mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 04:58:46 -04:00
WSPR band hopping improvements
Any band can be added to the schedule for a day phase, when a coordinated band slot is not available a random band will be chosen from all the bands enabled for the current phase (Day, Night, etc.). Fine tuned the size of the hopping schedule table widget. Coloured the coordinated band columns in the schedule table widget. Due to the full range of bands now being supported, the settings key for the band hopping schedule has been changed forcing current testers to redefine their schedultes. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@5543 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,6 +74,19 @@ QString Bands::find (Frequency f) const
return result;
int Bands::find (QString const& band) const
int result {-1};
for (auto i = 0u; i < table_rows (); ++i)
if (band == ADIF_bands[i].name_)
result = i;
return result;
QString const& Bands::oob ()
return oob_name;
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ public:
// Model API
QString find (Frequency) const; // find band Frequency is in
int find (QString const&) const; // find row of band (-1 if not valid)
static QString const& oob ();
// Iterators
@ -583,16 +583,6 @@ auto FrequencyList::end () const -> FrequencyList::const_iterator
return const_iterator (this, rowCount ());
auto FrequencyList::all_bands () const -> BandSet
BandSet result;
for (auto const& item : m_->frequency_list_)
result << m_->bands_->find (item.frequency_);
return result;
auto FrequencyList::filtered_bands () const -> BandSet
BandSet result;
@ -602,3 +592,16 @@ auto FrequencyList::filtered_bands () const -> BandSet
return result;
auto FrequencyList::all_bands (Mode mode) const -> BandSet
BandSet result;
for (auto const& item : m_->frequency_list_)
if (mode == Modes::NULL_MODE || item.mode_ == mode)
result << m_->bands_->find (item.frequency_);
return result;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public:
const_iterator end () const;
// Bands of the frequencies
BandSet all_bands () const;
BandSet all_bands (Mode = Modes::NULL_MODE) const;
BandSet filtered_bands () const;
// Find the row of the nearest best working frequency given a
@ -3,10 +3,12 @@
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QBitArray>
#include <QList>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "Bands.hpp"
#include "FrequencyList.hpp"
#include "WsprTxScheduler.h"
#include "pimpl_impl.hpp"
@ -26,12 +28,11 @@ extern "C"
// These 10 bands are the hopping candidates and are globally coordinated
char const * const hopping_bands[] = {"160m", "80m", "60m", "40m", "30m", "20m", "17m", "15m", "12m", "10m"};
size_t constexpr num_bands {sizeof (hopping_bands) / sizeof (hopping_bands[0])};
char const * const title = "WSPR Band Hopping";
char const * const periods[] = {"Sunrise grayline", "Day", "Sunset grayline", "Night", "Tune", "Rx only"};
size_t constexpr num_periods {sizeof (periods) / sizeof (periods[0])};
char const * const title = "WSPR Band Hopping";
// These 10 bands are globally coordinated
QList<QString> const coordinated_bands = {"160m", "80m", "60m", "40m", "30m", "20m", "17m", "15m", "12m", "10m"};
@ -41,9 +42,13 @@ class Dialog
: public QDialog
Dialog (QSettings *, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
using BandList = QList<QString>;
Dialog (QSettings *, Configuration const *, BandList const * WSPT_bands, QBitArray * bands
, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
~Dialog ();
Q_SLOT void frequencies_changed ();
void resize_to_maximum ();
@ -51,48 +56,49 @@ private:
void save_window_state ();
QSettings * settings_;
Configuration const * configuration_;
BandList const * WSPR_bands_;
QBitArray * bands_;
int * gray_line_duration_;
QPointer<QTableWidget> bands_table_;
QBrush coord_background_brush_;
QPointer<QSpinBox> gray_line_width_spin_box_;
static int const band_index_role {Qt::UserRole};
Dialog::Dialog (QSettings * settings, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent)
Dialog::Dialog (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, BandList const * WSPR_bands
, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duration, QWidget * parent)
: QDialog {parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint}
, settings_ {settings}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, WSPR_bands_ {WSPR_bands}
, bands_ {bands}
, gray_line_duration_ {gray_line_duration}
, bands_table_ {new QTableWidget {num_periods, num_bands, this}}
, bands_table_ {new QTableWidget {this}}
, coord_background_brush_ {Qt::yellow}
, gray_line_width_spin_box_ {new QSpinBox {this}}
setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title));
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ());
QVBoxLayout * main_layout {new QVBoxLayout};
// set up and load the table of check boxes
bands_table_->setRowCount (num_periods);
bands_table_->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
bands_table_->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
for (auto row = 0u; row < num_periods; ++row)
auto vertical_header = new QTableWidgetItem {periods[row]};
vertical_header->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
bands_table_->setVerticalHeaderItem (row, vertical_header);
for (auto column = 0u; column < num_bands; ++column)
if (0 == row)
auto horizontal_header = new QTableWidgetItem {hopping_bands[column]};
bands_table_->setHorizontalHeaderItem (column, horizontal_header);
auto item = new QTableWidgetItem;
item->setFlags (Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
item->setCheckState (bands_[row].testBit (column) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
bands_table_->setItem (row, column, item);
bands_table_->resizeColumnsToContents ();
bands_table_->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
frequencies_changed ();
main_layout->addWidget (bands_table_);
// recalculate table when frequencies change
connect (configuration_->frequencies (), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged
, this, &Dialog::frequencies_changed);
// handle changes by updating the underlying flags
connect (bands_table_.data (), &QTableWidget::itemChanged, [this] (QTableWidgetItem * item) {
bands_[item->row ()].setBit (item->column (), Qt::Checked == item->checkState ());
auto band_number = item->data (band_index_role).toInt ();
bands_[item->row ()].setBit (band_number, Qt::Checked == item->checkState ());
// set up the gray line duration spin box
@ -111,11 +117,6 @@ Dialog::Dialog (QSettings * settings, QBitArray * bands, int * gray_line_duratio
main_layout->addLayout (bottom_layout);
setLayout (main_layout);
setWindowTitle (windowTitle () + ' ' + tr (title));
SettingsGroup g {settings_, title};
restoreGeometry (settings_->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ());
Dialog::~Dialog ()
@ -137,46 +138,89 @@ void Dialog::save_window_state ()
settings_->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ());
void Dialog::frequencies_changed ()
bands_table_->setColumnCount (WSPR_bands_->size ());
// set up and load the table of check boxes
for (auto row = 0u; row < num_periods; ++row)
auto vertical_header = new QTableWidgetItem {periods[row]};
vertical_header->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
bands_table_->setVerticalHeaderItem (row, vertical_header);
int column {0};
int band_number {0};
for (auto const& band : *configuration_->bands ())
if (WSPR_bands_->contains (band))
if (0 == row)
auto horizontal_header = new QTableWidgetItem {band};
bands_table_->setHorizontalHeaderItem (column, horizontal_header);
auto item = new QTableWidgetItem;
item->setFlags (Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
item->setCheckState (bands_[row].testBit (band_number) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
item->setData (band_index_role, band_number);
if (coordinated_bands.contains (band))
item->setBackground (coord_background_brush_);
bands_table_->setItem (row, column, item);
bands_table_->resizeColumnsToContents ();
auto is_visible = isVisible ();
show ();
resize_to_maximum ();
adjustSize (); // fix the size
if (!is_visible)
hide ();
// to get the dialog window exactly the right size to contain the
// widgets without needing scroll bars we need to measure the size of
// the table widget and set its minimum size to the measured size
void Dialog::resize_to_maximum ()
int width {bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->width ()};
int height {bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->height ()};
for (auto i = 0; i < bands_table_->columnCount (); ++i)
width += bands_table_->columnWidth (i);
for (auto i = 0; i < bands_table_->rowCount (); ++i)
height += bands_table_->rowHeight (i);
bands_table_->setMinimumSize ({width, height});
bands_table_->setMinimumSize ({
bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->length ()
+ bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->width ()
+ 2 * bands_table_->frameWidth ()
, bands_table_->verticalHeader ()->length ()
+ bands_table_->horizontalHeader ()->height ()
+ 2 * bands_table_->frameWidth ()
bands_table_->setMaximumSize (bands_table_->minimumSize ());
class WSPRBandHopping::impl
using BandList = Dialog::BandList;
impl (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget)
: settings_ {settings}
, configuration_ {configuration}
, tx_percent_ {0}
, parent_widget_ {parent_widget}
, bands_ {
QBitArray {num_bands},
QBitArray {num_bands},
QBitArray {num_bands},
QBitArray {num_bands},
QBitArray {num_bands},
QBitArray {num_bands},
auto num_bands = configuration_->bands ()->rowCount ();
for (auto& flags : bands_)
flags.resize (num_bands);
QSettings * settings_;
Configuration const * configuration_;
int tx_percent_;
BandList WSPR_bands_;
QWidget * parent_widget_;
// 5 x 10 bit flags representing each hopping band in each period
@ -190,13 +234,23 @@ public:
WSPRBandHopping::WSPRBandHopping (QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent_widget)
: m_ {settings, configuration, parent_widget}
// detect changes to the working frequencies model
m_->WSPR_bands_ = m_->configuration_->frequencies ()->all_bands (Modes::WSPR).toList ();
connect (m_->configuration_->frequencies (), &QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged
, [this] () {
m_->WSPR_bands_ = m_->configuration_->frequencies ()->all_bands (Modes::WSPR).toList ();
// load settings
SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title};
auto size = m_->settings_->beginReadArray ("periods");
for (auto i = 0; i < size; ++i)
size_t size = m_->settings_->beginReadArray ("phases");
for (auto i = 0u; i < size; ++i)
m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i);
m_->bands_[i] = m_->settings_->value ("bands").toBitArray ();
if (i < num_periods)
m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i);
m_->bands_[i] = m_->settings_->value ("bands").toBitArray ();
m_->settings_->endArray ();
m_->gray_line_duration_ = m_->settings_->value ("GrayLineDuration", 60).toUInt ();
@ -206,7 +260,7 @@ WSPRBandHopping::~WSPRBandHopping ()
// save settings
SettingsGroup g {m_->settings_, title};
m_->settings_->beginWriteArray ("periods");
m_->settings_->beginWriteArray ("phases");
for (auto i = 0u; i < num_periods; ++i)
m_->settings_->setArrayIndex (i);
@ -221,13 +275,10 @@ void WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog (bool /* checked */)
if (!m_->dialog_)
m_->dialog_ = new Dialog {m_->settings_, m_->bands_, &m_->gray_line_duration_, m_->parent_widget_};
m_->dialog_ = new Dialog {m_->settings_, m_->configuration_, &m_->WSPR_bands_, m_->bands_
, &m_->gray_line_duration_, m_->parent_widget_};
m_->dialog_->show ();
m_->dialog_->resize_to_maximum ();
m_->dialog_->adjustSize (); // fix the size
m_->dialog_->setMinimumSize (m_->dialog_->size ());
m_->dialog_->setMaximumSize (m_->dialog_->size ());
m_->dialog_->raise ();
m_->dialog_->activateWindow ();
@ -266,51 +317,81 @@ auto WSPRBandHopping::next_hop () -> Hop
, &m_->gray_line_duration_, &period_index
, my_grid.size ());
// consult scheduler to determine if next period should be a tx interval
tx_next = next_tx_state(m_->tx_percent_);
band_index = next_hopping_band();
if (100 == m_->tx_percent_)
tx_next = 1;
// consult scheduler to determine if next period should be a tx interval
tx_next = next_tx_state(m_->tx_percent_);
int frequencies_index {-1};
auto const& frequencies = m_->configuration_->frequencies ();
auto const& filtered_bands = frequencies->filtered_bands ();
if (m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (band_index)
&& filtered_bands.contains (hopping_bands[band_index]))
auto const& bands = m_->configuration_->bands ();
auto const& band_name = bands->data (bands->index (band_index + 3, 0)).toString ();
if (m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (band_index + 3) // +3 for
// coordinated bands
&& m_->WSPR_bands_.contains (band_name))
// here we have a band that has been enabled in the hopping
// matrix so check it it has a configured working frequency
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (hopping_bands[band_index]);
qDebug () << "scheduled:" << hopping_bands[band_index] << "frequency:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString ();
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (band_name);
// if we do not have a configured working frequency we next check
// for a random selection from the other enabled bands in the
// hopping matrix
// bands matrix
if (frequencies_index < 0)
for (auto i = 0u; i < num_bands; ++i)
Dialog::BandList target_bands {m_->WSPR_bands_};
// // remove all coordinated bands here since they are
// // scheduled above and including them in the random choice will
// // give them a biased weighting
// for (auto const& band : coordinated_bands)
// {
// target_bands.removeOne (band);
// }
// remove bands that are not enabled for hopping
for (auto i = 0; i < m_->bands_[period_index].size (); ++i)
int new_index = static_cast<int> (qrand () % num_bands); // random choice
if (new_index != band_index && m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (new_index))
if (!m_->bands_[period_index].testBit (i))
// here we have a random choice that is enabled in the
// hopping matrix and not the scheduled choice so we now
// check if it has a configured working frequency
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (hopping_bands[new_index]);
if (frequencies_index >= 0)
target_bands.removeOne (bands->data (bands->index (i, 0)).toString ());
auto num_bands = target_bands.size ();
if (num_bands) // we have some extra bands available
int target_index = static_cast<int> (qrand () % num_bands); // random choice
// here we have a random choice that is enabled in the
// hopping matrix
frequencies_index = frequencies->best_working_frequency (target_bands[target_index]);
if (frequencies_index >= 0)
// we can use the random choice
qDebug () << "random:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString ();
band_index = bands->find (target_bands[target_index]);
if (band_index < 0)
// we can use the random choice
qDebug () << "random:" << hopping_bands[new_index] << "frequency:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString ();
band_index = new_index;
// this shouldn't happen
Q_ASSERT (band_index >= 0);
frequencies_index = -1;
band_index += 3;
qDebug () << "scheduled:" << frequencies->data (frequencies->index (frequencies_index, FrequencyList::frequency_column)).toString ();
return {
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void tx_print()
int create_tx_schedule(int pctx)
@ -4311,7 +4311,7 @@ void MainWindow::bandHopping()
if (ui->band_hopping_group_box->isChecked ()) {
QThread::msleep(500); //### Is this OK to do ??? ###
// QThread::msleep(500); //### Is this OK to do ??? ###
if (hop_data.frequencies_index_ >= 0) { // new band
ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentIndex (hop_data.frequencies_index_);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user