program bodide ! Compute probability of word error for a bounded distance decoder. ! Hardwired for non-coherent 64-FSK and the JT65 RS (63,12) code on GF(64). ! ! Let ps be symbol error probability. ! The probability of getting an error pattern with e symbol errors is: ! ps^e * (1-ps)*(n-e) ! The number of error patterns with e errors is binomial(63,e) ! Overall probability of getting a word with e errors is: ! P(e)= binomial(63,e)* ps^e * (1-ps)*(n-e) ! Probability that word is correct is P(0 to 25 errors) = sum{e=0}^{25} P(e) ! Probability that word is wrong is 1-P(0 to 25 errors) ! P_word_error=1-( sum_{e=0}^{t} P(e) ) ! implicit real*16 (a-h,o-z) integer*8 binomial integer x,s,XX,NN,M character arg*8 nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Probability of word error for noncoherent 64-FSK with bounded distance decoding' print*,'Usage: bounded_distance D' print*,'Example: bounded_distance 25' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) nt M=64 write(*,1012) 1012 format('Es/No P(word error)'/ & '----------------------') do isnr=0,40 esno=10**(isnr/2.0/10.0) hsum=0.d0 do k=1,M-1 h=binomial(M-1,k) h=h*((-1)**(k+1))/(k+1) h=h*exp(-esno*k/(k+1)) hsum=hsum + h enddo ps=hsum hsum=0.d0 do i=0,nt h=binomial(63,i) h=h*ps**i h=h*(1-ps)**(63-i) hsum=hsum+h enddo pw=1-hsum write(*,'(f4.1,4x,e10.4,4x,e10.4)') isnr/2.0, ps, pw enddo 999 end program bodide