subroutine wqdec(data0,message,ntype) use packjt parameter (N15=32758) integer*1 data0(11) character*22 message character*12 callsign character*3 cdbm,cf character*2 crpt character*4 grid,psfx character*9 name character*36 fmt character*6 cwx(4) character*7 cwind(5) character ccur*4,cxp*2 logical first character*12 dcall(0:N15-1) data first/.true./ data cwx/'CLEAR','CLOUDY','RAIN','SNOW'/ data cwind/'CALM','BREEZES','WINDY','DRY','HUMID'/ save first,dcall if(first) then dcall=' ' first=.false. endif message=' ' call unpack50(data0,n1,n2) call unpackcall(n1,callsign,iv2,psfx) i1=index(callsign,' ') call unpackgrid(n2/128,grid) ntype=iand(n2,127) -64 ! Standard WSPR message (types 0 3 7 10 13 17 ... 60) nu=mod(ntype,10) if( .and. ntype.le.60 .and. (nu.eq.0 .or. nu.eq.3 .or. & nu.eq.7)) then write(cdbm,'(i3)'),ntype if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) if(cdbm(1:1).eq.' ') cdbm=cdbm(2:) message=callsign(1:i1)//grid//' '//cdbm call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1) ! "Best DX" WSPR response (type 1) else if(ntype.eq.1) then message=grid//' DE '//callsign ! CQ (msg 3; types 2,4,5) else if(ntype.eq.2) then message='CQ '//callsign(:i1)//grid call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1) else if(ntype.eq.4 .or. ntype.eq.5) then ng=n2/128 + 32768*(ntype-4) call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) message='CQ '//callsign call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1) ! Reply to CQ (msg #2; type 6) else if(ntype.eq.6) then ih=(n2-64-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message='<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> '//callsign(:i1-1) else message='<...> '//callsign endif call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Reply to CQ (msg #2; type 8) else if(ntype.eq.8) then message='DE '//callsign(:i1)//grid call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Reply to CQ, DE pfx/call (msg #2; types 9, 11) else if(ntype.eq.9 .or. ntype.eq.11) then ng=n2/128 + 32768*(ntype-9)/2 call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) message='DE '//callsign call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Calls and report (msg #3; types -1 to -9) else if(ntype.le.-1 .and. then write(crpt,1010) -ntype 1010 format('S',i1) ih=(n2-62-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message=callsign(:i1)//'<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> '//crpt else message=callsign(:i1)//'<...> '//crpt endif call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! pfx/call and report (msg #3; types -10 to -27) else if(ntype.le.-10 .and. then ng=n2/128 nrpt=-ntype-9 if(ntype.le.-19) then ng=ng + 32768 nrpt=-ntype-18 endif write(crpt,1010) nrpt call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) message=callsign//' '//crpt call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Calls and R and report (msg #4; types -28 to -36) else if(ntype.le.-28 .and. then write(crpt,1010) -(ntype+27) ih=(n2-64+28-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message=callsign(:i1)//'<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> '//'R '//crpt else message=callsign(:i1)//'<...> '//'R '//crpt endif call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! pfx/call R and report (msg #4; types -37 to -54) else if(ntype.le.-37 .and. then ng=n2/128 nrpt=-ntype-36 if(ntype.le.-46) then ng=ng + 32768 nrpt=-ntype-45 endif write(crpt,1010) nrpt call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) message=callsign//' R '//crpt call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Calls and RRR (msg#5; type 12) else if(ntype.eq.12) then ih=(n2-64+28-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message=callsign(:i1)//'<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> RRR' else message=callsign(:i1)//'<...> RRR' endif call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! Calls and RRR (msg#5; type 14) else if(ntype.eq.14) then ih=(n2-64+28-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message='<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> '//callsign(:i1)//'RRR' else message='<...> '//callsign(:i1)//' RRR' endif call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! DE pfx/call and RRR (msg#5; types 15, 16) else if(ntype.eq.15 .or. ntype.eq.16) then ng=n2/128 + 32768*(ntype-15) call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) message='DE '//callsign//' RRR' call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! TNX [name] 73 GL (msg #6; type 18) else if(ntype.eq.18) then ng=(n2-18-64)/128 call unpackname(n1,ng,name,len) message='TNX '//name(:len)//' 73 GL' ! OP [name] 73 GL (msg #6; type 18) else if(ntype.eq.-56) then ng=(n2+56-64)/128 call unpackname(n1,ng,name,len) message='OP '//name(:len)//' 73 GL' ! 73 DE [call] [grid] (msg #6; type 19) else if(ntype.eq.19) then ng=(n2-19-64)/128 message='73 DE '//callsign(:i1)//grid call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! 73 DE pfx/call (msg #6; type 21, 22) else if(ntype.eq.21 .or. ntype.eq.22) then ng=n2/128 + (ntype-21)*32768 call unpackpfx(ng,callsign) i1=index(callsign,' ') message='73 DE '//callsign call hash(callsign,i1-1,ih) dcall(ih)=callsign(:i1-1) ! [power] W [gain] DBD 73 GL (msg#6; type 24, 25) else if(ntype.eq.24 .or. ntype.eq.25) then ng=(n2-24-64)/128 - 32 i1=1 if( i1=log10(float(n1)) + 1 i2=1 if( i2=2 if( i2=i2+1 if(n1.le.3000) then if(ntype.eq.24) fmt="(i4,' W ',i2,' DBD 73 GL')" if(ntype.eq.25) fmt="(i4,' W ',i2,' DBD ')" fmt(3:3)=char(48+i1) fmt(12:12)=char(48+i2) if(ng.le.100) then write(message,fmt) n1,ng else if(ng.eq.30000) fmt=fmt(1:8)//"DIPOLE')" if(ng.eq.30001) fmt=fmt(1:8)//"VERTICAL')" write(message,fmt) n1 endif else mw=n1-3000 if(ntype.eq.24) fmt="('0.',i3.3,' W ',i2,' DBD 73 GL')" if(ntype.eq.25) fmt="('0.',i3.3,' W ',i2,' DBD ')" fmt(19:19)=char(48+i2) if(ng.le.100) then write(message,fmt) mw,ng else if(ng.eq.30000) fmt=fmt(1:15)//"DIPOLE')" if(ng.eq.30001) fmt=fmt(1:15)//"VERTICAL')" write(message,fmt) n1 endif if(index(message,'***').gt.0) go to 700 endif ! QRZ call (msg #3; type 26) else if(ntype.eq.26) then ng=(n2-24-64)/128 - 32 message='QRZ '//callsign ! PSE QSY [nnn] KHZ (msg #6; type 28) else if(ntype.eq.28) then if( i1=log10(float(n1)) + 1 fmt="('PSE QSY ',i2,' KHZ')" fmt(14:14)=char(48+i1) write(message,fmt) n1 ! WX wx temp C/F wind (msg #6; type 29) else if(ntype.eq.29) then nwx=n1/10000 ntemp=mod(n1,10000) - 100 cf=' F ' if( then ntemp=ntemp-1000 cf=' C ' endif n2a=n2/128 if( .and. nwx.le.4 .and. .and. n2a.le.5) then write(message,1020) cwx(nwx),ntemp,cf,cwind(n2/128) 1020 format('WX ',a6,i3,a3,a7) else message='WX'//' (BadMsg)' endif ! Hexadecimal data (type 62) else if(ntype.eq.62) then ng=n2/128 write(message,'(z4.4,z7.7)') ng,n1 ! Solar/geomagnetic/ionospheric data (type 63) else if(ntype.eq.63) then ih=(n2-64-ntype)/128 if(dcall(ih)(1:1).ne.' ') then i2=index(dcall(ih),' ') message='<'//dcall(ih)(:i2-1)//'> ' else message='<...> ' endif call unpackprop(n1,k,muf,ccur,cxp) i2=index(message,'>') write(message(i2+1:),'(i3,i3)') k,muf message=message(:i2+7)//ccur//' '//cxp ! [plain text] (msg #6; type -57) else if(ntype.eq.-57) then ng=n2/128 call unpacktext2(n1,ng,message) else go to 700 endif go to 750 ! message='' 700 i1=index(callsign,' ') if( i1=12 message=callsign(:i1)//' (BadMsg)' 750 do i=1,22 if(ichar(message(i:i)).eq.0) message(i:i)=' ' enddo do i=22,1,-1 if(message(i:i).ne.' ') go to 800 enddo 800 i2=i do n=1,20 i1=index(message(:i2),' ') if(i1.le.0) go to 900 message=message(1:i1)//message(i1+2:) i2=i2-1 enddo 900 return end subroutine wqdec