From f45c6174226032596d7e4e3a3893bae30f64c3e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joe Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2020 09:24:59 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] First working QRA66 decoder.

 CMakeLists.txt             |   1 +
 lib/qra/qra66/qra66sim.f90 |  10 ++-
 lib/qra66_decode.f90       | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/spec66.f90             |  44 +++++++++++
 lib/sync66.f90             |  60 ++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 269 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/qra66_decode.f90
 create mode 100644 lib/spec66.f90
 create mode 100644 lib/sync66.f90

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 9726caee0..49cb6ad57 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -565,6 +565,7 @@ set (wsjt_FSRCS
+  lib/spec66.f90
diff --git a/lib/qra/qra66/qra66sim.f90 b/lib/qra/qra66/qra66sim.f90
index 934239189..a482e4cc3 100644
--- a/lib/qra/qra66/qra66sim.f90
+++ b/lib/qra/qra66/qra66sim.f90
@@ -47,12 +47,17 @@ program qra66sim
+  ichk=66                            !Flag sent to genqra64
+  call genqra64(msg,ichk,msgsent,itone,itype)
+  write(*,1001) itone
+1001 format('Channel symbols:'/(20i3))
   baud=12000.d0/nsps                 !Keying rate = 6.25 baud
-  ichk=66                            !Flag sent to genqra64
-1000 format('File     Freq  A|B   S/N   DT   Dop    Message'/60('-'))
+1000 format('File     Freq  A|B   S/N   DT    Dop  Message'/60('-'))
   do ifile=1,nfiles                  !Loop over requested number of files
      write(fname,1002) ifile         !Output filename
@@ -70,7 +75,6 @@ program qra66sim
      if( sig=1.0
-     call genqra64(msg,ichk,msgsent,itone,itype)
      write(*,1020) ifile,f0,csubmode,xsnr,xdt,fspread,msgsent
 1020    format(i4,f10.3,2x,a1,2x,f5.1,f6.2,f6.1,1x,a22)
diff --git a/lib/qra66_decode.f90 b/lib/qra66_decode.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53243e78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/qra66_decode.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+module qra66_decode
+   type :: qra66_decoder
+      procedure(qra66_decode_callback), pointer :: callback
+   contains
+      procedure :: decode
+   end type qra66_decoder
+   abstract interface
+      subroutine qra66_decode_callback (this,nutc,sync,nsnr,dt,freq,    &
+         decoded,nap,qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50)
+         import qra66_decoder
+         implicit none
+         class(qra66_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
+         integer, intent(in) :: nutc
+         real, intent(in) :: sync
+         integer, intent(in) :: nsnr
+         real, intent(in) :: dt
+         real, intent(in) :: freq
+         character(len=37), intent(in) :: decoded
+         integer, intent(in) :: nap
+         real, intent(in) :: qual
+         integer, intent(in) :: ntrperiod
+         real, intent(in) :: fmid
+         real, intent(in) :: w50
+      end subroutine qra66_decode_callback
+   end interface
+  subroutine decode(this,callback,iwave,nutc,nfa,nfb,nfqso,ndepth,lapdx,   &
+       mycall,hiscall,hisgrid)
+    use timer_module, only: timer
+    use packjt
+    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
+    parameter (NFFT1=15*12000,NFFT2=15*6000)
+    class(qra66_decoder), intent(inout) :: this
+    procedure(qra66_decode_callback) :: callback
+    character(len=12) :: mycall, hiscall
+    character(len=6) :: hisgrid
+    character*37 decoded
+    integer*2 iwave(NFFT1)                 !Raw data
+    integer ipk(1)
+    integer dat4(12)
+    logical lapdx,ltext
+    complex c0(0:NFFT1-1)                  !Spectrum, then analytic signal
+    real s(900)
+    real s3a(-64:127,63)
+    real s3(-64:127,63)
+    real a(5)
+    data nc1z/-1/,nc2z/-1/,ng2z/-1/,maxaptypez/-1/
+    save
+    this%callback => callback
+    nsps=1920
+    baud=12000.0/nsps
+    df1=12000.0/NFFT1
+    if(nutc.eq.-999) print*,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,lapdx,ndepth,nfa,nfb,nfqso
+! Prime the QRA decoder for possible use of AP
+    call packcall(mycall(1:6),nc1,ltext)
+    call packcall(hiscall(1:6),nc2,ltext)
+    call packgrid(hisgrid(1:4),ng2,ltext)
+    nSubmode=0
+    b90=1.0
+    nFadingModel=1
+    maxaptype=4
+    if(iand(ndepth,64).ne.0) maxaptype=5
+    if( .or. .or. .or.            &
+ then
+       do naptype=0,maxaptype
+          if(naptype.eq.2 .and. maxaptype.eq.4) cycle
+          call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,1,nSubmode,b90,      &
+               nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc)
+       enddo
+       nc1z=nc1
+       nc2z=nc2
+       ng2z=ng2
+       maxaptypez=maxaptype
+    endif
+    naptype=maxaptype
+! Compute the full-length spectrum
+    fac=2.0/NFFT1
+    c0=fac*iwave
+    call four2a(c0,NFFT1,1,-1,1)           !Forward c2c FFT
+    nadd=101
+    nh=nadd/2
+    df2=nh*df1
+    iz=3000.0/df2
+    do i=1,iz                              !Compute smoothed spectrum
+       s(i)=0.
+       j0=nh*i
+       do j=j0-nh,j0+nh
+          s(i)=s(i) + real(c0(j))**2 + aimag(c0(j))**2
+       enddo
+    enddo
+    call smo121(s,iz)
+    ipk=maxloc(s)
+    f0=df2*ipk(1) - 0.5*baud               !Candidate sync frequency
+!    do i=1,iz
+!       write(51,3051) i*df2,s(i)
+!3051   format(f12.6,e12.3)
+!    enddo
+    c0(NFFT2/2+1:NFFT2)=0.                 !Zero the top half
+    c0(0)=0.5*c0(0)
+    call four2a(c0,nfft2,1,1,1)            !Inverse c2c FFT
+    call sync66(c0,f0,jpk,sync)            !c0 is analytic signal at 6000 S/s
+    xdt=jpk/6000.0 - 0.5
+    a=0.
+    a(1)=-(f0 + 1.5*baud)
+    call twkfreq(c0,c0,85*NSPS,6000.0,a)    
+    call spec66(c0(jpk:jpk+85*NSPS-1),s3a)
+    s3=s3a/maxval(s3a)
+!    do j=1,63
+!       ipk=maxloc(s3(-64:127,j))
+!       write(54,3054) j,ipk(1)-65
+!3054   format(2i8)
+!       do i=-64,127
+!          write(53,3053) i,2*s3(i,j)+j-1
+!3053      format(i8,f12.6)
+!       enddo
+!    enddo
+    call qra64_dec(s3a,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,0,nSubmode,b90,      &
+         nFadingModel,dat4,snr2,irc)
+    if( call badmsg(irc,dat4,nc1,nc2,ng2)
+    decoded='                                     '
+    if( then
+       call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded)               !Unpack the user message
+       call fmtmsg(decoded,iz)
+       if(index(decoded,"000AAA ").ge.1) then
+! Suppress a certain type of garbage decode.
+          decoded='                      '
+          irc=-1
+       endif
+       nft=100 + irc
+       nsnr=nint(snr2)
+    else
+       snr2=0.
+    call this%callback(nutc,sYNC,nsnr,xdt,fsig,decoded,              &
+         iaptype,qual,ntrperiod,fmid,w50)
+    endif
+!    print*,'QRA66 decoder',nutc,jpk,xdt,f0,sync,snr2,irc,decoded
+    print*,decoded
+    return
+  end subroutine decode
+end module qra66_decode
diff --git a/lib/spec66.f90 b/lib/spec66.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9242f6a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spec66.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+subroutine spec66(c0,s3)
+  parameter (LL=3*64)                        !Frequency channels
+  parameter (NN=63)                          !Data symbols
+  parameter (NSPS=960)                       !Samples per symbol at 6000 Hz
+  parameter (NMAX=85*NSPS)
+  complex c0(0:NMAX-1)                       !Synchrinized complex data 
+  complex cs(0:NSPS-1)                       !Complex symbol spectrum
+  real s3(LL,NN)                             !Synchronized symbol spectra
+  real xbase0(LL),xbase(LL)
+  fac=1.0/NSPS
+  ja=-NSPS
+  do j=1,NN
+     ja=ja+NSPS
+     if(mod(ja/NSPS,4).eq.0) ja=ja+NSPS
+     jb=ja+NSPS-1
+     cs=fac*c0(ja:jb)
+     call four2a(cs,NSPS,1,-1,1)             !c2c FFT to frequency
+     do ii=1,LL
+        i=ii-65
+        if( i=i+NSPS
+        s3(ii,j)=real(cs(i))**2 + aimag(cs(i))**2
+     enddo
+  enddo
+  df=6000.0/NSPS
+  do i=1,LL
+     call pctile(s3(i,1:NN),NN,45,xbase0(i)) !Get baseline for passband shape
+  enddo
+  nh=9
+  xbase(1:nh-1)=sum(xbase0(1:nh-1))/(nh-1.0)
+  xbase(LL-nh+1:LL)=sum(xbase0(LL-nh+1:LL))/(nh-1.0)
+  do i=nh,LL-nh
+     xbase(i)=sum(xbase0(i-nh+1:i+nh))/(2*nh+1)  !Smoothed passband shape
+  enddo
+  do i=1,LL
+     s3(i,1:NN)=s3(i,1:NN)/(xbase(i)+0.001) !Apply frequency equalization
+  enddo
+  return
+end subroutine spec66
diff --git a/lib/sync66.f90 b/lib/sync66.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc8b41805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sync66.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+subroutine sync66(c0,f0,jpk,sync)
+! Use the sync vector to find xdt (and improved f0 ?)
+  PARAMETER (NMAX=15*6000)
+  parameter (NSPS=960)                       !Samples per symbol at 6000 Hz
+  complex c0(0:NMAX-1)                       !Complex data at 6000 S/s
+  complex csync0(0:NSPS-1)
+  complex csync1(0:NSPS-1)
+  complex z
+  integer b11(11)                            !Barker 11 code
+  data b11/1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0/            !Barker 11 definition
+  data mode66z/-1/
+  save
+  twopi=8.0*atan(1.0)
+  baud=6000.0/NSPS
+  dt=1.0/6000.0
+  dphi0=twopi*f0**dt
+  dphi1=twopi*(f0+baud)*dt
+  phi0=0.
+  phi1=0.
+  do i=0,NSPS-1                           !Compute csync for f0 and f0+baud
+     csync0(i)=cmplx(cos(phi0),sin(phi0))
+     csync1(i)=cmplx(cos(phi1),sin(phi1))
+     phi0=phi0 + dphi0
+     phi1=phi1 + dphi1
+     if( phi0=phi0-twopi
+     if( phi1=phi1-twopi
+  enddo
+  sqmax=0.
+  jstep=NSPS/8  
+  do j0=0,6000,jstep
+     sq=0.
+     do k=1,22
+        i=k
+        if( i=i-11
+        j1=j0 + 4*(k-1)*NSPS
+        if(b11(i).eq.0) then
+           z=dot_product(c0(j1:j1+NSPS-1),csync0)
+        else
+           z=dot_product(c0(j1:j1+NSPS-1),csync1)
+        endif
+        z=0.001*z
+        sq=sq + real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2
+     enddo
+     write(52,3052) j0/6000.0,sq,j0,j1
+3052 format(f10.6,f12.3,2i8)
+     if( then
+        smax=sq
+        jpk=j0
+     endif
+  enddo
+  sync=smax
+  return
+end subroutine sync66