[tox] envlist = #{win,lin,mac}-{py34}-{pyqt,pyside} {win,lin,mac}-{py36}-{pyqt5,pyside2} skip_missing_interpreters = true [testenv] platform = # platforms to run win: windows lin: linux mac: osx deps = # to make sure it has setuptools pip wheel virtualenv qtpy pytest pytest-qt # basic dependencies for each env pyqt: pyqt pyqt5: pyqt5 pyside: pyside pyside2: pyside2 whitelist_externals = # non python dependencies qmake doc: make doc: latexpdf changedir = script commands = python process_ui.py python process_qrc.py pip install ../. python -m qdarkstyle --all pyqt: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyqt --test pyqt: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyqt --test --no_dark pyqt5: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyqt5 --test pyqt5: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyqt5 --test --no_dark pyside: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyside --test pyside: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyside --test --no_dark pyside2: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyside2 --test pyside2: python ../example/example.py --qt_from=pyside2 --test --no_dark usedevelop = develop: true