mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 13:08:39 -05:00
Several rig control enhancements and fixes
Use the new DX Lab Suite Commander command option to stop Commander trying to change the rig Tx VFO mode when we don't want to. Requires a recent DX Lab Suite Commander version. All rig controllers can now detect 20Hz resolution rigs, still needs 2Hz resolution code which will be needed for the FT-891 AFAIK. Enhance the HRD interface to be able to use the alternative PTT command as found on most Kenwood rigs for audio source selection. Fix Icom data mode selection issues. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@7357 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,9 +88,23 @@ int DXLabSuiteCommanderTransceiver::do_start ()
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
f_string = frequency_to_string (test_frequency);
params = ("<xcvrfreq:%1>" + f_string).arg (f_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:10>CmdSetFreq<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
reply = command_with_reply ("<command:10>CmdGetFreq<parameters:0>");
new_frequency = string_to_frequency (reply.mid (reply.indexOf ('>') + 1));
if (9 == static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
f_string = frequency_to_string (f);
params = ("<xcvrfreq:%1>" + f_string).arg (f_string.size ());
simple_command (("<command:10>CmdSetFreq<parameters:%1>" + params).arg (params.size ()));
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ namespace
void HRDTransceiver::register_transceivers (TransceiverFactory::Transceivers * registry, int id)
(*registry)[HRD_transceiver_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities (id, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network, true);
(*registry)[HRD_transceiver_name] = TransceiverFactory::Capabilities (id, TransceiverFactory::Capabilities::network, true, true /* maybe */);
struct HRDMessage
@ -69,11 +69,13 @@ struct HRDMessage
HRDTransceiver::HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, QString const& server
, bool use_for_ptt
, TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource audio_source
, int poll_interval
, QObject * parent)
: PollingTransceiver {poll_interval, parent}
, wrapped_ {std::move (wrapped)}
, use_for_ptt_ {use_for_ptt}
, audio_source_ {audio_source}
, server_ {server}
, hrd_ {0}
, protocol_ {none}
@ -84,14 +86,11 @@ HRDTransceiver::HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, vfo_toggle_button_ {-1}
, mode_A_dropdown_ {-1}
, mode_B_dropdown_ {-1}
, data_mode_button_ {-1}
, data_mode_dropdown_ {-1}
, data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ {-1}
, data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ {-1}
, split_mode_button_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_write_only_ {false}
, split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ {-1}
, split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ {-1}
, split_off_button_ {-1}
, tx_A_button_ {-1}
, tx_B_button_ {-1}
@ -99,6 +98,7 @@ HRDTransceiver::HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, rx_B_button_ {-1}
, receiver_dropdown_ {-1}
, ptt_button_ {-1}
, alt_ptt_button_ {-1}
, reversed_ {false}
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ int HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
HRD_info << "Dropdowns:\n";
Q_FOREACH (auto const& dd, dropdown_names_)
auto selections = send_command ("get dropdown-list {" + dd + "}").trimmed ().split (',', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
auto selections = send_command ("get dropdown-list {" + dd + "}").trimmed ().split (',');
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}");
HRD_info << "\t" << dd << ": {" << selections.join (", ") << "}\n";
dropdowns_[dd] = selections;
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ int HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
vfo_toggle_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(A~/~B)$"));
split_mode_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~On|Spl_On|Split)$"));
split_off_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~Off|Spl_Off)$"));
split_mode_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~On|Spl_On|Split|Split~On)$"));
split_off_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Spl~Off|Spl_Off|Split~Off)$"));
if ((split_mode_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Split)$"))) >= 0)
@ -264,14 +264,23 @@ int HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
map_modes (mode_B_dropdown_, &mode_B_map_);
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with (Off, On, D1, D2, D3)
// Can't do this with ^Data$ as the button name because some Kenwood
// rigs have a "Data" button which is for turning the DSP on and off
//data_mode_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(Data)$"));
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with (Off,On,D1,D2,D3)
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with (Off,D1,D2,D3)
// Some newer Icoms have a Data drop down with
// (Off,,D1-FIL1,D1-FIL2,D1-FIL3) the missing value counts as an
// index value - I think it is a drop down separator line
if ((data_mode_dropdown_ = find_dropdown (QRegExp ("^(Data)$"))) >= 0)
data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ = find_dropdown_selection (data_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(On)$"));
data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_ = find_dropdown_selection (data_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(On|D1|D1-FIL1)$"));
data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_ = find_dropdown_selection (data_mode_dropdown_, QRegExp ("^(Off)$"));
ptt_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX)$"));
alt_ptt_button_ = find_button (QRegExp ("^(TX~Alt|TX~Data)$"));
if (vfo_count_ == 1 && ((vfo_B_button_ >= 0 && vfo_A_button_ >= 0) || vfo_toggle_button_ >= 0))
@ -308,9 +317,20 @@ int HRDTransceiver::do_start ()
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (test_frequency));
new_frequency = send_command ("get frequency").toUInt ();
if (9 == static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
send_simple_command ("set frequency-hz " + QString::number (f));
return resolution;
@ -339,13 +359,14 @@ int HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown (QRegExp const& re) const
std::vector<int> HRDTransceiver::find_dropdown_selection (int dropdown, QRegExp const& re) const
std::vector<int> indices;
std::vector<int> indices; // this will always contain at least a
// -1
auto list = dropdowns_.value (dropdown_names_.value (dropdown));
int index {0};
while (-1 != (index = list.lastIndexOf (re, index - 1)))
// search backwards because more specialized modes tend to be later in
// list
// search backwards because more specialized modes tend to be
// later in list
indices.push_back (index);
if (!index)
@ -359,9 +380,9 @@ void HRDTransceiver::map_modes (int dropdown, ModeMap *map)
// order matters here (both in the map and in the regexps)
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW|CW\\(N\\))|CWL$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW-R|CW|CWU)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (LSB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (USB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (CW_R, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(CW-R|CW-R\\(N\\)|CW|CWU)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (LSB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(LSB\\(N\\)|LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (USB, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(USB\\(N\\)|USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_U, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGU|DATA-U|PKT-U|DATA|USER-U|USB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (DIG_L, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|DIGL|DATA-L|PKT-L|DATA-R|USER-L|LSB)$"))));
map->push_back (std::forward_as_tuple (FSK, find_dropdown_selection (dropdown, QRegExp ("^(DIG|FSK|RTTY|RTTY-LSB)$"))));
@ -448,7 +469,11 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_ptt (bool on)
TRACE_CAT ("HRDTransceiver", on);
if (use_for_ptt_)
if (ptt_button_ >= 0)
if (alt_ptt_button_ >= 0 && TransceiverFactory::TX_audio_source_rear == audio_source_)
set_button (alt_ptt_button_, on);
else if (ptt_button_ >= 0)
set_button (ptt_button_, on);
@ -485,7 +510,23 @@ void HRDTransceiver::set_button (int button_index, bool checked)
void HRDTransceiver::set_data_mode (MODE m)
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (data_mode_button_ >= 0)
switch (m)
case DIG_U:
case DIG_L:
case DIG_FM:
set_button (data_mode_button_, true);
set_button (data_mode_button_, false);
else if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
switch (m)
@ -503,9 +544,12 @@ void HRDTransceiver::set_data_mode (MODE m)
auto HRDTransceiver::get_data_mode (MODE m, bool quiet) -> MODE
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_, quiet);
// can't check for on here as there may be multiple on values so
// we must rely on the initial parse finding valid on values
if (selection >= 0 && selection != data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ())
switch (m)
@ -547,11 +591,11 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*
// re-check if reversed VFOs
bool rx_A {true};
bool rx_B {false};
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0 && rx_A_selection_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A)
if (!rx_A && rx_B_selection_.size ())
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
@ -590,7 +634,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*
set_data_mode (mode);
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_A_selection_ : rx_B_selection_).front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
@ -652,7 +697,9 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*
set_button (split_mode_button_, split);
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (split_mode_dropdown_ >= 0
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
set_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, split ? split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front () : split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.front ());
@ -666,7 +713,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
@ -685,7 +733,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_tx_frequency (Frequency tx, MODE mode, bool /*no_ignore*
set_button (reversed_ ? rx_B_button_ : rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, (reversed_ ? rx_B_selection_ : rx_A_selection_).front ());
@ -729,7 +778,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_B_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_A_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
@ -766,7 +816,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::do_mode (MODE mode)
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
set_button (rx_A_button_);
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
else if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0
&& rx_A_selection_.size () && rx_B_selection_.size ())
set_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_, rx_B_selection_.front ());
set_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_, lookup_mode (mode, mode_A_map_));
@ -825,9 +876,16 @@ void HRDTransceiver::poll ()
is_button_checked (tx_A_button_);
is_button_checked (tx_B_button_);
is_button_checked (ptt_button_);
is_button_checked (alt_ptt_button_);
get_dropdown (mode_A_dropdown_);
get_dropdown (mode_B_dropdown_);
get_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_);
is_button_checked (data_mode_button_);
if (data_mode_dropdown_ >=0
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ()
&& data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.size ())
get_dropdown (data_mode_dropdown_);
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_);
@ -841,7 +899,7 @@ void HRDTransceiver::poll ()
// we are probably dealing with an Icom and have to guess SPLIT mode :(
else if (split_mode_button_ >= 0)
else if (split_mode_button_ >= 0 && !(tx_A_button_ >= 0 && tx_B_button_ >= 0))
update_split (is_button_checked (split_mode_button_, quiet));
@ -850,7 +908,8 @@ void HRDTransceiver::poll ()
if (!split_mode_dropdown_write_only_)
auto selection = get_dropdown (split_mode_dropdown_, quiet);
if (selection >= 0)
if (selection >= 0
&& split_mode_dropdown_selection_off_.size ())
update_split (selection == split_mode_dropdown_selection_on_.front ());
@ -872,11 +931,11 @@ void HRDTransceiver::poll ()
// some rigs have dual Rx, we take VFO A/MAIN receiving as
// normal and only say reversed when only VFO B/SUB is active
// i.e. VFO A/MAIN muted VFO B/SUB active
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0)
if (receiver_dropdown_ >= 0 && rx_A_selection_.size ())
auto selection = get_dropdown (receiver_dropdown_);
rx_A = selection == rx_A_selection_.front ();
if (!rx_A)
if (!rx_A && rx_B_selection_.size ())
rx_B = selection == rx_B_selection_.front ();
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ public:
explicit HRDTransceiver (std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped
, QString const& server
, bool use_for_ptt
, TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource
, int poll_interval
, QObject * parent = nullptr);
@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ private:
std::unique_ptr<TransceiverBase> wrapped_; // may be null
bool use_for_ptt_; // Use HRD for PTT.
TransceiverFactory::TXAudioSource audio_source_; // Select rear/data
// audio if available
QString server_; // The TCP/IP addrress and port for
// the HRD server.
@ -132,9 +135,9 @@ private:
ModeMap mode_B_map_; // The map of modes for VFO B.
int data_mode_button_; // Button to select DATA mode
int data_mode_dropdown_; // Index of data mode drop down, may
// be -1 if no such drop down exists
std::vector<int> data_mode_dropdown_selection_on_; // The drop down
// selection to turn on data mode.
@ -183,6 +186,8 @@ private:
std::vector<int> rx_B_selection_;
int ptt_button_; // The button to toggle PTT.
int alt_ptt_button_; // The alternative button to toggle
// PTT - used to select rear audio.
bool reversed_; // True if VFOs are reversed.
@ -568,8 +568,19 @@ int HamlibTransceiver::do_start ()
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -3; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 3; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
error_check (rig_set_freq (rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, test_frequency), tr ("setting frequency"));
error_check (rig_get_freq (rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, &new_frequency), tr ("getting current VFO frequency"));
if (9 == static_cast<Radio::FrequencyDelta> (new_frequency - test_frequency))
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
error_check (rig_set_freq (rig_.data (), RIG_VFO_CURR, current_frequency), tr ("setting frequency"));
@ -221,9 +221,30 @@ int OmniRigTransceiver::do_start ()
case -5: resolution = -1; break; // 10Hz truncated
case 5: resolution = 1; break; // 10Hz rounded
case -15: resolution = -2; break; // 20Hz truncated
case -55: resolution = -2; break; // 100Hz truncated
case 45: resolution = 2; break; // 100Hz rounded
if (1 == resolution) // may be 20Hz rounded
test_frequency = f - f % 100 + 51;
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (test_frequency);
else if (reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQB & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqB (test_frequency);
else if (!reversed_ && (OmniRig::PM_FREQA & writable_params_))
rig_->SetFreqA (test_frequency);
if (9 == rig_->GetRxFrequency () - test_frequency)
resolution = 2; // 20Hz rounded
if (OmniRig::PM_FREQ & writable_params_)
rig_->SetFreq (f);
@ -216,38 +216,6 @@ void TransceiverBase::update_PTT (bool state)
actual_.ptt (state);
bool TransceiverBase::maybe_low_resolution (Radio::Frequency low_res,
Radio::Frequency high_res)
if (resolution_ != Resolution::truncate
&& low_res == (high_res + 5) / 10 * 10) // rounded to 10's
resolution_ = Resolution::round;
return true;
if (resolution_ != Resolution::round
&& low_res == high_res / 10 * 10) // truncated to 10's
resolution_ = Resolution::truncate;
return true;
if (resolution_ != Resolution::truncate
&& low_res == (high_res + 50) / 100 * 100) // rounded to 100's
resolution_ = Resolution::round;
return true;
if (resolution_ != Resolution::round
&& low_res == high_res / 100 * 100) // truncated to 100's
resolution_ = Resolution::truncate;
return true;
return false;
void TransceiverBase::update_complete (bool force_signal)
if ((do_pre_update () && actual_ != last_) || force_signal)
@ -60,13 +60,9 @@ class TransceiverBase
enum class Resolution {accurate, round, truncate};
TransceiverBase (QObject * parent)
: Transceiver {parent}
, resolution_ {Resolution::accurate}
, last_sequence_number_ {0}
@ -155,7 +151,6 @@ private:
TransceiverState requested_;
TransceiverState actual_;
TransceiverState last_;
Resolution resolution_; // rig accuracy
unsigned last_sequence_number_; // from set state operation
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<Transceiver> TransceiverFactory::create (ParameterPack const& pa
// wrap the basic Transceiver object instance with a decorator object that talks to ham Radio Deluxe
result.reset (new HRDTransceiver {std::move (basic_transceiver), params.network_port, PTT_method_CAT == params.ptt_type, params.poll_interval});
result.reset (new HRDTransceiver {std::move (basic_transceiver), params.network_port, PTT_method_CAT == params.ptt_type, params.audio_source, params.poll_interval});
if (target_thread)
result->moveToThread (target_thread);
Binary file not shown.
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QDir const& temp_directory, bool multiple,
QStringList jt9_args {
"-s", QApplication::applicationName () // shared memory key,
// includes rig-name
// includes rig
#ifdef NDEBUG
, "-w", "1" //FFTW patience - release
@ -5728,21 +5728,31 @@ void MainWindow::astroUpdate ()
&& m_config.split_mode ())
// adjust for rig resolution
if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 1)
if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 2)
correction.rx = (correction.rx + 50) / 100 * 100;
correction.tx = (correction.tx + 50) / 100 * 100;
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 1)
correction.rx = (correction.rx + 10) / 20 * 20;
correction.tx = (correction.tx + 10) / 20 * 20;
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 0)
correction.rx = (correction.rx + 5) / 10 * 10;
correction.tx = (correction.tx + 5) / 10 * 10;
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -1)
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -2)
correction.rx = correction.rx / 100 * 100;
correction.tx = correction.tx / 100 * 100;
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -1)
correction.rx = correction.rx / 20 * 20;
correction.tx = correction.tx / 20 * 20;
else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < 0)
correction.rx = correction.rx / 10 * 10;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user