subroutine timer(dname,k) ! Times procedure number n between a call with k=0 (tstart) and with ! k=1 (tstop). Accumulates sums of these times in array ut (user time). ! Also traces all calls (for debugging purposes) if character*8 dname,name(50),space,ename character*16 sname logical on(50) real ut(50),ut0(50),dut(50),tt(2) integer ncall(50),nlevel(50),nparent(50) integer onlevel(0:10) common/tracer/ limtrace,lu data eps/0.000001/,ntrace/0/ data level/0/,nmax/0/,space/' '/ data limtrace/0/,lu/-1/ save if( go to 999 if( lu=6 if( go to 40 !Check for "all done" (k>1) onlevel(0)=0 do n=1,nmax !Check for existing name if(name(n).eq.dname) go to 20 enddo nmax=nmax+1 !This is a new one n=nmax ncall(n)=0 on(n)=.false. ut(n)=eps name(n)=dname 20 if(k.eq.0) then !Get start times (k=0) if(on(n)) print*,'Error in timer: ',dname,' already on.' level=level+1 !Increment the level on(n)=.true. ut0(n)=etime(tt) ncall(n)=ncall(n)+1 if(ncall(n).gt.1.and.nlevel(n).ne.level) then nlevel(n)=-1 else nlevel(n)=level endif nparent(n)=onlevel(level-1) onlevel(level)=n else if(k.eq.1) then !Get stop times and accumulate sums. (k=1) if(on(n)) then on(n)=.false. ut1=etime(tt) ut(n)=ut(n)+ut1-ut0(n) endif level=level-1 endif ntrace=ntrace+1 if( write(lu,1020) ntrace,dname,k,level,nparent(n) 1020 format(i8,': ',a8,3i5) go to 998 ! Write out the timer statistics 40 write(lu,1040) 1040 format(/' name time frac dtime', & ' dfrac calls level parent'/75('-')) if( then ndiv=k-100 do i=1,nmax ncall(i)=ncall(i)/ndiv ut(i)=ut(i)/ndiv enddo endif total=ut(1) sum=0. sumf=0. do i=1,nmax dut(i)=ut(i) do j=i,nmax if(nparent(j).eq.i) dut(i)=dut(i)-ut(j) enddo utf=ut(i)/total dutf=dut(i)/total sum=sum+dut(i) sumf=sumf+dutf kk=min(nlevel(i),8) if( sname=name(i)//space if( sname=space(1:kk)//name(i)//space(1:8-kk) ename=space if( ename=name(nparent(i)) write(lu,1060) float(i),sname,ut(i),utf,dut(i),dutf, & ncall(i),nlevel(i),ename 1060 format(f4.0,a16,2(f10.2,f6.2),i7,i5,2x,a8) enddo write(lu,1070) sum,sumf 1070 format(75('-')/36x,f10.2,f6.2) nmax=0 eps=0.000001 ntrace=0 level=0 space=' ' onlevel(0)=0 998 flush(lu) 999 return end subroutine timer