subroutine ft2_decode(cdatetime,nfqso,iwave,ndecodes,mycall,hiscall,nrx) use crc use packjt77 include 'ft2_params.f90' character message*37,c77*77 character*37 decodes(100) character*120 data_dir character*17 cdatetime character*6 mycall,hiscall complex c2(0:NMAX/16-1) !Complex waveform complex cb(0:NMAX/16-1) complex cd(0:144*10-1) !Complex waveform complex c1(0:9),c0(0:9) complex ccor(0:1,144) complex csum,cterm,cc0,cc1,csync1 real*8 fMHz real a(5) real rxdata(128),llr(128) !Soft symbols real llr2(128) real sbits(144),sbits1(144),sbits3(144) real ps(0:8191),psbest(0:8191) real candidate(3,100) real savg(NH1) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) !Generated full-length waveform integer*1 message77(77),apmask(128),cw(128) integer*1 hbits(144),hbits1(144),hbits3(144) integer*1 s16(16) logical unpk77_success data s16/0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0/ fs=12000.0/NDOWN !Sample rate dt=1/fs !Sample interval after downsample (s) tt=NSPS*dt !Duration of "itone" symbols (s) baud=1.0/tt !Keying rate for "itone" symbols (baud) txt=NZ*dt !Transmission length (s) twopi=8.0*atan(1.0) h=0.8 !h=0.8 seems to be optimum for AWGN sensitivity (not for fading) dphi=twopi/2*baud*h*dt*16 ! dt*16 is samp interval after downsample dphi0=-1*dphi dphi1=+1*dphi phi0=0.0 phi1=0.0 do i=0,9 c1(i)=cmplx(cos(phi1),sin(phi1)) c0(i)=cmplx(cos(phi0),sin(phi0)) phi1=mod(phi1+dphi1,twopi) phi0=mod(phi0+dphi0,twopi) enddo the=twopi*h/2.0 cc1=cmplx(cos(the),-sin(the)) cc0=cmplx(cos(the),sin(the)) data_dir="." fMHz=7.074 ncoh=1 candidate=0.0 ncand=0 fa=375.0 fb=3000.0 syncmin=0.2 maxcand=100 nfqso=-1 call getcandidates2(iwave,fa,fb,maxcand,savg,candidate,ncand) ndecodes=0 do icand=1,ncand f0=candidate(1,icand) if( f0.le.375.0 .or. ) cycle call ft2_downsample(iwave,f0,c2) ! downsample from 160s/Symbol to 10s/Symbol ! 750 samples/second here ibest=-1 sybest=-99. dfbest=-1. !### do if=-15,+15 do if=-30,30 df=if a=0. a(1)=-df call twkfreq1(c2,NMAX/16,fs,a,cb) do is=0,374 !DT search range is 0 - 0.5 s csync1=0. cterm=1 do ib=1,16 i1=(ib-1)*10+is i2=i1+136*10 if(s16(ib).eq.1) then csync1=csync1+sum(cb(i1:i1+9)*conjg(c1(0:9)))*cterm cterm=cterm*cc1 else csync1=csync1+sum(cb(i1:i1+9)*conjg(c0(0:9)))*cterm cterm=cterm*cc0 endif enddo if(abs(csync1).gt.sybest) then ibest=is sybest=abs(csync1) dfbest=df endif enddo enddo a=0. a(1)=-dfbest call twkfreq1(c2,NMAX/16,fs,a,cb) ib=ibest cd=cb(ib:ib+144*10-1) s2=sum(real(cd*conjg(cd)))/(10*144) cd=cd/sqrt(s2) do nseq=1,5 if( nseq.eq.1 ) then ! noncoherent single-symbol detection sbits1=0.0 do ibit=1,144 ib=(ibit-1)*10 ccor(1,ibit)=sum(cd(ib:ib+9)*conjg(c1(0:9))) ccor(0,ibit)=sum(cd(ib:ib+9)*conjg(c0(0:9))) sbits1(ibit)=abs(ccor(1,ibit))-abs(ccor(0,ibit)) hbits1(ibit)=0 if(sbits1(ibit).gt.0) hbits1(ibit)=1 enddo sbits=sbits1 hbits=hbits1 sbits3=sbits1 hbits3=hbits1 elseif( ) then nbit=2*nseq-1 numseq=2**(nbit) ps=0 do ibit=nbit/2+1,144-nbit/2 ps=0.0 pmax=0.0 do iseq=0,numseq-1 csum=0.0 cterm=1.0 k=1 do i=nbit-1,0,-1 ibb=iand(iseq/(2**i),1) csum=csum+ccor(ibb,ibit-(nbit/2+1)+k)*cterm if(ibb.eq.0) cterm=cterm*cc0 if(ibb.eq.1) cterm=cterm*cc1 k=k+1 enddo ps(iseq)=abs(csum) if( ps(iseq) .gt. pmax ) then pmax=ps(iseq) ibflag=1 endif enddo if( ibflag .eq. 1 ) then psbest=ps ibflag=0 endif call getbitmetric(2**(nbit/2),psbest,numseq,sbits3(ibit)) hbits3(ibit)=0 if(sbits3(ibit).gt.0) hbits3(ibit)=1 enddo sbits=sbits3 hbits=hbits3 endif nsync_qual=count(hbits(1:16).eq.s16) if( exit rxdata=sbits(17:144) rxav=sum(rxdata(1:128))/128.0 rx2av=sum(rxdata(1:128)*rxdata(1:128))/128.0 rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig sigma=0.80 llr(1:128)=2*rxdata/(sigma*sigma) apmask=0 max_iterations=40 do ibias=0,0 llr2=llr if(ibias.eq.1) llr2=llr+0.4 if(ibias.eq.2) llr2=llr-0.4 call bpdecode128_90(llr2,apmask,max_iterations,message77,cw,nharderror,niterations) if( exit enddo nhardmin=-1 if(sum(message77).eq.0) cycle if( ) then write(c77,'(77i1)') message77(1:77) call unpack77(c77,message,unpk77_success) idupe=0 do i=1,ndecodes if(decodes(i).eq.message) idupe=1 enddo if(idupe.eq.1) exit ndecodes=ndecodes+1 decodes(ndecodes)=message xsnr=db(sybest*sybest) - 115.0 !### Rough estimate of S/N ### nsnr=nint(xsnr) freq=f0+dfbest write(*,1000) cdatetime,nsnr,ibest/750.0,nint(freq),message, & nseq,nharderror,nhardmin write(12,1000) cdatetime,nsnr,ibest/750.0,nint(freq),message, & nseq,nharderror,nhardmin 1000 format(a17,i4,f6.2,i5,' Rx ',a37,3i5) !### Temporary: assume most recent decoded message conveys "hiscall". i0=index(message,' ') if( .and. i0.le.7) then hiscall=message(i0+1:i0+6) i1=index(hiscall,' ') if( hiscall=hiscall(1:i1) endif nrx=-1 if(index(message,'CQ ').eq.1) nrx=1 if((index(message,trim(mycall)//' ').eq.1) .and. & (index(message,' '//trim(hiscall)//' ').ge.4)) then if(index(message,' 559 ').gt.8) nrx=2 if(index(message,' R 559 ').gt.8) nrx=3 if(index(message,' RR73 ').gt.8) nrx=4 endif !### exit endif enddo ! nseq enddo !candidate list return end subroutine ft2_decode subroutine getbitmetric(ib,ps,ns,xmet) real ps(0:ns-1) xm1=0 xm0=0 do i=0,ns-1 if( iand(i/ib,1) .eq. 1 .and. ps(i) .gt. xm1 ) xm1=ps(i) if( iand(i/ib,1) .eq. 0 .and. ps(i) .gt. xm0 ) xm0=ps(i) enddo xmet=xm1-xm0 return end subroutine getbitmetric subroutine downsample2(ci,f0,co) parameter(NI=144*160,NH=NI/2,NO=NI/16) ! downsample from 200 samples per symbol to 10 complex ci(0:NI-1),ct(0:NI-1) complex co(0:NO-1) fs=12000.0 df=fs/NI ct=ci call four2a(ct,NI,1,-1,1) !c2c FFT to freq domain i0=nint(f0/df) ct=cshift(ct,i0) co=0.0 co(0)=ct(0) b=8.0 do i=1,NO/2 arg=(i*df/b)**2 filt=exp(-arg) co(i)=ct(i)*filt co(NO-i)=ct(NI-i)*filt enddo co=co/NO call four2a(co,NO,1,1,1) !c2c FFT back to time domain return end subroutine downsample2 subroutine ft2_downsample(iwave,f0,c) ! Input: i*2 data in iwave() at sample rate 12000 Hz ! Output: Complex data in c(), sampled at 1200 Hz include 'ft2_params.f90' parameter (NFFT2=NMAX/16) integer*2 iwave(NMAX) complex c(0:NMAX/16-1) complex c1(0:NFFT2-1) complex cx(0:NMAX/2) real x(NMAX) equivalence (x,cx) BW=4.0*75 df=12000.0/NMAX x=iwave call four2a(x,NMAX,1,-1,0) !r2c FFT to freq domain ibw=nint(BW/df) i0=nint(f0/df) c1=0. c1(0)=cx(i0) do i=1,NFFT2/2 arg=(i-1)*df/bw win=exp(-arg*arg) c1(i)=cx(i0+i)*win c1(NFFT2-i)=cx(i0-i)*win enddo c1=c1/NFFT2 call four2a(c1,NFFT2,1,1,1) !c2c FFT back to time domain c=c1(0:NMAX/16-1) return end subroutine ft2_downsample