diff --git a/q65w/libq65/CMakeLists.txt b/q65w/libq65/CMakeLists.txt
index e0ac18ede..b5c21ee62 100644
--- a/q65w/libq65/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/q65w/libq65/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 set (libq65_FSRCS
 # Modules come first:
-  wideband_sync.f90
 # Non-module Fortran routines:
@@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ set (libq65_FSRCS
-  q65b.f90
+  getcand2.f90
+  q65b.f90
+  q65_sync.f90
diff --git a/q65w/libq65/getcand2.f90 b/q65w/libq65/getcand2.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ebcc35aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/q65w/libq65/getcand2.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+subroutine getcand2(ss,savg0,nts_q65,cand,ncand)
+  use wideband_sync
+!  parameter(NFFT=32768)
+  real ss(322,NFFT)
+  real savg0(NFFT),savg(NFFT)
+  integer ipk1(1)
+  logical sync_ok
+  type(candidate) :: cand(MAX_CANDIDATES)
+  data nseg/16/,npct/40/
+  savg=savg0
+  nlen=NFFT/nseg
+  do iseg=1,nseg
+     ja=(iseg-1)*nlen + 1
+     jb=ja + nlen - 1
+     call pctile(savg(ja),nlen,npct,base)
+     savg(ja:jb)=savg(ja:jb)/(1.015*base)
+     savg0(ja:jb)=savg0(ja:jb)/(1.015*base)
+  enddo
+  df=96000.0/NFFT
+  bw=65*nts_q65*1.666666667
+  nbw=bw/df + 1
+  nb0=2*nts_q65
+  smin=1.4
+  nguard=5
+  j=0
+  sync(1:NFFT)%ccfmax=0.
+  do i=1,NFFT-nbw-nguard
+     if(savg(i).lt.smin) cycle
+     spk=maxval(savg(i:i+nb0))
+     ipk1=maxloc(savg(i:i+nb0))
+     i0=ipk1(1) + i - 1
+     fpk=0.001*i0*df
+! Check to see if sync tone is present.
+     call q65_sync(ss,i0,nts_q65,sync_ok,snr_sync,xdt)
+     if(.not.sync_ok) cycle
+     j=j+1
+!     write(73,3073) j,fpk+32.0-2.270,snr_sync,xdt
+!3073 format(i3,3f10.3)
+     cand(j)%f=fpk
+     cand(j)%xdt=xdt
+     cand(j)%snr=snr_sync
+     cand(j)%iflip=0
+     sync(i0)%ccfmax=snr_sync
+     ia=min(i,i0-nguard)
+     ib=i0+nbw+nguard
+     savg(ia:ib)=0.
+     if(j.ge.30) exit
+  enddo
+  ncand=j
+!  do i=1,NFFT
+!     write(72,3072) i,0.001*i*df+32.0,savg0(i),savg(i),sync(i)%ccfmax
+!3072 format(i6,f15.6,3f15.3)
+!  enddo
+  return
+end subroutine getcand2
diff --git a/q65w/libq65/q65_sync.f90 b/q65w/libq65/q65_sync.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd5f9aa77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/q65w/libq65/q65_sync.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+subroutine q65_sync(ss,i0,nts_q65,sync_ok,snr,xdt)
+  parameter (NFFT=32768)
+  parameter (LAGMAX=33)
+  real ss(322,NFFT)
+  real ccf(0:LAGMAX)
+  logical sync_ok
+  logical first
+  integer isync(22),ipk(1)
+! Q65 sync symbols
+  data isync/1,9,12,13,15,22,23,26,27,33,35,38,46,50,55,60,62,66,69,74,76,85/
+  data first/.true./
+  save first,isync
+  tstep=2048.0/11025.0        !0.185760 s: 0.5*tsym_jt65, 0.3096*tsym_q65
+  if(first) then
+     fac=0.6/tstep            !3.230
+     do i=1,22                                !Expand the Q65 sync stride
+        isync(i)=nint((isync(i)-1)*fac) + 1
+     enddo
+     first=.false.
+  endif
+  m=nts_q65/2
+  ccf=0.
+  do lag=0,LAGMAX
+     do j=1,22                        !Test for Q65 sync
+        k=isync(j) + lag
+!        ccf=ccf + ss(k,i0) + ss(k+1,i0) + ss(k+2,i0)
+        ccf(lag)=ccf(lag) + sum(ss(k,i0-m:i0+m)) + sum(ss(k+1,i0-m:i0+m)) &
+             + sum(ss(k+2,i0-m:i0+m))
+     enddo
+  enddo
+  ccfmax=maxval(ccf)
+  ipk=maxloc(ccf)
+  lagbest=ipk(1)-1
+  xdt=lagbest*tstep - 1.0
+  xsum=0.
+  sq=0.
+  nsum=0
+  do i=0,lagmax
+     if(abs(i-lagbest).gt.2) then
+        xsum=xsum+ccf(i)
+        sq=sq+ccf(i)**2
+        nsum=nsum+1
+     endif
+  enddo
+  ave=xsum/nsum
+  rms=sqrt(sq/nsum - ave*ave)
+  snr=(ccfmax-ave)/rms
+  sync_ok=snr.ge.5.0
+  return
+end subroutine q65_sync
diff --git a/q65w/libq65/q65wa.f90 b/q65w/libq65/q65wa.f90
index 0a949fc1b..af0ad6b2d 100644
--- a/q65w/libq65/q65wa.f90
+++ b/q65w/libq65/q65wa.f90
@@ -86,123 +86,3 @@ subroutine q65wa(dd,ss,savg,newdat,nutc,fcenter,ntol,nfa,nfb,         &
 end subroutine q65wa
-subroutine getcand2(ss,savg0,nts_q65,cand,ncand)
-  use wideband_sync
-!  parameter(NFFT=32768)
-  real ss(322,NFFT)
-  real savg0(NFFT),savg(NFFT)
-  integer ipk1(1)
-  logical sync_ok
-  type(candidate) :: cand(MAX_CANDIDATES)
-  data nseg/16/,npct/40/
-  savg=savg0
-  nlen=NFFT/nseg
-  do iseg=1,nseg
-     ja=(iseg-1)*nlen + 1
-     jb=ja + nlen - 1
-     call pctile(savg(ja),nlen,npct,base)
-     savg(ja:jb)=savg(ja:jb)/(1.015*base)
-     savg0(ja:jb)=savg0(ja:jb)/(1.015*base)
-  enddo
-  df=96000.0/NFFT
-  bw=65*nts_q65*1.666666667
-  nbw=bw/df + 1
-  nb0=2*nts_q65
-  smin=1.4
-  nguard=5
-  j=0
-  sync(1:NFFT)%ccfmax=0.
-  do i=1,NFFT-nbw-nguard
-     if(savg(i).lt.smin) cycle
-     spk=maxval(savg(i:i+nb0))
-     ipk1=maxloc(savg(i:i+nb0))
-     i0=ipk1(1) + i - 1
-     fpk=0.001*i0*df
-! Check to see if sync tone is present.
-     call q65_sync(ss,i0,nts_q65,sync_ok,snr_sync,xdt)
-     if(.not.sync_ok) cycle
-     j=j+1
-!     write(73,3073) j,fpk+32.0-2.270,snr_sync,xdt
-!3073 format(i3,3f10.3)
-     cand(j)%f=fpk
-     cand(j)%xdt=xdt
-     cand(j)%snr=snr_sync
-     cand(j)%iflip=0
-     sync(i0)%ccfmax=snr_sync
-     ia=min(i,i0-nguard)
-     ib=i0+nbw+nguard
-     savg(ia:ib)=0.
-     if(j.ge.30) exit
-  enddo
-  ncand=j
-!  do i=1,NFFT
-!     write(72,3072) i,0.001*i*df+32.0,savg0(i),savg(i),sync(i)%ccfmax
-!3072 format(i6,f15.6,3f15.3)
-!  enddo
-  return
-end subroutine getcand2
-subroutine q65_sync(ss,i0,nts_q65,sync_ok,snr,xdt)
-  parameter (NFFT=32768)
-  parameter (LAGMAX=33)
-  real ss(322,NFFT)
-  real ccf(0:LAGMAX)
-  logical sync_ok
-  logical first
-  integer isync(22),ipk(1)
-! Q65 sync symbols
-  data isync/1,9,12,13,15,22,23,26,27,33,35,38,46,50,55,60,62,66,69,74,76,85/
-  data first/.true./
-  save first,isync
-  tstep=2048.0/11025.0        !0.185760 s: 0.5*tsym_jt65, 0.3096*tsym_q65
-  if(first) then
-     fac=0.6/tstep            !3.230
-     do i=1,22                                !Expand the Q65 sync stride
-        isync(i)=nint((isync(i)-1)*fac) + 1
-     enddo
-     first=.false.
-  endif
-  m=nts_q65/2
-  ccf=0.
-  do lag=0,LAGMAX
-     do j=1,22                        !Test for Q65 sync
-        k=isync(j) + lag
-!        ccf=ccf + ss(k,i0) + ss(k+1,i0) + ss(k+2,i0)
-        ccf(lag)=ccf(lag) + sum(ss(k,i0-m:i0+m)) + sum(ss(k+1,i0-m:i0+m)) &
-             + sum(ss(k+2,i0-m:i0+m))
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  ccfmax=maxval(ccf)
-  ipk=maxloc(ccf)
-  lagbest=ipk(1)-1
-  xdt=lagbest*tstep - 1.0
-  xsum=0.
-  sq=0.
-  nsum=0
-  do i=0,lagmax
-     if(abs(i-lagbest).gt.2) then
-        xsum=xsum+ccf(i)
-        sq=sq+ccf(i)**2
-        nsum=nsum+1
-     endif
-  enddo
-  ave=xsum/nsum
-  rms=sqrt(sq/nsum - ave*ave)
-  snr=(ccfmax-ave)/rms
-  sync_ok=snr.ge.5.0
-  return
-end subroutine q65_sync
diff --git a/q65w/libq65/wideband_sync.f90 b/q65w/libq65/wideband_sync.f90
index 57ee103fc..6ef154f46 100644
--- a/q65w/libq65/wideband_sync.f90
+++ b/q65w/libq65/wideband_sync.f90
@@ -24,237 +24,4 @@ module wideband_sync
   type(sync_dat) :: sync(NFFT)
   integer nkhz_center
-  contains
-subroutine get_candidates(ss,savg,jz,nfa,nfb,nts_jt65,nts_q65,cand,ncand)
-! Search symbol spectra ss() over frequency range nfa to nfb (in kHz) for
-! JT65 and Q65 sync patterns. The nts_* variables are the submode tone
-! spacings: 1 2 4 8 16 for A B C D E.  Birdies are detected and
-! excised.  Candidates are returned in the structure array cand().
-  parameter (MAX_PEAKS=100)
-  real ss(322,NFFT),savg(NFFT)
-  real pavg(-20:20)
-  integer indx(NFFT)
-  logical skip
-  type(candidate) :: cand(MAX_CANDIDATES)
-  type(candidate) :: cand0(MAX_CANDIDATES)
-  call wb_sync(ss,savg,jz,nfa,nfb,nts_q65)          !Output to sync() array
-  tstep=2048.0/11025.0        !0.185760 s: 0.5*tsym_jt65, 0.3096*tsym_q65
-  df3=96000.0/NFFT
-  ia=nint(1000*nfa/df3) + 1
-  ib=nint(1000*nfb/df3) + 1
-  if(ia.lt.1) ia=1
-  if(ib.gt.NFFT-1) ib=NFFT-1
-  iz=ib-ia+1
-  call indexx(sync(ia:ib)%ccfmax,iz,indx)   !Sort by relative snr
-  k=0
-  do i=1,MAX_PEAKS
-     n=indx(iz+1-i) + ia - 1
-     f0=0.001*(n-1)*df3
-     snr1=sync(n)%ccfmax
-     if(snr1.lt.SNR1_THRESHOLD) exit
-     flip=sync(n)%iflip
-     if(flip.ne.0.0 .and. nts_jt65.eq.0) cycle
-     if(flip.eq.0.0 .and. nts_q65.eq.0) cycle
-     if(sync(n)%birdie) cycle
-! Test for signal outside of TxT range and set bw for this signal type   
-     j1=(sync(n)%xdt + 1.0)/tstep - 1.0
-     j2=(sync(n)%xdt + 52.0)/tstep + 1.0
-     if(flip.ne.0) j2=(sync(n)%xdt + 47.811)/tstep + 1.0
-     ipol=sync(n)%ipol
-     pavg=0.
-     do j=1,j1
-        pavg=pavg + ss(j,n-20:n+20)
-     enddo
-     do j=j2,jz
-        pavg=pavg + ss(j,n-20:n+20)
-     enddo
-     jsum=j1 + (jz-j2+1)
-     pmax=maxval(pavg(-2:2))              !### Why not just pavg(0) ?
-     base=(sum(pavg)-pmax)/jsum
-     pmax=pmax/base
-     if(pmax.gt.5.0) cycle
-     skip=.false.
-     do m=1,k                              !Skip false syncs within signal bw
-        diffhz=1000.0*(f0-cand(m)%f)
-        bw=nts_q65*110.0
-        if(cand(m)%iflip.ne.0) bw=nts_jt65*178.0
-        if(diffhz.gt.-0.03*bw .and. diffhz.lt.1.03*bw) skip=.true.
-     enddo
-     if(skip) cycle
-     k=k+1
-     cand(k)%snr=snr1
-     cand(k)%f=f0
-     cand(k)%xdt=sync(n)%xdt
-     cand(k)%pol=sync(n)%pol
-     cand(k)%ipol=sync(n)%ipol
-     cand(k)%iflip=nint(flip)
-     cand(k)%indx=n
-!     write(50,3050) i,k,m,f0+32.0,diffhz,bw,snr1,db(snr1)
-!3050 format(3i5,f8.3,2f8.0,2f8.2)
-     if(k.ge.MAX_CANDIDATES) exit
-  enddo
-  ncand=k
-  cand0(1:ncand)=cand(1:ncand)
-  call indexx(cand0(1:ncand)%f,ncand,indx)   !Sort by relative snr
-  do i=1,ncand
-     k=indx(i)
-     cand(i)=cand0(k)
-  enddo
-  return
-end subroutine get_candidates
-subroutine wb_sync(ss,savg,jz,nfa,nfb,nts_q65)
-! Compute "orange sync curve" using the Q65 sync pattern
-  use timer_module, only: timer
-  parameter (NFFT=32768)
-  parameter (LAGMAX=30)
-  real ss(322,NFFT)
-  real savg(NFFT)
-  real savg_med
-  logical first
-  integer isync(22)
-  integer jsync0(63),jsync1(63)
-  integer ip(1)
-! Q65 sync symbols
-  data isync/1,9,12,13,15,22,23,26,27,33,35,38,46,50,55,60,62,66,69,74,76,85/
-  data jsync0/                                                         &
-       1,  4,  5,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 28, 32,  &
-       33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 55, 57, &
-       59, 60, 63, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 80, 81, 89, 90, 92, 95, 97, 98, &
-       100,102,104,107,108,111,114,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126/
-  data jsync1/                                                         &
-       2,  3,  6,  7,  8, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31,  &
-       35, 36, 41, 44, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56, 58, 61, 62, 65, 67, 69, 71, &
-       72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 93, &
-       94, 96, 99,101,103,105,106,109,110,112,113,115,116,117,118/
-  data first/.true./
-  save first,isync,jsync0,jsync1
-  tstep=2048.0/11025.0        !0.185760 s: 0.5*tsym_jt65, 0.3096*tsym_q65
-  if(first) then
-     fac=0.6/tstep
-     do i=1,22                                !Expand the Q65 sync stride
-        isync(i)=nint((isync(i)-1)*fac) + 1
-     enddo
-     do i=1,63
-        jsync0(i)=2*(jsync0(i)-1) + 1
-        jsync1(i)=2*(jsync1(i)-1) + 1
-     enddo
-     first=.false.
-  endif
-  df3=96000.0/NFFT
-  ia=nint(1000*nfa/df3) + 1          !Flat frequency range for WSE converters
-  ib=nint(1000*nfb/df3) + 1
-  if(ia.lt.1) ia=1
-  if(ib.gt.NFFT-1) ib=NFFT-1
-  call pctile(savg(ia:ib),ib-ia+1,50,savg_med)
-  lagbest=0
-  ipolbest=1
-  flip=0.
-  do i=ia,ib
-     ccfmax=0.
-     do lag=0,LAGMAX
-        ccf=0.
-        ccf4=0.
-        do j=1,22                        !Test for Q65 sync
-           k=isync(j) + lag
-           ccf4=ccf4 + ss(k,i+1) + ss(k+1,i+1) &
-                + ss(k+2,i+1) 
-        enddo
-        ccf4=ccf4 - savg(i+1)*3*22/float(jz)
-        ccf=ccf4
-        ipol=1
-        if(ccf.gt.ccfmax) then
-           ipolbest=ipol
-           lagbest=lag
-           ccfmax=ccf
-           ccf4best=ccf4
-           flip=0.
-        endif
-        ccf=0.
-        ccf4=0.
-        do j=1,63                       !Test for JT65 sync, std msg
-           k=jsync0(j) + lag
-           ccf4=ccf4 + ss(k,i+1) + ss(k+1,i+1)
-        enddo
-        ccf4=ccf4 - savg(i+1)*2*63/float(jz)
-        ccf=ccf4
-        ipol=1
-        if(ccf.gt.ccfmax) then
-           ipolbest=ipol
-           lagbest=lag
-           ccfmax=ccf
-           ccf4best=ccf4
-           flip=1.0
-        endif
-        ccf=0.
-        ccf4=0.
-        do j=1,63                       !Test for JT65 sync, OOO msg
-           k=jsync1(j) + lag
-           ccf4=ccf4 + ss(k,i+1) + ss(k+1,i+1)
-        enddo
-        ccf4=ccf4 - savg(i+1)*2*63/float(jz)
-        ccf=ccf4
-        ipol=1
-        if(ccf.gt.ccfmax) then
-           ipolbest=ipol
-           lagbest=lag
-           ccfmax=ccf
-           ccf4best=ccf4
-           flip=-1.0
-        endif
-     enddo  ! lag
-     poldeg=0.
-     sync(i)%ccfmax=ccfmax
-     sync(i)%xdt=lagbest*tstep-1.0
-     sync(i)%pol=poldeg
-     sync(i)%ipol=ipolbest
-     sync(i)%iflip=flip
-     sync(i)%birdie=.false.
-     if(ccfmax/(savg(i)/savg_med).lt.3.0) sync(i)%birdie=.true.
-  enddo  ! i (frequency bin)
-  call pctile(sync(ia:ib)%ccfmax,ib-ia+1,50,base)
-  sync(ia:ib)%ccfmax=sync(ia:ib)%ccfmax/base
-  bw=65*nts_q65*1.66666667                        !Q65-60x bandwidth
-  nbw=bw/df3 + 1                            !Number of bins to blank
-  syncmin=2.0
-  nguard=10
-  do i=ia,ib
-     if(sync(i)%ccfmax.lt.syncmin) cycle
-     spk=maxval(sync(i:i+nbw)%ccfmax)
-     ip =maxloc(sync(i:i+nbw)%ccfmax)
-     i0=ip(1)+i-1
-     ja=min(i,i0-nguard)
-     jb=i0+nbw+nguard
-     sync(ja:jb)%ccfmax=0.
-     sync(i0)%ccfmax=spk
-  enddo
-  return
-end subroutine wb_sync
 end module wideband_sync