diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 030488fa8..6cdcfcb45 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -429,6 +429,7 @@ set (wsjt_FSRCS
+  lib/superfox/sfox_assemble.f90
diff --git a/lib/superfox/foxgen2.f90 b/lib/superfox/foxgen2.f90
index c77a2b492..1fc06580e 100644
--- a/lib/superfox/foxgen2.f90
+++ b/lib/superfox/foxgen2.f90
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 subroutine foxgen2(nslots,cmsg)
+! Called from foxgen() when it's time to encode a SuperFox message and
+! generate the waveform to be transmitted.  We need to parse the old-style
+! Fox messages and extract the necessary pieces.
   use packjt77
-  character*40 cmsg(5)
+  character*40 cmsg(5)                !Old-style Fox messages are here
   character*37 msg
   character*22 sfmsg
   character*12 mycall
@@ -70,71 +74,3 @@ subroutine foxgen2(nslots,cmsg)
 end subroutine foxgen2
-subroutine sfox_assemble(ntype,k,msg,mycall0,mygrid0)
-  character*22 msg
-  character*22 msg0,msg1,msg2(10),msg3(5)
-  character*12 mycall0,mycall
-  character*4 mygrid0,mygrid
-  integer ntype             !Message type: 0 Free Text
-                            !              1 CQ MyCall MyGrid    
-                            !              2 Call_1 MyCall RR73
-                            !              3 Call_1 MyCall rpt
-  integer nmsg(0:3)         !Number of messages of type ntype
-  data nmsg/0,0,0,0/,nbits/0/,ntx/0/
-  save
-!  save mycall,mygrid,nmsg,nbits,ntx
-  if(mycall0(1:1).ne.' ') mycall=mycall0
-  if(mygrid0(1:1).ne.' ') mygrid=mygrid0
-  if(k.le.10) then
-     if(ntype.eq.0) then
-        if(nbits.le.262) then
-           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
-           nbits=nbits+71
-           msg0=msg
-        endif
-     else if(ntype.eq.1) then
-        if(nbits.le.290) then
-           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
-           nbits=nbits+43
-           msg1=msg
-        endif
-     else if(ntype.eq.2) then
-        if(nbits.le.305) then
-           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
-           nbits=nbits+28
-           j=nmsg(ntype)
-           msg2(j)=msg
-        endif
-     else
-        if(nbits.le.300) then
-           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
-           nbits=nbits+33
-           j=nmsg(ntype)
-           msg3(j)=msg
-        endif
-     endif
-     return
-  endif
-  if(k.ge.11) then
-     ntx=ntx+1                                 !Transmission number
-     write(*,3002) ntx,ntype,nmsg(0:3),nbits
-3002 format(i3,i5,2x,4i3,i6)
-     if(nmsg(0).ge.1) write(*,3010) ntx,msg0
-3010 format(i3,2x,a22)
-     if(nmsg(1).ge.1) write(*,3010) ntx,msg1
-     do i=1,nmsg(2)
-        write(*,3010) ntx,msg2(i)
-     enddo
-     do i=1,nmsg(3)
-        write(*,3010) ntx,msg3(i)
-     enddo
-     nmsg=0
-     nbits=0
-  endif
-  return
-end subroutine sfox_assemble
diff --git a/lib/superfox/sfox_assemble.f90 b/lib/superfox/sfox_assemble.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0ecbb3de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/superfox/sfox_assemble.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+subroutine sfox_assemble(ntype,k,msg,mycall0,mygrid0)
+! In subsequent calls, assemble all necessary information for a SuperFox
+! transmission.
+  character*22 msg
+  character*22 msg0,msg1,msg2(10),msg3(5)
+  character*12 mycall0,mycall
+  character*4 mygrid0,mygrid
+  integer ntype             !Message type: 0 Free Text
+                            !              1 CQ MyCall MyGrid    
+                            !              2 Call_1 MyCall RR73
+                            !              3 Call_1 MyCall rpt
+  integer nmsg(0:3)         !Number of messages of type ntype
+  data nmsg/0,0,0,0/,nbits/0/,ntx/0/
+  save
+  if(mycall0(1:1).ne.' ') mycall=mycall0
+  if(mygrid0(1:1).ne.' ') mygrid=mygrid0
+  if(k.le.10) then
+     if(ntype.eq.0) then
+        if(nbits.le.191) then           !Enough room for a free text message?
+           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
+           nbits=nbits+142
+           msg0=msg
+        endif
+     else if(ntype.eq.1) then
+        if(nbits.le.290) then
+           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
+           nbits=nbits+43
+           msg1=msg
+        endif
+     else if(ntype.eq.2) then
+        if(nbits.le.305) then
+           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
+           nbits=nbits+28
+           j=nmsg(ntype)
+           msg2(j)=msg
+        endif
+     else
+        if(nbits.le.300) then
+           nmsg(ntype)=nmsg(ntype)+1
+           nbits=nbits+33
+           j=nmsg(ntype)
+           msg3(j)=msg
+        endif
+     endif
+     return
+  endif
+  if(k.ge.11) then
+! All necessary pieces are in place. Now encode the SuperFox message and
+! generate the waveform to be transmitted.
+     ntx=ntx+1                                 !Transmission number
+     write(*,3002) ntx,ntype,nmsg(0:3),nbits
+3002 format(i3,i5,2x,4i3,i6)
+     if(nmsg(0).ge.1) write(*,3010) ntx,msg0
+3010 format(i3,2x,a22)
+     if(nmsg(1).ge.1) write(*,3010) ntx,msg1
+     do i=1,nmsg(2)
+        write(*,3010) ntx,msg2(i)
+     enddo
+     do i=1,nmsg(3)
+        write(*,3010) ntx,msg3(i)
+     enddo
+     nmsg=0
+     nbits=0
+  endif
+  return
+end subroutine sfox_assemble