#include "revision_utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include "scs_version.h" namespace { QString revision_extract_number (QString const& s) { QString revision; // try and match a number (hexadecimal allowed) QRegularExpression re {R"(^[$:]\w+: (r?[\da-f]+[^$]*)\$$)"}; auto match = re.match (s); if (match.hasMatch ()) { revision = match.captured (1); } return revision; } } QString revision (QString const& scs_rev_string) { QString result; auto revision_from_scs = revision_extract_number (scs_rev_string); #if defined (CMAKE_BUILD) QString scs_info {":Rev: " SCS_VERSION_STR " $"}; auto revision_from_scs_info = revision_extract_number (scs_info); if (!revision_from_scs_info.isEmpty ()) { // we managed to get the revision number from svn info etc. result = revision_from_scs_info; } else if (!revision_from_scs.isEmpty ()) { // fall back to revision passed in if any result = revision_from_scs; } else { // match anything QRegularExpression re {R"(^[$:]\w+: ([^$]*)\$$)"}; auto match = re.match (scs_info); if (match.hasMatch ()) { result = match.captured (1); } } #else if (!revision_from_scs.isEmpty ()) { // not CMake build so all we have is revision passed result = revision_from_scs; } #endif return result.trimmed (); } QString version (bool include_patch) { #if defined (CMAKE_BUILD) QString v {TO_STRING__ (PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR) "." TO_STRING__ (PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR)}; if (include_patch) { v += "." TO_STRING__ (PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH) + QString {BUILD_TYPE_REVISION}; } #else QString v {"Not for Release"}; #endif return v; } QString program_title (QString const& revision) { QString id {QCoreApplication::applicationName () + " v" + QCoreApplication::applicationVersion ()}; return id + " " + revision + " by K1JT, G4WJS, and K9AN"; }