Correct the open() statement in readwav.f90.

This commit is contained in:
Joe Taylor 2019-06-04 10:19:35 -04:00
parent bda0206617
commit d3121bfedd
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ program jt9
read (optarg(:arglen), *) nexp_decode
end select
end do
if (display_help .or. stat .lt. 0 &
.or. (.not. read_files .and. remain .gt. 0) &
.or. (read_files .and. remain .lt. 1)) then
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ program jt9
read(unit=wav%lun,end=3) shared_data%id2(k-kstep+1:k)
go to 4
3 call timer('read_wav',1)
print*,'EOF on input file ',infile
print*,'EOF on input file ',trim(infile)
4 call timer('read_wav',1)

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ contains
type(riff_descriptor) :: desc
character(len=4) :: riff_type
open (newunit=this%lun, file=filename, access='stream', form='unformatted', status='old')
open (unit=this%lun, file=filename, access='stream',status='old')
read (unit=this%lun) desc,riff_type
inquire (unit=this%lun, pos=filepos)