From def93a8931ccd6e0c7311bcf8827a512f83989af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bill Somerville <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 23:50:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] user guide migration

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
 doc/user_guide/acknowledgements.adoc          |  24 ++
 doc/user_guide/compiling.adoc                 |  20 ++
 doc/user_guide/config-details.adoc            |   4 +
 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-center.adoc |  32 +++
 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-left.adoc   |  40 ++++
 .../controls-functions-main-window.adoc       |  51 +++++
 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-menus.adoc  |  46 ++++
 .../controls-functions-messages.adoc          |  55 +++++
 .../controls-functions-status-bar.adoc        |  17 ++
 .../controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc        |  49 +++++
 doc/user_guide/coop-prgrms.adoc               |   5 +
 doc/user_guide/cooperating-programs.adoc      |  26 +++
 doc/user_guide/faq.adoc                       |  54 +++++
 doc/user_guide/font-sizes.adoc                |  15 ++
 doc/user_guide/install-from-source.adoc       |  25 +++
 doc/user_guide/install-linux.adoc             |  35 +++
 doc/user_guide/install-mac.adoc               |  19 ++
 doc/user_guide/install-windows.adoc           |  28 +++
 doc/user_guide/introduction.adoc              |  43 ++++
 doc/user_guide/jt65-jt9-differences.adoc      |  41 ++++
 doc/user_guide/jt65-protocol.adoc             |  51 +++++
 doc/user_guide/jt9-protocol.adoc              |  20 ++
 doc/user_guide/logging.adoc                   |  40 ++++
 doc/user_guide/make-qso.adoc                  | 166 ++++++++++++++
 doc/user_guide/platform-dependencies.adoc     |  48 ++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-adat.adoc           | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-alinco.adoc         | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-aor.adoc            | 103 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-drake.adoc          | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-elecraft.adoc       | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-flexrad.adoc        | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-icom.adoc           | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-kenwood.adoc        | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-main.adoc           |  33 +++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-softrock.adoc       | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-template.adoc       |  60 +++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-tentec.adoc         | 104 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/rig-config-yaesu.adoc          | 102 +++++++++
 doc/user_guide/settings-audio.adoc            |  20 ++
 doc/user_guide/settings-colors.adoc           |   8 +
 doc/user_guide/settings-frequencies.adoc      |  39 ++++
 doc/user_guide/settings-general.adoc          |  14 ++
 doc/user_guide/settings-radio.adoc            |  74 +++++++
 doc/user_guide/settings-reporting.adoc        |  16 ++
 doc/user_guide/settings-txmacros.adoc         |  16 ++
 doc/user_guide/system-requirements.adoc       |  12 +
 doc/user_guide/transceiver-setup.adoc         |  56 +++++
 doc/user_guide/tutorial-example1.adoc         |  96 ++++++++
 doc/user_guide/tutorial-example2.adoc         | 117 ++++++++++
 doc/user_guide/tutorial-main-window.adoc      |  12 +
 .../tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc         |  14 ++
 doc/user_guide/tx-rx.adoc                     |  80 +++++++
 doc/user_guide/utilities.adoc                 |  59 +++++
 doc/user_guide/wsjtx-main.adoc                | 205 ++++++++++++++++++
 54 files changed, 3026 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/acknowledgements.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/compiling.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/config-details.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-center.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-left.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-main-window.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-menus.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-messages.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-status-bar.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/coop-prgrms.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/cooperating-programs.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/faq.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/font-sizes.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/install-from-source.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/install-linux.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/install-mac.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/install-windows.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/introduction.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/jt65-jt9-differences.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/jt65-protocol.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/jt9-protocol.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/logging.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/make-qso.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/platform-dependencies.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-adat.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-alinco.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-aor.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-drake.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-elecraft.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-flexrad.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-icom.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-kenwood.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-main.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-softrock.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-template.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-tentec.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/rig-config-yaesu.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-audio.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-colors.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-frequencies.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-general.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-radio.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-reporting.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/settings-txmacros.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/system-requirements.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/transceiver-setup.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/tutorial-example1.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/tutorial-example2.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/tutorial-main-window.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/tx-rx.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/utilities.adoc
 create mode 100644 doc/user_guide/wsjtx-main.adoc

diff --git a/doc/user_guide/acknowledgements.adoc b/doc/user_guide/acknowledgements.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b37b1c517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/acknowledgements.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Status=review
+Since 2005 the _WSJT_ project (including programs _WSJT_, _MAP65_,
+_WSPR_, _WSJT-X_, and _WSPR-X_) has been ``open source'', with all
+code licensed under the GNU Public License (GPL).  Many users of these
+programs, too numerous to mention here individually, have contributed
+suggestions and advice that have greatly aided the development of
+_WSJT_ and its sister programs.
+For _WSJT-X_ in particular, we acknowledge contributions from *AC6SL,
+PY2SDR, VK3ACF, VK4BDJ, W4TI, W4TV, and W9MDB*.  Each of these
+amateurs has helped to bring the program’s design, code, and
+documentation to its present state.
+Most of the color palettes for the _WSJT-X_ waterfall were copied from
+the excellent, well documented, open-source program _fldigi_, by *W1HKJ*
+and friends.
+We use development tools and libraries from many sources.  We
+particularly wish to acknowledge importance of the GNU Compiler
+Collection from the Free Software Foundation, the "clang" compiler
+from LLVM at the University of Illinois, the Qt Project from Digia
+PLC, and the FFTW package by Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/compiling.adoc b/doc/user_guide/compiling.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13a8550ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/compiling.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Status=review
+// Note to developers. The URL is
+// to a very old src version of WSJT 5.7 or so. WSJTX is not listed at all.
+// Also, all the Qt4 stuff is now obsolete, and needs to be updated.
+// Web Links
+// Source File is: dev-guide/source/wsjtx-dev/wsjtx-dev.adoc
+// At some point, compiling_wsjtx_linux.html needs a name change to: wsjtx-dev.html
+// These files can only be built on Linux, due to source-highlight being removed
+// From the windows build batch file.
+:dev-guide:[WSJT Developers Guide]
+// mail-to links
+A Developer's Guide for WSJT and its sister programs is itself under
+development.  The present draft contains full instructions for
+compiling _WSJT-X_ in Linux, and an outline of steps required in
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/config-details.adoc b/doc/user_guide/config-details.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b4234c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/config-details.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// Status=review
+Are we here?
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-center.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-center.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca14faa8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-center.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Status=review
+At the center of the main window are a number of controls used when
+making QSOs:
+//.Misc Controls Center
+image::images/misc-controls-center.png[align="center",alt="Misc Controls Center"]
+* Check *Tx even* to transmit in even-numbered UTC minutes.  Uncheck
+this box to transmit in the odd minutes.  This selection is made
+automatically when you double-click on a decoded text line, as
+described in the <<X5,Basic Operating Tutorial>>.
+* The Tx and Rx audio frequencies are usually set automatically by
+double-clicking on decoded text or a signal in the waterfall.  They 
+can also be adjusted with spinner controls. 
+* You can force Tx frequency to the current Rx frequency by clicking
+the *Tx<Rx* button, and vice-versa for *Rx<Tx*.  (Copy is from right
+to left.)  Check the box *Lock Tx=Rx* to make the frequencies always
+track one another.  The on-the-air frequency of your lowest JT9 or
+JT65 tone is the sum of dial frequency and audio Tx frequency.
+* The *Report* control lets you change a signal report that has been
+inserted automatically. Most reports will fall in the range –26 to +10
+dB.  Remember that JT65 reports saturate at an upper limit of -1
+IMPORTANT: When signals are close to or above 0 dB, you and your QSO
+partner should probably reduce power.  The WSJT modes are supposed to
+be weak signal modes!
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-left.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-left.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..616c27d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-left.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Status=review
+Controls related to frequency selection, received audio level, the
+station being called, and date and time are found at lower left of the
+main window:
+//.Misc Controls Left
+image::images/misc-main-ui.png[align="center",alt="Mist Menu Items"]
+* A drop-down list of frequencies and bands at upper left lets you
+select the operating band and sets dial frequency to a value taken
+from the *Frequencies* tab on the *Settings* window.  If CAT control
+is active the radio's dial frequency will be set accordingly; if not,
+you must tune the radio manually.
+* Alternatively, you can enter a frequency (in MHz) or band name in
+recognized ADIF format, for example 630m, 20m, or 70cm.  The band-name
+format works only if a working frequency has been set up on that band,
+in which case the first working frequency on that band is
+* If you are using CAT control, a small colored square appears in
+green if the CAT control is activated and functional.  The green
+square contains the character S if the rig is detected to be in
+*Split* mode.  The square becomes red if you have requested CAT
+control but communication with the radio has been lost.
+IMPORTANT: Many Icom rigs cannot be queried for split status, so you
+should not change the split status using rig controls when using
+* If *DX Grid* contains a valid Maidenhead locator, the corresponding
+great-circle azimuth and distance from your location are displayed.
+* The program can maintain a database of callsigns and locators for
+future reference.  Click *Add* to insert the present call and locator
+in the database; click *Lookup* to retrieve the locator for a
+previously stored call.  This feature is mainly useful for situations
+in which the number of active stations is modest and reasonably
+stable, such as EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-main-window.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-main-window.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c27bcc87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-main-window.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Status=review
+The following buttons appear just under the decoded text windows on
+the main screen:
+//.Main UI Controls
+image::images/main-ui-controls.png[align="left",width=650,alt="Main UI Controls"]
+* *Log QSO* raises a dialog window pre-filled with known information
+about a QSO you have nearly completed.  You can edit or add to this
+information before clicking *OK* to log the QSO.  If you check *Prompt
+me to log QSO* on the *Setup* menu, the program will raise the
+confirmation screen automatically when you send a 73 or free-text
+//.Log QSO Window
+image::images/log-qso.png[align="center",alt="Log QSO"]
+* *Stop* will terminate normal data acquisition in case you want to
+freeze the waterfall or open and explore a previously recorded audio
+* *Monitor* restarts normal receive operation.  This button is
+highlighted in green when the _WSJT-X_ is receiving.  If you are
+using CAT control, toggling *Monitor* OFF relinquishes control of the
+rig; if *Monitor returns to last used frequency" is selected
+on the *Settings | General* tab, toggling *Monitor* back ON will
+return to the original frequency.
+* *Erase* clears the right-hand decoded text window. 
+Double-clicking *Erase* clears both text windows.
+* *Decode* tells the program to repeat the decoding procedure at the
+Rx frequency (green marker on waterfall), using the most recently
+completed sequence of received data.  
+* *Enable Tx* toggles the program into automatic T/R sequencing mode
+and highlights the button in red.  A transmission will start at
+the beginning of the selected (odd or even) sequence, or immediately
+if appropriate.  A transmission will not be started any later than 24
+s into a UTC minute.
+* *Halt Tx* terminates a transmission in progress and disables
+automatic T/R sequencing.
+* *Tune* may be used to switch into Tx mode and generate an
+unmodulated carrier at the specified Tx frequency (red marker
+on waterfall).  This process may be useful for adjusting an antenna
+tuner.  The button is highlighted in red while *Tune* is
+active.  Toggle the button a second time to terminate the *Tune*
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-menus.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-menus.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ccd11ed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-menus.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// Status=review
+Program menus offer many options for configuration and operation.
+Most of the items are self-explanatory; a few additional details are
+provided below.  Keyboard shortcuts for some frequently used menu
+items are listed at the right.
+==== WSJT-X menu
+image::images/MacAppMenu.png[align="left",alt="Mac App Menu"]
+This menu appears on the Macintosh only. *Settings* appears here,
+labeled as *Preferences*, rather than on the *File* menu.  *About
+WSJT-X* appears here rather than on the *Help* menu.
+==== File menu
+image::images/file-menu.png[align="left",alt="File Menu"]
+==== View Menu
+image::images/view-menu.png[align="left",alt="View Menu"]
+==== Mode Menu
+image::images/mode-menu.png[align="left",alt="Mode Menu"]
+==== Decode Menu
+image::images/decode-menu.png[align="left",alt="Decode Menu"]
+==== Save Menu
+image::images/save-menu.png[align="left",alt="Save Menu"]
+Choose *Save all* to save received data as audio +.wav+ files.
+*Save decoded* will save only those files containing at least one 
+decoded message.  
+==== Help Menu
+image::images/help-menu.png[align="left",alt="Help Menu"]
+image::images/keyboard-shortcuts.png[align="left",alt="Help Menu"]
+image::images/special-mouse-commands.png[align="left",alt="Help Menu"]
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-messages.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-messages.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a316e633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-messages.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Status=review
+Two arrangements of controls are provided for generating and selecting
+Tx messages.  Controls familiar to users of program _WSJT_
+appear on *Tab 1*, providing six fields for message entry.
+Pre-formatted messages for the standard minimal QSO are generated when
+you click *Generate Std Msgs* or double-click on an appropriate line
+in one of the decoded text windows.
+//.Traditional Message Menu
+image::images/traditional-msg-box.png[align="center",alt="Traditional Message Menu"]
+* Select the next message to be transmitted (at the start of your next
+Tx sequence) by clicking on the circle under *Next*.
+* To change to a specified Tx message immediately during a
+transmission, click on a rectangular button under the *Now* label.
+Changing a Tx message in mid-stream will slightly reduce the chance of
+a correct decode, but it is usually OK if done in the first 10-15 s of
+a transmission.
+* All six Tx message fields are editable.  You can modify an
+automatically generated message or enter a desired message, keeping in
+mind the strict limits on message content.  See <<PROTOCOLS,Protocol
+Specifications>> for details.
+* Click on the pull-down arrow for message #5 to select one of the
+pre-stored messages entered on the *Settings | Tx Macros* tab.
+Pressing *Enter* on a modified message #5 automatically adds that
+message to the stored macros.
+The second arrangement of controls for generating and selecting
+Tx messages appears on *Tab 2* of the Message Control Panel:
+//.New Message Menu
+image::images/new-msg-box.png[align="center",alt="New Message Menu"]
+With this setup you normally follow a top-to-bottom sequence of
+transmissions from the left column if you are calling CQ, or the right
+column if answering a CQ.  
+* Clicking a button puts the appropriate message in the *Gen Msg* box.
+If you are already transmitting, the Tx message is changed
+* You can enter and transmit anything (up to 13 characters, including
+spaces) in the *Free Msg* box.
+* Click on the pull-down arrow in the *Free Msg* box to select a
+pre-stored macro.  Pressing *Enter* on a modified message here
+automatically adds that message to the table of stored macros.
+IMPORTANT: During a transmission the actual message being sent always
+appears in the first box of the status bar (bottom left of the main
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-status-bar.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-status-bar.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71f00bead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-status-bar.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Status=review
+A *Status Bar* at the bottom edge of the main window provides
+information about operating conditions.  
+//.Status Bar
+image::images/status-bar-a.png[align="left",alt="New Message Menu"]
+Labels on the *Status Bar* display such information as the program's
+current operating state, operating mode, the content of your most
+recent transmitted message, and whether *Double-click on call sets Tx
+enable* has been selected on the *Settings | General* tab. The first
+label (operating state) can be Receiving, Tx (for Transmitting), Tune,
+or the name of file opened from the *File* menu; this label is
+highlighted in green for Receiving, yellow for Tx, and red for Tune.
+When transmitting, the Tx message is displayed exactly as it will be
+decoded by receiving stations.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5de0e4d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/controls-functions-wide-graph.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Status=review
+The following controls appear at the bottom of the Wide Graph window.
+With the exception of *JT65 nnnn JT9*, they affect only the graphical
+displays — they have no effect on the decoding process.
+image::images/wide-graph-controls.png[align="center",alt="Wide Graph Controls"]
+- *Bins/Pixel* controls the displayed frequency resolution.  Set this
+value to 1 for the highest possible resolution, or to higher numbers
+to compress the spectral display. Normal operation with a convenient
+window size works well at 2 to 8 bins per pixel.
+- *JT65 nnnn JT9* sets the dividing point (blue marker) for wide-band
+decoding of JT65 and JT9 signals in *JT9+JT65* mode.  The decoder
+looks for JT65 signals everywhere, but JT9 signals only above this
+- *Start nnn Hz* sets the low-frequency starting point of the
+waterfall frequency scale.
+- *N Avg* is the number of successive FFTs to be averaged before
+updating the spectral display.  Values around 5 are suitable for
+normal JT9 and JT65 operation.  Adjust *N Avg* to make the waterfall
+move faster or slower, as desired.
+- *Zero* and *Gain* control the reference level and scaling for
+waterfall colors.  Values around 0 for both parameters are usually
+about right, depending on the input signal level, the chosen palette,
+and your own preferences.
+- A dropdown list below the *Palette* label lets you select from a
+wide range of waterfall color palettes.  
+- Click *Adjust* to activate a window that allows you to create a
+user-defined palette.
+- Check *Flatten* if you want _WSJT-X_ to compensate for a sloping or
+uneven response across the received passband.  For this feature to
+work properly, remember to restrict the range of displayed frequencies
+so that only the active part of the spectrum is shown.
+- Select *Current* or *Cumulative* for the spectrum displayed in the
+bottom one-third of the Wide Graph window.  *Current* is the average
+spectrum over the most recent *N Avg* FFT calculations.  *Cumulative*
+is the average spectrum since the start of the present UTC minute.
+(*Linear Avg* is not useful for JT9 or JT65; it is intended for use
+with the yet-to-be implemented JT4 mode.)
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/coop-prgrms.adoc b/doc/user_guide/coop-prgrms.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b76a9897f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/coop-prgrms.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+There is one program and one service that compliment _WSJT-X_ greatly. They are as follows:
+- {pskreporter}
+- {jtalert}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/cooperating-programs.adoc b/doc/user_guide/cooperating-programs.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c20165d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/cooperating-programs.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+_WSJT-X_ is programmed to cooperate closely with several other useful
+* {dxlsuite} and {hrd} were described in the section on <<RADIO,rig control>>.
+* {pskreporter}, by Philip Gladstone, is a web server that gathers
+reception reports sent by various other programs, including _WSJT-X_.
+The information is made available in near real time on a world map,
+and also as statistical summaries of various kinds.  A number of
+options are available to the user; for example, you can request a map
+showing world-wide JT65 activity on all amateur bands over over the
+past hour.  Such a map might look like this, where different colors
+represent different bands:
+image::images/psk-reporter.png[align="left",alt="PSK Reporter"]
+* {jtalert}, by VK3AMA, is available only for Windows.  It provides 
+many operating aids including
+- automatic logging with several third-party logging programs
+- audio and visual alerts on a number of optional alert conditions
+- convenient direct access to various web services such as callsign lookup. 
+image::images/jtalert.png[align="left",alt="JTAlert-X image"]
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/faq.adoc b/doc/user_guide/faq.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74b75e9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/faq.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+My displayed spectrum is flatter when I do not check the *Flatten* 
+box.  What's wrong?::
+_WSJT-X_ does not expect a steep filter edge within the displayed
+passband. Use a wider IF filter or reduce the displayed passband by
+decreasing *Bins/Pixel*, increasing *Start*, or reducing the width of
+the *Wide Graph*.  You might also choose to re-center the filter
+passband, if such control is available.
+My rig has only a single SSB filter, about 2700 Hz bandwidth.  Can I use split mode?::
+Set _Split Operation_ to *Rig* (or if necessary, *Fake It*) on the
+*Settings | Radio* tab.  To operate primarily in the JT9 frequency
+range, check the *{plus}2 kHz* box. VFO-A will be moved up by that
+amount, e.g., to 14.078 MHz on 20 meters.  The JT9 sub-band now falls
+between about 500 Hz and 2000Hz on the waterfall display.  As
+described above, VFO-B will be adjusted so as to keep your Tx audio
+always between 1500 and 2000 Hz.  To operate JT65, simply uncheck the
+*{plus}2 kHz* option.  If your rig has an IF shift control or
+equivalent (``passband tuning''), you can operate as if you had 4 kHz
+Rx bandwidth and use the IF shift control to focus on any 2.7 kHz
+portion of the JT65 and JT9 sub-bands.
+How should I configure _WSJT-X_ to run multiple instances?::
+Start _WSJT-X_ from a command-prompt window, passing each instance a
+unique identifier as in the following two-instance example.  This
+procedure will isolate the *Settings* file and the writable file
+location for each instance of _WSJT-X_.
+ wsjtx --rig-name=TS2000
+ wsjtx --rig-name=FT847
+When setting up rig control through _OmniRig_, something goes wrong when I click *Test CAT*.  What can I do about it?::
+_OmniRig_ apparently has a bug that appears when you click *Test CAT*.
+Forget using *Test CAT* and just click *OK*.  _OmniRig_ then behaves
+I am using _WSJT-X_ with _Ham Radio Deluxe_.  All seems well until I start HRD Logbook or DM780 running in parallel; then CAT control becomes unreliable.::
+You may see delays up to 20 seconds or so in frequency changes or
+other radio commands, due to a bug in HRD.  HRD folks are aware of the
+problem, and are working to resolve it.
+I am running _WSJT-X_ under Ubuntu 14.04.  The program starts, but menu bar is missing from the top of the main window and the hot-keys don't work.::
+Ubuntu's new ``Unity'' desktop puts the menu for the currently active
+window at the top of the primary display screen.  You can restore menu
+bars to their traditional locations by typing the following in a
+command-prompt window:
+ sudo apt-get remove appmenu-qt5 
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/font-sizes.adoc b/doc/user_guide/font-sizes.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af8fd64de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/font-sizes.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Status=review
+- You can control the program's font sizes by using a text editor
+(e.g., Windows Notepad or similar) to create a one-line file named
++fonts.txt+ in the _WSJT-X_ installation directory. Enter a single
+line of text with four numbers separated by spaces.  The first two
+numbers control the font size (in points) and weight (on a 0 – 100
+scale) of most labels on the user interface. The last two numbers
+control size and weight of text in the *Band Activity* and *Rx
+Frequency* windows.
+- By default the four numbers are ``8 50 10 50''. If you need larger
+fonts in the user interface and bold text in the decode windows, try
+something like ``10 50 12 100'' (without the quotes).
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/install-from-source.adoc b/doc/user_guide/install-from-source.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bf85e269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/install-from-source.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Status=review
+Source code for _WSJT-X_ is available from a public repository at
+{devsvn}. To compile the program you will need to install at least the
+following packages:
+- Subversion 1.8 or later
+- Qt 5.2 or later
+- g++ 4.8 or later
+- gfortran 4.8 or later
+- fftw3
+- MinGW (for Windows only)
+Source code for _WSJT-X_ 1.5.0 can be downloaded with the command:
+ svn co svn://
+and for the current development branch,
+ svn co svn://
+If you are interested in contributing to the development and
+documentation of _WSJT_ and its sister programs, please join the
+developer's email list {devmail} and let us know of your areas of
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/install-linux.adoc b/doc/user_guide/install-linux.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5a1014b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/install-linux.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Status=review
+* For Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems:
+** 32-bit: {debian32}
+- To install: +sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_1.5.0_i386.deb+
+- Uninstall:  +sudo dpkg -P wsjtx+
+** 64-bit: {debian64}
+- To install: +sudo dpkg -i wsjtx_1.5.0_amd64.deb+
+- Uninstall:  +sudo dpkg -P wsjtx+
+** You may also need to execute the following commands in a terminal:
+ sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5serialport5 
+ sudo apt-get install libfftw3-single3
+* For Ubuntu 15.04 and similar systems:
+ sudo apt-get install libqt5multimedia5-plugins libqt5serialport5 
+ sudo apt-get install libfftw3-single3 libqt5opengl5 
+* For Fedora, Red Hat, and other rpm-based systems:
+** 32-bit: {fedora32}
+- To install: +sudo rpm -i wsjtx-1.5.0_i686.rpm+
+- Uninstall: +sudo rpm -e wsjtx+
+** 64-bit: {fedora64}
+- To install: +sudo rpm -i wsjtx-1.5.0_x86_64.rpm+
+- Uninstall: +sudo rpm -e wsjtx+
+** You may also need to execute the following commands in a terminal:
+ sudo rpm install fftw-libs-single qt5-qtmultimedia qt5-qtserialport 
+* Linux users must install a companion program called *kvasd*.  
+Instructions for a simple, quick menu-driven installation may be 
+found {kvasd-installer}.
+// Add instructions about ntpd and sound setup ?
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/install-mac.adoc b/doc/user_guide/install-mac.adoc
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index 000000000..b82f8e4a8
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/install-mac.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// These instructions are up-to-date for WSJT-X v1.4
+* OS X 10.7 and later: {osx_107} 
+* After downloading it to your desktopo, double-click on the dmg file
+and consult its +ReadMe+ file for important installation notes.
+* If you have already installed a previous version, you can retain it by
+changing its name in the *Applications* folder (say, from _WSJT-X_ to
+_WSJT-X_previous_).  You can then proceed to the installation phase.
+* Remember to use the Mac's *Audio MIDI Setup* utility to configure
+your sound card for 48000 Hz, two-channel, 16-bit format.
+* Use *System Preferences* to select an external time source to keep
+your system clock synchronized to UTC.
+* To uninstall simply drag the _WSJT-X_ application from *Applications* 
+to the *Trash Can*. 
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/install-windows.adoc b/doc/user_guide/install-windows.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8980315b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/install-windows.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Status=review
+Download and execute the package file {win32}, following these
+- Install _WSJT-X_ into its own directory rather than in the conventional
+location +C:\Program Files\WSJTX+.  Suggested installation directories are
+- All program files relating to _WSJT-X_ will be stored in the chosen
+installation directory and its subdirectories. 
+- Logs and other writeable files will normally be found in the 
+directory +C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\WSJT-X+.
+- The built-in Windows facility for time synchronization is usually
+not adequate. We recommend the program _Meinberg NTP_: see {ntpsetup}
+for downloading and installation instructions.
+- _WSJT-X_ expects your sound card to do its raw sampling at 48000 Hz.
+To ensure that this will be so when running under recent versions of
+Windows, open the system's *Sound* control panel and select in turn the
+*Recording* and *Playback* tabs. Click on *Properties*, then
+*Advanced*, and select *16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)*.
+- You can uninstall _WSJT-X_ by clicking its *Uninstall* link in the
+Windows *Start* menu, or by using *Uninstall a Program* on the
+Windows Control Panel.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/introduction.adoc b/doc/user_guide/introduction.adoc
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index 000000000..bfd6c3853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/introduction.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Status=review
+_WSJT-X_ is a computer program designed to facilitate basic amateur
+radio communication using very weak signals. The first four letters in
+the program name stand for “Weak Signal communication by K1JT,” while
+the suffix “-X” indicates that _WSJT-X_ started as an extended (and
+experimental) branch of the program _WSJT_.
+_WSJT-X_ currently offers two protocols or “modes,” JT65 and JT9.
+Both are designed for making reliable, confirmed QSOs under extreme
+weak-signal conditions. They use nearly identical message structure
+and source encoding.  JT65 was designed for EME (“moonbounce”) on the
+VHF/UHF bands and has also proven very effective for worldwide QRP
+communication on the HF bands.  JT9 is optimized for the LF, MF, and
+lower HF bands.  It is about 2 dB more sensitive than JT65
+while using less than 10% of the bandwidth. Both modes use one-minute
+timed sequences of alternating transmission and reception, so a
+minimal QSO takes four to six minutes — two or three transmissions by
+each station, one sending in odd UTC minutes and the other even. On
+the HF bands, world-wide QSOs are possible with power levels of a few
+watts and compromise antennas.
+_WSJT-X_ can display a passband as large as 5 kHz and provides
+dual-mode reception of both JT65 and JT9 signals. If your receiver can
+be configured with at least 4 kHz bandwidth in USB mode, you can set
+the dial frequency to one of the standard JT65 frequencies — for
+example, 14.076 MHz for the 20-meter band — and display the full JT65
+and JT9 sub-bands simultaneously on the waterfall. You can then make
+QSOs in both modes using nothing more than mouse clicks.
+Plans for future program development call for _WSJT-X_ and _WSJT_ to
+merge together. _WSJT-X_ will gradually acquire additional modes
+such as JT4 that are now supported in _WSJT_. The entire
+WSJT-related effort is an open-source project, released under the 
+{gnu_gpl} (GPL). If you have programming or
+documentation skills or would like to contribute to the project in
+other ways, please make your interests known to the development team.
+The project’s source-code repository can be found at {devsvn}, and
+most communication among the developers takes place on the email
+reflector {devmail}.  User-level questions and answers, and general
+communication among users is found on the {wsjt_yahoo_group} email
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/jt65-jt9-differences.adoc b/doc/user_guide/jt65-jt9-differences.adoc
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index 000000000..f237e4914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/jt65-jt9-differences.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Status=review
+The most striking difference between JT65 and JT9 is the much smaller
+occupied bandwidth of JT9: 15.6 Hz, compared with 177.6 Hz for JT65A.
+Transmissions in the two modes are essentially the same length, and
+both modes use exactly 72 bits to carry message information. At the
+user level the two modes support nearly identical message structures.
+JT65 signal reports are constrained to the range –1 to –30 dB. This
+range is more than adequate for EME purposes, but not really enough
+for optimum use at HF and below. S/N values displayed by the JT65
+decoder are clamped at an upper limit –1 dB, and in present JT65
+decoders the S/N scale is nonlinear above –10 dB.
+By comparison, JT9 allows for signal reports in the range –50 to +49
+dB. It manages this by taking over a small portion of ``message
+space'' that would otherwise be used for grid locators within 1 degree
+of the south pole. The S/N scale of the present JT9 decoder is
+reasonably linear (although it’s not intended to be a precision
+measurement tool).  
+With clean signals and a clean noise background, JT65 achieves nearly
+100% decoding down to S/N = –22 dB and about 50% success at –24
+dB. JT9 is about 2 dB better, achieving 50% decoding at –26 dB. Both
+modes produce extremely low false-decode rates.
+Early experience suggests that under most HF propagation conditions
+the two modes have comparable reliability. The tone spacing of JT9 is
+about two-thirds that of JT65, so in some disturbed ionospheric
+conditions in the higher portion of the HF spectrum, JT65 may perform
+JT9 is an order of magnitude better in spectral efficiency. On a busy
+HF band, the conventional 2-kHz-wide JT65 sub-band is often filled
+with overlapping signals. Ten times as many JT9 signals can fit into
+the same frequency range, without collisions.
+JT65 signals often decode correctly even when they overlap. Such
+behavior is much less likely with JT9 signals, which fill their occupied
+bandwidth more densely. JT65 may also be more forgiving of small 
+frequency drifts.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/jt65-protocol.adoc b/doc/user_guide/jt65-protocol.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b7a15184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/jt65-protocol.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Status=review
+JT65 was designed for making minimal QSOs via EME (``moon-bounce'') on
+the VHF and UHF bands. A detailed description of the protocol and its
+implementation in program _WSJT_ was published in {jt65protocol} for
+September-October, 2005. Briefly stated, JT65 uses 60 s T/R sequences
+and carefully structured messages. Standard messages are compressed so
+that two callsigns and a grid locator can be transmitted in just 71
+information bits.  A 72^nd^ bit serves as a flag to indicate that a
+message consists of arbitrary text (up to 13 characters) instead of
+callsigns and a grid locator.  Special formats allow other information
+such as add-on callsign prefixes (e.g., ZA/K1ABC) or numerical signal
+reports (in dB) to be substituted for the grid locator. The basic aim
+is to compress the most common messages used for minimally valid QSOs
+into a minimum fixed number of bits. After compression, a Reed Solomon
+(63,12) error-control code converts 72-bit user messages into
+sequences of 63 six-bit channel symbols.
+JT65 requires tight synchronization of time and frequency between
+transmitting and receiving stations. Each transmission is divided into
+126 contiguous time intervals or symbols of length 4096/11025 = 0.372
+s. Within each interval the waveform is a constant-amplitude sinusoid
+at one of 65 pre-defined frequencies. Frequency steps between
+intervals are accomplished in a phase-continuous manner. Half of the
+channel symbols are devoted to a pseudo-random synchronizing vector
+interleaved with the encoded information symbols. The sync vector
+allows calibration of time and frequency offsets between transmitter
+and receiver. A transmission nominally begins at t = 1 s after the
+start of a UTC minute and finishes at t = 47.8 seconds. The
+synchronizing tone is at 11025 × 472/4096 = 1270.46 Hz, and is normally
+sent in each interval having a “1” in the following pseudo-random
+ 100110001111110101000101100100011100111101101111000110101011001
+ 101010100100000011000000011010010110101010011001001000011111111
+Encoded user information is transmitted during the 63 intervals not
+used for the sync tone. Each channel symbol generates a tone at
+frequency 11025 × 472/4096 + 11025/4096 × (N+2) × m, where N is the
+value of the six-bit symbol, 0 ≤ N ≤ 63, and m is 1, 2, or 4 for JT65
+sub-modes A, B, or C.  Sub-mode JT65A is always used at HF.
+For EME (but, conventionally, not on the HF bands) the signal report
+OOO is sometimes used instead of numerical signal reports. It is
+conveyed by reversing sync and data positions in the transmitted
+sequence.  Shorthand messages for RO, RRR, and 73 dispense with the
+sync vector entirely and use time intervals of 16384/11025 = 1.486 s
+for pairs of alternating tones. The lower frequency is always 1270.46
+Hz, the same as that of the sync tone, and the frequency separation is
+110250/4096 = 26.92 Hz multiplied by n × m, with n = 2, 3, 4 for the
+messages RO, RRR, and 73.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/jt9-protocol.adoc b/doc/user_guide/jt9-protocol.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8a3cc0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/jt9-protocol.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Status=review
+//Needs work!
+JT9 is designed for making minimally valid QSOs at LF, MF, and HF. It
+uses 72-bit structured messages nearly identical (at the user level)
+to those in JT65. Error control coding (ECC) uses a strong
+convolutional code with constraint length K=32, rate r=1/2, and a zero
+tail, leading to an encoded message length of (72+31) × 2 = 206
+information-carrying bits. Modulation is nine-tone frequency-shift
+keying, 9-FSK.  Eight tones are used for data, one for
+synchronization. Eight data tones means that three data bits are
+conveyed by each transmitted information symbol. Sixteen symbol
+intervals are devoted to synchronization, so a transmission requires a
+total of 206 / 3 + 16 = 85 (rounded up) channel symbols. The sync
+symbols are those numbered 1, 2, 5, 10, 16, 23, 33, 35, 51, 52, 55,
+60, 66, 73, 83, and 85 in the transmitted sequence.  Each symbol lasts
+for 6912 sample intervals at 12000 samples per second, or about 0.576
+seconds. Tone spacing of the 9-FSK modulation is 12000/6912 = 1.736
+Hz, the inverse of the symbol duration. The total occupied bandwidth
+is 9 × 1.736 = 15.6 Hz.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/logging.adoc b/doc/user_guide/logging.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..961477d49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/logging.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+A basic logging facility in _WSJT-X_ saves QSO information to flies
+named +wsjtx.log+ (in comma-separated text format) and +wsjtx_log.adi+
+(in standard ADIF format).  These files can be imported directly into
+other programs, for example spreadsheets and popular logging prgrams.
+More elaborate logging capabilities are supported in cooperation with
+{jtalert}, {hrd}, or the {dxlsuite}.
+The program option *Show DXCC entity and worked before status*
+(selectable on the *Settings | General* tab) is intended mostly for
+use on non-Windows platforms, where {jtalert} is not available.  When
+this option is checked _WSJT-X_ appends some additional information to
+all CQ messages displayed in the _Band Activity_ window.  The name of
+the DXCC entity is shown, abbreviated if necessary.  Your ``worked
+before'' status for this callsign (according to log file
++wsjtx_log.adi+) is flagged with a single character and a change of
+background color, as follows:
+!::  (default color bright purple) -- New DXCC entity
+~::  (light pink) -- You have already worked this DXCC entity but not 
+this station
+ ::  (green) -- You have previously worked the calling station
+In this respect the program does not distinguish between modes, but it
+does differentiate between bands.
+_WSJT-X_ includes a built-in +cty.dat+ file containing DXCC prefix 
+information.  Updated files can be downloaded from {cty_dat} when 
+required.  If an updated +cty.dat+ is present in the logs folder 
+and readable, it will be used in preference to the built-in one.
+The log file +wsjtx_log.adi+ is updated whenever you log a QSO from
+_WSJT-X_.  (Keep in mind that if you erase this file you will lose all
+``worked before'' information.)  You can append or overwrite the
++wsjtx_log.adi+ file by exporting your QSO history as an ADIF file
+from another logging program.  Turning *Show DXCC entity and worked
+before status* off and then on again will cause _WSJT-X_ to re-read
+the log file.  Very large log files may cause _WSJT-X_ to slow down
+when searching for calls.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/make-qso.adoc b/doc/user_guide/make-qso.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..861a94fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/make-qso.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// Status=review
+=== Standard Exchange
+By longstanding tradition, a minimally valid QSO requires the exchange
+of callsigns, a signal report or some other information, and
+acknowledgments.  _WSJT-X_ is designed to facilitate making such
+minimal QSOs using short, structured messages. The process works best
+if you use these formats and follow standard operating practices. The
+recommended basic QSO goes something like this:
+|UTC|Transmitted Message|Comment
+|0001|CQ K1ABC FN42|K1ABC calls CQ
+|0002|K1ABC G0XYZ IO91|G0XYZ answers
+|0003|G0XYZ K1ABC –19|K1ABC sends report
+|0004|K1ABC G0XYZ R–22|G0XYZ sends acknowledgment and report
+|0005|G0XYZ K1ABC RRR|K1ABC sends acknowledgment
+|0006|K1ABC G0XYZ 73|G0XYZ sends 73
+*Standard messages* consist of two callsigns (or CQ, QRZ, or DE and
+one callsign) followed by the transmitting station’s grid locator, a
+signal report, R plus a signal report, or the final acknowledgements
+RRR or 73.  These messages are compressed and encoded in a highly
+efficient and reliable way.  In uncompressed form (as displayed
+on-screen) they may contain as many as 22 characters.
+*Signal reports* are specified as signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in dB,
+using a standard reference noise bandwidth of 2500 Hz.  Thus, in
+example message at UTC 0003 above, K1ABC is telling G0XYZ that his
+signal is 19 dB below the noise power in bandwidth 2500 Hz.  In the
+message at 0004, G0XYZ acknowledges receipt of that report and
+responds with a –22 dB signal report.  JT65 reports are constrained to
+lie in the range –30 to –1 dB, and values are significantly compressed
+above about -10 dB.  JT9 supports the extended range –50 to +49 dB and
+assigns more reliable numbers to relatively strong signals.
+IMPORTANT: Signals become visible on the waterfall around S/N = –26 dB and
+audible (to someone with very good hearing) around –15 dB. Thresholds
+for decodability are around –24 dB for JT65, –26 dB for JT9.
+=== Free Text Messages
+Users often add some friendly chit-chat at the end of a QSO.
+Free-format messages such as ``TNX ROBERT 73'' or ``5W VERT 73 GL''
+are supported, up to a maximum of 13 characters, including spaces.  In
+general you should avoid the character / in free-text nessages, as the
+program may then try to interpret your construction as part of a
+compound callsign.  It should be obvious that the JT9 and JT65
+protocols are not designed or well suited for extensive conversations
+or rag-chewing.
+=== Compound Callsigns
+Compound callsigns such as xx/K1ABC or K1ABC/x are handled in
+one of two possible ways:
+.Messages containing Type 1 compound callsigns
+A list of about 350 of the most common prefixes and suffixes can be
+displayed from the *Help* menu.  A single compound callsign involving
+one item from this list can be used in place of the standard third
+word of a message (normally a locator, signal report, RRR, or 73).
+The following examples are all acceptable messages containing *Type 1*
+compound callsigns:
+ CQ K1ABC/4
+The following messages are _not_ valid, because a third word is not
+permitted in any message containing a *Type 1* compound callsign:
+ ZA/K1ABC G0XYZ -22        #These messages will be sent
+ G0XYZ K1ABC/4 73          #without the third "word"
+A QSO between two stations using *Type 1* compound-callsign messages
+might look like this:
+                     ZA/K1ABC G0XYZ
+ G0XYZ K1ABC –19
+                     K1ABC G0XYZ R–22
+                     K1ABC G0XYZ 73
+Notice that the full compound callsign is sent and received in the
+first two transmissions.  After that, the operators omit the add-on
+prefix or suffix and use the standard structured messages.
+.Type 2 Compound-Callsign Messages
+Prefixes and suffixes _not_ found in the displayable short list are
+handled by using *Type 2* compound callsigns.  In this case the
+compound callsign must be the second word in a two- or three-word
+message, and the first word must be CQ, DE, or QRZ.  Prefixes can be 1
+to 4 characters, suffixes 1 to 3 characters.  A third word conveying a
+locator, report, RRR, or 73 is permitted.  The following are valid 
+messages containing *Type 2* compound callsigns:
+ CQ W4/G0XYZ FM07
+ DE W4/G0XYZ FM18
+ DE W4/G0XYZ -22
+ DE W4/G0XYZ R-22
+ DE W4/G0XYZ 73
+In each case, the message is treated as *Type 2* because the add-on
+prefix or suffix is _not_ one of those in the fixed list.  Note
+that a second callsign is never permissible in these messages.
+IMPORTANT: Remember that during a transmission your transmitted message is
+always displayed in the first label on the *Status Bar*, highlighted
+in yellow.  It is displayed there exactly as another station will
+receive it.  Be sure to check that you are actually transmitting the
+message you wish to send!
+QSOs involving *Type 2* compound callsigns might look like either
+of the following sequences
+                     K1ABC G0XYZ IO91
+ G0XYZ K1ABC –19
+                     K1ABC G0XYZ R–22
+                     K1ABC/VE1 73
+                     DE G0XYZ/W4 FM18
+ G0XYZ K1ABC –19
+                     K1ABC G0XYZ R–22
+                     DE G0XYZ/W4 73
+Operators with a compound callsign use its full form when calling CQ
+and possibly also in a 73 transmission, as may be required by
+licensing authorities.  Other transmissions during a QSO may use the
+standard structured messages without callsign prefix or suffix. 
+IMPORTANT: If you are using a compound callsign, you may want to
+experiment with the option *Message generation for type 2 compound
+callsign holders* on the *Settings | General* tab, so that messages
+will be generated that best suit your needs.
+=== Pre-QSO Checklist
+Before attempting your first QSO with JT9 or JT65, be sure to go
+through the <<TUTORIAL,Basic Operating Tutorial>> above, as well as the following
+- Your callsign and grid locator set to correct values
+- PTT and CAT control (if used) properly configured and tested
+- Computer clock properly synchronized to UTC within ±1 s
+- Radio set to *USB* (upper sideband) mode
+- Radio filters centered and set to widest available passband (up to 5 kHz).
+IMPORTANT: Remember that JT9 and J65 generally do not require high
+power. Under most HF propagation conditions, QRP is the norm.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/platform-dependencies.adoc b/doc/user_guide/platform-dependencies.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d79ac8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/platform-dependencies.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// Status=review
+A few _WSJT-X_ features behave differently in Windows, Linux, or OS X,
+or may not be relevant to all operating platforms.
+.File locations
+* *Windows*
+Log files::
+Default save::
+* *Windows, when using "--rig-name=xxx"*
+Log files::
+  +%LOCALAPPDATA%\WSJT-X - xxx\WSJT-X - xxx.ini+
+* *Linux*
+ +~/.config/WSJT-X.ini+
+Log files:: 
+ +~/.local/share/WSJT-X/+
+Default save::
+ +~/.local/share/WSJT-X/save/+
+* *Linux, when using "--rig-name=xxx"*
+Log files::
+ +~/.local/share/WSJT-X - xxx/+
+Default save::
+ +~/.config/WSJT-x - xxx.ini+
+* *Macintosh*
+ +~/Library/Preferences/WSJT-X.ini+
+Log files::
+ +~/Library/Application Support/WSJT-X/+
+Default save:: 
+ +~/Library/Application Support/WSJT-X/save/+
+* *Macintosh, when using "--rig-name=xxx"*
+Log files::
+ +~/Library/Application Support/WSJT-X - xxx/+
+Default save::
+ +~/Library/Preferences/WSJT-X - xxx.ini+
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-adat.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-adat.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a556a60ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-adat.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= ADAT Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== ADAT-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== ADAT-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-alinco.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-alinco.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf42e3d10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-alinco.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Alinco Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== Alinco-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== Alinco-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-aor.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-aor.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11cb9436f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-aor.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= AOR Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== AOR-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== AOR-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-drake.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-drake.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5310ff59b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-drake.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Drake Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== Drake-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== Drake-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-elecraft.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-elecraft.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34a05f253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-elecraft.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= ElectroCraft Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== ElectroCraft-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== ElectroCraft-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-flexrad.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-flexrad.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd17de563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-flexrad.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Flex Radio Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== Flex-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== Flex-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-icom.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-icom.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e626adee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-icom.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Icom Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== Icom-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== Icom-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-kenwood.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-kenwood.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..708d2695f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-kenwood.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Kenwood Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== Kenwood-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== Kenwood-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-main.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-main.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f2099e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-main.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Status=review
+:adat: link:rig-config-adat.html[ ADAT]
+:alinco: link:rig-config-alinco.html[ Alinco ]
+:aor: link:rig-config-aor.html[ AOR ]
+:drake: link:rig-config-drake.html[ Drake ]
+:elecraft: link:rig-config-elecraft.html[ Elecraft ]
+:flexrad: link:rig-config-flexrad.html[ Flex Radio ]
+:kenwood: link:rig-config-kenwood.html[ Kenwood ]
+:icom: link:rig-config-icom.html[ Icom ]
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+:softrock: link:rig-config-softrock.html[ Soft Rock ]
+:tentec: link:rig-config-tentec.html[ Ten Tec ]
+:yaesu: link:rig-config-yaesu.html[Yaesu]
+Some rigs work with DTR, RTS, Polling, CAT, and PTT while others do
+not. The number of possible combinations is virtually endless.  The
+purpose of this section is to provide configuration information for
+specific rig models, e.g. Icom 756 Pro-III, Kenwood TS-2000, Yaesu
+FT-1000MP, Flex-5000, etc. This is a work-in-progress, and some rigs
+may never be covered.
+IMPORTANT: If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or
+comments about a particular rig configuration, please use the
+{rig_template} and send it to {devmail}.
+.Select Manufacturer
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-softrock.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-softrock.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2319d8b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-softrock.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= SoftRock Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== SR-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== SR-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-template.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-template.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..474dc1a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-template.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Status=review
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+= Rig Template
+This is a simple guide for providing rig configuration data for the WSJT-X
+User Guide. Try to fill out as much as possible, but do not worry if you cannot
+fill in all the fields. OS Specific & Interface Notes are a bonus.
+* Copy and paste the template into a text file.
+* Save as the rig's model.txt: rig-confg-ic756p3.txt
+* Email the file to {devmail} for inclusion.
+* Alternatively, join the team and submit the updates directly.
+.Copy & Paste the following:
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-tentec.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-tentec.adoc
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+// Status=needsupdate
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Ten Tec Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== TenTec-1
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== TenTec-2
+.Configuration Covers:
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+- Note-1/2/3
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/rig-config-yaesu.adoc b/doc/user_guide/rig-config-yaesu.adoc
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index 000000000..e71d4909a
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+// Status=review
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+// because the page is not a main page include, we need to add
+// ref-links again, as they are not global.
+:rig_template: link:rig-config-template.html[Template]
+= Yaesu Configuration Guide
+Available Configurations
+If you have configuration data for a rig that is not listed, or comments about a
+particular rig configuration, please use the {rig_template} and send it to
+// 5 Models per line please
+== FT-1000
+.Configuration Covers FT-1000, FT-1000MP, FT-1000D
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
+== FT-2000
+.Configuration Covers FT-2000, FT-2000D
+* MyCall:
+* MyGrid:
+* PTT Method:
+* Pskreporter:
+* CW Id After 73:
+* CW Interval:
+* DTR:
+* RTS:
+* CAT Port:
+* CAT Port Settings:
+* Split:
+* Polling:
+* Audio-In:
+* Audio-In Mono:
+* Audio-Out:
+* Audio-Out:
+=== OS Specific Notes
+.Notes Relating To Operating System
+* Windows: XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, etc.
+* Linux: Slackaware, Fedora, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, etc
+* Mac OSx: 
+=== Interface Notes
+.Notes Relating To Rig Interface
+* Navigator
+* SignaLink
+* ShackLan
+* Kam
+* DX-Doubler
+* Array Solutions
+* Home-Brew
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-audio.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-audio.adoc
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index 000000000..a9ce3fd52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-audio.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// Status=review
+Select the *Audio* tab to configure your sound system.
+image::images/settings-audio.png[align="center",alt="WSJT-X Audio Configuration Screen"]
+- _Soundcard_: Select the audio devices to be used for *Input* and
+*Output*.  Usually the *Mono* settings will suffice, but in special
+cases you can choose *Left*, *Right*, or *Both* stereo channels.
+IMPORTANT: If you select the audio output device that is also your
+computer's default audio device, be sure to turn off all system sounds
+to prevent transmitting them over the air.
+- _Save Directory_: _WSJT-X_ can save its received audio sequences as
++.wav+ files.  A default directory for these files is provided; you
+can select another location if desired.
+- _JT9W Settings_: JT9W is an experimental mode designed for EME on
+the microwave bands, and is not enabled in current release versions.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-colors.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-colors.adoc
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-colors.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+image::images/colors.png[align="center",alt="Reporting Screen"]
+_WSJT-X_ uses colors to highlight decoded messages that contain
+information that may be of particular interest.  Click on one of
+the buttons to select your preferred colors for any message 
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-frequencies.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-frequencies.adoc
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index 000000000..7f996aafe
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Status=review
+image::images/r4148-freq-ui.png[align="center",alt="Frequency Screen"]
+_Working Frequencies_: By default the *Frequency* table lists the
+currently recommended dial frequencies for JT65. JT9 frequencies
+generally start 2 kHz higher.  You can modify the frequency table as
+- To change an existing entry, click to select it, type a desired
+frequency in MHz, and hit *Enter* on the keyboard. The program will
+format your frequency value appropriately and add a band designator.
+- To add a new entry, right-click anywhere on the frequency table and
+select *Insert*.  Enter a frequency in MHz in the popup box, then
+click *OK*.  The table may include more than one frequency for a given
+- To delete an entry, right-click it and select *Delete*.
+_Station Information_: You can save *Band*, *Offset* and *Antenna
+Description* information for your station.  The antenna information
+will be included in reception reports sent to {pskreporter}.  By
+default the frequency *Offset* for each band is zero.  Nonzero offsets
+may be added if (for example) a transverter is in use.
+- For a simple setup approach you might want to delete any unwanted
+bands -- for example, bands where you have no equipment.  Then click
+on a *Frequency* entry and type *Ctrl+A* to ``select all,'' and
+drag-and-drop the entries onto the _Station Information_ table.  You
+can then add any transverter offsets and antenna details.
+- To avoid typing the same information multiple times, you can
+drag-and-drop entries between the lines of the _Station Information_
+- When all settings have been configured to your liking, click *OK* to
+dismiss the *Settings* window.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-general.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-general.adoc
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-general.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Status=review
+image::images/settings-ui.png[align="center",alt="Settings Window"]
+Select the *General* tab on the *Settings* window.  Under _Station
+Details_, enter your call sign and 4-digit or 6-digit grid locator.
+This information will be sufficient for initial tests.
+Meanings of remaining options on the *General* tab should be
+self-explanatory after you have made some QSOs using _WSJT-X_.  You
+may return to set these options to your preferences later.  
+IMPORTANT: If you are using a callsign with an add-on prefix or suffix,
+be sure to read the section <<COMP_CALL,Compound Callsigns>>.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-radio.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-radio.adoc
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index 000000000..8a343fd49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-radio.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Status=review
+_WSJT-X_ offers CAT (Computer Aided Transceiver) control of the
+relevant features of most modern transceivers.  To configure the
+program for your radio, select the *Radio* tab.
+image::images/RadioTab.png[align="center",alt="Radio Tab"]
+- Select your radio type from the drop-down list labeled *Rig*, or
+*None* if you do not wish to use CAT control.
+- Alternatively, if you have configured your station for control by
+*DX Lab Suite Commander*, *Ham Radio Deluxe*, *Hamlib NET rigctl*, or
+*OmniRig*, you may select one of those program names from the *Rig*
+list.  In these cases the entry field immediately under _CAT Control_
+will be relabeled as *Network Server*.  Leave this field blank to
+access the default instance of your control program, running on the
+same computer. If the control program runs on a different computer
+and/or port, specify it here.  Hover the mouse pointer over the entry
+field to see the required formatting details.
+- Select *OmniRig Rig 1* or *OmniRig Rig 2* to connect to an _OmniRig_
+server running on the same computer.  Note that _OmniRig_ is available
+only under Windows.
+- Set *Poll Interval* to the desired interval for _WSJT-X_ to query
+your radio.  For most radios a small number (say, 1 – 3 s) is
+- _CAT Control_: To have _WSJT-X_ control the radio directly rather
+than though another program, make the following settings:
+* Select the *Serial Port* used to communicate with your radio. 
+* _Serial Port Parameters_: Set values for *Baud Rate*, *Data Bits*,
+*Stop Bits*, and *Handshake* method.  Consult your radio's user guide
+for the proper parameter values.
+* _Force Control Lines_: A few station setups require the serial
+port's *RTS* and/or *DTR* control lines to be forced high.  Check
+these boxes only if you are sure they are needed.
+- _PTT Method_: select *VOX*, *CAT*, *DTR*, or *RTS* as the desired
+method for T/R switching.  If your choice is *DTR* or *RTS*, select
+the desired serial port.
+- _Transmit Audio Source_: some radios permit you to choose the
+connector that will accept Tx audio.  If this choice is enabled,
+select *Rear/Data* or *Front/Mic*.
+- _Mode_: _WSJT-X_ uses upper sideband mode for both transmitting and
+receiving.  Select *USB*, or choose *Data/Pkt* if your radio offers
+such an option and uses it to enable the rear-panel audio line input.
+Some radios also offer wider and/or flatter passbands when set to
+*Data/Pkt* mode.  Select *None* if you do not want _WSJT-X_ to change
+the radio's Mode setting.
+- _Split Operation_: Significant advantages result from using *Split*
+mode (separate VFOs for Rx and Tx) if your radio supports it.  If it
+does not, _WSJT-X_ can simulate such behavior.  Either method will
+result in a cleaner transmitted signal, by keeping the Tx audio always
+in the range 1500 to 2000 Hz so that audio harmonics cannot pass
+through the Tx sideband filter.  Select *Rig* to use the radio's Split
+mode, or *Fake It* to have _WSJT-X_ adjust the VFO frequency as
+needed, just before T/R switching occurs.  Choose *None* if you do not
+wish to use split operation.
+When all required settings have been made, click *Test CAT* to test
+communication between _WSJT-X_ and your radio.  The button should turn
+green to indicate that proper communication has been established.
+Failure of the CAT-control test turns the button red and displays an
+error message.  After a succesful CAT test, toggle the *Test PTT*
+button to confirm that your selected method of T/R control is working
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-reporting.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-reporting.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d80fb8c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-reporting.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Status=review
+image::images/reporting.png[align="center",alt="Reporting Screen"]
+- _Logging_: Choose any desired options from this group.  For detailed
+descriptions of their effects, see <<CONFIG_DETAILS,Configuration>> 
+in the <<COMMAND_REF,Command Reference>> section.
+- _Network_: Check *Enable PSK Reporter Spotting* to send reception
+reports to the {pskreporter} mapping facility.
+- _UDP Server_: This group of options controls the network name or
+address and port number used by a program that will receive status
+updates from WSJT-X.  It is expected that cooperating applications
+like JTAlert-X use this feature to obtain information about a 
+running WSJT-X instance.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/settings-txmacros.adoc b/doc/user_guide/settings-txmacros.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3014c4395
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/settings-txmacros.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Status=review
+image::images/tx-macros.png[align="center",alt="Tx Macros Screen"]
+*Tx Macros* are an aid for sending brief, frequently used free-text
+ messages.
+- To add a new message to the list, enter the desired text (up to 13
+characters) in the entry field at top, then click *Add*.
+- To remove an unwanted message, click on the message and then on
+- You can reorder your macro messages by using drag-and-drop. The
+new order will be preserved when _WSJT-X_ is restarted.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/system-requirements.adoc b/doc/user_guide/system-requirements.adoc
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index 000000000..80e2a947e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/system-requirements.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Status=review
+- SSB transceiver and antenna 
+- Computer running Windows (XP or later), Linux, or OS X
+- 1.5 GHz or faster CPU and 100 MB of available memory
+- Monitor with at least 1024 x 780 resolution
+- Computer-to-radio interface using a serial port for T/R switching, 
+  or CAT control, or VOX, as required for your radio-to-computer connections
+- Audio input and output devices supported by the operating system and 
+  capable of 48 kHz sample rate
+- Audio or equivalent USB connections between transceiver and computer  
+- A means for synchronizing the computer clock to UTC within ±1 second
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/transceiver-setup.adoc b/doc/user_guide/transceiver-setup.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2c697544
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/transceiver-setup.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// Status=review
+.Receiver Noise Level
+- If it is not already highlighted in green, click the *Monitor*
+button to return to normal receive operation.  
+- Be sure your transceiver is set to *USB* (or *USB Data*) mode.
+- Use the receiver gain controls and/or the computer's audio mixer
+controls to set the background noise level (scale at lower left of
+main window) to around 30 dB when no signals are present.  You may
+find it best to reduce the RF gain control so as to minimize AGC
+action.  If necessary you can also adjust the slider next to the dB
+scale, but note that the overall dynamic range will be best with this
+slider not too far from its mid-point.
+.Bandwidth and Frequency Setting
+- If your transceiver offers more than one bandwidth setting in USB
+mode, you should normally choose the widest one possible, up to about
+5 kHz.  This choice has the desirable effect of allowing the *Wide
+Graph* (waterfall and 2D spectrum) to display the JT65 and JT9
+sub-bands simultaneously on most HF bands.  Further details are
+provided in the <<TUTORIAL,Tutorial>> section.
+- If you have only a standard SSB filter you won’t be able to display
+more than about 2.7 kHz bandwidth.  Depending on the exact dial
+frequency setting, you can display the full sub-band generally used
+for one mode (JT65 or JT9) and part of the sub-band for the other
+- Of course, you might prefer to concentrate on one mode at a time,
+setting your dial frequency to (say) 14.076 for JT65 or 14.078 for
+JT9.  Present conventions have the nominal JT9 dial frequency 2 kHz
+higher than the JT65 dial frequency.  A checkbox labeled *+2 kHz*,
+just below the *Band* selector, makes the appropriate frequency
+settings easy.
+.Transmitter Audio Level
+* Click the *Tune* button on the main screen to switch the
+radio into transmit mode and generate a steady audio tone. 
+* Listen to the generated audio tone using your radio’s *Monitor*
+facility. The transmitted tone should be perfectly smooth, with no
+clicks or glitches.
+* Open the computer’s audio mixer controls for output (``Playback'')
+devices and adjust the volume slider downward from its maximum until
+the RF output from your transmitter falls by around ten percent.  This
+will be a good level for audio drive.
+* Alternatively, you can make the Tx audio level adjustment using the
+digital slider labeled *Pwr* at the right edge of the main window.
+* Toggle the *Tune* button once more to stop your test transmission. 
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example1.adoc b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example1.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66625a440
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example1.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Status=review
+For this step and the next, you may want to pretend you are K1JT
+by entering that callsign temporarily as *My Call* on the 
+*Settings | General* tab.  Your results should then be identical to
+those shown in the screen shot below.
+.Open a Wave File:
+- Select *File | Open* and select the file
++...\save\samples\130418_1742.wav+. When the file opens you should see
+something similar to the to the following screen shot:
+image::images/main-ui-1.5.png[align="center",alt="Main UI and Wide Graph"]
+.Decoding Overview
+Decoding takes place at the end of a receive sequence and is proceeds
+in two steps.  The first decode takes place at the selected Rx
+frequency, indicated by the U-shaped green marker on the waterfall
+scale.  Results appear in both the left (*Band Activity*) and right
+(*Rx Frequency*) text windows on the main screen. The program then
+finds and decodes all signals in the selected mode over the displayed
+frequency range. The red marker indicates your Tx frequency.
+Seven JT9 signals are present in the example file, all decodable.
+When this file was recorded KF4RWA was finishing a QSO with K1JT.
+Since the green marker was placed at his audio frequency, 1224 Hz, his
+message ``K1JT KF4RWA 73'' is decoded first and appears in the *Rx
+Frequency* window. The *Band Activity* window shows this message plus
+all decodes at other frequencies.  By default lines containing CQ are
+highlighted in green, and lines with *My Call* (in this case K1JT) in
+.Decoding Controls
+To gain some feeling for controls frequently used when making QSOs,
+try clicking with the mouse on the decoded text lines and on the
+waterfall spectral display. You should be able to confirm the
+following behavior:
+- Double-click on either of the decoded lines highlighted in
+green. This action produces the following results:
+** Callsign and locator of a station calling CQ are copied to the *DX
+Call* and *DX Grid* entry fields.
+** Messages are generated for a standard minimal QSO.
+** The *Tx even* box is checked or cleared appropriately, so that you
+will transmit in the proper (odd or even) minutes.
+** The Rx and Tx frequency markers are moved to the frequency of the
+CQing station.
+** The *Gen Msg* (``generated message'') radio button at bottom right 
+of the main window is selected.
+** If you had checked *Double-click on call sets Tx Enable* on the
+*Setup* menu, *Enable Tx* would be activated and a transmission would
+start automatically at the proper time.
+- Double-click on the decoded message ``K1JT N5KDV EM41'',
+highlighted in red.  Results will be similar to those in the
+previous step, except the Tx frequency (red marker) is not
+moved.  Such messages are usually in response to your own CQ, or from
+a tail-ender, and you probably want your Tx frequency to stay where it
+- By holding down the *Ctrl* key when double-clicking on a decoded
+line you can cause both Tx and Rx frequencies to be moved.  This
+behavior can also be forced by checking *Lock Tx=Rx*.
+- Double-click on the message from KF4RWA in either window. He is
+sending ``73'' to K1JT, signifying that the QSO is over.  Most likely
+you want to send 73 to him, so the message ``KF4RWA K1JT 73'' is
+automatically generated and selected for your next transmission.
+(Alternatively, you might choose to send a free text message or to
+call CQ again.)
+- Click somewhere on the waterfall to set Rx frequency (green marker).
+- Ctrl-click on the waterfall to set both Rx and Tx frequencies.
+- Double-click on a signal in the waterfall to set Rx frequency and
+start a narrow-band decode there. Decoded text will appear in the
+right window only.
+- Ctrl-double-click on a signal to set both Rx and Tx frequencies and
+decode at the new frequency.
+- Click *Erase* to clear the right window. 
+- Double-click *Erase* to clear both text windows.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example2.adoc b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example2.adoc
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index 000000000..6ac2e2fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-example2.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Status=review
+.Wide Graph Settings:
+- Set *Bins/Pixel* = 7
+- Adjust the width of the Wide Graph window so that the upper
+frequency limit is approximately 4000 Hz.
+.Main Window:
+- Select *JT9+JT65* on the *Mode* menu.
+- Toggle the *Tx mode* button to read *Tx JT65*, and set the Tx and Rx
+frequencies to 1718 Hz.
+- Double-click on *Erase* to clear both text windows.
+.Open a Wave File:
+- Select *File | Open* and navigate to +...\save\samples\130610_2343.wav+.  
+The waterfall should look like this:
+//.130610_2343.wav Decode
+image::images/130610_2343-wav-80.png[align="left",alt="Wide Graph Decode 130610_2343"]
+IMPORTANT: Notice the [blue]*BLUE* marker on the waterfall scale, here
+set at 2500 Hz.  Its position is set by the spinner control *JT65 nnnn
+JT9*, where nnnn is a frequency in Hz. In *JT9+JT65* mode the program
+will automatically decode JT9 signals only above this frequency.
+JT9 signals appear in the *Cumulative* spectrum as nearly rectangular
+shapes about 16 Hz wide.  They have no clearly visible sync tone like
+the one at the low-frequency edge of all JT65 signals.  By convention
+the nominal frequency of both JT9 and JT65 signals is taken to be that
+of the lowest tone, at the left edge of its spectrum.
+This sample file contains 17 decodable signals — nine in JT65 mode
+(flagged with the character # in the decoded text windows), and eight
+in JT9 mode (flagged with @).  On multi-core computers the decoders
+for JT9 and JT65 modes run simultaneously, so their results will be
+interspersed.  The *Band Activity* window contains all decodes (you
+might need to scroll back in the window to see some of them).  A
+signal at the frequency specified by the green marker is given
+decoding priority, and its message is displayed in the *Rx Frequency*
+- Confirm that mouse-click behavior is similar to that described
+earlier, in <<TUT_EX1,Example 1>>.  _WSJT-X_ automatically determines
+the mode of each JT9 or JT65 message.
+IMPORTANT: When you double-click on a signal in the waterfall it will be
+properly decoded even if on the ``wrong'' side of the *JT65 nnnn JT9*
+marker.  The Tx mode automatically switches to that of the decoded
+signal and the Rx and Tx frequency markers on the waterfall scale
+resize themselves accordingly. When selecting a JT65 signal, click on
+the sync tone at its left edge.
+- Double-click on the waterfall near 815 Hz: a JT65 message
+originating from W7VP will be decoded and appear in the *Rx Frequency*
+window.  Between the *UTC* and *Freq* columns on the decoded text line
+you will find *dB*, the measured signal-to-noise ratio, and *DT*, the
+signal's time offset in seconds relative to your computer clock.
+|+2343+|+-7+|+0.3+|+815+|+#+|+KK4DSD W7VP -16+
+- Double-click on the waterfall at 3196 Hz.  The program will decode a
+JT9 message from IZ0MIT:
+|+2343+|+-7+|+0.3+|+3196+|+@+|+WB8QPG IZ0MIT -11+
+- Scroll back in the *Band Activity* window and double-click on the
+message +CQ DL7ACA JO40+. The program will set *Tx mode* to JT65 and Tx
+and Rx frequencies to that of DL7ACA, 975 Hz.  If you had checked
+*Double-click on call sets Tx Enable* on the *Setup* menu, the program
+would configure itself to start a QSO with DL7ACA.
+- Double-click on the decoded JT65 message +CQ TA4A KM37+.  The program
+will set Tx mode to JT9 and the Rx and Tx frequencies to 3567 Hz.  The
+program is now configured properly for a JT9 QSO with TA4A.
+.Reopen the First Sample File:
+- Select *File | Open* and navigate to +...\save\samples\130418_1742.wav+.
+Taking full advantage of the wide-band, dual-mode capability of
+_WSJT-X_ requires a receiver bandwidth of at least 4 kHz.  These
+data were recorded with a much narrower Rx bandwidth, roughly 200 to
+2400 Hz. If you have no Rx filter wider than about 2.7 kHz, you will
+be using data like this. For best viewing, adjust *Bins/Pixel* and the
+width of the Wide Graph so that only the active part of the spectrum
+shows, say 200 to 2400 Hz.  Re-open the example file after any change of
+*Bins/Pixel* or Wide Graph width, to refresh the waterfall.
+The signals in this file are all JT9 signals.  To decode them
+automatically in *JT9+JT65* mode you’ll need to move the *JT65 nnnn JT9*
+delimiter down to 1000 Hz or less.
+.Start, Zero, and Gain
+Now is a good time to experiment with the *Start*, *Zero*, and *Gain*
+parameters.  *Start* determines the frequency displayed at the left
+side of the waterfall scale.  *Zero* sets the baseline level for
+colors, and *Gain* sets the sensitivity for color changes.  For the
+receiver setup of this file good values are close to *Zero*=0,
+*Gain*=0.  You may want to uncheck *Flatten* when adjusting the *Zero*
+and *Gain* controls.  Re-open the wave file after each change, to see
+the new results.
+IMPORTANT: When finished with this Tutorial, don’t forget to re-enter
+your own callsign as *My Call* on the *Settings | General* tab.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/tutorial-main-window.adoc b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-main-window.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f7bb1a28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-main-window.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Status=review
+- Click the *Stop* button on the main window to halt any data acquisition.  
+- Select *JT9* from the *Mode* menu and *Deepest* from the *Decode* menu.
+- Set the audio frequencies to *Tx 1224 Hz* and *Rx 1224 Hz*.  You
+can type numbers directly into these controls, as well as using their 
+up/down arrows.
+- Select *Tab 2* (below the *Decode* button) to choose the alternative
+set of controls for generating and selecting Tx messages.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1741265ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/tutorial-wide-graph-settings.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Status=review
+- *Bins/Pixel* = 4
+- *JT65 .... JT9* = 2500
+- *Start* = 200
+- *N Avg* = 5
+- *Zero* = 0
+- *Gain* = 0,
+- *Palette* = Digipan
+- *Flatten* = checked
+- Select *Cumulative* for data display.
+- Use the mouse to adjust the width of the *Wide Graph* so that its
+upper frequency limit is about 2400 Hz.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/tx-rx.adoc b/doc/user_guide/tx-rx.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb48209b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/tx-rx.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// Status=review
+Immediately before the start of a transmission _WSJT-X_ encodes a
+user's message and computes the sequence of tones to be sent.  The
+audio waveform is computed on-the-fly, with 16-bit integer samples
+sent to the audio output device at a 48000 Hz rate.  Generated JT65
+and JT9 signals have continuous phase and constant amplitude, and
+there are no key clicks.  The transmitter's power amplifier need not
+be highly linear.
+_WSJT-X_ acquires 16-bit integer samples from the audio input device
+at a 48000 Hz rate and immediately downsamples the stream to 12000 Hz.
+Spectra from overlapping segments are computed for the waterfall
+display and saved for the decoder at intervals of 3456/12000 = 0.288
+s, half the JT9 symbol length.
+At the end of a reception sequence, about 50 seconds into the UTC
+minute, received data samples are forwarded to the decoder.  For
+operator convenience the decoder goes through its full procedure
+twice: first at the selected Rx frequency, and then over the full
+displayed frequency range.  Each decoding pass can be described as a
+sequence of discrete blocks.  The functional blocks are different for
+the JT65 and JT9 modes.  In dual-mode JT9+JT65 operation on computers
+with more than one CPU, decoding computations for the two modes are
+done in parallel.
+The basic decoding algorithm for JT65 mode is described in the 2005
+{jt65protocol} paper.  The following list summarizes the corresponding
+algorithm for JT9 mode. Blocks are labeled here with the names of
+functional procedures in the code.
++sync9+::    Use sync symbols to find candidate JT9 signals 
+            in the specified frequency range
+Then, at the frequency of each plausible candidate:
++downsam9+::  Mix, filter and downsample to 16 complex 
+            samples/symbol
++peakdt9+::   Using sync symbols, time-align to start of JT9 symbol 
+            sequence
++afc9+::    Measure frequency offset and possible drift
++twkfreq+::   Remove frequency offset and drift
++symspec2+::  Compute 8-bin spectra for 69 information-carrying
+            symbols, using the time- and frequency-aligned data;
+            transform to yield 206 single-bit soft symbols
++interleave9+:: Remove single-bit interleaving imposed at the
+	    transmitter
++decode9+::   Retrieve a 72-bit user message using the sequential
+            Fano algorithm 
++unpackmsg+:: Unpack a human-readable message from the 72-bit 
+            compressed format
+Decoding of clean JT9 signals in a white-noise background starts to
+fail below signal-to-noise ratio -25 dB and reaches 50% copy at -26
+With marginal or unrecognizable signals the sequential Fano algorithm
+can take exponentially long times.  If the +sync9+ step in the above
+sequence finds many seemingly worthy candidate signals and many of
+them turn out to be undecodable, the decoding loop can take an
+inconveniently long time.  For this reason the step labeled +decode9+
+is programmed to ``time out'' and report failure for a given signal if
+it takes too long.  The choices *Fast | Normal | Deepest* on the
+*Decode* menu provide the user with a three-step adjustment of the
+timeout limit.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/utilities.adoc b/doc/user_guide/utilities.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eccc61b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/user_guide/utilities.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Status=review
+Utility programs *+jt9code+* and *+jt65code+* let you explore the
+conversion of user-level messages into channel symbols or ``tone
+numbers,'' and back again.  These programs can be useful to someone
+designing a beacon generator for JT9 or JT65, for understanding the
+permissible structure of transmitted messages, and for studying
+behavior of the error-control codes.
+Channel-symbol values for JT9 run from 0 to 8, with 0 representing the
+sync tone.  The total number of symbols in a transmitted message is
+85.  To run +jt9code+, enter the program name followed by a JT9
+message enclosed in quotes.  In Windows the command and program output
+might look like this:
+ C:\WSJTX> jt9code "G0XYZ K1ABC FN42"
+ Message:   G0XYZ K1ABC FN42
+ Channel symbols:
+  0 0 7 3 0 3 2 5 4 0 1 7 7 7 8 0 4 8 8 2 2 1 0 1 1 3 5 4 5 6
+  8 7 0 6 0 1 8 3 3 7 8 1 1 2 4 5 8 1 5 2 0 0 8 6 0 5 8 5 1 0
+  5 8 7 7 2 0 4 6 6 6 7 6 0 1 8 8 5 7 2 5 1 5 0 4 0
+ Decoded message: G0XYZ K1ABC FN42
+For the corresponding program *+jt65code+* only the
+information-carrying channel symbols are shown, and the symbol values
+range from 0 to 63.  Sync synbols lie two tone intervals below data
+tone 0, and the sequential locations of sync symbols are described in
+the <<JT65PRO,JT65 Protocol>> section of this Guide.
+A typical execution of +jt65code+ is shown below.  The program
+displays the packed message of 72 bits, shown here as 12 six-bit
+symbol values, followed by the channel symbols:
+ C:\WSJTX> jt65code "G0XYZ K1ABC FN42"
+ Message:   G0XYZ K1ABC FN42
+ Packed message, 6-bit symbols:  61 36 45 30  3 55  3  2 14  5 33 40
+ Information-carrying channel symbols:
+    56 40  8 40 51 47 50 34 44 53 22 53 28 31 13 60 46  2 14 58 43
+    41 58 35  8 35  3 24  1 21 41 43  0 25 54  9 41 54  7 25 21  9
+    62 59  7 43 31 21 57 13 59 41 17 49 19 54 21 39 33 42 18  2 60
+ Decoded message: G0XYZ K1ABC FN42
+For an illustration of the power of the strong error-control coding in
+JT9 and JT65, try looking at the channel symbols after changing a
+single character in the message.  For example, change the grid locator
+from +FN42+ to +FN43+ in the JT65 message:
+ C:\Users\joe\wsjt\wsjtx_install>jt65code "G0XYZ K1ABC FN43"
+ Message:   G0XYZ K1ABC FN43
+ Packed message, 6-bit symbols:  61 36 45 30  3 55  3  2 14  5 33 41
+ Information-carrying channel symbols:
+    25 35 47  8 13  9 61 40 44  9 51  6  8 40 38 34  8  2 21 23 30
+    51 32 56 39 35  3 50 48 30  8  5 40 18 54  9 24 30 26 61 23 11
+     3 59  7  7 39  1 25 24  4 50 17 49 52 19 34  7  4 34 61  2 61
+ Decoded message: G0XYZ K1ABC FN43
+You will discover that every possible JT65 message differs from every
+other possible JT65 message in at least 52 of the 63
+information-carrying channel symbols.
diff --git a/doc/user_guide/wsjtx-main.adoc b/doc/user_guide/wsjtx-main.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57586d401
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+++ b/doc/user_guide/wsjtx-main.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// This is a comment line, anything with // is ignored at process time.
+= WSJT-X User Guide
+:Revision: 1.5
+// For web-pages, adding :badges: is ok, but is a security issue for
+// package building .deb, .rpm, etc as it exposes the IP address and the images
+// are non-free, so can't be included as part of the Debian package.
+// :badges:
+:keywords: amateur radio weak signal communication K1JT WSJT JT65 JT9
+:description: Software for Amateur Radio Weak-Signal Communication
+:prog: WSJT-X
+// use global link file
+// These [[xxxx]] labels are HTML anchors, and can be used to
+// navigate though the document easily: <<INTRO,See Introduction>> will
+// place a hyper-link in your text to take you too the anchored section.
+// All major sections or points of interest should have one.
+// == is level (2), section 1.0, === would mean section 1.1, === would
+// be section 1.1.1. This method is used throughout the document.
+== Introduction
+== System Requirements
+== Installation
+Installation packages for Windows, Linux, and OS X are found on the
+the {homepage}. Click on the _WSJT-X_ link at the left margin, and
+then select the appropriate package for your operating system.
+=== Windows
+=== Linux
+=== Macintosh OS X
+=== Source Code
+== Settings
+Select *Settings* from the *File* menu or by typing *F2* (on
+Macintosh, *Command* or *Cmd*).  The following sections describe setup
+optiions available on each of seven tabs selectable near the top of the
+=== General
+=== Radio
+=== Audio
+=== Tx Macros
+=== Reporting
+=== Frequencies
+=== Colors
+== Transceiver Setup
+== Basic Operating Tutorial
+=== Main Window Settings
+=== Wide Graph Settings
+=== Sample File 1
+=== Sample File 2
+== Making QSOs
+== Command Reference
+=== Wide Graph
+=== Main Window
+=== Misc Controls Left
+=== Misc Controls Center
+=== Tx Messages
+=== Status Bar
+=== Menus
+== Logging
+== Cooperating Programs
+== Platform Dependencies
+== Frequently Asked Questions
+== Protocol Specifications
+=== JT65
+=== JT9
+=== JT65 & JT9 Differences
+== Implementation Details
+== Troubleshooting
+To be added (?) ...
+== Utility Programs
+== Acknowledgements
+== License