subroutine astro(nyear,month,nday,uth,freq8,Mygrid, & NStation,MoonDX,AzSun,ElSun,AzMoon0,ElMoon0, & ntsky,doppler00,doppler,dbMoon,RAMoon,DecMoon,HA,Dgrd,sd, & poloffset,xnr,day,lon,lat,LST,techo) ! Computes astronomical quantities for display and tracking. ! NB: may want to smooth the Tsky map to 10 degrees or so. character*6 MyGrid,HisGrid real*8 freq8 real LST real lat,lon integer*2 nt144(180) ! common/echo/xdop(2),techo,AzMoon,ElMoon,mjd real xdop(2) data rad/57.2957795/ data nt144/ & 234, 246, 257, 267, 275, 280, 283, 286, 291, 298, & 305, 313, 322, 331, 341, 351, 361, 369, 376, 381, & 383, 382, 379, 374, 370, 366, 363, 361, 363, 368, & 376, 388, 401, 415, 428, 440, 453, 467, 487, 512, & 544, 579, 607, 618, 609, 588, 563, 539, 512, 482, & 450, 422, 398, 379, 363, 349, 334, 319, 302, 282, & 262, 242, 226, 213, 205, 200, 198, 197, 196, 197, & 200, 202, 204, 205, 204, 203, 202, 201, 203, 206, & 212, 218, 223, 227, 231, 236, 240, 243, 247, 257, & 276, 301, 324, 339, 346, 344, 339, 331, 323, 316, & 312, 310, 312, 317, 327, 341, 358, 375, 392, 407, & 422, 437, 451, 466, 480, 494, 511, 530, 552, 579, & 612, 653, 702, 768, 863,1008,1232,1557,1966,2385, & 2719,2924,3018,3038,2986,2836,2570,2213,1823,1461, & 1163, 939, 783, 677, 602, 543, 494, 452, 419, 392, & 373, 360, 353, 350, 350, 350, 350, 350, 350, 348, & 344, 337, 329, 319, 307, 295, 284, 276, 272, 272, & 273, 274, 274, 271, 266, 260, 252, 245, 238, 231/ save call grid2deg(MyGrid,elon,lat) lon=-elon call sun(nyear,month,nday,uth,lon,lat,RASun,DecSun,LST, & AzSun,ElSun,mjd,day) call MoonDopJPL(nyear,month,nday,uth,lon,lat,RAMoon,DecMoon, & LST,HA,AzMoon,ElMoon,vr,techo) RAMoon=rad*RAMoon DecMoon=rad*DecMoon dist=2.99792458d5*techo/2.d0 ! Compute spatial polarization offset xx=sin(lat/rad)*cos(ElMoon/rad) - cos(lat/rad)* & cos(AzMoon/rad)*sin(ElMoon/rad) yy=cos(lat/rad)*sin(AzMoon/rad) if(NStation.eq.1) poloffset1=rad*atan2(yy,xx) if(NStation.eq.2) poloffset2=rad*atan2(yy,xx) doppler=-freq8*vr/2.99792458e5 !One-way Doppler call coord(0.,0.,-1.570796,1.161639,RAMoon/rad,DecMoon/rad,el,eb) longecl_half=nint(rad*el/2.0) if( .or. longecl_half=180 t144=nt144(longecl_half) tsky=(t144-2.7)*(144.0d6/freq8)**2.6 + 2.7 !Tsky for obs freq xdop(NStation)=doppler if(NStation.eq.2) then HisGrid=MyGrid go to 900 endif doppler00=2.0*xdop(1) doppler=xdop(1)+xdop(2) ! if(mode.eq.3) doppler=2.0*xdop(1) dBMoon=-40.0*log10(dist/356903.) sd=16.23*370152.0/dist ! if(NStation.eq.1 .and. .and. ! + (mode.eq.2 .or. mode.eq.5)) then if(NStation.eq.1 .and. then poloffset=mod(poloffset2-poloffset1+720.0,180.0) if( poloffset=poloffset-180.0 x1=abs(cos(2*poloffset/rad)) if( x1=0.056234 xnr=-20.0*log10(x1) if(HisGrid(1:1).lt.'A' .or. HisGrid(1:1).gt.'R') xnr=0 endif tr=80.0 !Good preamp tskymin=13.0*(408.0/freq8)**2.6 !Cold sky temperature tsysmin=tskymin+tr tsys=tsky+tr dgrd=-10.0*log10(tsys/tsysmin) + dbMoon 900 AzMoon0=Azmoon ElMoon0=Elmoon ntsky=nint(tsky) ! auxHA = 15.0*(LST-auxra) !HA in degrees ! pi=3.14159265 ! pio2=0.5*pi ! call coord(pi,pio2-lat/rad,0.0,lat/rad,auxha*pi/180.0, ! + auxdec/rad,azaux,elaux) ! AzAux=azaux*rad ! ElAux=ElAux*rad return end subroutine astro