mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 19:19:02 -04:00
New incoming UDP message to allow external applications to highlight decoded callsigns
UDP servers can request that WSJT-X clients highlight a specified callsign in the Band Activity decodes window. Either the last occurrence of the callsign may be highlighted or all past and future occurrences can be highlighted. The latter case WSJT-X will remember the callsign and requested highlighting options so that future occurrences can be correctly highlighted. Either or both of the text background color and the text foreground color may be specified. A further UDP message may be sent to change the persistent color highlighting for a given callsign, including reseting persistent highlighting by passing an invalid color value. Thanks to Alex, VE3NEA, for this contribution. git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.code.sf.net/p/wsjt/wsjt/branches/wsjtx@8589 ab8295b8-cf94-4d9e-aec4-7959e3be5d79
This commit is contained in:
@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ set_target_properties (wsjtx_udp-static PROPERTIES
target_compile_definitions (wsjtx_udp-static PUBLIC UDP_STATIC_DEFINE)
#qt5_use_modules (wsjtx_udp Network)
qt5_use_modules (wsjtx_udp-static Network)
qt5_use_modules (wsjtx_udp-static Network Gui)
generate_export_header (wsjtx_udp-static BASE_NAME udp)
add_executable (udp_daemon UDPExamples/UDPDaemon.cpp UDPExamples/udp_daemon.rc ${WSJTX_ICON_FILE})
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <QQueue>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QColor>
#include "NetworkMessage.hpp"
@ -218,6 +219,20 @@ void MessageClient::impl::parse_message (QByteArray const& msg)
case NetworkMessage::HighlightCallsign:
QByteArray call;
QColor bg; // default invalid color
QColor fg; // default invalid color
bool last_only {false};
in >> call >> bg >> fg >> last_only;
if (check_status (in) != Fail && call.size ())
Q_EMIT self_->highlight_callsign (QString::fromUtf8 (call), bg, fg, last_only);
// Ignore
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
class QByteArray;
class QHostAddress;
class QColor;
// MessageClient - Manage messages sent and replies received from a
@ -95,6 +96,10 @@ public:
// message text
Q_SIGNAL void free_text (QString const&, bool send);
// this signal is emitted if the server has sent a highlight
// callsign request for the specified call
Q_SIGNAL void highlight_callsign (QString const& callsign, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only);
// this signal is emitted when network errors occur or if a host
// lookup fails
Q_SIGNAL void error (QString const&) const;
@ -480,3 +480,16 @@ void MessageServer::location (QString const& id, QString const& loc)
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
void MessageServer::highlight_callsign (QString const& id, QString const& callsign
, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only)
auto iter = m_->clients_.find (id);
if (iter != std::end (m_->clients_))
QByteArray message;
NetworkMessage::Builder out {&message, NetworkMessage::HighlightCallsign, id, (*iter).negotiated_schema_number_};
out << callsign.toUtf8 () << bg << fg << last_only;
m_->send_message (out, message, iter.value ().sender_address_, (*iter).sender_port_);
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <QTime>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QColor>
#include "udp_export.h"
#include "Radio.hpp"
@ -62,6 +63,12 @@ public:
// ask the client with identification 'id' to set the location provided
Q_SLOT void location (QString const& id, QString const& location);
// ask the client with identification 'id' to highlight the callsign
// specified with the given colors
Q_SLOT void highlight_callsign (QString const& id, QString const& callsign
, QColor const& bg = QColor {}, QColor const& fg = QColor {}
, bool last_only = false);
// the following signals are emitted when a client broadcasts the
// matching message
Q_SIGNAL void client_opened (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision);
@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
* Logged ADIF Out 12 quint32
* Id (unique key) utf8
* ADIF text ASCII (serialized like utf8)
* ADIF text utf8
* The logged ADIF message is sent to the server(s) when the
* WSJT-X user accepts the "Log QSO" dialog by clicking the "OK"
@ -368,6 +368,27 @@
* Note that receiving applications can treat the whole message
* as a valid ADIF file with one record without special parsing.
* Highlight Callsign In 13 quint32
* Id (unique key) utf8
* Callsign utf8
* Background Color QColor
* Foreground Color QColor
* Highlight last bool
* The server may send this message at any time. The message
* specifies the background and foreground color that will be
* used to highlight the specified callsign in the decoded
* messages printed in the Band Activity panel. The WSJT-X
* clients maintain a list of such instructions and apply them to
* all decoded messages in the band activity window. To clear
* highlighting send an invalid QColor value for either or both
* of the background and foreground fields.
* The "Highlight last" field allows the sender to request that
* the last instance only instead of all instances of the
* specified call be highlighted or have it's highlighting
* cleared.
#include <QDataStream>
@ -396,6 +417,7 @@ namespace NetworkMessage
maximum_message_type_ // ONLY add new message types
// immediately before here
@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ namespace
ClientWidget::ClientWidget (QAbstractItemModel * decodes_model, QAbstractItemModel * beacons_model
, QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision
, QWidget * parent)
, QListWidget const * calls_of_interest, QWidget * parent)
: QDockWidget {make_title (id, version, revision), parent}
, id_ {id}
, calls_of_interest_ {calls_of_interest}
, decodes_proxy_model_ {id_}
, decodes_table_view_ {new QTableView}
, beacons_table_view_ {new QTableView}
@ -216,11 +217,27 @@ ClientWidget::ClientWidget (QAbstractItemModel * decodes_model, QAbstractItemMod
// setMinimumSize (QSize {550, 0});
setFeatures (DockWidgetMovable | DockWidgetFloatable);
setAllowedAreas (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea);
setFloating (true);
// connect up table view signals
connect (decodes_table_view_, &QTableView::doubleClicked, this, [this] (QModelIndex const& index) {
Q_EMIT do_reply (decodes_proxy_model_.mapToSource (index), QApplication::keyboardModifiers () >> 24);
// tell new client about calls of interest
for (int row = 0; row < calls_of_interest_->count (); ++row)
Q_EMIT highlight_callsign (id_, calls_of_interest_->item (row)->text (), QColor {Qt::blue}, QColor {Qt::yellow});
ClientWidget::~ClientWidget ()
for (int row = 0; row < calls_of_interest_->count (); ++row)
// tell client to forget calls of interest
Q_EMIT highlight_callsign (id_, calls_of_interest_->item (row)->text ());
void ClientWidget::update_status (QString const& id, Frequency f, QString const& mode, QString const& dx_call
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
class QAbstractItemModel;
class QModelIndex;
class QColor;
using Frequency = MessageServer::Frequency;
@ -22,7 +23,8 @@ class ClientWidget
explicit ClientWidget (QAbstractItemModel * decodes_model, QAbstractItemModel * beacons_model
, QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision
, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
, QListWidget const * calls_of_interest, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
~ClientWidget ();
bool fast_mode () const {return fast_mode_;}
@ -43,10 +45,14 @@ public:
Q_SIGNAL void do_reply (QModelIndex const&, quint8 modifier);
Q_SIGNAL void do_halt_tx (QString const& id, bool auto_only);
Q_SIGNAL void do_free_text (QString const& id, QString const& text, bool);
Q_SIGNAL void location (QString const &id, QString const &text);
Q_SIGNAL void location (QString const& id, QString const& text);
Q_SIGNAL void highlight_callsign (QString const& id, QString const& call
, QColor const& bg = QColor {}, QColor const& fg = QColor {}
, bool last_only = false);
QString id_;
QListWidget const * calls_of_interest_;
class IdFilterModel final
: public QSortFilterProxyModel
@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ MessageAggregatorMainWindow::MessageAggregatorMainWindow ()
, server_ {new MessageServer {this}}
, multicast_group_line_edit_ {new QLineEdit}
, log_table_view_ {new QTableView}
, add_call_of_interest_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Add callsign"), this}}
, delete_call_of_interest_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Delete callsign"), this}}
, last_call_of_interest_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Highlight last only"), this}}
, call_of_interest_bg_colour_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Background colour"), this}}
, call_of_interest_fg_colour_action_ {new QAction {tr ("&Foreground colour"), this}}
// logbook
int column {0};
@ -83,6 +88,91 @@ MessageAggregatorMainWindow::MessageAggregatorMainWindow ()
setDockOptions (AnimatedDocks | AllowNestedDocks | AllowTabbedDocks);
setTabPosition (Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, QTabWidget::North);
QDockWidget * calls_dock {new QDockWidget {tr ("Calls of Interest"), this}};
calls_dock->setAllowedAreas (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
calls_of_interest_ = new QListWidget {calls_dock};
calls_of_interest_->setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
calls_of_interest_->insertAction (nullptr, add_call_of_interest_action_);
connect (add_call_of_interest_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
auto item = new QListWidgetItem {};
item->setFlags (item->flags () | Qt::ItemIsEditable);
item->setData (Qt::UserRole, QString {});
calls_of_interest_->addItem (item);
calls_of_interest_->editItem (item);
calls_of_interest_->insertAction (nullptr, delete_call_of_interest_action_);
connect (delete_call_of_interest_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
for (auto item : calls_of_interest_->selectedItems ())
auto old_call = item->data (Qt::UserRole);
if (old_call.isValid ()) change_highlighting (old_call.toString ());
delete item;
calls_of_interest_->insertAction (nullptr, last_call_of_interest_action_);
connect (last_call_of_interest_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
for (auto item : calls_of_interest_->selectedItems ())
auto old_call = item->data (Qt::UserRole);
change_highlighting (old_call.toString ());
change_highlighting (old_call.toString ()
, item->background ().color (), item->foreground ().color (), true);
delete item;
calls_of_interest_->insertAction (nullptr, call_of_interest_bg_colour_action_);
connect (call_of_interest_bg_colour_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
for (auto item : calls_of_interest_->selectedItems ())
auto old_call = item->data (Qt::UserRole);
auto new_colour = QColorDialog::getColor (item->background ().color ()
, this, tr ("Select background color"));
if (new_colour.isValid ())
change_highlighting (old_call.toString (), new_colour, item->foreground ().color ());
item->setBackground (new_colour);
calls_of_interest_->insertAction (nullptr, call_of_interest_fg_colour_action_);
connect (call_of_interest_fg_colour_action_, &QAction::triggered, [this] () {
for (auto item : calls_of_interest_->selectedItems ())
auto old_call = item->data (Qt::UserRole);
auto new_colour = QColorDialog::getColor (item->foreground ().color ()
, this, tr ("Select foreground color"));
if (new_colour.isValid ())
change_highlighting (old_call.toString (), item->background ().color (), new_colour);
item->setForeground (new_colour);
connect (calls_of_interest_, &QListWidget::itemChanged, [this] (QListWidgetItem * item) {
auto old_call = item->data (Qt::UserRole);
auto new_call = item->text ().toUpper ();
if (new_call != old_call)
// tell all clients
if (old_call.isValid ())
change_highlighting (old_call.toString ());
item->setData (Qt::UserRole, new_call);
item->setText (new_call);
auto bg = item->listWidget ()->palette ().text ().color ();
auto fg = item->listWidget ()->palette ().base ().color ();
item->setBackground (bg);
item->setForeground (fg);
change_highlighting (new_call, bg, fg);
calls_dock->setWidget (calls_of_interest_);
addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, calls_dock);
view_menu_->addAction (calls_dock->toggleViewAction ());
view_menu_->addSeparator ();
// connect up server
connect (server_, &MessageServer::error, [this] (QString const& message) {
QMessageBox::warning (this, QApplication::applicationName (), tr ("Network Error"), message);
@ -144,7 +234,7 @@ void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::log_qso (QString const& /*id*/, QDateTime time
void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::add_client (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision)
auto dock = new ClientWidget {decodes_model_, beacons_model_, id, version, revision, this};
auto dock = new ClientWidget {decodes_model_, beacons_model_, id, version, revision, calls_of_interest_, this};
dock->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
auto view_action = dock->toggleViewAction ();
view_action->setEnabled (true);
@ -159,8 +249,9 @@ void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::add_client (QString const& id, QString const&
connect (dock, &ClientWidget::do_free_text, server_, &MessageServer::free_text);
connect (dock, &ClientWidget::location, server_, &MessageServer::location);
connect (view_action, &QAction::toggled, dock, &ClientWidget::setVisible);
connect (dock, &ClientWidget::highlight_callsign, server_, &MessageServer::highlight_callsign);
dock_widgets_[id] = dock;
server_->replay (id);
server_->replay (id); // request decodes and status
void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::remove_client (QString const& id)
@ -173,4 +264,21 @@ void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::remove_client (QString const& id)
MessageAggregatorMainWindow::~MessageAggregatorMainWindow ()
for (auto client : dock_widgets_)
delete client;
void MessageAggregatorMainWindow::change_highlighting (QString const& call, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg
, bool last_only)
for (auto id : dock_widgets_.keys ())
server_->highlight_callsign (id, call, bg, fg, last_only);
#include "moc_MessageAggregatorMainWindow.cpp"
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class BeaconsModel;
class QLineEdit;
class QTableView;
class ClientWidget;
class QListWidget;
using Frequency = MessageServer::Frequency;
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ class MessageAggregatorMainWindow
MessageAggregatorMainWindow ();
~MessageAggregatorMainWindow ();
Q_SLOT void log_qso (QString const& /*id*/, QDateTime time_off, QString const& dx_call, QString const& dx_grid
, Frequency dial_frequency, QString const& mode, QString const& report_sent
@ -35,6 +37,12 @@ public:
void add_client (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision);
void remove_client (QString const& id);
void change_highlighting (QString const& call, QColor const& bg = QColor {}, QColor const& fg = QColor {},
bool last_only = false);
// maps client id to widgets
using ClientsDictionary = QHash<QString, ClientWidget *>;
ClientsDictionary dock_widgets_;
QStandardItemModel * log_;
QMenu * view_menu_;
@ -43,10 +51,12 @@ private:
MessageServer * server_;
QLineEdit * multicast_group_line_edit_;
QTableView * log_table_view_;
// maps client id to widgets
using ClientsDictionary = QHash<QString, ClientWidget *>;
ClientsDictionary dock_widgets_;
QListWidget * calls_of_interest_;
QAction * add_call_of_interest_action_;
QAction * delete_call_of_interest_action_;
QAction * last_call_of_interest_action_;
QAction * call_of_interest_bg_colour_action_;
QAction * call_of_interest_fg_colour_action_;
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ void DisplayText::insertLineSpacer(QString const& line)
appendText (line, "#d3d3d3");
void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg)
void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg, QString const& call1, QString const& call2)
auto cursor = textCursor ();
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
@ -89,7 +89,59 @@ void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg)
cursor.insertBlock (block_format);
cursor.insertText (text);
QTextCharFormat format = cursor.charFormat();
int text_index {0};
if (call1.size ())
auto call_index = text.indexOf (call1);
if (call_index != -1) // sanity check
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call1);
if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
cursor.insertText(text.left (call_index), format);
if (pos.value ().first.isValid ())
format.setBackground (pos.value ().first);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
format.setForeground (pos.value ().second);
cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call1.size ()), format);
text_index = call_index + call1.size ();
if (call2.size ())
auto call_index = text.indexOf (call2, text_index);
if (call_index != -1) // sanity check
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (call2);
if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
format.setBackground (bg);
format.clearForeground ();
cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index, call_index - text_index), format);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
format.setBackground (pos.value ().first);
if (pos.value ().second.isValid ())
format.setForeground (pos.value ().second);
cursor.insertText(text.mid (call_index, call2.size ()), format);
text_index = call_index + call2.size ();
format.setBackground (bg);
format.clearForeground ();
cursor.insertText(text.mid (text_index), format);
// position so viewport scrolled to left
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
@ -210,13 +262,16 @@ void DisplayText::displayDecodedText(DecodedText const& decodedText, QString con
bg = color_MyCall;
auto message = decodedText.string ();
QString dxCall;
QString dxGrid;
decodedText.deCallAndGrid (dxCall, dxGrid);
message = message.left (message.indexOf (QChar::Nbsp)); // strip appended info
if (displayDXCCEntity && CQcall)
// if enabled add the DXCC entity and B4 status to the end of the
// preformated text line t1
message = appendDXCCWorkedB4 (message, decodedText.CQersCall (), &bg, logBook, color_CQ,
color_DXCC, color_NewCall);
appendText (message.trimmed (), bg);
appendText (message.trimmed (), bg, decodedText.call (), dxCall);
@ -254,3 +309,96 @@ void DisplayText::displayFoxToBeCalled(QString t, QColor bg)
void update_selection (QTextCursor& cursor, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg)
if (!cursor.isNull ())
QTextCharFormat format {cursor.charFormat ()};
if (bg.isValid ())
format.setBackground (bg);
format.clearBackground ();
if (fg.isValid ())
format.setForeground (fg);
format.clearForeground ();
cursor.mergeCharFormat (format);
void reset_selection (QTextCursor& cursor)
if (!cursor.isNull ())
// restore previous text format, we rely on the text
// char format at he start of the selection being the
// old one which should be the case
auto c2 = cursor;
c2.setPosition (c2.selectionStart ());
cursor.setCharFormat (c2.charFormat ());
void DisplayText::highlight_callsign (QString const& callsign, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only)
QTextCharFormat old_format {currentCharFormat ()};
QTextCursor cursor {document ()};
if (last_only)
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor
, QTextDocument::FindBackward | QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ())
update_selection (cursor, bg, fg);
reset_selection (cursor);
auto pos = highlighted_calls_.find (callsign);
if (bg.isValid () || fg.isValid ())
auto colours = qMakePair (bg, fg);
if (pos == highlighted_calls_.end ())
pos = highlighted_calls_.insert (callsign.toUpper (), colours);
pos.value () = colours; // update colours
while (!cursor.isNull ())
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
update_selection (cursor, bg, fg);
else if (pos != highlighted_calls_.end ())
highlighted_calls_.erase (pos);
QTextCursor cursor {document ()};
while (!cursor.isNull ())
cursor = document ()->find (callsign, cursor, QTextDocument::FindWholeWords);
reset_selection (cursor);
setCurrentCharFormat (old_format);
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QFont>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPair>
#include <QString>
#include "logbook/logbook.h"
#include "decodedtext.h"
@ -30,8 +33,10 @@ public:
Q_SIGNAL void selectCallsign (Qt::KeyboardModifiers);
Q_SIGNAL void erased ();
Q_SLOT void appendText (QString const& text, QColor bg = Qt::white);
Q_SLOT void appendText (QString const& text, QColor bg = Qt::white
, QString const& call1 = QString {}, QString const& call2 = QString {});
Q_SLOT void erase ();
Q_SLOT void highlight_callsign (QString const& callsign, QColor const& bg, QColor const& fg, bool last_only);
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e);
@ -43,6 +48,7 @@ private:
QFont char_font_;
QAction * erase_action_;
QHash<QString, QPair<QColor, QColor>> highlighted_calls_;
@ -497,6 +497,8 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QDir const& temp_directory, bool multiple,
connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::highlight_callsign, ui->decodedTextBrowser, &DisplayText::highlight_callsign);
// Hook up WSPR band hopping
connect (ui->band_hopping_schedule_push_button, &QPushButton::clicked
, &m_WSPR_band_hopping, &WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user