# gnuplot script for "word error rate" figure # run: gnuplot fig_wer2.gnuplot # then: pdflatex fig_wer2.tex # set term epslatex standalone size 16cm,10cm set output "fig_wer2.tex" set xlabel "$E_s/N_o$ (dB)" set x2label "SNR in 2500 Hz (dB)" set ylabel "WER" #set autoscale xfix #set autoscale x2fix set style func linespoints set key on top outside nobox set tics in set mxtics 2 set mytics 10 set grid ytics set logscale y set x2tics out set xtics nomirror set mx2tics 2 #set xrange [3:13] #set x2range [(3-29.7):(13-29.7)] set xrange [4:7.5] set x2range [(4-29.7):(7.5-29.7)] set yrange [0.001:1.0] plot "ftdata-1000-rf.dat" using ($1+29.7):(1-$2) every ::1 with linespoints pt 4 title "FT-1K-RF", \ "ftdata-100-rf.dat" using ($1+29.7):(1-$2) every ::1 with linespoints pt 5 title 'FT-100-RF', \ "kvasd-7999-rf.dat" using ($1+29.7):(1-$2) every ::1 with linespoints pt 6 title 'KV-8-RF', \ "kvasd-11999-rf.dat" using 1:(1-$2) every ::1 with linespoints pt 7 title 'KV-12-RF' axes x2y1 #"bmdata-rf.dat" using 1:(1-$2) every ::1 with linespoints pt 8 title 'BM-RF' axes x2y1