// Status=review image::settings-audio.png[align="center",alt="WSJT-X Audio Configuration Screen"] Select the *Audio* tab to configure your sound system. - _Soundcard_: Select the audio devices to be used for *Input* and *Output*. Usually the *Mono* settings will suffice, but in special cases you can choose *Left*, *Right*, or *Both* stereo channels. IMPORTANT: If you select the audio output device that is also your computer's default audio device, be sure to turn off all system sounds to prevent inadvertently transmitting them over the air. IMPORTANT: Be sure that your audio device is configured to sample at 48000 Hz, 16 bits. IMPORTANT: Windows Vista and later may configure audio devices using the Texas Instruments PCM2900 series CODEC for microphone input rather line input. (This chip is used in many radios with built-in USB CODECs, as well as various other audio interfaces.) If you are using such a device, be sure to set the mic level in the Recording Device Properties to 0 dB. - _Save Directory_: _WSJT-X_ can save its received audio sequences as +.wav+ files. A default directory for these files is provided; you can select another location if desired. - _AzEl Directory_: A file named +azel.dat+ will appear in the specified directory. The file contains information usable by another program for automatic tracking of the Sun or Moon, as well as calculated Doppler shift for the specified EME path. The file is updated once per second whenever the <> window is displayed. - _Power Memory By Band_: Checking one or both of these will cause _WSJT-X_ to remember the *Pwr* slider setting for that operation on a band-by-band basis. For example, when *Tune* is enabled here and you click the *Tune* on the main window, the power slider will change to the most recent setting used for *Tune* on that band.