subroutine wqenc(msg,ntype,data0) ! Parse and encode a WSPR message. use packjt parameter (MASK15=32767) character*22 msg character*12 call1,call2 character*4 grid character*9 name character ccur*4,cxp*2 logical lbad1,lbad2 integer*1 data0(11) integer nu(0:9) data nu/0,-1,1,0,-1,2,1,0,-1,1/ read(msg,1001,end=1,err=1) ng,n1 1001 format(z4,z7) ntype=62 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) !Pack 8 bits per byte, add tail go to 900 1 if(msg(1:6).eq.'73 DE ') go to 80 if(index(msg,' W ').gt.0 .and. index(msg,' DBD ').gt.0) go to 90 if(msg(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') go to 100 if(msg(1:8).eq.'PSE QSY ') go to 110 if(msg(1:3).eq.'WX ') go to 120 ! Standard WSPR message (types 0 3 7 10 13 17 ... 60) i1=index(msg,' ') if( .or. go to 10 call1=msg(:i1-1) grid=msg(i1+1:i1+4) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) call packgrid(grid,ng,lbad2) if(lbad1 .or. lbad2) go to 10 ndbm=0 read(msg(i1+5:),*,err=10,end=800) ndbm if( .or. go to 800 ndbm=ndbm+nu(mod(ndbm,10)) n2=128*ng + (ndbm+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) ntype=ndbm go to 900 ! "BestDX" automated WSPR reply (type 1) 10 if( .or. msg(5:8).ne.' DE ') go to 20 grid=msg(1:4) call packgrid(grid,ng,lbad2) if(lbad2) go to 800 call1=msg(9:) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) if(lbad1) go to 800 ntype=1 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) !Pack 8 bits per byte, add tail go to 900 ! CQ (msg #1; types 2, 4, 5) 20 if(msg(1:3).ne.'CQ ') go to 30 if(index(msg,'/').le.0) then i2=index(msg(4:),' ') call1=msg(4:i2+3) grid=msg(i2+4:) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) if(lbad1) go to 30 call packgrid(grid,ng,lbad2) if(lbad2) go to 30 ntype=2 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else ntype=4 ! or 5 call1=msg(4:) call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ntype=ntype+nadd n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) endif go to 900 ! Reply to CQ (msg #2; types 6,8,9,11) 30 if(msg(1:1).ne.'<' .and. msg(1:3).ne.'DE ') go to 40 if(index(msg,' RRR ').gt.0) go to 50 if(msg(1:1).eq.'<') then ntype=6 i1=index(msg,'>') call1=msg(2:i1-1) read(msg(i1+1:),*,err=31,end=31) k,muf,ccur,cxp go to 130 31 call2=msg(i1+2:) call hash(call1,i1-2,ih) call packcall(call2,n1,lbad1) n2=128*ih + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else i1=index(msg(4:),' ') call1=msg(4:i1+2) if(index(msg,'/').le.0) then ntype=8 ih=0 call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) grid=msg(i1+4:i1+7) call packgrid(grid,ng,lbad2) n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else ntype=9 ! or 11 call1=msg(4:) call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ntype=ntype + 2*nadd n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) endif endif go to 900 ! Call(s) + report (msg #3; types -1 to -27) ! Call(s) + R + report (msg #4; types -28 to -54) 40 if(index(msg,' RRR').gt.0) go to 50 i1=index(msg,'<') if( .and. ( .or. go to 50 i2=index(msg,'/') if( .and.i2.le.4) then ntype=-10 ! -10 to -27 i0=index(msg,' ') call1=msg(:i0-1) call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ntype=ntype - 9*nadd i2=index(msg,' ') i3=index(msg,' R ') if( i2=i2+2 !-28 to -36 read(msg(i2+2:i2+2),*,end=800,err=800) nrpt ntype=ntype - (nrpt-1) if( ntype=ntype-27 n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 else if(i1.eq.0) then go to 50 endif call1=msg(:i1-2) !-1 to -9 i2=index(msg,'>') call2=msg(i1+1:i2-1) call hash(call2,i2-i1-1,ih) i3=index(msg,' R ') if( i2=i2+2 !-28 to -36 read(msg(i2+3:i2+3),*,end=42,err=42) nrpt go to 43 42 nrpt=1 43 ntype=-nrpt if( ntype=-(nrpt+27) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) n2=128*ih + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 50 i0=index(msg,'<') if(i0.le.0 .and. msg(1:3).ne.'DE ') go to 60 i3=index(msg,' RRR') if(i3.le.0) go to 60 ! Call or calls and RRR (msg#5; type2 12,14,15,16) i0=index(msg,'<') if(i0.eq.1) then if(index(msg,'/').le.0) then ntype=14 i1=index(msg,'>') call1=msg(2:i1-1) call2=msg(i1+2:) i2=index(call2,' ') call2=call2(:i2-1) call packcall(call2,n1,lbad1) call hash(call1,i1-2,ih) n2=128*ih + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else stop '0002' endif else if( .and. i0.le.8) then if(index(msg,'/').le.0) then ntype=12 i1=index(msg,'>') call1=msg(:i0-2) call2=msg(i0+1:i1-1) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) call hash(call2,i1-i0-1,ih) n2=128*ih + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) else stop '0002' endif else i1=index(msg(4:),' ') call1=msg(4:i1+2) if(index(msg,'/').le.0) then ntype=9 grid=msg(i1+4:i1+7) else ntype=15 ! or 16 call1=msg(4:) i0=index(call1,' ') call1=call1(:i0-1) call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ntype=ntype+nadd n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) endif endif go to 900 ! TNX 73 GL (msg #6; type 18 ...) 60 if(msg(1:4).ne.'TNX ') go to 70 ntype=18 n1=0 i2=index(msg(5:),' ') name=msg(5:i2+4) call packname(name,i2-1,n1,ng) n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! TNX name 73 GL (msg #6; type -56 ...) 70 if(msg(1:3).ne.'OP ') go to 80 ntype=-56 n1=0 i2=index(msg(4:),' ') name=msg(4:i2+3) call packname(name,i2-1,n1,ng) n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! 73 DE call grid (msg #6; type 19) 80 if(msg(1:6).ne.'73 DE ') go to 90 ntype=19 i1=index(msg(7:),' ') call1=msg(7:) if(index(call1,'/').le.0) then i1=index(call1,' ') grid=call1(i1+1:) call1=call1(:i1-1) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) call packgrid(grid,ng,lbad2) if(lbad1 .or. lbad2) go to 800 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 else ntype=21 ! or 22 call packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) ntype=ntype + nadd n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 endif ! [pwr] W [gain] DBD [73 GL] (msg #6; types 24, 25) 90 if(index(msg,' W ').le.0) go to 140 ntype=25 if(index(msg,' DBD 73 GL').gt.0) ntype=24 i1=index(msg,' ') read(msg(:i1-1),*,end=800,err=800) watts if( nwatts=watts if( nwatts=3000 + nint(1000.*watts) if(index(msg,'DIPOLE').gt.0) then ndbd=30000 else if(index(msg,'VERTICAL').gt.0) then ndbd=30001 else i2=index(msg(i1+3:),' ') read(msg(i1+3:i1+i2+1),*,end=800,err=800) ndbd endif n1=nwatts ng=ndbd + 32 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! QRZ call (msg #3; type 26) 100 call1=msg(5:) call packcall(call1,n1,lbad1) if(lbad1) go to 800 ntype=26 n2=ntype+64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! PSE QSY [nnn] KHZ (msg #6; type 28) 110 ntype=28 read(msg(9:),*,end=800,err=800) n1 n2=ntype+64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! WX wx temp C|F wind (msg #6; type 29) 120 ntype=29 if(index(msg,' CLEAR ').gt.0) then i1=10 n1=10000 else if(index(msg,' CLOUDY ').gt.0) then i1=11 n1=20000 else if(index(msg,' RAIN ').gt.0) then i1=9 n1=30000 else if(index(msg,' SNOW ').gt.0) then i1=9 n1=40000 endif read(msg(i1:),*,err=800,end=800) ntemp ntemp=ntemp+100 i1=index(msg,' C ') if( ntemp=ntemp+1000 n1=n1+ntemp if(index(msg,' CALM').gt.0) ng=1 if(index(msg,' BREEZES').gt.0) ng=2 if(index(msg,' WINDY').gt.0) ng=3 if(index(msg,' DRY').gt.0) ng=4 if(index(msg,' HUMID').gt.0) ng=5 n2=128*ng + (ntype+64) call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 ! Solar/geomagnetic/ionospheric data 130 ntype=63 call packprop(k,muf,ccur,cxp,n1) call hash(call1,i1-2,ih) n2=128*ih + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 140 continue ! Plain text 800 ntype=-57 call packtext2(msg(:8),n1,ng) n2=128*ng + ntype + 64 call pack50(n1,n2,data0) go to 900 900 continue return end subroutine wqenc