// Status=review Set up the Wide Graph (also called the Waterfall). It is important to set appropriate lower and upper audio frequency limits for the Wide Graph because these limits define the FT8 decoder's search window. - Set *Start* = 100 Hz. - Set *Bins/Pixel* = 5. Smaller/larger values make the Wide Graph cover a smaller/larger frequency range. - Use the mouse to grab the left or right edge of the *Wide Graph*, and adjust its width so that the upper frequency limit is about 3300 Hz. - Set *N Avg* = 2. Smaller/larger values will make the wide graph update more/less frequently, resulting in signals being more/less spread out in the vertical (time) direction on the Wide Graph spectrogram. Larger values make it easier to see very weak signals. - *Palette* = Digipan - *Flatten* = checked - Select *Cumulative* for data display - *Gain* and *Zero* sliders for waterfall and spectrum set near midscale - Set *Spec* = 25%. This value determines the percentage of the vertical size of the Wide Graph that will be used for the line plot of the spectrum.