSK144 not available if Fox, Hound, Field Day, FT Roundup, WW Digi. or ARRL Digi contest is selected.");
+    return;
+  }
+  m_mode="MSK144";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionMSK144->setChecked(true);
+  switch_mode (Modes::MSK144);
+  m_nsps=6;
+  m_FFTSize = 7 * 512;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  setup_status_bar (true);
+  m_toneSpacing=0.0;
+  WSPR_config(false);
+  VHF_features_enabled(true);
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true);
+  m_bFastMode=true;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  ui->sbTR->values ({5, 10, 15, 30});
+  ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod_MSK144", 15).toInt());    // restore last used TRperiod
+  QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());});
+  m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs_MSK144",false).toBool();
+  ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs);
+  m_wideGraph->hide();
+  m_fastGraph->showNormal();
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1500);
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1500);
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMinimum(1400);
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMaximum(1600);
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setSingleStep(10);
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB    T Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB    T Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_fastGraph->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);
+  ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Band Activity"));
+  ui->rh_decodes_title_label->setText(tr ("Tx Messages"));
+  ui->actionMSK144->setChecked(true);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setMinimum(-8);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setMaximum(24);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(0);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setSingleStep(1);
+  ui->sbFtol->values ({20, 50, 100, 200});
+  //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("10111111010000000001000100001000000000"));
+  fast_config(m_bFastMode);
+  statusChanged();
+  QString t0="";
+  if(SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) t0="NA VHF";
+  if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) t0="EU VHF";
+  if(t0=="") {
+    ui->labDXped->setVisible(false);
+  } else {
+    ui->labDXped->setVisible(true);
+    ui->labDXped->setText(t0);
+    on_contest_log_action_triggered();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionWSPR_triggered()
+  m_mode="WSPR";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  WSPR_config(true);
+  switch_mode (Modes::WSPR);
+  m_TRperiod=120.0;
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_nsps=6912;                   //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=396;
+  m_toneSpacing=12000.0/8192.0;
+  setup_status_bar (false);
+  ui->actionWSPR->setChecked(true);
+  VHF_features_enabled(false);
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setMinimum(1400);
+  ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setMaximum(1600);
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value());
+  //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("00000000000000000101000000000000000000"));
+  fast_config(false);
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionEcho_triggered()
+  int nd=int(m_ndepth&3);
+  on_actionJT4_triggered();
+// Don't allow decoding depth to be changed just because Echo mode was entered:
+  if(nd==1) ui->actionQuickDecode->setChecked (true);
+  if(nd==2) ui->actionMediumDecode->setChecked (true);
+  if(nd==3) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked (true);
+  m_mode="Echo";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionEcho->setChecked(true);
+  m_TRperiod=3.0;
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_nsps=6912;                        //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=9;
+  m_toneSpacing=1.0;
+  switch_mode(Modes::Echo);
+  setup_status_bar (true);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1500);
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (false);
+  if(!m_echoGraph->isVisible()) m_echoGraph->show();
+  if (!ui->actionAstronomical_data->isChecked ()) {
+    ui->actionAstronomical_data->setChecked (true);
+  }
+  m_bFastMode=false;
+  m_bFast9=false;
+  WSPR_config(true);
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC      Hour    Level  Doppler  Width       N       Q      DF     SNR    dBerr");
+  //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("00000000000000000010001000000000000000"));
+  fast_config(false);
+  ui->sbEchoAvg->values ({1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100});
+  statusChanged();
+  monitor(false);
+void MainWindow::on_actionFreqCal_triggered()
+  on_actionJT9_triggered();
+  m_mode="FreqCal";
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  ui->actionFreqCal->setChecked(true);
+  switch_mode(Modes::FreqCal);
+  m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  ui->sbTR->values ({5, 10, 15, 30});
+  on_sbTR_valueChanged (ui->sbTR->value());
+  m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod);  // TODO - not thread safe
+  m_nsps=6912;                        //For symspec only
+  m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2;
+  Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+  m_hsymStop=((int(m_TRperiod/0.288))/8)*8;
+  m_frequency_list_fcal_iter = m_config.frequencies ()->begin ();
+  ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1500);
+  setup_status_bar (true);
+//                               18:15:47      0  1  1500  1550.349     0.100    3.5   10.2
+  ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC      Freq CAL Offset  fMeas       DF     Level   S/N");
+  ui->measure_check_box->setChecked (false);
+  //                       01234567890123456789012345678901234567
+  displayWidgets(nWidgets("00110100000000000000000000000100000000"));
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::switch_mode (Mode mode)
+  if (m_mode != "Q65" && m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+      m_config.setSpecial_None();
+      m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+      ui->tx1->setEnabled(true);
+      ui->txb1->setEnabled(true);
+   }
+  m_fastGraph->setMode(m_mode);
+  m_config.frequencies ()->filter (m_config.region (), mode, true); // filter on current time
+  auto const& row = m_config.frequencies ()->best_working_frequency (m_freqNominal);
+  if (!keep_frequency) {
+      ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentIndex (row);
+    if (row >= 0 ) {
+      on_bandComboBox_activated (row);
+    }
+  }
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setSingleStep(1);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setMinimum(-50);
+  ui->rptSpinBox->setMaximum(49);
+  ui->sbFtol->values ({1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000});
+  ui->sbFST4W_FTol->values({1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100});
+  if(m_mode=="MSK144") {
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMinimum(1400);
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMaximum(1600);
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setSingleStep(25);
+  } else {
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMinimum(200);
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMaximum(5000);
+    ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setSingleStep(1);
+  }
+  bool b=m_mode=="FreqCal";
+  ui->tabWidget->setVisible(!b);
+  if(b) {
+    ui->DX_controls_widget->setVisible(false);
+    ui->rh_decodes_widget->setVisible (false);
+    ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setVisible(false);
+  }
+void MainWindow::WSPR_config(bool b)
+  ui->rh_decodes_widget->setVisible(!b);
+  ui->controls_stack_widget->setCurrentIndex (b && m_mode != "Echo" ? 1 : 0);
+  ui->QSO_controls_widget->setVisible (!b);
+  ui->DX_controls_widget->setVisible (!b or (m_mode=="Echo"));
+  ui->WSPR_controls_widget->setVisible (b);
+  ui->lh_decodes_title_label->setVisible(!b and ui->cbMenus->isChecked());
+  ui->logQSOButton->setVisible(!b);
+  ui->DecodeButton->setEnabled(!b);
+  bool bFST4W=(m_mode=="FST4W");
+  ui->sbTxPercent->setEnabled(!bFST4W or (tr("Random") == ui->RoundRobin->currentText()));
+  ui->band_hopping_group_box->setVisible(true);
+  ui->RoundRobin->setVisible(bFST4W);
+  ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->setVisible(bFST4W);
+  ui->sbFST4W_FTol->setVisible(bFST4W);
+  ui->RoundRobin->lineEdit()->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter);
+  if(b and m_mode!="Echo" and m_mode!="FST4W") {
+    QString t="UTC    dB   DT     Freq     Drift  Call          Grid    dBm    ";
+    if(m_config.miles()) t += " mi";
+    if(!m_config.miles()) t += " km";
+    ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText(t);
+    if (m_config.is_transceiver_online ()) {
+      m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (0); // turn off split
+    }
+    m_bSimplex = true;
+  } else
+    {
+      m_bSimplex = false;
+    }
+  enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ());  // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook
+void MainWindow::fast_config(bool b)
+  m_bFastMode=b;
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled(!b);
+  ui->sbTR->setVisible(b);
+  if(b and (m_bFast9 or m_mode=="MSK144")) {
+    m_wideGraph->hide();
+    m_fastGraph->showNormal();
+  } else {
+    m_wideGraph->showNormal();
+    m_fastGraph->hide();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_TxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(n);
+//  if (ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(n);
+  if(m_mode!="MSK144") {
+    Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (n - m_XIT);
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    if(((m_nSubMode==4 && m_TRperiod==60.0) || (m_nSubMode==3 && m_TRperiod==30.0) ||
+       (m_nSubMode==2 && m_TRperiod==15.0)) && ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()!=700) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox{background-color:red}");
+    } else {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setStyleSheet("");
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_mode != "MSK144" && m_mode != "FST4W" && m_mode != "WSPR" && m_mode != "Echo" && m_mode != "FreqCal"
+      && m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) {
+      QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {m_settings->setValue("TxFreq_old",ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());});
+  }
+  if(m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX && !m_config.superFox()) QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {m_TxFreqFox=n;});
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(n);
+  if (m_mode == "FreqCal") {
+    setRig ();
+  }
+  if (m_mode != "MSK144" && m_mode != "FST4W" && m_mode != "WSPR" && m_mode != "Echo" && m_mode != "FreqCal"
+      && !(SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp && m_config.superFox())) {
+      QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {m_settings->setValue("RxFreq_old",ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value());});
+  }
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::on_sbF_Low_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_wideGraph->setFST4_FreqRange(n,ui->sbF_High->value());
+  chk_FST4_freq_range();
+void MainWindow::on_sbF_High_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_wideGraph->setFST4_FreqRange(ui->sbF_Low->value(),n);
+  chk_FST4_freq_range();
+void MainWindow::chk_FST4_freq_range()
+  if(!m_bOK_to_chk) return;
+  if(ui->sbF_Low->value() < m_wideGraph->nStartFreq()) ui->sbF_Low->setValue(m_wideGraph->nStartFreq());
+  if(ui->sbF_High->value() > m_wideGraph->Fmax()) {
+    int n=m_wideGraph->Fmax()/100;
+    ui->sbF_High->setValue(100*n);
+  }
+  int maxDiff=2000;
+  if(m_TRperiod==120) maxDiff=1000;
+  if(m_TRperiod==300) maxDiff=400;
+  if(m_TRperiod>=900) maxDiff=200;
+  int diff=ui->sbF_High->value() - ui->sbF_Low->value();
+  if(diff<100 or diff>maxDiff) {
+    ui->sbF_Low->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox { color: white; background-color: red; }");
+    ui->sbF_High->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox { color: white; background-color: red; }");
+  } else {
+    ui->sbF_Low->setStyleSheet("");
+    ui->sbF_High->setStyleSheet("");
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionQuickDecode_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000001;
+void MainWindow::on_actionMediumDecode_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000002;
+void MainWindow::on_actionDeepestDecode_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000003;
+void MainWindow::on_actionInclude_averaging_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000010;
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_actionInclude_correlation_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000020;
+void MainWindow::on_actionEnable_AP_DXcall_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000040;
+void MainWindow::on_actionAuto_Clear_Avg_toggled (bool checked)
+  m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000080;
+void MainWindow::on_actionErase_ALL_TXT_triggered()          //Erase ALL.TXT
+  int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Erase"),
+                                         tr ("Are you sure you want to erase file ALL.TXT?"));
+  if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+    QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")};
+    f.remove();
+    m_RxLog=1;
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionErase_list_of_Q65_callers_triggered()
+  int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Erase"),
+          tr ("Are you sure you want to erase the list of Q65 callers?"));
+  if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+    QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("tsil.3q")};
+    f.remove();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_reset_cabrillo_log_action_triggered ()
+  if (MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Reset"),
+                                                    tr ("Are you sure you want to erase your contest log?"),
+                                                    tr ("Doing this will remove all QSO records for the current contest. "
+                                                        "They will be kept in the ADIF log file but will not be available "
+                                                        "for export in your Cabrillo log.")))
+    {
+      if(m_config.RTTY_Exchange()!="SCC") ui->sbSerialNumber->setValue(1);
+      m_logBook.contest_log ()->reset ();
+      m_activeCall.clear();                      //Erase the QMap of active calls
+      m_EMECall.clear();                         //ditto for EME calls
+      m_score=0;
+      if (m_ActiveStationsWidget) {
+        m_ActiveStationsWidget->setScore(0);
+        if(m_mode=="Q65") m_ActiveStationsWidget->setRate(0);
+      }
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_actionExport_Cabrillo_log_triggered()
+  if (QDialog::Accepted == ExportCabrillo {m_settings, &m_config, m_logBook.contest_log ()}.exec())
+    {
+      MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Cabrillo Log saved"));
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_actionErase_wsjtx_log_adi_triggered()
+  int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Erase"),
+                                       tr ("Are you sure you want to erase file wsjtx_log.adi?"));
+  if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+    QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_log.adi")};
+    f.remove();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionErase_WSPR_hashtable_triggered()
+  int ret = MessageBox::query_message(this, tr ("Confirm Erase"),
+            tr ("Are you sure you want to erase the WSPR hashtable?"));
+  if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) {
+    QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("hashtable.txt")};
+    f.remove();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_log_directory_triggered ()
+  QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath ()));
+void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_currentIndexChanged (int index)
+  auto const& frequencies = m_config.frequencies ();
+  auto const& source_index = frequencies->mapToSource (frequencies->index (index, FrequencyList_v2_101::frequency_column));
+  Frequency frequency {m_freqNominal};
+  if (source_index.isValid ())
+    {
+      frequency = frequencies->frequency_list ()[source_index.row ()].frequency_;
+    }
+  // Lookup band
+  auto const& band  = m_config.bands ()->find (frequency);
+  ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (band.size () ? band : m_config.bands ()->oob ());
+  displayDialFrequency ();
+void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_editTextChanged (QString const& text)
+  if (text.size () && m_config.bands ()->oob () != text)
+    {
+      ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ({});
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ("QLineEdit {color: yellow; background-color : red;}");
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_activated (int index)
+  auto const& frequencies = m_config.frequencies ();
+  auto const& source_index = frequencies->mapToSource (frequencies->index (index, FrequencyList_v2_101::frequency_column));
+  Frequency frequency {m_freqNominal};
+  if (source_index.isValid ())
+    {
+      frequency = frequencies->frequency_list ()[source_index.row ()].frequency_;
+    }
+  m_bandEdited = true;
+  band_changed (frequency);
+  m_wideGraph->setRxBand (m_config.bands ()->find (frequency));
+//  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+//  if (m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) auto_tx_mode(false);
+void MainWindow::band_changed (Frequency f)
+  // Don't allow a7 decodes during the first period because they can be leftovers from the previous band
+  no_a7_decodes = true;
+  QTimer::singleShot ((int(1500.0*m_TRperiod)), [=] {no_a7_decodes = false;});
+  // Set the attenuation value if options are checked
+  if (m_config.pwrBandTxMemory() && !m_tune) {
+    auto const&curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText();
+    if (m_pwrBandTxMemory.contains(curBand)) {
+      ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand].toInt());
+    }
+    else {
+      m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value();
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_bandEdited) {
+    if (m_mode!="WSPR") { // band hopping preserves auto Tx
+      if (f + m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () > m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()
+          || f + m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () + m_wideGraph->fSpan () <=
+          m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()) {
+//        qDebug () << "start f:" << m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () << "span:" << m_wideGraph->fSpan () << "DF:" << ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+        // disable auto Tx if "blind" QSY outside of waterfall
+        ui->stopTxButton->click (); // halt any transmission
+        auto_tx_mode (false);       // disable auto Tx
+//        m_send_RR73 = false;        // force user to reassess on new band
+      }
+    }
+    m_lastBand.clear ();
+    m_bandEdited = false;
+    if (m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ())
+      {
+        // Upload any queued spots before changing band
+        m_psk_Reporter.sendReport();
+      }
+    if (!m_transmitting) monitor (true);
+    if ("FreqCal" == m_mode)
+      {
+        m_frequency_list_fcal_iter = m_config.frequencies ()->find (f);
+      }
+    setRig (f);
+    setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+    if (m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX) FoxReset("BandChange");  // when changing bands, don't preserve the Fox queues
+  }
+void MainWindow::enable_DXCC_entity (bool on)
+  if (on and m_mode!="WSPR" and m_mode!="FST4W" and m_mode!="Echo") {
+    //m_logBook.init();                        // re-read the log and cty.dat files
+//    ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(0,55);  // adjust proportions of text displays
+//    ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(1,45);
+  } else {
+//    ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(0,0);
+//    ui->gridLayout->setColumnStretch(1,0);
+  }
+  updateGeometry ();
+void MainWindow::on_rptSpinBox_valueChanged(int n)
+  int step=ui->rptSpinBox->singleStep();
+  if(n%step !=0) {
+    n++;
+    ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(n);
+  }
+  m_rpt=QString::number(n);
+  int ntx0=m_ntx;
+  genStdMsgs(m_rpt);
+  m_ntx=ntx0;
+  if(m_ntx==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+  if(m_ntx==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+  if(m_ntx==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true);
+  if(m_ntx==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+  if(m_ntx==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+  if(m_ntx==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+  statusChanged();
+void MainWindow::on_tuneButton_clicked (bool checked)
+  stopWRTimer.stop();             // stop a running Tx3 timer
+  static bool lastChecked = false;
+  if (lastChecked == checked) return;
+  lastChecked = checked;
+  if (checked && m_tune==false) { // we're starting tuning so remember Tx and change pwr to Tune value
+    if (m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory ()) {
+      auto const& curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText();
+      m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value(); // remember our Tx pwr
+      m_PwrBandSetOK = false;
+      if (m_pwrBandTuneMemory.contains(curBand)) {
+        ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand].toInt()); // set to Tune pwr
+      }
+      m_PwrBandSetOK = true;
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_tune) {
+    tuneButtonTimer.start(250);
+  } else {
+    m_sentFirst73=false;
+    itone[0]=0;
+    on_monitorButton_clicked (true);
+    m_tune=true;
+  }
+  Q_EMIT tune (checked);
+void MainWindow::end_tuning ()
+  on_stopTxButton_clicked ();
+  // we're turning off so remember our Tune pwr setting and reset to Tx pwr
+  if (m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory() || m_config.pwrBandTxMemory()) {
+    auto const& curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText();
+    m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value(); // remember our Tune pwr
+    m_PwrBandSetOK = false;
+    ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand].toInt()); // set to Tx pwr
+    m_PwrBandSetOK = true;
+  }
+void MainWindow::stop_tuning ()
+  on_tuneButton_clicked(false);
+  ui->tuneButton->setChecked (false);
+  m_bTxTime=false;
+  m_tune=false;
+void MainWindow::stopTuneATU()
+  on_tuneButton_clicked(false);
+  m_bTxTime=false;
+void MainWindow::on_stopTxButton_clicked()                    //Stop Tx
+  if (m_tune) stop_tuning ();
+  if (m_auto and !m_tuneup) auto_tx_mode (false);
+  m_btxok=false;
+  m_bCallingCQ = false;
+  m_bAutoReply = false;         // ready for next
+  m_maxPoints=-1;
+  stopWRTimer.stop();           // stop a running Tx3 timer
+void MainWindow::rigOpen ()
+  update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "warning");
+  ui->readFreq->setText ("");
+  ui->readFreq->setEnabled (true);
+  m_config.transceiver_online ();
+  m_config.sync_transceiver (true, true);
+void MainWindow::on_pbR2T_clicked()
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+void MainWindow::on_pbT2R_clicked()
+  if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ())
+    {
+      ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_readFreq_clicked()
+  if (m_transmitting) return;
+  if (m_config.transceiver_online ())
+    {
+      m_config.sync_transceiver (true, true);
+    }
+void MainWindow::setXIT(int n, Frequency base)
+  if (m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_QSY_allowed ()) return;
+  // If "CQ nnn ..." feature is active, set the proper Tx frequency
+  if(m_config.split_mode () && ui->cbCQTx->isEnabled () && ui->cbCQTx->isVisible () &&
+     ui->cbCQTx->isChecked())
+    {
+      if (6 == m_ntx || (7 == m_ntx && m_gen_message_is_cq))
+        {
+          // All conditions are met, use calling frequency
+          base = m_freqNominal / 1000000 * 1000000 + 1000 * ui->sbCQTxFreq->value () + m_XIT;
+        }
+    }
+  if (!base) base = m_freqNominal;
+  m_XIT = 0;
+  if (!(m_bSimplex || (SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp && m_config.superFox()))) {
+    // m_bSimplex is false, so we can use split mode if requested
+    if (m_config.split_mode () && (!m_config.enable_VHF_features () ||
+        m_mode=="FT4" || m_mode == "FT8" || m_mode=="FST4")) {
+      // Don't use XIT for VHF & up
+      m_XIT=(n/500)*500 - 1500;
+    }
+    if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting)
+        && m_config.is_transceiver_online ()
+        && m_config.split_mode ())
+      {
+        // All conditions are met, reset the transceiver Tx dial
+        // frequency
+        m_freqTxNominal = base + m_XIT;
+        if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal);
+        m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (m_freqTxNominal + m_astroCorrection.tx);
+      }
+  }
+  //Now set the audio Tx freq
+  Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT);
+void MainWindow::setFreq4(int rxFreq, int txFreq)
+  if (m_mode=="ECHO") return; // we do not adjust rx/tx for echo mode -- always 1500Hz
+  if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(rxFreq);
+  if(m_mode=="WSPR" or m_mode=="FST4W") {
+    ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(txFreq);
+  } else {
+    if (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(txFreq);
+      if ("FT8" == m_mode || "FT4" == m_mode || m_mode=="FST4")
+        {
+          // we need to regenerate the current transmit waveform for
+          // GFSK modulated modes
+          if (m_transmitting) m_restart = true;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (m_config.enable_VHF_features ()
+             && (Qt::ControlModifier & QApplication::keyboardModifiers ())) {
+      // for VHF & up we adjust Tx dial frequency to equalize Tx to Rx
+      // when user CTRL+clicks on waterfall
+      auto temp = ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+      ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (temp);
+      setRig (m_freqNominal + txFreq - temp);
+      setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState const& s)
+  Transceiver::TransceiverState old_state {m_rigState};
+  //transmitDisplay (s.ptt ());
+  if (s.ptt () // && !m_rigState.ptt ()
+      ) { // safe to start audio
+                                        // (caveat - DX Lab Suite Commander)
+    if (m_tx_when_ready && g_iptt) {    // waiting to Tx and still needed
+      int ms_delay=1000*m_config.txDelay();
+      if(m_mode=="FT4") ms_delay=20;
+      ptt1Timer.start(ms_delay); //Start-of-transmission sequencer delay
+      m_tx_when_ready = false;
+    }
+  }
+  m_rigState = s;
+  auto old_freqNominal = m_freqNominal;
+  if (!old_freqNominal)
+    {
+      // always take initial rig frequency to avoid start up problems
+      // with bogus Tx frequencies
+      m_freqNominal = s.frequency ();
+    }
+  if ( () == false && () == true)
+    {
+      // initializing
+      on_monitorButton_clicked (!(m_config.monitor_off_at_startup() or m_mode=="Echo"));
+    }
+  if (s.frequency () != old_state.frequency () || s.split () != m_splitMode)
+    {
+      m_splitMode = s.split ();
+      if (!s.ptt ())
+        {
+          m_freqNominal = s.frequency () - m_astroCorrection.rx;
+          if (old_freqNominal != m_freqNominal)
+            {
+              m_freqTxNominal = m_freqNominal;
+              genCQMsg ();
+            }
+          if (m_monitoring)
+            {
+              m_lastMonitoredFrequency = m_freqNominal;
+            }
+          if (m_lastDialFreq != m_freqNominal &&
+              (m_mode != "MSK144"
+               || !(ui->cbCQTx->isEnabled () && ui->cbCQTx->isVisible () && ui->cbCQTx->isChecked()))) {
+            if(m_lastDialFreq != m_freqNominal and m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+              m_recentCall.clear();
+              if(m_mode!="Q65") m_ActiveStationsWidget->erase();
+            }
+            m_lastDialFreq = m_freqNominal;
+            m_secBandChanged=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000;
+            pskSetLocal ();
+            statusChanged();
+            m_wideGraph->setDialFreq(m_freqNominal / 1.e6);
+          }
+      } else {
+        m_freqTxNominal = s.split () ? s.tx_frequency () - m_astroCorrection.tx : s.frequency ();
+      }
+      if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal);
+  }
+  // ensure frequency display is correct
+  if (m_astroWidget && old_state.ptt () != s.ptt ()) setRig ();
+  displayDialFrequency ();
+  update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "ok");
+  ui->readFreq->setEnabled (false);
+  ui->readFreq->setText (s.split () ? "S" : "");
+void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure (QString const& reason)
+  update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "error");
+  ui->readFreq->setEnabled (true);
+  on_stopTxButton_clicked ();
+  rigFailure (reason);
+void MainWindow::rigFailure (QString const& reason)
+  if (m_first_error)
+    {
+      // one automatic retry
+      QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ()));
+      m_first_error = false;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+      m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDetailedText (reason + "\n\nTimestamp: "
+                                            + QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString (Qt::ISODateWithMs)
+                                            + QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ")
+                                            );
+      // don't call slot functions directly to avoid recursion
+      m_rigErrorMessageBox.exec ();
+      auto const clicked_button = m_rigErrorMessageBox.clickedButton ();
+      if (clicked_button == m_configurations_button)
+        {
+          ui->menuConfig->exec (QCursor::pos ());
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          switch (m_rigErrorMessageBox.standardButton (clicked_button))
+            {
+            case MessageBox::Ok:
+              m_config.select_tab (1);
+              QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (on_actionSettings_triggered ()));
+              break;
+            case MessageBox::Retry:
+              QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ()));
+              break;
+            case MessageBox::Cancel:
+              QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ()));
+              break;
+            default: break;     // squashing compile warnings
+            }
+        }
+      m_first_error = true;     // reset
+    }
+void MainWindow::transmit (double snr)
+  double toneSpacing=0.0;
+  if (m_mode == "JT65") {
+    if(m_nSubMode==0) toneSpacing=11025.0/4096.0;
+    if(m_nSubMode==1) toneSpacing=2*11025.0/4096.0;
+    if(m_nSubMode==2) toneSpacing=4*11025.0/4096.0;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_JT65_SYMBOLS,
+           4096.0*12000.0/11025.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if((m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FT8") and m_maxPoints>0 and SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp) {
+    ui->dxCallEntry->setText(m_deCall);
+    ui->dxGridEntry->setText(m_deGrid);
+    genStdMsgs("-10");
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "FT8") {
+//    toneSpacing=12000.0/1920.0;
+    toneSpacing=-3;
+    if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) toneSpacing=2*12000.0/1920.0;
+    if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) toneSpacing=4*12000.0/1920.0;
+    if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and !m_tune) toneSpacing=-1;
+    if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp and m_config.superFox()) {
+       Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_SUPERFOX_SYMBOLS,
+           1024.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+    } else {
+       Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_FT8_SYMBOLS,
+           1920.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "FT4") {
+    m_dateTimeSentTx3=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+    toneSpacing=-2.0;                     //Transmit a pre-computed, filtered waveform.
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_FT4_SYMBOLS,
+           576.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel(),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "FST4" or m_mode == "FST4W") {
+    m_dateTimeSentTx3=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+    toneSpacing=-2.0;                     //Transmit a pre-computed, filtered waveform.
+    int nsps=720;
+    if(m_TRperiod==30) nsps=1680;
+    if(m_TRperiod==60) nsps=3888;
+    if(m_TRperiod==120) nsps=8200;
+    if(m_TRperiod==300) nsps=21504;
+    if(m_TRperiod==900) nsps=66560;
+    if(m_TRperiod==1800) nsps=134400;
+    int hmod=1;
+    if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) hmod=2;
+    if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) hmod=4;
+    double dfreq=hmod*12000.0/nsps;
+    double f0=ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT;
+    if(m_mode=="FST4") f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT;
+    if(!m_tune) f0 += 1.5*dfreq;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_FST4_SYMBOLS,double(nsps),f0,toneSpacing,
+                        m_soundOutput,m_config.audio_output_channel(),
+                        true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "Q65") {
+    int nsps=1800;
+    if(m_TRperiod==30) nsps=3600;
+    if(m_TRperiod==60) nsps=7200;
+    if(m_TRperiod==120) nsps=16000;
+    if(m_TRperiod==300) nsps=41472;
+    int mode65=pow(2.0,double(m_nSubMode));
+    toneSpacing=mode65*12000.0/nsps;
+//    toneSpacing=-4.0;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_Q65_SYMBOLS,
+           double(nsps), ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "JT9") {
+    int nsub=pow(2,m_nSubMode);
+    int nsps[]={480,240,120,60};
+    double sps=m_nsps;
+    m_toneSpacing=nsub*12000.0/6912.0;
+    if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) m_toneSpacing=2.0*m_toneSpacing;
+    if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) m_toneSpacing=4.0*m_toneSpacing;
+    bool fastmode=false;
+    if(m_bFast9 and (m_nSubMode>=4)) {
+      fastmode=true;
+      sps=nsps[m_nSubMode-4];
+      m_toneSpacing=12000.0/sps;
+    }
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_JT9_SYMBOLS, sps,
+                        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT, m_toneSpacing,
+                        m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+                        true, fastmode, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "MSK144") {
+    m_nsps=6;
+    double f0=1000.0;
+    if(!m_bFastMode) {
+      m_nsps=192;
+      f0=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT - 0.5*m_toneSpacing;
+    }
+    m_toneSpacing=6000.0/m_nsps;
+    m_FFTSize = 7 * 512;
+    Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize);
+    int nsym;
+    nsym=NUM_MSK144_SYMBOLS;
+    if(itone[40] < 0) nsym=40;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, nsym, double(m_nsps), f0, m_toneSpacing,
+                        m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+                        true, true, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode == "JT4") {
+    if(m_nSubMode==0) toneSpacing=4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==1) toneSpacing=2*4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==2) toneSpacing=4*4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==3) toneSpacing=9*4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==4) toneSpacing=18*4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==5) toneSpacing=36*4.375;
+    if(m_nSubMode==6) toneSpacing=72*4.375;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_JT4_SYMBOLS,
+           2520.0*12000.0/11025.0, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT,
+           toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (),
+           true, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if (m_mode=="WSPR") {
+    int nToneSpacing=1;
+    if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) nToneSpacing=2;
+    if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) nToneSpacing=4;
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, NUM_WSPR_SYMBOLS, 8192.0,
+                        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - 1.5 * 12000 / 8192,
+                        m_toneSpacing*nToneSpacing, m_soundOutput,
+                        m_config.audio_output_channel(),true, false, snr,
+                        m_TRperiod);
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Echo") {
+    m_fDither=0.;
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+    if(m_astroWidget && m_astroWidget->bDither()) m_fDither = QRandomGenerator::global()->bounded(20.0) - 10.0; //Dither by +/- 10 Hz
+    if(m_astroWidget && m_astroWidget->bDither()) m_fDither = 20.0*(double(qrand())/RAND_MAX) - 10.0; //Dither by +/- 10 Hz
+    Q_EMIT sendMessage (m_mode, 27, 1024.0, 1500.0+m_fDither, 0.0, m_soundOutput,
+                        m_config.audio_output_channel(), false, false, snr, m_TRperiod);
+  }
+// In auto-sequencing mode, stop after 5 transmissions of "73" message.
+  if (m_bFastMode || m_bFast9) {
+    if (ui->cbAutoSeq->isVisible () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isEnabled () && ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ()) {
+      if(m_ntx==5) {
+        m_nTx73 += 1;
+      } else {
+        m_nTx73=0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (int a)
+  QString tt_str;
+  qreal dBAttn {a / 10.};       // slider interpreted as dB / 100
+  if (m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory()) {
+    tt_str = tr ("Tune digital gain ");
+  } else {
+    tt_str = tr ("Transmit digital gain ");
+  }
+  tt_str += (a ? QString::number (-dBAttn, 'f', 1) : "0") + "dB";
+  if (ui->outAttenuation->hasFocus() && !m_block_pwr_tooltip) {
+    QToolTip::showText (QCursor::pos (), tt_str, ui->outAttenuation);
+  }
+  QString curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText();
+  if (m_PwrBandSetOK && !m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTxMemory ()) {
+    m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = a; // remember our Tx pwr
+  }
+  if (m_PwrBandSetOK && m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory()) {
+    m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand] = a; // remember our Tune pwr
+  }
+  Q_EMIT outAttenuationChanged (dBAttn);
+void MainWindow::on_actionShort_list_of_add_on_prefixes_and_suffixes_triggered()
+  if (!m_prefixes) {
+    m_prefixes.reset (new HelpTextWindow {tr ("Prefixes")
+                                            , R"(Type 1 Prefixes:
+ 1A    1S    3A    3B6   3B8   3B9   3C    3C0   3D2   3D2C  3D2R  3DA   3V    3W    3X   
+ 3Y    3YB   3YP   4J    4L    4S    4U1I  4U1U  4W    4X    5A    5B    5H    5N    5R   
+ 5T    5U    5V    5W    5X    5Z    6W    6Y    7O    7P    7Q    7X    8P    8Q    8R   
+ 9A    9G    9H    9J    9K    9L    9M2   9M6   9N    9Q    9U    9V    9X    9Y    A2   
+ A3    A4    A5    A6    A7    A9    AP    BS7   BV    BV9   BY    C2    C3    C5    C6   
+ C9    CE    CE0X  CE0Y  CE0Z  CE9   CM    CN    CP    CT    CT3   CU    CX    CY0   CY9  
+ D2    D4    D6    DL    DU    E3    E4    EA    EA6   EA8   EA9   EI    EK    EL    EP   
+ ER    ES    ET    EU    EX    EY    EZ    F     FG    FH    FJ    FK    FKC   FM    FO   
+ FOA   FOC   FOM   FP    FR    FRG   FRJ   FRT   FT5W  FT5X  FT5Z  FW    FY    M     MD   
+ MI    MJ    MM    MU    MW    H4    H40   HA    HB    HB0   HC    HC8   HH    HI    HK   
+ HK0A  HK0M  HL    HM    HP    HR    HS    HV    HZ    I     IS    IS0   J2    J3    J5   
+ J6    J7    J8    JA    JDM   JDO   JT    JW    JX    JY    K     KG4   KH0   KH1   KH2  
+ KH3   KH4   KH5   KH5K  KH6   KH7   KH8   KH9   KL    KP1   KP2   KP4   KP5   LA    LU   
+ LX    LY    LZ    OA    OD    OE    OH    OH0   OJ0   OK    OM    ON    OX    OY    OZ   
+ P2    P4    PA    PJ2   PJ7   PY    PY0F  PT0S  PY0T  PZ    R1F   R1M   S0    S2    S5   
+ S7    S9    SM    SP    ST    SU    SV    SVA   SV5   SV9   T2    T30   T31   T32   T33  
+ T5    T7    T8    T9    TA    TF    TG    TI    TI9   TJ    TK    TL    TN    TR    TT   
+ TU    TY    TZ    UA    UA2   UA9   UK    UN    UR    V2    V3    V4    V5    V6    V7   
+ V8    VE    VK    VK0H  VK0M  VK9C  VK9L  VK9M  VK9N  VK9W  VK9X  VP2E  VP2M  VP2V  VP5  
+ VP6   VP6D  VP8   VP8G  VP8H  VP8O  VP8S  VP9   VQ9   VR    VU    VU4   VU7   XE    XF4  
+ XT    XU    XW    XX9   XZ    YA    YB    YI    YJ    YK    YL    YN    YO    YS    YU   
+ YV    YV0   Z2    Z3    ZA    ZB    ZC4   ZD7   ZD8   ZD9   ZF    ZK1N  ZK1S  ZK2   ZK3  
+ ZL    ZL7   ZL8   ZL9   ZP    ZS    ZS8   KC4   E5   
+Type 1 Suffixes:    /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /A /P)", {"Courier", 10}});
+  }
+  m_prefixes->showNormal();
+  m_prefixes->raise ();
+bool MainWindow::shortList(QString callsign) const
+  int n=callsign.length();
+  int i1=callsign.indexOf("/");
+  Q_ASSERT(i1>0 and i1<n);
+  QString t1=callsign.mid(0,i1);
+  QString t2=callsign.mid(i1+1,n-i1-1);
+  bool b=(m_pfx.contains(t1) or m_sfx.contains(t2));
+  return b;
+void MainWindow::pskSetLocal ()
+  if (!m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ()) return;
+  // find the station row, if any, that matches the band we are on
+  auto stations = m_config.stations ();
+  auto matches = stations->match (stations->index (0, StationList::band_column)
+                                  , Qt::DisplayRole
+                                  , ui->bandComboBox->currentText ()
+                                  , 1
+                                  , Qt::MatchExactly);
+  QString antenna_description;
+  if (!matches.isEmpty ()) {
+    antenna_description = stations->index (matches.first ().row ()
+                                           , StationList::description_column).data ().toString ();
+  }
+  // qDebug() << "To PSKreporter: local station details";
+  m_psk_Reporter.setLocalStation(m_config.my_callsign (), m_config.my_grid (), antenna_description);
+void MainWindow::transmitDisplay (bool transmitting)
+  if (transmitting == m_transmitting) {
+    if (transmitting) {
+      ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0);
+      if (m_monitoring) monitor (false);
+      m_btxok=true;
+    }
+    auto QSY_allowed = !transmitting or m_config.tx_QSY_allowed () or
+      !m_config.split_mode ();
+    if (ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed);
+      ui->pbT2R->setEnabled (QSY_allowed);
+    }
+    if (m_mode!="WSPR" and m_mode!="FST4W") {
+      if(m_config.enable_VHF_features ()) {
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (true);
+      } else {
+        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed and !m_bFastMode);
+        ui->pbR2T->setEnabled (QSY_allowed);
+        ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setEnabled (QSY_allowed);
+      }
+    }
+    // the following are always disallowed in transmit
+    ui->menuMode->setEnabled (!transmitting);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_sbFtol_valueChanged(int value)
+  m_wideGraph->setTol (value);
+  statusUpdate ();
+  // save last used parameters
+  QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {
+    if (m_mode=="FT8") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_SF", ui->sbFtol->value());
+    if (m_mode=="Q65") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_Q65", ui->sbFtol->value());
+    if (m_mode=="MSK144") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_MSK144", ui->sbFtol->value());
+    if (m_mode=="JT65") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_JT65", ui->sbFtol->value ());
+    if (m_mode=="JT4") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_JT4", ui->sbFtol->value());
+    if (m_mode=="JT9") m_settings->setValue ("Ftol_JT9", ui->sbFtol->value ());
+  });
+void::MainWindow::VHF_features_enabled(bool b)
+  if(m_mode!="JT4" and m_mode!="JT65" and m_mode!="Q65") b=false;
+  if(b and m_mode!="Q65" and (ui->actionInclude_averaging->isChecked() or
+             ui->actionInclude_correlation->isChecked())) {
+    ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked (true);
+  }
+  ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible (b);
+  ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (b && m_mode!="Q65");
+  ui->actionMessage_averaging->setEnabled(b && (m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65"));
+  ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible (b && m_mode=="JT65");
+  if(!b && m_msgAvgWidget and (SpecOp::FOX != m_specOp) and !m_config.autoLog()) {
+    if(m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible() and m_mode!="JT4" and m_mode!="JT9" and m_mode!="JT65") {
+      m_msgAvgWidget->close();
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_sbTR_valueChanged(int value)
+  //  if(!m_bFastMode and n>m_nSubMode) m_MinW=m_nSubMode;
+  if(m_bFastMode or m_mode=="FreqCal" or m_mode=="FST4" or m_mode=="FST4W" or m_mode=="Q65") {
+    m_TRperiod = value;
+    if (m_mode == "FST4" || m_mode == "FST4W" || m_mode=="Q65")
+      {
+        if (m_TRperiod < 60)
+          {
+            ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+            if (m_mode != "FST4W")
+              {
+                ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("  UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+              }
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            ui->lh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+            if (m_mode != "FST4W")
+              {
+                ui->rh_decodes_headings_label->setText("UTC   dB   DT Freq    " + tr ("Message"));
+              }
+          }
+       if ("Q65" == m_mode)
+         {
+         switch (value)
+             {
+              case 15: ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum (2); break;
+              case 30: ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum (3); break;
+              default: ui->sbSubmode->setMaximum (4); break;
+              }
+          }
+       } 
+    m_fastGraph->setTRPeriod (value);
+    m_modulator->setTRPeriod (value); // TODO - not thread safe
+    m_detector->setTRPeriod (value);  // TODO - not thread safe
+    m_wideGraph->setPeriod (value, m_nsps);
+    progressBar.setMaximum (value);
+  }
+//  if(m_transmitting) on_stopTxButton_clicked();      //### Is this needed or desirable? ###
+  if (m_mode=="FST4") chk_FST4_freq_range();
+  on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  statusUpdate ();
+  // save last used parameters
+  QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {
+    if (m_mode=="Q65") m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_Q65", ui->sbTR->value ());
+    if (m_mode=="MSK144" && (!(m_currentBand=="6m" or m_currentBand=="4m" or m_currentBand=="2m"))) {
+      m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_MSK144", ui->sbTR->value ());
+    }
+    if (m_mode=="MSK144" && (m_currentBand=="6m" or m_currentBand=="4m")) {
+      m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_MSK144_6m", ui->sbTR->value ());
+    }
+    if (m_mode=="MSK144" && m_currentBand=="2m") {
+      m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_MSK144_2m", ui->sbTR->value ());
+    }
+    if (m_mode=="FST4") m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod_FST4", ui->sbTR->value ());
+    if (m_mode=="JT9") m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod", ui->sbTR->value ());
+  });
+void MainWindow::on_sbTR_FST4W_valueChanged(int value)
+  on_sbTR_valueChanged(value);
+QChar MainWindow::current_submode () const
+  QChar submode {0};
+  if (m_mode.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(^(JT65|JT9|JT4|Q65)$)"})
+      && (m_config.enable_VHF_features () || "JT4" == m_mode))
+    {
+      submode = m_nSubMode + 65;
+    }
+  return submode;
+void MainWindow::on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_nSubMode=n;
+  m_wideGraph->setSubMode(m_nSubMode);
+  auto submode = current_submode ();
+  if (submode != QChar::Null) {
+    QString t{m_mode + " " + submode};
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") t=m_mode + "-" + QString::number(m_TRperiod) + submode;
+    mode_label.setText (t);
+  } else {
+    mode_label.setText (m_mode);
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+    if(((m_nSubMode==4 && m_TRperiod==60.0) || (m_nSubMode==3 && m_TRperiod==30.0) ||
+       (m_nSubMode==2 && m_TRperiod==15.0)) && ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()!=700) {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setStyleSheet("QSpinBox{background-color:red}");
+    } else {
+      ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setStyleSheet("");
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_mode=="JT9") {
+    if(m_nSubMode<4) {
+      ui->cbFast9->setChecked(false);
+      on_cbFast9_clicked(false);
+      ui->cbFast9->setEnabled(false);
+      ui->sbTR->setVisible(false);
+      m_TRperiod=60.0;
+    } else {
+      if(!blocked) ui->cbFast9->setEnabled(true);
+    }
+    ui->sbTR->setVisible(m_bFast9);
+    if(m_bFast9) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(700);
+  }
+  if(m_transmitting and m_bFast9 and m_nSubMode>=4) transmit (99.0);
+  if (m_mode !="Q65") ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setStyleSheet("");
+  statusUpdate ();
+  // save last used parameters
+  QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {
+    if (m_mode=="Q65") m_settings->setValue("SubMode_Q65",ui->sbSubmode->value());
+    if (m_mode=="JT65") m_settings->setValue("SubMode_JT65",ui->sbSubmode->value());
+    if (m_mode=="JT4") m_settings->setValue("SubMode_JT4",ui->sbSubmode->value());
+    if (m_mode=="JT9") m_settings->setValue("SubMode",ui->sbSubmode->value());
+  });
+void MainWindow::on_cbFast9_clicked(bool b)
+  if(m_mode=="JT9") {
+    m_bFast9=b;
+//    ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(b);
+    blocked=true;   // needed to prevent a loop
+    on_actionJT9_triggered();
+    QTimer::singleShot (50, [=] {blocked = false;});   // needed to prevent a loop
+    QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {
+      if(m_mode=="JT9") m_settings->setValue("JT9_Fast",m_bFast9);
+    });
+  }
+  if(b) {
+    m_TRperiod = ui->sbTR->value ();
+  } else {
+    m_TRperiod=60.0;
+  }
+  progressBar.setMaximum(int(m_TRperiod));
+  m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod,m_nsps);
+  fast_config(b);
+  statusChanged ();
+void MainWindow::on_cbSendMsg_toggled(bool b)
+  if(b) {
+    ui->sbNslots->setValue(2);
+  } else {
+    ui->sbNslots->setValue(5);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_cbShMsgs_toggled(bool b)
+  ui->cbTx6->setEnabled(b);
+  m_bShMsgs=b;
+  if(b) ui->cbSWL->setChecked(false);
+  if(m_bShMsgs and (m_mode=="MSK144")) ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(1);
+  int it0=itone[0];
+  int ntx=m_ntx;
+  m_lastCallsign.clear ();      // ensure Tx5 gets updated
+  genStdMsgs(m_rpt);
+  itone[0]=it0;
+  if(ntx==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true);
+  if(ntx==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true);
+  if(ntx==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true);
+  if(ntx==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true);
+  if(ntx==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true);
+  if(ntx==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+  QTimer::singleShot (200, [=] {
+    if(m_mode=="MSK144") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_MSK144",m_bShMsgs);
+    if(m_mode=="Q65") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_Q65",m_bShMsgs);
+    if(m_mode=="JT65") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_JT65",m_bShMsgs);
+    if(m_mode=="JT4") m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs_JT4",m_bShMsgs);
+  });
+void MainWindow::on_cbSWL_toggled(bool b)
+  if(b) ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(false);
+void MainWindow::on_cbTx6_toggled(bool)
+  genCQMsg ();
+// Takes a decoded CQ line and sets it up for reply
+void MainWindow::replyToCQ (QTime time, qint32 snr, float delta_time, quint32 delta_frequency
+                            , QString const& mode, QString const& message_text
+                            , bool /*low_confidence*/, quint8 modifiers)
+  QString format_string {"%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6"};
+  auto const& time_string = time.toString ("~" == mode || "&" == mode || "+" == mode
+                                           || (m_TRperiod < 60. && ("`" == mode || ":" == mode))
+                                           ? "hhmmss" : "hhmm");
+  auto text = message_text;
+  auto ap_pos = text.lastIndexOf (QRegularExpression {R"((?:\?\s)?(?:a[0-9]|q[0-9][0-9]?)$)"});
+  if (ap_pos >= 0)
+    {
+      // beware of decodes ending on shorter version of wanted call so
+      // add a space
+      text = text.left (ap_pos).trimmed () + ' ';
+    }
+  auto message_line = format_string
+    .arg (time_string)
+    .arg (snr, 3)
+    .arg (delta_time, 4, 'f', 1)
+    .arg (delta_frequency, 4)
+    .arg (mode, -2)
+    .arg (text);
+  QTextCursor start {ui->decodedTextBrowser->document ()};
+  start.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
+  auto cursor = ui->decodedTextBrowser->document ()->find (message_line, start, QTextDocument::FindBackward);
+  if (cursor.isNull ())
+    {
+      // try again with with -0.0 delta time
+      cursor = ui->decodedTextBrowser->document ()->find (format_string
+                                                          .arg (time_string)
+                                                          .arg (snr, 3)
+                                                          .arg ('-' + QString::number (delta_time, 'f', 1), 4)
+                                                          .arg (delta_frequency, 4)
+                                                          .arg (mode, -2)
+                                                          .arg (text), start, QTextDocument::FindBackward);
+    }
+  if (!cursor.isNull ())
+    {
+      if (m_config.udpWindowToFront ())
+        {
+          show ();
+          raise ();
+          activateWindow ();
+        }
+      if (m_config.udpWindowRestore () && isMinimized ())
+        {
+          showNormal ();
+          raise ();
+        }
+      if ((text.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(^(CQ |CQDX |QRZ ))"})) || (ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ())) {
+        // a message we are willing to accept and auto reply to
+        m_bDoubleClicked = true;
+      }
+      DecodedText message {message_line};
+      Qt::KeyboardModifiers kbmod {modifiers << 24};
+      processMessage (message, kbmod);
+      tx_watchdog (false);
+      QApplication::alert (this);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      qDebug () << "process reply message ignored, decode not found:" << message_line;
+    }
+void MainWindow::locationChange (QString const& location)
+  QString grid {location.trimmed ()};
+  int len;
+  // string 6 chars or fewer, interpret as a grid, or use with a 'GRID:' prefix
+  if (grid.size () > 6) {
+    if (grid.toUpper ().startsWith ("GRID:")) {
+      grid = grid.mid (5).trimmed ();
+    }
+    else {
+      // TODO - support any other formats, e.g. latlong? Or have that conversion done external to wsjtx
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if (MaidenheadLocatorValidator::Acceptable == MaidenheadLocatorValidator ().validate (grid, len)) {
+    qDebug() << "locationChange: Grid supplied is " << grid;
+    if (m_config.my_grid () != grid) {
+      m_config.set_location (grid);
+      genStdMsgs (m_rpt, false);
+      pskSetLocal ();
+      statusUpdate ();
+    }
+  } else {
+    qDebug() << "locationChange: Invalid grid " << grid;
+  }
+void MainWindow::replayDecodes ()
+  // we accept this request even if the setting to accept UDP requests
+  // is not checked
+  // attempt to parse the decoded text
+  for (QTextBlock block = ui->decodedTextBrowser->document ()->firstBlock (); block.isValid (); block = ())
+    {
+      auto message = block.text ();
+      message = message.left (message.indexOf (QChar::Nbsp)); // discard
+                                                              // any
+                                                              // appended info
+      if (message.size() >= 4 && message.left (4) != "----")
+        {
+          auto const& parts = message.split (' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+          if (parts.size () >= 5 && parts[3].contains ('.')) {
+            postWSPRDecode (false, parts);
+          } else {
+            postDecode (false, message);
+          }
+      }
+  }
+  statusChanged ();
+void MainWindow::postDecode (bool is_new, QString const& message)
+  auto const& decode = message.trimmed ();
+  auto const& parts = decode.left (22).split (' ', SkipEmptyParts);
+  if (parts.size () >= 5)
+    {
+      auto has_seconds = parts[0].size () > 4;
+      m_messageClient->decode (is_new
+                               , QTime::fromString (parts[0], has_seconds ? "hhmmss" : "hhmm")
+                               , parts[1].toInt ()
+                               , parts[2].toFloat (), parts[3].toUInt (), parts[4]
+                               , decode.mid (has_seconds ? 24 : 22)
+                               , QChar {'?'} == decode.mid (has_seconds ? 24 + 36 : 22 + 36, 1)
+                               , m_diskData);
+    }
+void MainWindow::postWSPRDecode (bool is_new, QStringList parts)
+  if (parts.size () < 8)
+    {
+      parts.insert (6, "");
+    }
+  m_messageClient->WSPR_decode (is_new, QTime::fromString (parts[0], "hhmm"), parts[1].toInt ()
+                                , parts[2].toFloat (), Radio::frequency (parts[3].toFloat (), 6)
+                                , parts[4].toInt (), parts[5], parts[6], parts[7].toInt ()
+                                , m_diskData);
+void MainWindow::networkError (QString const& e)
+  if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide ();
+  if (MessageBox::Retry == MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Network Error")
+                                                        , tr ("Error: %1\nUDP server %2:%3")
+                                                        .arg (e)
+                                                        .arg (m_config.udp_server_name ())
+                                                        .arg (m_config.udp_server_port ())
+                                                        , QString {}
+                                                        , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Retry
+                                                        , MessageBox::Cancel))
+    {
+      // retry server lookup
+      m_messageClient->set_server (m_config.udp_server_name (), m_config.udp_interface_names ());
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_syncSpinBox_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_minSync=n;
+void MainWindow::p1ReadFromStdout()                        //p1readFromStdout
+  QString t1;
+  while(p1.canReadLine()) {
+    QString t(p1.readLine());
+    if(ui->cbNoOwnCall->isChecked()) {
+      if(t.contains(" " + m_config.my_callsign() + " ")) continue;
+      if(t.contains(" <" + m_config.my_callsign() + "> ")) continue;
+    }
+    if(t.indexOf("<DecodeFinished>") >= 0) {
+      m_bDecoded = m_nWSPRdecodes > 0;
+      if(!m_diskData) {
+        WSPR_history(m_dialFreqRxWSPR, m_nWSPRdecodes);
+        if(m_nWSPRdecodes==0 and ui->band_hopping_group_box->isChecked()) {
+          t = " " + tr ("Receiving") + " " + m_mode + " ----------------------- " +
+              m_config.bands ()->find (m_dialFreqRxWSPR);
+          t=beacon_start_time (-m_TRperiod / 2) + ' ' + t.rightJustified (66, '-');
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertText(t);
+        }
+        killFileTimer.start (45*1000); //Kill in 45s (for slow modes)
+      }
+      ndecodes_label.setText(QString::number(m_nWSPRdecodes));
+      m_nWSPRdecodes=0;
+      ui->DecodeButton->setChecked (false);
+      if(m_uploadWSPRSpots && m_config.is_transceiver_online()) { // need working rig control
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        uploadTimer.start(QRandomGenerator::global ()->bounded (0, 20000)); // Upload delay
+        uploadTimer.start(20000 * qrand()/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0)); // Upload delay
+      } else {
+        QFile f {QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wspr_spots.txt"))};
+        if (f.exists ()) f.remove ();
+      }
+      m_RxLog=0;
+      m_startAnother=m_loopall;
+      m_decoderBusy = false;
+      statusUpdate ();
+    } else {
+      int n=t.length();
+      t=t.mid(0,n-2) + "                                                  ";
+      t.remove(QRegExp("\\s+$"));
+      QStringList rxFields = t.split(QRegExp("\\s+"));
+      QString rxLine;
+      QString grid="";
+      if ( rxFields.count() == 8 ) {
+          rxLine = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5   %6  %7  %8")
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg(, 5)
+                  .arg(, 11)
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg( (12))
+                  .arg(, -6)
+                  .arg(, 3);
+          postWSPRDecode (true, rxFields);
+          grid =;
+      } else if ( rxFields.count() == 7 ) { // Type 2 message
+          rxLine = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5   %6  %7  %8")
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg(, 5)
+                  .arg(, 11)
+                  .arg(, 4)
+                  .arg( (12))
+                  .arg("", -6)
+                  .arg(, 3);
+          postWSPRDecode (true, rxFields);
+      } else {
+          rxLine = t;
+      }
+      if(grid!="") {
+        double utch=0.0;
+        int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter;
+        azdist_(const_cast <char *> ((m_config.my_grid () + "      ").left (6).toLatin1 ().constData ()),
+                const_cast <char *> ((grid + "      ").left (6).toLatin1 ().constData ()),&utch,
+                &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,(FCL)6,(FCL)6);
+        QString t1;
+        if(m_config.miles()) {
+          t1 = t1.asprintf("%7d",nDmiles);
+        } else {
+          t1 = t1.asprintf("%7d",nDkm);
+        }
+        rxLine += t1;
+      }
+      if (rxLine.left (4) != m_tBlankLine) {
+        ui->decodedTextBrowser->new_period ();
+        if (m_config.insert_blank ()) {
+          QString band;
+          Frequency f=1000000.0*;
+          band = ' ' + m_config.bands ()->find (f);
+          ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertText(band.rightJustified (71, '-'));
+        }
+        m_tBlankLine = rxLine.left(4);
+      }
+      m_nWSPRdecodes += 1;
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser->insertText(rxLine);
+    }
+  }
+QString MainWindow::beacon_start_time (int n)
+  auto bt = qt_truncate_date_time_to (QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().addSecs (n), m_TRperiod * 1.e3);
+  if (m_TRperiod < 60.)
+    {
+      return bt.toString ("HHmmss");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      return bt.toString ("HHmm");
+    }
+void MainWindow::WSPR_history(Frequency dialFreq, int ndecodes)
+  QDateTime t=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-60);
+  QString t1=t.toString("yyMMdd");
+  QString t2=beacon_start_time (-m_TRperiod / 2);
+  QString t3;
+  t3 = t3.asprintf("%13.6f",0.000001*dialFreq);
+  if(ndecodes<0) {
+    t1=t1 + " " + t2 + t3 + "  T";
+  } else {
+    QString t4;
+    t4 = t4.asprintf("%4d",ndecodes);
+    t1=t1 + " " + t2 + t3 + "  R" + t4;
+  }
+  QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("WSPR_history.txt")};
+  if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) {
+    QTextStream out(&f);
+    out << t1
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+    f.close();
+  } else {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Error")
+                                 , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2")
+                                 .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ()));
+  }
+void MainWindow::uploadWSPRSpots (bool direct_post, QString const& decode_text)
+  // do not spot if disabled, replays, or if rig control not working
+  if(!m_uploadWSPRSpots || m_diskData || !m_config.is_transceiver_online ()) return;
+  if(m_uploading && !decode_text.size ()) {
+    qDebug() << "Previous upload has not completed, spots were lost";
+    wsprNet->abortOutstandingRequests ();
+    m_uploading = false;
+  }
+  QString rfreq = QString("%1").arg((m_dialFreqRxWSPR + 1500) / 1e6, 0, 'f', 6);
+  QString tfreq = QString("%1").arg((m_dialFreqRxWSPR +
+                        ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()) / 1e6, 0, 'f', 6);
+  auto pct = QString::number (ui->autoButton->isChecked () ? ui->sbTxPercent->value () : 0);
+  if (direct_post)
+    {
+      // queues one FST4W spot
+      wsprNet->post (m_config.my_callsign (), m_config.my_grid (), rfreq, tfreq,
+                     m_mode, m_TRperiod, pct,
+                     QString::number (m_dBm), version (), decode_text);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // queues spots for each decode in wspr_spots.txt
+      wsprNet->upload (m_config.my_callsign (), m_config.my_grid (), rfreq, tfreq,
+                       m_mode, m_TRperiod, pct,
+                       QString::number (m_dBm), version (),
+                       m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wspr_spots.txt"));
+    }
+  // trigger upload of any queued spots
+  if (!decode_text.size ())
+    {
+      m_uploading = true;
+    }
+void MainWindow::uploadResponse(QString const& response)
+  if (response == "done") {
+    m_uploading=false;
+  } else {
+    if (response.startsWith ("Upload Failed")) {
+      m_uploading=false;
+    }
+    qDebug () << " status:" << response;
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_TxPowerComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index)
+  m_dBm = ui->TxPowerComboBox->itemData (index).toInt ();
+void MainWindow::on_cbUploadWSPR_Spots_toggled(bool b)
+  m_uploadWSPRSpots=b;
+void MainWindow::on_WSPRfreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n)
+  ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(n);
+void MainWindow::on_sbFST4W_RxFreq_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(n);
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::on_sbFST4W_FTol_valueChanged(int n)
+  ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->setSingleStep(n);
+  m_wideGraph->setTol(n);
+  statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::on_pbTxNext_clicked(bool b)
+  if (b && !ui->autoButton->isChecked ())
+    {
+      ui->autoButton->click (); // make sure Tx is possible
+    }
+void MainWindow::WSPR_scheduling ()
+  if (ui->pbTxNext->isEnabled () && ui->pbTxNext->isChecked ())
+    {
+      // Tx Next button overrides all scheduling
+      m_WSPR_tx_next = true;
+      return;
+    }
+  QString t=ui->RoundRobin->currentText();
+  if(m_mode=="FST4W" and t != tr ("Random")) {
+    bool ok;
+    int i=t.left (1).toInt (&ok) - 1;
+    if (!ok) return;
+    int n=t.right (1).toInt (&ok);
+    if (!ok || 0 == n) return;
+    qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000;
+    int nsec=ms/1000;
+    int ntr=m_TRperiod;
+    int j=((nsec+ntr-1) % (n*ntr))/ntr;
+    m_WSPR_tx_next = i == j;
+    return;
+  }
+  m_WSPR_tx_next = false;
+  if (!ui->sbTxPercent->isEnabled ())
+    {
+      return;                   // don't schedule if %age disabled
+    }
+  if (m_config.is_transceiver_online () // need working rig control for hopping
+      && !m_config.is_dummy_rig ()
+      && ui->band_hopping_group_box->isChecked ()) {
+    auto hop_data = m_WSPR_band_hopping.next_hop (m_auto);
+    qDebug () << "hop data: period:" << hop_data.period_name_
+              << "frequencies index:" << hop_data.frequencies_index_
+              << "tune:" << hop_data.tune_required_
+              << "tx:" << hop_data.tx_next_;
+    m_WSPR_tx_next = hop_data.tx_next_;
+    if (hop_data.frequencies_index_ >= 0) { // new band
+      ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentIndex (hop_data.frequencies_index_);
+      on_bandComboBox_activated (hop_data.frequencies_index_);
+      // Execute user's hardware controller
+      auto band = m_config.bands ()->find (m_freqNominal).remove ('m');
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+      // On  windows   we  use  CMD.EXE   to  find  and   execute  the
+      // user_hardware executable. This means  that the first matching
+      // file extension  on the PATHEXT environment  variable found on
+      // the PATH  environment variable  path list. This  give maximum
+      // flexibility  for  users  to   write  user_hardware  in  their
+      // language of choice,  and place the file anywhere  on the PATH
+      // environment  variable.  Equivalent  to  typing  user_hardware
+      // without any path or extension at the CMD.EXE prompt.
+      p3.start("CMD", QStringList {"/C", "user_hardware", band});
+      // On non-Windows systems we expect the user_hardware executable
+      // to be anywhere in the paths specified in the PATH environment
+      // variable  path list,  and  executable.  Equivalent to  typing
+      // user_hardware without any path at the shell prompt.
+      p3.start("/bin/sh", QStringList {"-c", "user_hardware " + band});
+      // Produce a short tuneup signal
+      m_tuneup = false;
+      if (hop_data.tune_required_) {
+        m_tuneup = true;
+        on_tuneButton_clicked (true);
+        tuneATU_Timer.start (2500);
+      }
+    }
+    // Display grayline status
+    band_hopping_label.setText (hop_data.period_name_);
+  }
+  else {
+    m_WSPR_tx_next = m_WSPR_band_hopping.next_is_tx(m_mode=="FST4W");
+  }
+void MainWindow::astroUpdate ()
+  if (m_astroWidget) {
+      // no Doppler correction while CTRL pressed allows manual tuning
+      if (Qt::ControlModifier & QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers ()) return;
+      auto correction = m_astroWidget->astroUpdate(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc (),
+           m_config.my_grid(), m_hisGrid,m_freqNominal,"Echo" == m_mode,
+           m_transmitting,m_auto,!m_config.tx_QSY_allowed (),m_TRperiod);
+      m_fDop=correction.dop;
+      m_fSpread=correction.width;
+      if (m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_QSY_allowed ()) return;  // No Tx Doppler correction if rig can't do it
+      if (!m_astroWidget->doppler_tracking() or m_astroWidget->DopplerMethod()==0) {
+        // We are not using RF Doppler correction
+        m_fAudioShift=m_fDop;
+        return;
+      }
+      if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting)
+          && m_freqNominal >= 21000000          // No Doppler correction below 15m
+          && m_config.split_mode ())            // Doppler correcion needs split mode
+        {
+          // adjust for rig resolution
+          if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 2)
+            {
+              correction.rx = (correction.rx + 50) / 100 * 100;
+              correction.tx = (correction.tx + 50) / 100 * 100;
+            }
+          else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 1)
+            {
+              correction.rx = (correction.rx + 10) / 20 * 20;
+              correction.tx = (correction.tx + 10) / 20 * 20;
+            }
+          else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 0)
+            {
+              correction.rx = (correction.rx + 5) / 10 * 10;
+              correction.tx = (correction.tx + 5) / 10 * 10;
+            }
+          else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -2)
+            {
+              correction.rx = correction.rx / 100 * 100;
+              correction.tx = correction.tx / 100 * 100;
+            }
+          else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -1)
+            {
+              correction.rx = correction.rx / 20 * 20;
+              correction.tx = correction.tx / 20 * 20;
+            }
+          else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < 0)
+            {
+              correction.rx = correction.rx / 10 * 10;
+              correction.tx = correction.tx / 10 * 10;
+            }
+          m_astroCorrection = correction;
+          if (m_reverse_Doppler) m_astroCorrection.reverse ();
+        } else {
+          m_astroCorrection = {};
+        }
+      setRig ();
+      m_fAudioShift=m_fDop - correction.rx;
+    }
+void MainWindow::setRig (Frequency f)
+  if (f)
+    {
+      m_freqNominal = f;
+      genCQMsg ();
+      m_freqTxNominal = m_freqNominal;
+      if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal);
+    }
+  if (m_mode == "FreqCal"
+      && m_frequency_list_fcal_iter != m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) {
+    m_freqNominal = m_frequency_list_fcal_iter->frequency_ - ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+  }
+  if(m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_QSY_allowed ()) return;
+  if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting) && m_config.transceiver_online ())
+    {
+      if (m_transmitting && m_config.split_mode () && !(m_config.superFox() && m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX))
+        {
+          m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (m_freqTxNominal + m_astroCorrection.tx);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          m_config.transceiver_frequency (m_freqNominal + m_astroCorrection.rx);
+        }
+    }
+void MainWindow::fastPick(int x0, int x1, int y)
+  float pixPerSecond=12000.0/512.0;
+  if(m_TRperiod<30.0) pixPerSecond=12000.0/256.0;
+  if(m_mode!="MSK144") return;
+  if(!m_decoderBusy) {
+    dec_data.params.newdat=0;
+    dec_data.params.nagain=1;
+    m_nPick=1;
+    if(y > 120) m_nPick=2;
+    m_t0Pick=x0/pixPerSecond;
+    m_t1Pick=x1/pixPerSecond;
+    m_dataAvailable=true;
+    decode();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionMeasure_reference_spectrum_triggered()
+  if(!m_monitoring) on_monitorButton_clicked (true);
+  m_bRefSpec=true;
+void MainWindow::on_actionMeasure_phase_response_triggered()
+  if(m_bTrain) { 
+    m_bTrain=false;
+    MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Phase Training Disabled"));
+  } else {
+    m_bTrain=true;
+    MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Phase Training Enabled"));
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_actionErase_reference_spectrum_triggered()
+  m_bClearRefSpec=true;
+void MainWindow::freqCalStep()
+  if (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter == m_config.frequencies ()->end ()
+      || ++m_frequency_list_fcal_iter == m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) {
+    m_frequency_list_fcal_iter = m_config.frequencies ()->begin ();
+  }
+  // allow for empty list
+  if (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter != m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) {
+    setRig (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter->frequency_ - ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_sbCQTxFreq_valueChanged(int)
+  setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+void MainWindow::on_cbCQTx_toggled(bool b)
+  ui->sbCQTxFreq->setEnabled(b);
+  genCQMsg();
+  if(b) {
+    ui->txrb6->setChecked(true);
+    m_ntx=6;
+    m_QSOProgress = CALLING;
+  }
+  setRig ();
+  setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ());
+void MainWindow::statusUpdate () const
+  if (!ui || m_block_udp_status_updates) return;
+  auto submode = current_submode ();
+  auto ftol = ui->sbFtol->value ();
+  if ("FST4W" == m_mode)
+    {
+      ftol = ui->sbFST4W_FTol->value ();
+    }
+  else if (!(ui->sbFtol->isVisible () && ui->sbFtol->isEnabled ()))
+    {
+      ftol = quint32_max;
+    }
+  auto tr_period = ui->sbTR->value ();
+  auto rx_frequency = ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ();
+  if ("FST4W" == m_mode)
+    {
+      tr_period = ui->sbTR_FST4W->value ();
+      rx_frequency = ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->value ();
+    }
+  else if (!(ui->sbTR->isVisible () && ui->sbTR->isEnabled ()))
+    {
+      tr_period = quint32_max;
+    }
+  m_messageClient->status_update (m_freqNominal, m_mode, m_hisCall,
+                                  QString::number (ui->rptSpinBox->value ()),
+                                  m_mode, ui->autoButton->isChecked (),
+                                  m_transmitting, m_decoderBusy,
+                                  rx_frequency, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value (),
+                                  m_config.my_callsign (), m_config.my_grid (),
+                                  m_hisGrid, m_tx_watchdog,
+                                  submode != QChar::Null ? QString {submode} : QString {}, m_bFastMode,
+                                  static_cast<quint8> (m_specOp),
+                                  ftol, tr_period, m_multi_settings->configuration_name (),
+                                  m_currentMessage);
+void MainWindow::childEvent (QChildEvent * e)
+  if (e->child ()->isWidgetType ())
+    {
+      switch (e->type ())
+        {
+        case QEvent::ChildAdded: add_child_to_event_filter (e->child ()); break;
+        case QEvent::ChildRemoved: remove_child_from_event_filter (e->child ()); break;
+        default: break;
+        }
+    }
+  QMainWindow::childEvent (e);
+// add widget and any child widgets to our event filter so that we can
+// take action on key press ad mouse press events anywhere in the main window
+void MainWindow::add_child_to_event_filter (QObject * target)
+  if (target && target->isWidgetType ())
+    {
+      target->installEventFilter (this);
+    }
+  auto const& children = target->children ();
+  for (auto iter = children.begin (); iter != children.end (); ++iter)
+    {
+      add_child_to_event_filter (*iter);
+    }
+// recursively remove widget and any child widgets from our event filter
+void MainWindow::remove_child_from_event_filter (QObject * target)
+  auto const& children = target->children ();
+  for (auto iter = children.begin (); iter != children.end (); ++iter)
+    {
+      remove_child_from_event_filter (*iter);
+    }
+  if (target && target->isWidgetType ())
+    {
+      target->removeEventFilter (this);
+    }
+void MainWindow::tx_watchdog (bool triggered)
+  auto prior = m_tx_watchdog;
+  m_tx_watchdog = triggered;
+  if (triggered)
+    {
+      m_bTxTime=false;
+      if (m_tune) stop_tuning ();
+      if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false);
+      tx_status_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{color: #000000; background-color: #ff0000}");
+      tx_status_label.setText (tr ("Runaway Tx watchdog"));
+      QApplication::alert (this);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      m_idleMinutes = 0;
+      update_watchdog_label ();
+    }
+  if (prior != triggered) statusUpdate ();
+void MainWindow::update_watchdog_label ()
+  if (m_config.watchdog () && m_mode!="WSPR" && m_mode!="FST4W")
+    {
+      watchdog_label.setText (tr ("WD:%1m").arg (m_config.watchdog () - m_idleMinutes));
+      watchdog_label.setVisible (true);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      watchdog_label.setText (QString {});
+      watchdog_label.setVisible (false);
+    }
+void MainWindow::on_cbMenus_toggled(bool b)
+  select_geometry (!b ? 2 : ui->actionSWL_Mode->isChecked () ? 1 : 0);
+void MainWindow::on_cbCQonly_toggled(bool)
+{  //Fix this -- no decode here?
+  to_jt9(m_ihsym,1,-1);                //Send m_ihsym to jt9[.exe] and start decoding
+  decodeBusy(true);
+void MainWindow::on_cbAutoSeq_toggled(bool b)
+  ui->respondComboBox->setVisible((m_mode=="FT8" or m_mode=="FT4" or m_mode=="FST4"
+                           or m_mode=="Q65") and b);
+void MainWindow::on_measure_check_box_stateChanged (int state)
+  m_config.enable_calibration (Qt::Checked != state);
+void MainWindow::write_transmit_entry (QString const& file_name)
+  QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath (file_name)};
+  if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append))
+    {
+      QTextStream out(&f);
+      auto time = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+      time = time.addSecs (-fmod(double(time.time().second()),m_TRperiod));
+      out << time.toString("yyMMdd_hhmmss")
+          << "  Transmitting " << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6)
+          << " MHz  " << m_mode
+          << ":  " << m_currentMessage
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+          << Qt::endl
+          << endl
+        ;
+      f.close();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      auto const& message = tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2")
+        .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ());
+      QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] {                   // don't block guiUpdate
+          MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Log File Error"), message);
+        });
+    }
+void MainWindow::readWidebandDecodes()
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget==NULL) return;
+  int nhr=0;
+  int nmin=0;
+  int nsec=0;
+  int nsnr=0;
+  while(m_fetched < qmapcom.ndecodes) {
+    // Recover and parse each decoded line.
+    QString line=QString::fromLatin1(qmapcom.result[m_fetched]);
+    m_fetched++;
+    nhr=line.mid(0,2).toInt();
+    nmin=line.mid(2,2).toInt();
+    nsec=line.mid(4,2).toInt();
+    double frx=line.mid(6,9).toDouble();
+    double fsked=line.mid(16,7).toDouble();
+    QString submode=line.mid(36,3);
+    QString msg=line.mid(41,-1);
+    int i1=msg.indexOf(" ");
+    int i2=i1 +1 + msg.mid(i1+1,-1).indexOf(" ");
+    QString dxcall=msg.mid(i1+1,i2-i1-1);
+    if(stdCall(dxcall)) {
+      QString w3=msg.mid(i2+1,-1);
+      nsnr=line.mid(31,3).toInt();
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].frx=frx;
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].fsked=fsked;
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].nsnr=nsnr;
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].t=3600*nhr + 60*nmin + nsec;
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].submode=submode;
+//### Make sure WSJT-X is set to a Q65 submode consistent with the executing QMAP.
+      if(w3.contains(grid_regexp)) m_EMECall[dxcall].grid4=w3;
+      bool bCQ=line.contains(" CQ ");
+//      m_EMECall[dxcall].ready2call=(bCQ or line.contains(" 73") or line.contains(" RR73"));
+      m_EMECall[dxcall].ready2call=(bCQ);
+      Frequency frequency = (m_freqNominal/1000000) * 1000000 + int(fsked*1000.0);
+      bool bFromDisk=qmapcom.nQDecoderDone==2;
+      if(!bFromDisk and (m_EMECall[dxcall].grid4.contains(grid_regexp)  or bCQ)) {
+        qDebug() << "To PSKreporter:" << dxcall << m_EMECall[dxcall].grid4 << frequency << m_mode << nsnr;
+        if (!m_psk_Reporter.addRemoteStation (dxcall, m_EMECall[dxcall].grid4, frequency, m_mode, nsnr)) {
+          showStatusMessage (tr ("Spotting to PSK Reporter unavailable"));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_config.spot_to_psk_reporter ()) {
+    m_psk_Reporter.sendReport();                // Upload any queued spots
+  }
+// Update "m_wEMECall" by reading qmap_decodes.txt
+  QMap<QString,EMECall>::iterator i;
+  QString t="";
+  QString t1;
+  QString dxcall;
+  QString dxgrid4;
+  QStringList list;
+  float f[100];
+  int indx[100];
+  int maxAge=m_ActiveStationsWidget->maxAge();
+  m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(false);
+  int k=0;
+  for(i=m_EMECall.begin(); i!=m_EMECall.end(); i++) {
+    bool bSkip=false;
+    if(m_ActiveStationsWidget->wantedOnly() and m_EMEworked[i.key()]) bSkip=true;
+    if(m_ActiveStationsWidget->readyOnly() and !i->ready2call) bSkip=true;
+    if(!bSkip) {
+      int snr=i->nsnr;
+      QString submode=i->submode;
+      int odd=0;
+      if(submode.left(2)=="30" and (i->t%60)==0) odd=1;
+      if(submode.left(2)=="60" and (i->t%120)==0) odd=1;
+      int age=(3600*nhr + 60*nmin + nsec - (i->t))/60;
+      char c2[3]={32,32,0};
+      if(age<0) age += 1440;
+      if(age<=maxAge) {
+        dxcall=(i.key()+"     ").left(8);
+        dxgrid4=(i->grid4+"... ").left(4);
+        if(!m_EMEworked[dxcall.trimmed()]) c2[0]=35;       //# for not in log
+        if(i->ready2call) c2[1]=42;                        //* for ready to call
+        t1=t1.asprintf("%7.3f %5.1f  %+03d  %3s  %8s %4s %3d %3d %2s\n",i->frx,i->fsked,snr,
+                       submode.toLatin1().constData(),dxcall.toLatin1().constData(),
+                       dxgrid4.toLatin1().constData(),odd,age,c2);
+        f[k]=i->fsked;
+        list.append(t1);
+        k++;
+      }
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true);
+    }
+  }
+  if(k>0) {
+    t1="";
+    int kz=k;
+    indexx_(f,&kz,indx);
+    for(int k=0; k<kz; k++) {
+      int j=indx[k]-1;
+      t1=t1.asprintf("%2d. ",k+1);
+      t1+=list[j];
+      m_ready2call[k]=list[j];
+      t+=t1;
+    }
+  }
+  if(m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL) {
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->erase();
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations(m_mode,t);
+    m_ActiveStationsWidget->setClickOK(true);
+  }
+  if(ipc_qmap[2]!=0) {
+    m_fetched=0;
+    ipc_qmap[0]=0;
+    ipc_qmap[2]=0;
+  }
+// -------------------------- Code for FT8 DXpedition Mode ---------------------------
+void MainWindow::hound_reply ()
+  if (!m_tune) {
+    // Select Tx3, set TxFreq to FoxFreq, and Force Auto ON.
+    ui->txrb3->setChecked (true);
+    m_nSentFoxRrpt = 1;
+    ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(m_rptSent.toInt());
+    if (!m_auto) auto_tx_mode(true);
+    if (!m_config.superFox()) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (m_nFoxFreq);
+    stopWRTimer.start(int(11000.0*m_TRperiod));     // Tx3 timeout when in Hound mode
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_sbNlist_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_Nlist=n;
+void MainWindow::on_sbNslots_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_Nslots=n;
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) return;
+  QString t;
+  t = t.asprintf(" NSlots %d",m_Nslots);
+  writeFoxQSO(t);
+  if(!m_config.superFox()) m_Nslots0=n;
+void MainWindow::on_sbMax_dB_valueChanged(int n)
+  m_max_dB=n;
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) return;
+  QString t;
+  t = t.asprintf(" Max_dB %d",m_max_dB);
+  writeFoxQSO(t);
+void MainWindow::FoxReset(QString reason="")
+  QFile f(m_config.temp_dir().absoluteFilePath("houndcallers.txt"));
+  f.remove();
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser->setText("");
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->setText("");
+  ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->setText("");
+  m_houndQueue.clear();
+  m_foxQSO.clear();
+  m_foxQSOinProgress.clear();
+  m_discard_decoded_hounds_this_cycle = true;     // discard decoded messages until the next cycle
+  if (reason != "") writeFoxQSO(" " + reason);
+  writeFoxQSO(" Reset");
+void MainWindow::on_pbFoxReset_clicked()
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX) return;
+  auto button = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Reset"),
+      tr ("Are you sure you want to clear the QSO queues?"));
+  if(button == MessageBox::Yes) {
+    FoxReset();
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_pbFreeText_clicked()
+  bool ok;
+  m_freeTextMsg = QInputDialog::getText (this, tr("Free Text Message"),
+         tr("Message:"), QLineEdit::Normal, m_freeTextMsg0, &ok).left(26);
+  if(ok) {
+    m_freeTextMsg=m_freeTextMsg.toUpper();
+    m_freeTextMsg0=m_freeTextMsg;
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_comboBoxHoundSort_activated(int index)
+  if(index!=-99) houndCallers();            //Silence compiler warning
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
+QString MainWindow::foxOTPcode()
+  QString code;
+  if (!m_config.OTPSeed().isEmpty())
+  {
+    char output[7];
+    QDateTime dateTime = dateTime.currentDateTime();
+    QByteArray ba = m_config.OTPSeed().toLocal8Bit();
+    char *c_str =;
+    int return_length;
+    if (6 == (return_length = create_totp(c_str, output, dateTime.toTime_t(), 30, 0)))
+    {
+      code = QString(output);
+    } else
+    {
+      code = "000000";
+      LOG_INFO(QString("foxOTPcode: Incorrect return length %1").arg(return_length));
+    }
+  } else
+  {
+    code = "000000";
+    showStatusMessage(tr("TOTP: No seed entered in fox configuration to generate verification code."));
+    LOG_INFO(QString("foxOTPcode: No seed entered in fox configuration to generate verification code."));
+  }
+  return code;
+QString MainWindow::sortHoundCalls(QString t, int isort, int max_dB)
+/* Called from "houndCallers()" to sort the list of calling stations by
+ * specified criteria.
+ *
+ * QString "t" contains a list of Hound callers read from file "houndcallers.txt".
+ *    isort=0: random    (shuffled order)
+ *          1: Call
+ *          2: Grid
+ *          3: SNR       (reverse order)
+ *          4: Distance  (reverse order)
+ *          5: Age       (reverse order)
+ *          6: Continent
+ *          7: User defined (reverse order)
+ *
+  QMap<QString,QString> map;
+  QStringList lines,lines2;
+  QString msg,houndCall,t1;
+  QList<int> reverse_sorted{3,4,5,6};
+  QString Continents{" AF AN AS EU NA OC SA UN "}; // matches what we get from AD1C's country list
+  QList<int> list;
+  int i,j,k,n,nlines;
+  bool bReverse = reverse_sorted.contains(isort);
+  isort=qAbs(isort);
+// Save only the most recent transmission from each caller.
+  lines = t.split("\n");
+  nlines=lines.length()-1;
+  for(i=0; i<nlines; i++) {
+;                        //key = callsign
+    if(msg.mid(13,1)==" ") msg=msg.mid(0,13) + "...." + msg.mid(17);
+    houndCall=msg.split(" ").at(0);         //value = "call grid snr freq dist age continent user-defined
+    map[houndCall]=msg;
+  }
+  j=0;
+  t="";
+  for(auto a: map.keys()) {
+    t1=map[a].split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(2);
+    // add the user-defined value to the end of the line. Example:
+    // JJ0NCC       PM97   15  2724   7580  2  AS        67
+    // PY7ZZ        HI21  -13  1673  10549  1  SA        -
+    QString annotated_value_s{"   -  "}; // default
+    qint32 annotated_value = 0;
+    if (m_annotated_callsigns.contains(a)) {
+      annotated_value = m_annotated_callsigns.value(a);
+      annotated_value_s = QString::number(annotated_value);
+    }
+    map[a] += QString(" %1").arg(annotated_value_s, 8);
+    int nsnr=t1.toInt();                         // get snr
+    if(nsnr <= max_dB) {                         // keep only if snr in specified range
+      if(isort==1) t += map[a] + "\n";
+      if (isort==3 or isort==4 or isort==5) {     // numeric ones: snr, distance, age
+        if (isort==3)
+          i=2;                                   // sort Hound calls by snr
+        else
+          i=isort;                               // part of the line that we want
+        t1=map[a].split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(i);
+        int isort_value = t1.toInt();
+        if (isort==5) {                           // sort by age ascending
+          isort_value = (100 < isort_value ? 100 : 100-isort_value);
+        }
+        n=1000*(isort_value+100) + j;                   // pack (snr or dist or age) and index j into n
+        list.insert(j,n);                              // add n to list at [j]
+      }
+      if (isort == 6) { //  sort by continent
+        i = 6;
+        QStringList parts = map[a].split(" ", SkipEmptyParts);
+        if (parts.size() <= i + 1) {
+          n = j;
+        } else {
+          QString cont = map[a].split(" ", SkipEmptyParts).at(i);
+          int cont_n = Continents.indexOf(" " + cont + " ");
+          n = 1000 + 1000 * cont_n + j; // index may return -1, so add 1000 to make it positive
+        }
+        list.insert(j, n);
+      }
+      if(isort==2) {                                   // sort Hound calls by grid
+        t1=map[a].split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(1);
+        if(t1=="....") t1="ZZ99";
+        int i1=ABC.indexOf(t1.mid(0,1));
+        int i2=ABC.indexOf(t1.mid(1,1));
+        n=100*(26*i1+i2)+t1.mid(2,2).toInt();
+        n=1000*n + j;                                 // pack ngrid and index j into n
+        list.insert(j,n);                             // add n to list at [j]
+      }
+      if(isort==7) {                                   // annotated value provided by external app
+        n = 1000 + 1000 * std::max((qint32) 0, annotated_value) + j;
+        list.insert(j, n);
+      }
+      lines2.insert(j,map[a]);                        // add map[a] to lines2 at [j]
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+  if(isort>1) {
+    if(bReverse) {
+      std::sort (list.begin (), list.end (), std::greater<int> ());
+    } else {
+      std::sort (list.begin (), list.end ());
+    }
+  }
+  if(isort>1) {
+    for(i=0; i<j; i++) {
+      k=list[i]%1000;
+      n=list[i]/1000 - 100;
+      t += + "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  int nn=lines2.length();
+  if(isort==0) {                                      // shuffle Hound calls to random order
+    int a[nn];
+    for(i=0; i<nn; i++) {
+      a[i]=i;
+    }
+    for(i=nn-1; i>-1; i--) {
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+      j = (i + 1) * QRandomGenerator::global ()->generateDouble ();
+      j=(i+1)*double(qrand())/RAND_MAX;
+      std::swap (a[j], a[i]);
+      t +=[i]) + "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  int i0=t.indexOf("\n") + 1;
+  m_nSortedHounds=0;
+  if(i0 > 0) {
+    m_nSortedHounds=qMin(t.length(),m_Nlist*i0)/i0; // Number of sorted & displayed Hounds
+  }
+  m_houndCallers=t.mid(0,m_Nlist*i0);
+  return m_houndCallers;
+void MainWindow::removeHoundFromCallingList(QString callsign)
+  QString text = m_houndCallers;
+  QRegularExpression re = QRegularExpression("^" + callsign + "[^\\n]+\\n", QRegularExpression::MultilineOption);
+  text.remove(re);
+  if (text != m_houndCallers) {
+    m_nSortedHounds--;
+    m_houndCallers = text;
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser->setHighlightedHoundText(m_houndCallers);
+  }
+void MainWindow::selectHound(QString line, bool bTopQueue)
+/* Called from doubleClickOnCall() in DXpedition Fox mode.
+ * QString "line" is a user-selected line from left text window.
+ * The line may be selected by double-clicking; alternatively, hitting
+ * <Enter> is equivalent to double-clicking on the top-most line.
+  if(line.simplified().isEmpty()) return;
+  if(line.length() < 6) return;
+  QString houndCall=line.split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(0);
+// Don't add a call already enqueued or in QSO
+  if(ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->toPlainText().indexOf(houndCall) >= 0) return;
+  QString houndGrid=line.split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(1);  // Hound caller's grid
+  QString rpt=line.split(" ",SkipEmptyParts).at(2);        // Hound SNR
+  m_houndCallers=m_houndCallers.remove(line+"\n");      // Remove t from sorted Hound list
+  m_nSortedHounds--;
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser->setHighlightedHoundText(m_houndCallers); // Populate left window with Hound callers
+  QString t1=houndCall + "          ";
+  QString t2=rpt;
+  QString t1_with_grid;
+  if(rpt.mid(0,1) != "-" and rpt.mid(0,1) != "+") t2="+" + rpt;
+  if(t2.length()==2) t2=t2.mid(0,1) + "0" + t2.mid(1,1);
+  t1=t1.mid(0,12) + t2;
+  // display the callers, highlighting calls if necessary
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->insertText(bTopQueue ? t1 + "\n" : t1, QColor{}, QColor{}, houndCall, "", bTopQueue ? QTextCursor::Start : QTextCursor::End);
+  t1_with_grid=t1 + " " + houndGrid;                    // Append the grid
+  if (bTopQueue)
+    {
+      m_houndQueue.prepend(t1_with_grid);     // Put this hound into the queue at the top
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      m_houndQueue.enqueue(t1_with_grid);      // Put this hound into the queue
+    }
+  writeFoxQSO(" Sel:  " + t1_with_grid);
+  QTextCursor cursor = ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->textCursor();
+  cursor.setPosition(0);                                 // Scroll to top of list
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->setTextCursor(cursor);
+  cursor = ui->decodedTextBrowser->textCursor();
+  cursor.setPosition(0);                                 // Highlighting happens in the forward direction
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser->setTextCursor(cursor);
+void MainWindow::houndCallers()
+/* Called from decodeDone(), in DXpedition Fox mode.  Reads decodes from file
+ * "houndcallers.txt", ignoring any that are not addressed to MyCall, are already
+ * in the stack, or with whom a QSO has been started.  Others are considered to
+ * be Hounds eager for a QSO.  We add caller information (Call, Grid, SNR, Freq,
+ * Distance, Age, and Continent) to a list, sort the list by specified criteria,
+ * and display the top N_Hounds entries in the left text window.
+  //  if frequency was changed in the middle of an interval, there's a flag set to ignore the decodes. Reset it here
+  //
+  if (m_discard_decoded_hounds_this_cycle)
+  {
+    m_discard_decoded_hounds_this_cycle = false;             //
+    return; // don't use these decodes
+  }
+// Read decodes of the current period
+  QFile d(m_config.temp_dir().absoluteFilePath("decoded.txt"));
+  QTextStream ds(&d);
+  QString decoded="";
+  if( | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    while (!ds.atEnd()) {
+      decoded = ds.readAll();
+    }
+    ds.flush();
+    d.close();
+  }
+  QFile f(m_config.temp_dir().absoluteFilePath("houndcallers.txt"));
+  if( | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    QTextStream s(&f);
+    QString t="";
+    QString line,houndCall,paddedHoundCall;
+    m_nHoundsCalling=0;
+    int nTotal=0;  //Total number of decoded Hounds calling Fox in 4 most recent Rx sequences
+// Read and process the file of Hound callers.
+    while(!s.atEnd()) {
+      line=s.readLine();
+      nTotal++;
+      int i0=line.indexOf(" ");
+      houndCall=line.mid(0,i0);
+      paddedHoundCall=houndCall + " ";
+      //Don't list a hound already in the queue
+      if(!ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->toPlainText().contains(paddedHoundCall)) {
+        if(ui->cbWorkDupes->isChecked()) {
+           if(m_loggedByFox[houndCall].contains(m_lastBand)
+              and !decoded.contains(paddedHoundCall)) continue;        // don't display old messages again of stations already logged
+        } else {
+          if(m_loggedByFox[houndCall].contains(m_lastBand)) continue;  // already logged on this band
+        }
+        if(m_foxQSO.contains(houndCall)) continue;                     // still in the QSO map
+        auto const& entity = m_logBook.countries ()->lookup (houndCall);
+        auto const& continent = AD1CCty::continent (entity.continent);
+// If we are using a directed CQ, ignore Hound calls that do not comply.
+        QString CQtext=ui->comboBoxCQ->currentText();
+        if(CQtext.length()==5 and (continent!=CQtext.mid(3,2))) continue;
+        int nCallArea=-1;
+        if(CQtext.length()==4) {
+          for(int i=houndCall.length()-1; i>0; i--) {
+            if(houndCall.mid(i,1).toInt() > 0) nCallArea=houndCall.mid(i,1).toInt();
+            if(houndCall.mid(i,1)=="0") nCallArea=0;
+            if(nCallArea>=0) break;
+          }
+          if(nCallArea!=CQtext.mid(3,1).toInt()) continue;
+        }
+// This houndCall passes all tests, add it to the list.
+        t = t + line + "  " + continent + "\n";
+        m_nHoundsCalling++;                // Number of accepted Hounds to be sorted
+      }
+    }
+    if(m_foxLogWindow) m_foxLogWindow->callers (nTotal);
+// Sort and display accumulated list of Hound callers
+    if(t.length()>30) {
+      m_isort=ui->comboBoxHoundSort->currentIndex();
+      QString t1=sortHoundCalls(t,m_isort,m_max_dB);
+      ui->decodedTextBrowser->setHighlightedHoundText(t1);
+    }
+    QTextCursor cursor = ui->decodedTextBrowser->textCursor();
+    cursor.setPosition(0);                                 // Set scroll at top, in preparation for highlighting messages
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser->setTextCursor(cursor);
+    f.close();
+  }
+void MainWindow::foxRxSequencer(QString msg, QString houndCall, QString rptRcvd)
+/* Called from "readFromStdOut()" to process decoded messages of the form
+ * "myCall houndCall R+rpt".
+ *
+ * If houndCall matches a callsign in one of our active QSO slots, we
+ * prepare to send "houndCall RR73" to that caller.
+  if(m_foxQSO.contains(houndCall)) {
+    m_foxQSO[houndCall].rcvd=rptRcvd.mid(1);  //Save report Rcvd, for the log
+    m_foxQSO[houndCall].tFoxRrpt=m_tFoxTx;    //Save time R+rpt was received
+    writeFoxQSO(" Rx:   " + msg.trimmed());
+  } else {
+    for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {        //Check for a matching compound call
+      if(hc.contains("/"+houndCall) or hc.contains(houndCall+"/")) {
+        m_foxQSO[hc].rcvd=rptRcvd.mid(1);  //Save report Rcvd, for the log
+        m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt=m_tFoxTx;    //Save time R+rpt was received
+        writeFoxQSO(" Rx:   " + msg.trimmed());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::updateFoxQSOsInProgressDisplay()
+  ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->clear();
+  for (int i = 0; i < m_foxQSOinProgress.count(); i++)
+    {
+      //First do those for QSOs in progress
+      QString hc =;
+      QString status = m_foxQSO[hc].ncall > m_maxStrikes ? QString(" (rx) ") : QString(" ");
+      QString str = (hc + "             ").left(13) + QString::number(m_foxQSO[hc].ncall) + status;
+      ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->insertText(str, QColor{}, QColor{}, hc, "", QTextCursor::End);
+    }
+void MainWindow::foxTxSequencer()
+/* Called from guiUpdate at the point where an FT8 Fox-mode transmission
+ * is to be started.
+ *
+ * Determine what the Tx message(s) will be for each active slot, call
+ * foxgen() to generate and accumulate the corresponding waveform.
+  qint64 now=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000;
+  QStringList list1;                        //Up to NSlots Hound calls to be sent RR73
+  QStringList list2;                        //Up to NSlots Hound calls to be sent a report
+  QString fm;                               //Fox message to be transmitted
+  QString hc,hc1,hc2;                       //Hound calls
+  QString t,rpt;
+  qint32  islot=0;
+  qint32  ncalls_sent=0;
+  qint32  n1,n2,n3;
+  int nMaxRemainingSlots=0;
+  static u_int m_tFoxTxSinceOTP=99;
+  m_tFoxTxSinceOTP++;
+  m_tFoxTx++;                               //Increment Fox Tx cycle counter
+  //Is it time for a stand-alone CQ?
+  if(m_tFoxTxSinceCQ >= m_foxCQtime and ui->cbMoreCQs->isChecked()) {
+    fm=ui->comboBoxCQ->currentText() + " " + m_config.my_callsign();
+    if(!fm.contains("/")) {
+      //If Fox is not a compound callsign, add grid to the CQ message.
+      fm += " " + m_config.my_grid().mid(0,4);
+      m_fullFoxCallTime=now;
+    }
+    m_tFoxTx0=m_tFoxTx;                     //Remember when we sent a CQ
+    islot++;
+    foxGenWaveform(islot-1,fm);
+    goto Transmit;
+  }
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
+  // Send OTP message maybe for regular fox mode
+  if (!m_config.superFox() && m_config.OTPEnabled() && (islot < m_Nslots) && (m_tFoxTxSinceOTP >= m_config.OTPinterval()))
+  {
+      // truncated callsign + OTP code (to be under 13 character limit of free text)
+      QString trunc_call=m_config.my_callsign().left(5).split("/").at(0);
+      fm = trunc_call + ".V" + foxOTPcode(); // N5J-> N5J.V123456, W1AW/7 -> W1AW.V123456, 4U1IARU -> 4U1IA.V123456
+      m_tFoxTxSinceOTP = 0;                     //Remember when we sent a Tx5
+      islot++;
+      foxGenWaveform(islot - 1, fm);
+  }
+//Compile list1: up to NSLots Hound calls to be sent RR73
+  for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {           //Check all Hound calls: First priority
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt<0) continue;
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt - m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 > 3) {
+      //Has been a long time since we sent RR73
+      if(list1.size()>=(m_Nslots - islot)) goto list1Done;
+      list1 << hc;                          //Add to list1
+      m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 = m_tFoxTx;   //Time RR73 is sent
+      m_foxQSO[hc].nRR73++;                 //Increment RR73 counter
+    }
+  }
+  for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {           //Check all Hound calls: Second priority
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt<0) continue;
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 < 0) {
+      //Have not yet sent RR73
+      if(list1.size()>=(m_Nslots - islot)) goto list1Done;
+      list1 << hc;                          //Add to list1
+      m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 = m_tFoxTx;   //Time RR73 is sent
+      m_foxQSO[hc].nRR73++;                 //Increment RR73 counter
+    }
+  }
+  for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {           //Check all Hound calls: Third priority
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt<0) continue;
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 <= m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt) {
+      //We received R+rpt more recently than we sent RR73
+      if(list1.size()>=(m_Nslots - islot)) goto list1Done;
+      list1 << hc;                          //Add to list1
+      m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 = m_tFoxTx;   //Time RR73 is sent
+      m_foxQSO[hc].nRR73++;                 //Increment RR73 counter
+    }
+  }
+//Compile list2: Up to Nslots Hound calls to be sent a report.
+// For Superfox, up to 5 RR73, but only 4 callsigns with reports. m_NSlots should be 5 for SF.
+  nMaxRemainingSlots = (m_config.superFox()) ? m_Nslots - 1 : m_Nslots;
+  for(int i=0; i<m_foxQSOinProgress.count(); i++) {
+    //First do those for QSOs in progress
+    if((m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt < 0) and (m_foxQSO[hc].ncall < m_maxStrikes)) {
+      //Sent him a report and have not received R+rpt: call him again
+      if(list2.size()>=(nMaxRemainingSlots - islot)) goto list2Done;
+      list2 << hc;                          //Add to list2
+      if(list2.size() == nMaxRemainingSlots) goto list2Done;
+    }
+  }
+  while(!m_houndQueue.isEmpty()) {
+    //Start QSO with a new Hound
+    if (list2.size() == (nMaxRemainingSlots - islot))
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+    t=m_houndQueue.dequeue();             //Fetch new hound from queue
+    int i0=t.indexOf(" ");
+    hc=t.mid(0,i0);                       //hound call
+    list2 << hc;                          //Add new Hound to list2
+    m_foxQSOinProgress.enqueue(hc);       //Put him in the QSO queue
+    m_foxQSO[hc].grid=t.mid(16,4);        //Hound grid
+    rpt=t.mid(12,3);                      //report to send Hound
+    m_foxQSO[hc].sent=rpt;                //Report to send him
+    m_foxQSO[hc].ncall=0;                 //Start a new Hound
+    m_foxQSO[hc].nRR73 = 0;               //Have not sent RR73
+    m_foxQSO[hc].rcvd = -99;              //Have not received R+rpt
+    m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt = -1;           //Have not received R+rpt
+    m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73 = -1;         //Have not sent RR73
+    refreshHoundQueueDisplay();
+  }
+  n1=list1.size();
+  n2=list2.size();
+  n3=qMax(n1,n2);
+  if(n3>m_Nslots) n3=m_Nslots;
+  for(int i=0; i<n3; i++) {
+    hc1="";
+    fm="";
+    if(i<n1 and i<n2) {
+      m_foxQSO[hc2].ncall++;
+      fm = Radio::base_callsign(hc1) + " RR73; " + Radio::base_callsign(hc2) +
+          " <" + m_config.my_callsign() + "> " + m_foxQSO[hc2].sent;
+    }
+    if(i<n1 and i>=n2) {
+      fm = Radio::base_callsign(hc1) + " " + m_baseCall + " RR73";                 //Standard FT8 message
+    }
+    if(hc1!="") {
+      auto already_logged = m_loggedByFox[hc1].contains(m_lastBand + " ");   // already logged this call on this band?
+      if (!already_logged) { // Log this QSO!
+        auto QSO_time = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+        m_hisCall=hc1;
+        m_hisGrid=m_foxQSO[hc1].grid;
+        m_rptSent=m_foxQSO[hc1].sent;
+        m_rptRcvd=m_foxQSO[hc1].rcvd;
+        if (!m_foxLogWindow) on_fox_log_action_triggered ();
+        if (m_logBook.fox_log ()->add_QSO (QSO_time, m_hisCall, m_hisGrid, m_rptSent, m_rptRcvd, m_lastBand))
+          {
+            writeFoxQSO (QString {" Log:  %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"}.arg (m_hisCall).arg (m_hisGrid)
+                         .arg (m_rptSent).arg (m_rptRcvd).arg (m_lastBand));
+            on_logQSOButton_clicked ();
+            QTimer::singleShot (13000, [=] {
+                m_foxQSOinProgress.removeOne(hc1); //Remove from In Progress window
+                updateFoxQSOsInProgressDisplay();  //Update InProgress display after Tx is complete
+            });
+          }
+          m_loggedByFox[hc1] += (m_lastBand + " ");
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          // note that this is a duplicate
+          writeFoxQSO(QString{" Dup:  %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"}.arg(m_hisCall).arg(m_hisGrid)
+                              .arg(m_rptSent).arg(m_rptRcvd).arg(m_lastBand));
+        }
+    }
+    if(i<n2 and fm=="") {
+      m_foxQSO[hc2].ncall++;
+      fm = Radio::base_callsign(hc2) + " " + m_baseCall + " " + m_foxQSO[hc2].sent; //Standard FT8 message
+    }
+    islot++;
+    ncalls_sent++;
+    foxGenWaveform(islot-1,fm);                             //Generate tx waveform
+  }
+  if(islot < m_Nslots) {
+    //At least one slot is still open
+    if(ncalls_sent==0 or ((m_tFoxTx-m_tFoxTx0>=4) and ui->cbMoreCQs->isChecked())) {
+      //Roughly every 4th Tx sequence, put a CQ message in an otherwise empty slot
+      fm=ui->comboBoxCQ->currentText() + " " + m_config.my_callsign();
+      if(!fm.contains("/")) {
+        fm += " " + m_config.my_grid().mid(0,4);
+        m_tFoxTx0=m_tFoxTx;                                //Remember when we send a CQ
+        m_fullFoxCallTime=now;
+      }
+      islot++;
+      foxGenWaveform(islot-1,fm);
+    }
+  }
+  foxcom_.nslots=islot;
+  foxcom_.nfreq=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value();
+  if(m_config.split_mode()) foxcom_.nfreq = foxcom_.nfreq - m_XIT;  //Fox Tx freq
+  QString foxCall=m_config.my_callsign() + "         ";
+  ::memcpy(foxcom_.mycall, foxCall.toLatin1(),sizeof foxcom_.mycall);   //Copy Fox callsign into foxcom_
+  bool bSuperFox=m_config.superFox();
+  foxcom_.bMoreCQs=ui->cbMoreCQs->isChecked();
+  foxcom_.bSendMsg=ui->cbSendMsg->isChecked();
+//  qDebug() << "cc" << foxcom_.bMoreCQs << foxcom_.bSendMsg << foxcom_.nslots
+//           << m_Nslots << m_freeTextMsg0;
+  ::memcpy(foxcom_.textMsg, m_freeTextMsg0.leftJustified(26,' ').toLatin1(),26);
+  auto fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("sfox_1.dat")).toLocal8Bit()};
+  foxgen_(&bSuperFox, fname.constData(), (FCL)fname.size());
+  if(bSuperFox) {
+    writeFoxTxMsgs();
+    sfox_tx();
+  }
+  m_tFoxTxSinceCQ++;
+  for(QString hc: m_foxQSO.keys()) {               //Check for strikeout or timeout
+    if(m_foxQSO[hc].ncall>=m_maxStrikes) m_foxQSO[hc].ncall++;
+    bool b1=((m_tFoxTx - m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt) > 2*m_maxFoxWait) and
+        (m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxRrpt > 0);
+    bool b2=((m_tFoxTx - m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73) > m_maxFoxWait) and
+        (m_foxQSO[hc].tFoxTxRR73>0);
+    bool b3=(m_foxQSO[hc].ncall >= m_maxStrikes+m_maxFoxWait);
+    bool b4=(m_foxQSO[hc].nRR73 >= m_maxStrikes);
+    if(b1 or b2 or b3 or b4) {
+      m_foxQSO.remove(hc);
+      m_foxQSOinProgress.removeOne(hc);
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_foxLogWindow)
+    {
+      update_foxLogWindow_rate();
+      m_foxLogWindow->queued (m_foxQSOinProgress.count ());
+    }
+  updateFoxQSOsInProgressDisplay();
+void MainWindow::update_foxLogWindow_rate()
+  if (m_foxLogWindow) {
+    m_foxLogWindow->rate(m_logBook.fox_log()->rate());
+  }
+void MainWindow::refreshHoundQueueDisplay()
+  ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->clear();
+  for (QString line: m_houndQueue) {
+    auto hc = line.mid(0, 12).trimmed();
+    ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->insertText(line, QColor{}, QColor{}, hc, "", QTextCursor::End);
+  }
+void MainWindow::doubleClickOnFoxQueue(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+  if(modifiers==9999) return;                               //Silence compiler warning
+  QTextCursor cursor=ui->houndQueueTextBrowser->textCursor();
+  cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart());
+  QString houndLine=cursor.block().text();
+  QString houndCall=houndLine.mid(0,12).trimmed();
+  if (modifiers == (Qt::AltModifier))
+    {
+      //Alt-click on a Fox queue entry - put on top of queue
+      // remove
+      for(auto i=0; i<m_houndQueue.size(); i++) {
+          QString t = m_houndQueue[i];
+          QString hc = t.mid(0, 12).trimmed();
+          if (hc == houndCall) {
+            m_houndQueue.removeAt(i);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      m_houndQueue.prepend(houndLine);
+      refreshHoundQueueDisplay();
+    } else
+    {
+      writeFoxQSO(" Del:  " + houndCall);
+      QQueue <QString> tmpQueue;
+      while (!m_houndQueue.isEmpty())
+        {
+          QString t = m_houndQueue.dequeue();
+          QString hc = t.mid(0, 12).trimmed();
+          if (hc != houndCall) tmpQueue.enqueue(t);
+        }
+      m_houndQueue.swap(tmpQueue);
+      refreshHoundQueueDisplay();
+    }
+void MainWindow::doubleClickOnFoxInProgress(Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers)
+  if (modifiers == 9999) return;                               //Silence compiler warning
+  QTextCursor cursor = ui->foxTxListTextBrowser->textCursor();
+  cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart());
+  QString houndLine = cursor.block().text();
+  QString houndCall = houndLine.mid(0, 12).trimmed();
+  if (modifiers == 0)
+    {
+      m_foxQSO[houndCall].ncall = m_maxStrikes + 1; // time them out
+      updateFoxQSOsInProgressDisplay();
+    }
+void MainWindow::foxQueueTopCallCommand()
+  m_decodedText2 = true;
+  if(SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp && m_decodedText2 && m_houndQueue.count() < MAX_HOUNDS_IN_QUEUE)
+    {
+      QTextCursor cursor = ui->decodedTextBrowser->textCursor();
+      cursor.setPosition(cursor.selectionStart());
+      QString houndCallLine = cursor.block().text();
+      writeFoxQSO(" QTop:  " + houndCallLine);
+      selectHound(houndCallLine, true);  // alt double-click gets put at top of queue
+    }
+void MainWindow::foxGenWaveform(int i,QString fm)
+//Generate and accumulate the Tx waveform
+  fm += "                                        ";
+  fm=fm.mid(0,40);
+  if(fm.mid(0,3)=="CQ ") m_tFoxTxSinceCQ=-1;
+  QString txModeArg;
+  txModeArg = txModeArg.asprintf("FT8fox %d",i+1);
+  int nfreq=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()+60*i;
+  if(m_config.superFox()) nfreq=750;
+  ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(fm.trimmed(), txModeArg,
+        nfreq,m_bFastMode,m_TRperiod,m_config.superFox());
+  if (SpecOp::FOX==m_specOp && m_config.superFox() && ui->cbSendMsg->isChecked())
+    ui->decodedTextBrowser2->displayTransmittedText(m_freeTextMsg0, txModeArg,
+        nfreq,m_bFastMode,m_TRperiod,m_config.superFox());
+  foxcom_.i3bit[i]=0;
+  if(fm.indexOf("<")>0) foxcom_.i3bit[i]=1;
+  strncpy(&foxcom_.cmsg[i][0],fm.toLatin1(),40);   //Copy this message into cmsg[i]
+  if(i==0) m_fm1=fm;
+  QString t;
+  t = t.asprintf(" Tx%d:  ",i+1);
+  writeFoxQSO(t + fm.trimmed());
+void MainWindow::writeFoxTxMsgs() {
+  // references extern struct foxcom_
+  QString t;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+    t = QString::fromLatin1(foxcom_.cmsg[i]).left(40);
+    if (t.length() > 0) {
+      write_all("Tx", t);
+    }
+  }
+  t = QString::fromLatin1(foxcom_.textMsg).left(38);
+  if (foxcom_.bSendMsg) {
+    write_all("Tx", "-Free Text- "+t);
+  }
+  if (foxcom_.bMoreCQs) {
+    write_all("Tx", "-MoreCQs- ");
+  }
+  void MainWindow::writeFoxQSO(QString const& msg)
+  QString t;
+  t = t.asprintf("%3d%3d%3d",m_houndQueue.count(),m_foxQSOinProgress.count(),m_foxQSO.count());
+  QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("FoxQSO.txt")};
+  if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) {
+    QTextStream out(&f);
+    out << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << "  "
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::fixed
+        << fixed
+        << qSetRealNumberPrecision (3) << (m_freqNominal/1.e6)
+        << t << msg
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+    f.close();
+  } else {
+    MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr("File Open Error"),
+      tr("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2").arg(f.fileName()).arg(f.errorString()));
+  }
+/*################################################################################### */
+void MainWindow::foxTest()
+  QString curdir = QDir::currentPath();
+  bool b_hounds_written = false;
+  QFile fdiag(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath("diag.txt"));
+  if(! | QIODevice::Text)) return;
+  QFile f(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath("steps.txt"));
+  if(! | QIODevice::Text)) {
+    fdiag.write("Cannot open steps.txt");
+    return;
+  }
+  QTextStream s(&f);
+  QTextStream sdiag(&fdiag);
+  QFile fhounds(m_config.temp_dir().absoluteFilePath("houndcallers.txt"));
+  if(! | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
+    {
+      sdiag << "can't write to houndcallers.txt";
+      return;
+    }
+  QTextStream houndstream(&fhounds);
+  QString line;
+  QString t;
+  QString msg;
+  QString hc1;
+  QString rptRcvd;
+  qint32 n=0;
+  while(!s.atEnd()) {
+    line=s.readLine();
+    if(line.length()==0) continue;
+    if(line.mid(0,4).toInt()==0) line="                                     " + line;
+    if(line.contains("NSlots")) {
+      n=line.mid(44,1).toInt();
+      ui->sbNslots->setValue(n);
+    }
+    if(line.contains("Sel:")) {
+      t=line.mid(43,6) + "       " + line.mid(54,4) + "   " + line.mid(50,3);
+      selectHound(t, false);
+    }
+    auto line_trimmed = line.trimmed();
+    if(line_trimmed.startsWith("Hound:")) {
+      t=line_trimmed.mid(6,-1).trimmed();
+      b_hounds_written = true;
+      houndstream << t
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+    }
+    if(line.contains("Del:")) {
+      int i0=line.indexOf("Del:");
+      hc1=line.mid(i0+6);
+      int i1=hc1.indexOf(" ");
+      hc1=hc1.mid(0,i1);
+      writeFoxQSO(" Del:  " + hc1);
+      QQueue<QString> tmpQueue;
+      while(!m_houndQueue.isEmpty()) {
+        t=m_houndQueue.dequeue();
+        QString hc=t.mid(0,6).trimmed();
+        if(hc != hc1) tmpQueue.enqueue(t);
+      }
+      m_houndQueue.swap(tmpQueue);
+      refreshHoundQueueDisplay();
+    }
+    if(line.contains("Rx:"))  {
+      msg=line.mid(37+6);
+      t=msg.mid(24);
+      int i0=t.indexOf(" ");
+      hc1=t.mid(i0+1);
+      int i1=hc1.indexOf(" ");
+      hc1=hc1.mid(0,i1);
+      int i2=qMax(msg.indexOf("R+"),msg.indexOf("R-"));
+      if(i2>10) {
+        rptRcvd=msg.mid(i2,4);
+        foxRxSequencer(msg,hc1,rptRcvd);
+      }
+    }
+    if(line.contains("Tx1:")) {
+      foxTxSequencer();
+    } else {
+      t = t.asprintf("%3d %3d %3d %3d %5d   ",m_houndQueue.count(),
+                m_foxQSOinProgress.count(),m_foxQSO.count(),
+                m_loggedByFox.count(),m_tFoxTx);
+      sdiag << t << line.mid(37).trimmed() << "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  if (b_hounds_written)
+    {
+      fhounds.close();
+      houndCallers();
+    }
+void MainWindow::write_all(QString txRx, QString message)
+  if (!(ui->actionDisable_writing_of_ALL_TXT->isChecked())) {
+  QString line;
+  QString t;
+  QString msg;
+  QString mode_string;
+  QString file_name="ALL.TXT";
+  QRegularExpression verified_call_regex {"[A-Z0-9/]+\\sverified\\s*"};
+  if(m_mode!="Echo") {
+    if (message.size () > 5 && message[4]==' ') {
+      msg=message.mid(4,-1);
+    } else {
+      msg=message.mid(6,-1);
+    }
+    if (message.size () > 19 && message[19]=='#') {
+      mode_string="JT65  ";
+    } else if (message.size () > 19 && message[19]=='@') {
+      mode_string="JT9   ";
+    } else if(m_mode=="Q65") {
+      mode_string=mode_label.text();
+    } else {
+      mode_string=m_mode.leftJustified(6,' ');
+    }
+    if(mode_string=="FT8   " and txRx=="Tx" and m_config.superFox() and
+       m_specOp==SpecOp::FOX) mode_string="FT8_SF";
+    if(mode_string=="FT8   " and m_config.superFox() and
+       m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) mode_string="FT8_SH";
+    if (mode_string == "FT8_SH" && verified_call_regex.match(message).hasMatch()) {
+      msg = "               "+message;
+    } else {
+      msg = msg.mid(0, 15) + msg.mid(18, -1);
+    }
+    t = t.asprintf("%5d",ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value());
+    if (txRx=="Tx") msg="   0  0.0" + t + " " + message;
+    auto time = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ();
+    if( (txRx=="Rx" || txRx=="Ck") && !m_bFastMode ) time=m_dateTimeSeqStart;
+    if (txRx=="Rx") {
+       t = t.asprintf("%10.3f ",m_freqNominalPeriod/1.e6);   // prevent writing of wrong frequencies
+    } else {
+       t = t.asprintf("%10.3f ",m_freqNominal/1.e6);
+    }
+    if (m_diskData) {
+      if (m_fileDateTime.size()==11) {
+        line=m_fileDateTime + "  " + t + txRx + " " + mode_string + msg;
+      } else {
+        line=m_fileDateTime + t + txRx + " " + mode_string + msg;
+      }
+    } else {
+      line=time.toString("yyMMdd_hhmmss") + t + txRx + " " + mode_string + msg;
+    }
+    if (ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_yearly->isChecked()) file_name=(time.toString("yyyy") + "-" + "ALL.TXT");
+    if (ui->actionSplit_ALL_TXT_monthly->isChecked()) file_name=(time.toString("yyyy-MM") + "-" + "ALL.TXT");
+    if (m_mode=="WSPR") file_name="ALL_WSPR.TXT";
+  } else {
+    file_name="all_echo.txt";
+    line=message;
+  }
+  QFile f{m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath(file_name)};
+  if ( | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) {
+    QTextStream out(&f);
+    out << line.trimmed()
+#if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK (5, 15, 0)
+        << Qt::endl
+        << endl
+      ;
+    f.close();
+  } else {
+    auto const& message2 = tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2")
+        .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ());
+    QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] {                   // don't block guiUpdate
+      MessageBox::warning_message(this, tr ("Log File Error"), message2); });
+  }
+ }
+void MainWindow::chkFT4()
+  if(m_mode!="FT4") return;
+  ui->cbAutoSeq->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->respondComboBox->setVisible(true);
+  ui->respondComboBox->setEnabled(true);
+  ui->labDXped->setVisible(m_specOp!=SpecOp::NONE);
+  ui->respondComboBox->setVisible(ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked());
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::NONE and m_specOp!=SpecOp::FOX and m_specOp!=SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    QString t0="";
+    if(SpecOp::NA_VHF==m_specOp) t0="NA VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::EU_VHF==m_specOp) t0="EU VHF";
+    if(SpecOp::FIELD_DAY==m_specOp) t0="Field Day";
+    if(SpecOp::RTTY==m_specOp) t0="FT RU";
+    if(SpecOp::WW_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="WW Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::ARRL_DIGI==m_specOp) t0="ARRL Digi";
+    if(SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP==m_specOp) t0="Q65 Pileup";
+    if(t0=="") {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(false);
+    } else {
+      ui->labDXped->setVisible(true);
+      ui->labDXped->setText(t0);
+    }
+    if(m_specOp!=SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) on_contest_log_action_triggered();
+  }
+  if (SpecOp::HOUND == m_specOp or SpecOp::FOX == m_specOp) {
+    ui->labDXped->setVisible(false);
+  }
+void MainWindow::on_pbBestSP_clicked()
+  m_bBestSPArmed = !m_bBestSPArmed;
+  if(m_bBestSPArmed and !m_transmitting) ui->pbBestSP->setStyleSheet ("QPushButton{color:red}");
+  if(!m_bBestSPArmed) ui->pbBestSP->setStyleSheet ("");
+  if(m_bBestSPArmed) m_dateTimeBestSP=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc();
+void MainWindow::set_mode (QString const& mode)
+    if ("FT4" == mode) on_actionFT4_triggered ();
+    else if ("FST4" == mode) on_actionFST4_triggered ();
+    else if ("FST4W" == mode) on_actionFST4W_triggered ();
+    else if ("FT8" == mode) on_actionFT8_triggered ();
+    else if ("JT4" == mode) on_actionJT4_triggered ();
+    else if ("JT9" == mode) on_actionJT9_triggered ();
+    else if ("JT65" == mode) on_actionJT65_triggered ();
+    else if ("Q65" == mode) on_actionQ65_triggered ();
+    else if ("FreqCal" == mode) on_actionFreqCal_triggered ();
+    else if ("MSK144" == mode) on_actionMSK144_triggered ();
+    else if ("WSPR" == mode) on_actionWSPR_triggered ();
+    else if ("Echo" == mode) on_actionEcho_triggered ();
+void MainWindow::configActiveStations()
+  if (m_ActiveStationsWidget != NULL and (m_mode == "Q65" or m_mode == "FT4" or m_mode == "FT8")) {
+    if (m_specOp == SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+      m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations("Q65-pileup", "");
+    } else {
+      if (m_specOp == SpecOp::FOX)
+        if (m_config.superFox())
+          m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations("SuperFox Mode", "");
+        else
+          m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations("Fox Mode", "");
+      else
+        m_ActiveStationsWidget->displayRecentStations(m_mode, "");
+    }
+  }
+void MainWindow::remote_configure (QString const& mode, quint32 frequency_tolerance
+                                   , QString const& submode, bool fast_mode, quint32 tr_period, quint32 rx_df
+                                   , QString const& dx_call, QString const& dx_grid, bool generate_messages)
+  if (mode.size ())
+    {
+      if (mode != m_mode) set_mode (mode);
+    }
+  auto is_FST4W = "FST4W" == m_mode;
+  if (frequency_tolerance != quint32_max && (ui->sbFtol->isVisible () || is_FST4W))
+    {
+      m_block_udp_status_updates = true;
+      if (is_FST4W)
+        {
+          ui->sbFST4W_FTol->setValue (frequency_tolerance);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ui->sbFtol->setValue (frequency_tolerance);
+        }
+      m_block_udp_status_updates = false;
+    }
+  if (submode.size () && ui->sbSubmode->isVisible ())
+    {
+      ui->sbSubmode->setValue (submode.toUpper ().at (0).toLatin1 () - 'A');
+    }
+  if (ui->cbFast9->isVisible () && ui->cbFast9->isChecked () != fast_mode)
+    {
+      ui->cbFast9->click ();
+    }
+  if (tr_period != quint32_max && ui->sbTR->isVisible ())
+    {
+      if (is_FST4W)
+        {
+          ui->sbTR_FST4W->setValue (tr_period);
+          ui->sbTR_FST4W->interpretText ();
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ui->sbTR->setValue (tr_period);
+          ui->sbTR->interpretText ();
+        }
+    }
+  if (rx_df != quint32_max && ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isVisible ())
+    {
+      m_block_udp_status_updates = true;
+      if (is_FST4W)
+        {
+          ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->setValue (rx_df);
+          ui->sbFST4W_RxFreq->interpretText ();
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (rx_df);
+          ui->RxFreqSpinBox->interpretText ();
+        }
+      m_block_udp_status_updates = false;
+    }
+  if (dx_call.size () && ui->dxCallEntry->isVisible ())
+    {
+      ui->dxCallEntry->setText (dx_call);
+    }
+  if (dx_grid.size () && ui->dxGridEntry->isVisible ())
+    {
+      ui->dxGridEntry->setText (dx_grid);
+    }
+  if (generate_messages && ui->genStdMsgsPushButton->isVisible ())
+    {
+      ui->genStdMsgsPushButton->click ();
+    }
+  if (m_config.udpWindowToFront ())
+    {
+      show ();
+      raise ();
+      activateWindow ();
+    }
+  if (m_config.udpWindowRestore () && isMinimized ())
+    {
+      showNormal ();
+      raise ();
+    }
+  tx_watchdog (false);
+  QApplication::alert (this);
+QString MainWindow::WSPR_message()
+  QString sdBm,msg0,msg1,msg2;
+  sdBm = sdBm.asprintf(" %d",m_dBm);
+  m_tx=1-m_tx;
+  int i2=m_config.my_callsign().indexOf("/");
+  if(i2>0
+     || (6 == m_config.my_grid ().size ()
+         && !ui->WSPR_prefer_type_1_check_box->isChecked ())) {
+    if(i2<0) {                                                 // "Type 2" WSPR message
+      msg1=m_config.my_callsign() + " " + m_config.my_grid().mid(0,4) + sdBm;
+    } else {
+      msg1=m_config.my_callsign() + sdBm;
+    }
+    msg0="<" + m_config.my_callsign() + "> " + m_config.my_grid();
+    if(m_mode=="WSPR") msg0 += sdBm;
+    if(m_tx==0) msg2=msg0;
+    if(m_tx==1) msg2=msg1;
+  } else {
+    msg2=m_config.my_callsign() + " " + m_config.my_grid().mid(0,4) + sdBm; // Normal WSPR message
+  }
+  return msg2;
+void MainWindow::on_houndButton_clicked (bool checked)
+  if (checked) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_Hound();
+    ui->tx1->setVisible(true);
+    ui->tx1->setEnabled(true);
+    ui->txb1->setEnabled(true);
+  } else {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    keep_frequency = true;
+    QTimer::singleShot (250, [=] {keep_frequency = false;});
+  }
+  m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  on_actionFT8_triggered();
+void MainWindow::on_ft8Button_clicked()
+  if (m_specOp==SpecOp::HOUND) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  on_actionFT8_triggered();
+void MainWindow::on_ft4Button_clicked()
+  on_actionFT4_triggered();
+void MainWindow::on_msk144Button_clicked()
+  on_actionMSK144_triggered();
+void MainWindow::on_q65Button_clicked()
+  if (m_specOp==SpecOp::Q65_PILEUP) {
+    m_config.setSpecial_None();
+    m_specOp=m_config.special_op_id();
+  }
+  on_actionQ65_triggered();
+void MainWindow::on_jt65Button_clicked()
+  on_actionJT65_triggered();
+void MainWindow::sfox_tx() {
+  auto fname{QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("sfox_1.dat")).toLocal8Bit()};
+  QStringList args{fname};
+  qint32 otp_key = 0;
+  args.append(m_config.my_callsign());
+#ifdef FOX_OTP
+  if (m_config.OTPEnabled())
+  {
+      LOG_INFO("TOTP: Generating OTP key");
+      if (m_config.OTPSeed().length() == 16) {
+        QString output=foxOTPcode();
+        if (6 == output.length())
+        {
+          otp_key = QString(output).toInt();
+          LOG_INFO(QString("TOTP SF: %1 [%2]").arg(output).arg(otp_key).toStdString());
+        } else
+        {
+          otp_key = 0;
+          LOG_INFO(QString("TOTP SF: Incorrect length"));
+        }
+      } else
+      {
+        showStatusMessage (tr ("TOTP SF: seed not long enough."));
+        LOG_INFO(QString("TOTP SF: seed not long enough"));
+      }
+  }
+  args.append(QString("OTP:%1").arg(otp_key));
+  args.append(m_config.FoxKey());
+//  qDebug() << "aa" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_appDir)+QDir::separator()+"sftx";
+//  qDebug() << "bb" << args;
+LOG_INFO(QString("%1 %2").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_appDir)+QDir::separator()+"sftx").arg(args.join(" ")).toStdString());
+  p2.start(QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_appDir)+QDir::separator()+"sftx", args);
+  p2.waitForFinished();
+  auto fname2 {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("sfox_2.dat")).toLocal8Bit()};
+  sfox_wave_gfsk_(fname2.constData(), (FCL)fname2.size());
diff --git a/widgets/mainwindow.h b/widgets/mainwindow.h
index 1e078721f..7400907c8 100644
--- a/widgets/mainwindow.h
+++ b/widgets/mainwindow.h
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ private:
   void read_log();
   void refreshPileupList();
   QString userAgent();
-  void handleVerifyMsg(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, QString const &response);
+  void handleVerifyMsg(int status, QDateTime ts, QString callsign, QString code, unsigned int hz, QString const &response);
   void writeFoxTxMsgs();
   QString foxOTPcode();