Add to the EME Tips in User Guide.

This commit is contained in:
Joe Taylor 2020-05-08 11:34:10 -04:00
parent c92699531c
commit 9e1b353a47

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@ -337,9 +337,23 @@ image::echo_144.png[align="center",alt="Echo 144 MHz"]
=== Tips for EME
The following tutorial aims to familiarize you with program features
of particular interest for EME and other extreme weak-signal
conditions. As a starting point, configure _WSJT-X_ as follows:
Current conventions dictate that digital EME is usually done with
JT65A on the 50 MHz band, JT65B on 144 and 432 MHz, and JT65C on 1296
MHz. On higher microwave bands typical choices are JT65C or one of
the wider QRA64 or JT4 submodes, depending on the expected amount of
Doppler spread. JT4 and JT65 offer message *Averaging* -- the
summation of subsequent transmissions that convey the same message --
to enable decodes at signal-to-noise ratios several dB below below the
threshold for single transmissions. These modes also allow *Deep
Search* decoding, in which the decoder hypothesizes messages
containing known or previously decoded callsigns and tests them for
reliability using a correlation algorithm. Finally, JT65 and QRA64
offer _a priori_ (AP) decoding, which thats advantage of naturally
accumulating information during a QSO. The following tutorial aims to
familiarize you with these program features, all of which are of
special interest for EME and other extreme weak-signal conditions.
As a starting point, configure _WSJT-X_ as follows:
.Settings | General:
- *My Call* = W9XYZ