// Status=review image::RadioTab.png[align="center",alt="Radio Tab"] _WSJT-X_ offers CAT (Computer Aided Transceiver) control of relevant features of most modern transceivers. To configure the program for your radio, select the *Radio* tab. * Select your radio type from the drop-down list labeled *Rig*, or *None* if you do not wish to use CAT control. ** Alternatively, if you have configured your station for control by *DX Lab Suite Commander*, *Flrig*, *Ham Radio Deluxe*, *Hamlib NET rigctl*, or *Omni-Rig*, you may select one of those program names from the *Rig* list. In these cases the entry field immediately under _CAT Control_ will be relabeled as *Network Server*. Leave this field blank to access the default instance of your control program, running on the same computer. If the control program runs on a different computer and/or port, specify it here. Hover the mouse pointer over the entry field to see the required formatting details. ** Select *Omni-Rig Rig 1* or *Omni-Rig Rig 2* to connect to an _Omni-Rig_ server installed on the same computer. _Omni-Rig_ will be started automatically by _WSJT-X_. + NOTE: _Omni-Rig_ is available only under Windows. * Set *Poll Interval* to the desired interval for _WSJT-X_ to query your radio. For most radios a small number (say, 1 – 3 s) is suitable. * _CAT Control_: To have _WSJT-X_ control the radio directly rather than though another program, make the following settings: ** Select the *Serial Port* or *Network Server* including the service port number used to communicate with your radio. + NOTE: A special value of *USB* is available for custom USB devices like those used by some SDR kits. This is not the same a virtual serial port provided by USB connected transceivers and CAT interfaces, for those use the COM or serial port name that refers to them. ** _Serial Port Parameters_: Set values for *Baud Rate*, *Data Bits*, *Stop Bits*, and *Handshake* method. Consult your radio's user *guide for the proper parameter values. + NOTE: CAT interfaces that require handshaking will be non-responsive until the correct *Handshake* setting is applied. ** _Force Control Lines_: A few station setups require the CAT serial port’s *RTS* and/or *DTR* control lines to be forced high or low. Check these boxes *only* if you are sure they are needed (for example, to power the radio serial interface). * _PTT Method_: select *VOX*, *CAT*, *DTR*, or *RTS* as the desired method for T/R switching. If your choice is *DTR* or *RTS*, select the desired serial port (which may be the same one as used for CAT control). + NOTE: When using a proxy application for rig control, *CAT* is usually the correct option for _PTT Method_ assuming the proxy application is capable of keying your transceiver independently. * _Transmit Audio Source_: some radios permit you to choose the connector that will accept Tx audio. If this choice is enabled, select *Rear/Data* or *Front/Mic*. * _Mode_: _WSJT-X_ uses upper sideband mode for both transmitting and receiving. Select *USB*, or choose *Data/Pkt* if your radio offers such an option and uses it to enable the rear-panel audio line input. Some radios also offer wider and/or flatter passbands when set to *Data/Pkt* mode. Select *None* if you do not want _WSJT-X_ to change the radio's Mode setting. * _Split Operation_: Significant advantages result from using *Split* mode (separate VFOs for Rx and Tx) if your radio supports it. If it does not, _WSJT-X_ can emulate such behavior. Either method will result in a cleaner transmitted signal, by keeping the Tx audio always in the range 1500 to 2000 Hz so that audio harmonics cannot pass through the Tx sideband filter. Select *Rig* to use the radio's Split mode, or *Fake It* to have _WSJT-X_ adjust the VFO frequency as needed, when T/R switching occurs. Choose *None* if you do not wish to use split operation. When all required settings have been made, click *Test CAT* to test communication between _WSJT-X_ and your radio. The button should turn green to indicate that proper communication has been established. Failure of the CAT-control test turns the button red and displays an error message. After a successful CAT test, toggle the *Test PTT* button to confirm that your selected method of T/R control is working properly. (If you selected *VOX* for _PTT Method_, you can test T/R switching later by using the *Tune* button on the main window.)