program dbpsksim parameter (ND=121) !Data symbols: LDPC (120,60), r=1/2 parameter (NN=ND) !Total symbols (121) parameter (NSPS=28800) !Samples per symbol at 12000 sps parameter (NZ=NSPS*NN) !Samples in waveform (3484800) parameter (NFFT1=65536,NH1=NFFT1/2) character*8 arg complex c(0:NZ-1) !Complex waveform complex c2(0:NFFT1-1) !Short spectra complex cr(0:NZ-1) complex ct(0:NZ-1) complex z0,z,zp real s(-NH1+1:NH1) real xnoise(0:NZ-1) !Generated random noise real ynoise(0:NZ-1) !Generated random noise real rxdata(120),llr(120) integer id(NN) !Encoded NRZ data (values +/-1) integer id1(NN) !Recovered data (1st pass) integer id2(NN) !Recovered data (2nd pass) ! integer icw(NN) integer*1 msgbits(60),decoded(60),codeword(120),apmask(120),cw(120) data msgbits/0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,& 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0/ nnn=0 nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: dbpsksim f0(Hz) delay(ms) fspread(Hz) iters snr(dB)' print*,'Example: dbpsksim 1500 0 0 10 -35' print*,'Set snr=0 to cycle through a range' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) f0 !Low tone frequency call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) delay call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) fspread call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) iters call getarg(5,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb twopi=8.d0*atan(1.d0) fs=12000.d0 dt=1.0/fs ts=NSPS*dt baud=1.d0/ts txt=NZ*dt bandwidth_ratio=2500.0/6000.0 ndiff=1 !Encode/decode differentially write(*,1000) baud,5*baud,txt,delay,fspread 1000 format('Baud:',f6.3,' BW:',f4.1,' TxT:',f6.1,' Delay:',f5.2, & ' fSpread:',f5.2/) write(*,1004) 1004 format(' SNR e1 e2 ber1 ber2 fer1 fer2 fsigma'/55('-')) call encode120(msgbits,codeword) !Encode the test message isna=-28 isnb=-40 if( then isna=nint(snrdb) isnb=isna endif do isnr=isna,isnb,-1 snrdb=isnr sig=sqrt(bandwidth_ratio) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdb) if( sig=1.0 nhard1=0 nhard2=0 nfe1=0 nfe2=0 sqf=0. do iter=1,iters nnn=nnn+1 id(1)=1 !First bit is always 1 id(2:NN)=2*codeword-1 call genbpsk(id,f0,ndiff,0,c) !Generate the 4-FSK waveform if( .or. call watterson(c,delay,fspread) c=sig*c !Scale to requested SNR if( then do i=0,NZ-1 !Generate gaussian noise xnoise(i)=gran() ynoise(i)=gran() enddo c=c + cmplx(xnoise,ynoise) !Add noise to signal endif ! First attempt at finding carrier frequency fc nspec=NZ/NFFT1 df1=12000.0/NFFT1 s=0. do k=1,nspec ia=(k-1)*NSPS ib=ia+NSPS-1 c2(0:NSPS-1)=c(ia:ib) c2(NSPS:)=0. call four2a(c2,NFFT1,1,-1,1) do i=0,NFFT1-1 j=i if( j=j-NFFT1 s(j)=s(j) + real(c2(i))**2 + aimag(c2(i))**2 enddo enddo s=1.e-6*s smax=0. ipk=0 ia=(1400.0)/df1 ib=(1600.0)/df1 do i=ia,ib f=i*df1 if(s(i).gt.smax) then smax=s(i) ipk=i fc=f endif enddo a=(s(ipk+1)-s(ipk-1))/2.0 b=(s(ipk+1)+s(ipk-1)-2.0*s(ipk))/2.0 dx=-a/(2.0*b) fc=fc + df1*dx sqf=sqf + (fc-f0)**2 ! The following is for testing SNR calibration: ! sp5n=(s(ipk-2)+s(ipk-1)+s(ipk)+s(ipk+1)+s(ipk+2)) !Sig + 5*noise ! base=(sum(s)-sp5n)/(NFFT1-5.0) !Noise per bin ! psig=sp5n-5*base !Sig only ! pnoise=(2500.0/df1)*base !Noise in 2500 Hz ! xsnrdb=db(psig/pnoise) call genbpsk(id,fc,ndiff,1,cr) !Generate reference carrier c=c*conjg(cr) !Mix to baseband z0=1.0 ie0=1 do j=1,NN !Demodulate ia=(j-1)*NSPS ib=ia+NSPS-1 z=sum(c(ia:ib)) zp=z*conjg(z0) p=1.e-4*real(zp) id1(j)=-1 if( id1(j)=1 if( rxdata(j-1)=p z0=z ! For testing, treat every 3rd symbol as having a known value (i.e., as Sync): ! ie=id(j)*ie0 ! if(mod(j,3).eq.0) write(12,1010) j,ie,1.e-3*ie*z, & ! atan2(aimag(ie*z),real(ie*z)) !1010 format(2i4,3f10.3) ! ie0=ie enddo nhard1=nhard1 + count( !Count hard errors rxav=sum(rxdata)/120 rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/120 rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ss=0.84 llr=2.0*rxdata/(ss*ss) apmask=0 max_iterations=10 call bpdecode120(llr,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,niterations,cw) ! Count the hard errors in id1() and icw() ! icw(1)=1 ! icw(2:NN)=2*cw-1 ! nid1=0 ! ncw=0 ! ie0=1 ! do j=2,NN ! ib=(id(j)+1)/2 ! ib1=(id1(j)+1)/2 ! if( nid1=nid1+1 ! if(cw(j-1).ne.ib) ncw=ncw+1 ! enddo ! print*,niterations,nid1,ncw ! Count frame errors if( .or. count( nfe1=nfe1+1 ! Generate a new reference carrier, using first-pass hard bits call genbpsk(id1,0.0,ndiff,0,cr) ct=c*conjg(cr) call four2a(ct,NZ,1,-1,1) df2=12000.0/NZ pmax=0. do i=0,NZ-1 f=i*df2 if( f=(i-NZ)*df2 if(abs(f).lt.1.0) then p=real(ct(i))**2 + aimag(ct(i))**2 if( then pmax=p fc2=f ipk=i endif endif enddo call genbpsk(id,fc2,ndiff,1,cr) !Generate new ref carrier at fc2 c=c*conjg(cr) z0=1.0 do j=1,NN !Demodulate ia=(j-1)*NSPS ib=ia+NSPS-1 z=sum(c(ia:ib)) zp=z*conjg(z0) p=1.e-4*real(zp) id2(j)=-1 if( id2(j)=1 if( rxdata(j-1)=p z0=z enddo nhard2=nhard2 + count( !Count hard errors rxav=sum(rxdata)/120 rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/120 rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ss=0.84 llr=2.0*rxdata/(ss*ss) !Soft symbols apmask=0 max_iterations=10 call bpdecode120(llr,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,niterations,cw) if( call chkcrc10(decoded,nbadcrc) if( .or. count( .or. & nfe2=nfe2+1 enddo fsigma=sqrt(sqf/iters) ber1=float(nhard1)/(NN*iters) ber2=float(nhard2)/(NN*iters) fer1=float(nfe1)/iters fer2=float(nfe2)/iters write(*,1050) snrdb,nhard1,nhard2,ber1,ber2,fer1,fer2,fsigma write(14,1050) snrdb,nhard1,nhard2,ber1,ber2,fer1,fer2,fsigma 1050 format(f6.1,2i5,2f8.4,2f7.3,f8.2,3i5) enddo 999 end program dbpsksim