image::settings-advanced.png[align="center",alt="Settings Advanced"] _JT65 decoding parameters_ - *Random erasure patterns* logarithmically scales the number of pseudo-random trials used by the Franke-Taylor JT65 decoder. Larger numbers give slightly better sensitivity but take longer. For most purposes a good setting is 6 or 7. - *Aggressive decoding level* sets the threshold for acceptable decodes using Deep Search. Higher numbers will display results with lower confidence levels. - Check *Two-pass decoding* to enable a second decoding pass after signals producing first-pass decodes have been subtracted from the received data stream. _Miscellaneous_ - Set a positive number in *Degrade S/N of .wav file* to add known amounts of pseudo-random noise to data read from a .wav file. To ensure that the resulting S/N degradation is close to the requested number of dB, set *Receiver bandwidth* to your best estimate of the receiver's effective noise bandwidth. - Set *Tx delay* to a number larger than the default 0.2 s to create a larger delay between execution of a command to enable PTT and onset of Tx audio. + IMPORTANT: For the health of your T/R relays and external preamplifier, we strongly recommend using a hardware sequencer and testing to make sure that sequencing is correct. - Check *x 2 Tone spacing* or *x 4 Tone spacing* to generate Tx audio with twice or four times the normal tone spacing. This feature is intended for use with specialized LF/MF transmitters that divide generated frequencies by 2 or 4 as part of the transmission process. _Special Operating Activity: Generation of FT4, FT8, and MSK144 messages_ - Check this box and select the type of activity to enable auto-generation of special message formats for contesting and DXpeditions. For *ARRL Field Day*, enter your operating Class and ARRL/RAC section; for *ARRL RTTY Roundup*, enter your state or province. Use “DX” for section or state if you are not in the US or Canada. In the RTTY Roundup, Stations in Alaska and Hawaii should enter “DX”. - Check *Fox* if you are a DXpedition station operating in FT8 DXpedition Mode. Check *Hound* if you wish to make QSOs with such a Fox. Be sure to read the operating instructions for {ft8_DXped}.