program fsk4sim use wavhdr parameter (NR=4) !Ramp up, ramp down parameter (NS=12) !Sync symbols (2 @ Costas 4x4) parameter (ND=84) !Data symbols: LDPC (168,84), r=1/2 parameter (NN=NR+NS+ND) !Total symbols (100) parameter (NSPS=2688) !Samples per symbol at 12000 sps parameter (NZ=NSPS*NN) !Samples in waveform (268800) parameter (NSYNC=NS*NSPS) !Samples in sync waveform (32256) parameter (NFFT=512*1024) parameter (NDOWN=84) !Downsample factor parameter (NFFT2=NZ/NDOWN,NH2=NFFT2/2) !3200 parameter (NSPSD=NFFT2/NN) !Samples per symbol after downsample type(hdr) header !Header for .wav file character*8 arg complex c(0:NFFT-1) !Complex waveform complex cf(0:NFFT-1) complex cs(0:NSYNC-1) complex ct(0:NSPS-1) complex csync(0:NSYNC-1) complex c2(0:NFFT2-1) complex c2a(0:NSPSD-1) complex cf2(0:NFFT2-1) complex cx(0:3,NN) complex z,zpk logical snrtest real*8 twopi,dt,fs,baud,f0,dphi,phi real tmp(NN) !For generating random data real xnoise(0:NZ-1) !Generated random noise real s(NSYNC/2) real ps(0:3) ! integer*2 iwave(NZ) !Generated waveform integer id(NN) !Encoded 2-bit data (values 0-3) integer id2(NN) !Decoded after downsampling integer icos4(4) !4x4 Costas array data icos4/0,1,3,2/,eps/1.e-8/ nargs=iargc() if( then print*,'Usage: fsk8sim f0 fspread iters snr' go to 999 endif call getarg(1,arg) read(arg,*) f0 !Low tone frequency call getarg(2,arg) read(arg,*) fspread call getarg(3,arg) read(arg,*) iters call getarg(4,arg) read(arg,*) snrdb snrtest=.false. if( then snrtest=.true. iters=abs(iters) endif twopi=8.d0*atan(1.d0) fs=12000.d0 dt=1.0/fs ts=NSPS*dt baud=1.d0/ts txt=NZ*dt ! Generate sync waveform phi=0.d0 k=-1 do j=1,12 n=mod(j-1,4) + 1 dphi=twopi*(icos4(n)*baud)*dt do i=1,NSPS k=k+1 phi=phi+dphi if( phi=phi-twopi xphi=phi csync(k)=cmplx(cos(xphi),-sin(xphi)) enddo enddo bandwidth_ratio=2500.0/6000.0 header=default_header(12000,NZ) write(*,1000) 2*ND,ND,NS,NN,NSPS,baud,txt,fspread 1000 format('LDPC('i3,',',i2,') SyncSym:',i2,' ChanSym:',i3,' NSPS:',i4, & ' Baud:',f6.3,' TxT:',f5.1,' fDop:',f5.2/) if(snrtest) then write(*,1002) 1002 format(5x,'SNR test'/'Requested Measured Difference') else write(*,1004) 1004 format(' SNR Sync Sym1 Sym2 Bits SyncErr Sym1Err BER'/ & 60('-')) endif isna=-15 isnb=-27 if( then isna=nint(snrdb) isnb=isna endif do isnr=isna,isnb,-1 snrdb=isnr sig=sqrt(2*bandwidth_ratio) * 10.0**(0.05*snrdb) if( sig=1.0 ! open(10,file='000000_0001.wav',access='stream',status='unknown') nsyncerr=0 nharderr=0 nherr=0 nbiterr=0 do iter=1,iters id=0 if(.not.snrtest) then ! Generate random data call random_number(tmp) where( .and. id=1 where( .and. id=2 where( id=3 id(1:2)=icos4(3:4) !Ramp up id(45:48)=icos4 !Costas sync id(49:52)=icos4 !Costas sync id(53:56)=icos4 !Costas sync id(NN-1:NN)=icos4(1:2) !Ramp down endif call genfsk4(id,f0,c) !Generate the 4-FSK waveform if( c=sig*c !Scale to requested SNR if( then do i=0,NZ-1 !Generate gaussian noise xnoise(i)=gran() enddo endif if( call dopspread(c,fspread) c(0:NZ-1)=real(c(0:NZ-1)) + xnoise !Add noise to signal ! fac=32767.0 ! rms=100.0 ! if( iwave(1:NZ)=nint(fac*aimag(c(0:NZ-1))) ! if( iwave(1:NZ)=nint(rms*aimag(c(0:NZ-1))) ! call set_wsjtx_wav_params(14.0,'JT65 ',1,30,iwave) ! write(10) header,iwave !Save the .wav file ppmax=0. fpk=-99. xdt=-99. df1=12000.0/NSYNC iaa=nint(250.0/df1) ibb=nint(2750.0/df1) if(.not.snrtest) then do j4=-40,40 ia=(44+0.25*j4)*NSPS ib=ia+NSYNC-1 cs=csync*c(ia:ib) call four2a(cs,NSYNC,1,-1,1) !Transform to frequency domain s=0. do i=iaa,ibb s(i)=1.e-6*(real(cs(i))**2 + aimag(cs(i))**2) enddo if(j4.eq.0) then do i=iaa,ibb write(66,3301) i*df1,s(i) 3301 format(f10.3,2f12.6) enddo endif call smo121(s,NSYNC/2) if(j4.eq.0) then do i=iaa,ibb write(67,3301) i*df1,s(i) enddo endif do i=iaa,ibb if(s(i).gt.ppmax) then fpk=i*df1 xdt=0.25*j4*ts ppmax=s(i) endif enddo enddo endif if( .or. nsyncerr=nsyncerr+1 ! Compute spectrum again cf=c df2=12000.0/NZ call four2a(cf,NZ,1,-1,1) !Transform to frequency domain if(snrtest) then width=5.0*df2 + fspread iz=nint(2500.0/df2) + 2 if(iter.eq.1) then pnoise=0. psig=0. n=0 endif do i=0,iz !Remove spectral sidelobes f=i*df2 if( f=(i-NZ)*df2 p=1.e-6*(real(cf(i))**2 + aimag(cf(i))**2) if(abs(f-f0).lt.width) then psig=psig+p n=n+1 else pnoise=pnoise + p endif enddo if(iter.eq.iters) then db=10.0*log10(psig/pnoise) write(*,1010) snrdb,db,db-snrdb 1010 format(f7.1,2f9.1) endif go to 40 endif ! Select a small frequency slice around fpk. cf=cf/NZ ib=nint(fpk/df2)+NH2 ia=ib-NFFT2+1 cf2=cshift(cf(ia:ib),NH2-1) flo=-baud fhi=4*baud do i=0,NFFT2-1 f=i*df2 if( f=(i-NFFT2)*df2 if(f.le.flo .or. cf2(i)=0. s2=real(cf2(i))**2 + aimag(cf2(i))**2 write(15,3001) f,s2,10*log10(s2+eps) 3001 format(f10.3,2f15.6) enddo c2=cf2 call four2a(c2,NFFT2,1,1,1) !Back to time domain fshift=NSPS*baud/NSPSD dt2=dt*NDOWN do j=1,NN ia=(j-1)*NSPSD ib=ia+NSPSD-1 c2a=c2(ia:ib) call four2a(c2a,NSPSD,1,-1,1) !To freq domain cx(0:3,j)=c2a(0:3) ipk=-1 zpk=0. pmax=0.0 do i=0,3 if(abs(cx(i,j)).gt.pmax) then ipk=i zpk=cx(i,j) pmax=abs(zpk) endif enddo id2(j)=ipk if( nherr=nherr+1 write(16,3003) j,id(j),ipk,ipk-id(j),abs(zpk), & atan2(aimag(zpk),real(zpk)),abs(cx(0:3,j)) 3003 format(3i3,i4,6f9.3) enddo ipk=0 do j=1,NN ia=(j-1)*NSPS + 1 ib=ia+NSPS pmax=0. do i=0,3 f=fpk + i*baud call tweak1(c(ia:ib),NSPS,-f,ct) z=sum(ct) ps(i)=1.e-3*(real(z)**2 + aimag(z)**2) if(ps(i).gt.pmax) then ipk=i pmax=ps(i) endif enddo nlo=0 nhi=0 if(max(ps(1),ps(3)).ge.max(ps(0),ps(2))) nlo=1 if(max(ps(2),ps(3)).ge.max(ps(0),ps(1))) nhi=1 if(,1)) nbiterr=nbiterr+1 if(,1)) nbiterr=nbiterr+1 if( nharderr=nharderr+1 write(17,1040) j,ps,ipk,id(j),id2(j),2*nhi+nlo,nhi,nlo,nbiterr 1040 format(i3,4f12.1,7i4) enddo 40 continue enddo if(.not.snrtest) then fsyncerr=float(nsyncerr)/iters ser=float(nharderr)/(NN*iters) ber=float(nbiterr)/(2*NN*iters) write(*,1050) snrdb,nsyncerr,nharderr,nherr,nbiterr,fsyncerr,ser,ber write(18,1050) snrdb,nsyncerr,nharderr,nherr,nbiterr,fsyncerr,ser,ber 1050 format(f6.1,4i6,3f10.6) endif enddo if(.not.snrtest) write(*,1060) iters,100*iters,100*iters,200*iters 1060 format(60('-')/'Max: ',4i6) 999 end program fsk4sim