subroutine qmapa(dd,ss,savg,newdat,nutc,fcenter,ntol,nfa,nfb, & mousedf,mousefqso,nagain,ntx30a,ntx30b,nfshift,max_drift,offset, & nfcal,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,nfsample,nBaseSubmode,ndepth, & datetime,ndop00,fselected,bAlso30,nhsym,nCFOM) ! Processes timf2 data received from Linrad to find and decode Q65 signals. use timer_module, only: timer type candidate real :: snr !Relative S/N of sync detection real :: f !Freq of sync tone, 0 to 96000 Hz real :: xdt !DT of matching sync pattern, -1.0 to +4.0 s integer :: ntrperiod !60 for Q65-60x, 30 for Q65-30x integer :: iseq !0 for first half-minute, 1 for second half end type candidate type good_decode real :: f !Freq of sync tone, 0 to 96000 Hz integer :: ntrperiod !60 for Q65-60x, 30 for Q65-30x integer :: iseq !0 for first half-minute, 1 for second half end type good_decode parameter (NFFT=32768) !Size of FFTs done in symspec() parameter (MAX_CANDIDATES=50) parameter (MAXMSG=1000) !Size of decoded message list parameter (NSMAX=60*96000) real dd(2,NSMAX) !I/Q data from Linrad real ss(400,NFFT) !Symbol spectra real savg(NFFT) !Average spectrum real*8 fcenter !Center RF frequency, MHz logical*1 bAlso30,bClickDecode character mycall*12,hiscall*12,hisgrid*6 type(candidate) :: cand(MAX_CANDIDATES) type(good_decode) found(MAX_CANDIDATES) character*64 result character*20 datetime common/decodes/ndecodes,ncand2,nQDecoderDone,nWDecoderBusy, & nWTransmitting,kHzRequested,result(50) save tsec0=sec_midn() if( ndepth=3 !Use full depth for click-to-decode nkhz_center=nint(1000.0*(fcenter-int(fcenter))) mfa=nfa-nkhz_center+48 mfb=nfb-nkhz_center+48 mode_q65=nBaseSubmode nts_q65=2**(mode_q65-1) !Q65 tone separation factor f0_selected=fselected - nkhz_center + 48.0 if(nagain.le.1) then call timer('get_cand',0) ! Get a list of decoding candidates call getcand2(ss,savg,nts_q65,nagain,nhsym,ntx30a,ntx30b,ntol, & f0_selected,bAlso30,cand,ncand2) call timer('get_cand',1) endif nwrite_q65=0 df=96000.0/NFFT !df = 96000/NFFT = 2.930 Hz ftol=0.010 !Frequency tolerance (kHz) foffset=0.001*(1270 + nfcal) !Offset from sync tone, plus CAL fqso=mousefqso + foffset - 0.5*(nfa+nfb) + nfshift !fqso at baseband (khz) nqd=0 bClickDecode=( call timer('fftbig ',0) call fftbig(dd,NSMAX) !Do the full-length FFT call timer('fftbig ',1) if( then ncand2=1 fqso=fselected endif do icand=1,ncand2 !Attempt to decode each candidate tsec=sec_midn() - tsec0 if(ndiskdat.eq.0) then ! No more realtime decode attempts if it's nearly too late, already if(nhsym.eq.130 .and. exit if(nhsym.eq.200 .and. exit if(nhsym.eq.330 .and. exit if(nhsym.eq.390 .and. exit endif f0=cand(icand)%f ntrperiod=cand(icand)%ntrperiod iseq=cand(icand)%iseq if(nagain.eq.0) then ! Skip this candidate if we already decoded it. do j=1,ndecodes if(abs(f0-found(j)%f).lt.0.005 .and. & ntrperiod.eq.found(j)%ntrperiod .and. & iseq.eq.found(j)%iseq) go to 10 enddo endif mode_q65_tmp=mode_q65 if(ntrperiod.eq.30) mode_q65_tmp=max(1,mode_q65-1) freq=f0+nkhz_center-48.0-1.27046 ikhz=nint(freq) idec=-1 call timer('q65b ',0) call q65b(nutc,nqd,fcenter,nfcal,nfsample,ikhz,mousedf,ntol, & ntrperiod,iseq,mycall,hiscall,hisgrid,mode_q65_tmp,f0,fqso, & nkhz_center,newdat,nagain,bClickDecode,max_drift,offset, & ndepth,datetime,nCFOM,ndop00,nhsym,idec) call timer('q65b ',1) if(bClickDecode .and. exit if( then ! Save some details on good decodes, to avoid duplicated effort found(ndecodes)%f=f0 found(ndecodes)%ntrperiod=ntrperiod found(ndecodes)%iseq=iseq end if 10 continue enddo ! icand return end subroutine qmapa