#include "soundin.h" #include #define NFFT 32768 #define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER 1024 extern "C" { #include extern struct { double d8[2*60*96000]; //This is "common/datcom/..." in fortran float ss[4*322*NFFT]; float savg[4*NFFT]; double fcenter; int nutc; int idphi; //Phase correction for Y pol'n, degrees int mousedf; //User-selected DF int mousefqso; //User-selected QSO freq (kHz) int nagain; //1 ==> decode only at fQSO +/- Tol int ndepth; //How much hinted decoding to do? int ndiskdat; //1 ==> data read from *.tf2 or *.iq file int neme; //Hinted decoding tries only for EME calls int newdat; //1 ==> new data, must do long FFT int nfa; //Low decode limit (kHz) int nfb; //High decode limit (kHz) int nfcal; //Frequency correction, for calibration (Hz) int nfshift; //Shift of displayed center freq (kHz) int mcall3; //1 ==> CALL3.TXT has been modified int ntimeout; //Max for timeouts in Messages and BandMap int ntol; //+/- decoding range around fQSO (Hz) int nxant; //1 ==> add 45 deg to measured pol angle int map65RxLog; //Flags to control log files int nfsample; //Input sample rate int nxpol; //1 if using xpol antennas, 0 otherwise int mode65; //JT65 sub-mode: A=1, B=2, C=4 char mycall[12]; char mygrid[6]; char hiscall[12]; char hisgrid[6]; char datetime[20]; } datcom_; } typedef struct { int kin; //Parameters sent to/from the portaudio callback function int nrx; bool bzero; bool iqswap; bool b10db; } paUserData; //--------------------------------------------------------------- a2dCallback extern "C" int a2dCallback( const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesToProcess, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData ) // This routine called by the PortAudio engine when samples are available. // It may be called at interrupt level, so don't do anything // that could mess up the system like calling malloc() or free(). { paUserData *udata=(paUserData*)userData; (void) outputBuffer; //Prevent unused variable warnings. (void) timeInfo; (void) userData; int nbytes,i,j; float d4[4*FRAMES_PER_BUFFER]; float d4a[4*FRAMES_PER_BUFFER]; float tmp; float fac; if( (statusFlags&paInputOverflow) != 0) { qDebug() << "Input Overflow"; } if(udata->bzero) { //Start of a new minute udata->kin=0; //Reset buffer pointer udata->bzero=false; } nbytes=udata->nrx*8*framesToProcess; //Bytes per frame memcpy(d4,inputBuffer,nbytes); //Copy all samples to d4 fac=32767.0; if(udata->b10db) fac=103618.35; if(udata->nrx==2) { for(i=0; i<4*int(framesToProcess); i++) { //Negate odd-numbered frames d4[i]=fac*d4[i]; j=i/4; if((j%2)==1) d4[i]=-d4[i]; } if(!udata->iqswap) { for(i=0; ikin],d4,nbytes); //Copy from d4 to dd() } else { int k=0; for(i=0; i<2*int(framesToProcess); i+=2) { //Negate odd-numbered frames j=i/2; if(j%2==0) { d4a[k++]=fac*d4[i]; d4a[k++]=fac*d4[i+1]; } else { d4a[k++]=-fac*d4[i]; d4a[k++]=-fac*d4[i+1]; } d4a[k++]=0.0; d4a[k++]=0.0; } if(!udata->iqswap) { for(i=0; ikin],d4a,2*nbytes); //Copy from d4a to dd() } udata->kin += framesToProcess; return paContinue; } void SoundInThread::run() //SoundInThread::run() { quitExecution = false; if (m_net) { // qDebug() << "Start inputUDP()"; inputUDP(); // qDebug() << "Finished inputUDP()"; return; } //---------------------------------------------------- Soundcard Setup // qDebug() << "Start souncard input"; PaError paerr; PaStreamParameters inParam; PaStream *inStream; paUserData udata; udata.kin=0; //Buffer pointer udata.bzero=false; //Flag to request reset of kin udata.nrx=m_nrx; //Number of polarizations udata.iqswap=m_IQswap; udata.b10db=m_10db; inParam.device=m_nDevIn; //### Input Device Number ### inParam.channelCount=2*m_nrx; //Number of analog channels inParam.sampleFormat=paFloat32; //Get floats from Portaudio inParam.suggestedLatency=0.05; inParam.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo=NULL; paerr=Pa_IsFormatSupported(&inParam,NULL,96000.0); if(paerr<0) { emit error("PortAudio says requested soundcard format not supported."); // return; } paerr=Pa_OpenStream(&inStream, //Input stream &inParam, //Input parameters NULL, //No output parameters 96000.0, //Sample rate FRAMES_PER_BUFFER, //Frames per buffer // paClipOff+paDitherOff, //No clipping or dithering paClipOff, //No clipping a2dCallback, //Input callbeck routine &udata); //userdata paerr=Pa_StartStream(inStream); if(paerr<0) { emit error("Failed to start audio input stream."); return; } // const PaStreamInfo* p=Pa_GetStreamInfo(inStream); bool qe = quitExecution; int n60z=99; int k=0; int nsec; int n60; int nBusy=0; int nhsym0=0; //---------------------------------------------- Soundcard input loop while (!qe) { qe = quitExecution; if (qe) break; qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; nsec = ms/1000; // Time according to this computer n60 = nsec % 60; // Reset buffer pointer and symbol number at start of minute if(n60 < n60z or !m_monitoring) { nhsym0=0; udata.bzero=true; } k=udata.kin; udata.iqswap=m_IQswap; udata.b10db=m_10db; if(m_monitoring) { if(m_bForceCenterFreq) { datcom_.fcenter=m_dForceCenterFreq;\ } else { datcom_.fcenter=144.125; } m_hsym=(k-2048)*11025.0/(2048.0*m_rate); if(m_hsym != nhsym0) { if(m_dataSinkBusy) { nBusy++; } else { m_dataSinkBusy=true; emit readyForFFT(k); //Signal to compute new FFTs } nhsym0=m_hsym; } } msleep(100); n60z=n60; } Pa_StopStream(inStream); Pa_CloseStream(inStream); } void SoundInThread::setSwapIQ(bool b) { m_IQswap=b; } void SoundInThread::set10db(bool b) { m_10db=b; } void SoundInThread::setPort(int n) //setPort() { if (isRunning()) return; this->m_udpPort=n; } void SoundInThread::setInputDevice(int n) //setInputDevice() { if (isRunning()) return; this->m_nDevIn=n; } void SoundInThread::setRate(double rate) //setRate() { if (isRunning()) return; this->m_rate = rate; } void SoundInThread::setBufSize(unsigned n) //setBufSize() { if (isRunning()) return; this->bufSize = n; } void SoundInThread::setFadd(double x) { m_fAdd=x; } void SoundInThread::quit() //quit() { quitExecution = true; } void SoundInThread::setNetwork(bool b) //setNetwork() { m_net = b; } void SoundInThread::setMonitoring(bool b) //setMonitoring() { m_monitoring = b; } void SoundInThread::setForceCenterFreqBool(bool b) { m_bForceCenterFreq=b; } void SoundInThread::setForceCenterFreqMHz(double d) { m_dForceCenterFreq=d; } void SoundInThread::setNrx(int n) //setNrx() { m_nrx = n; } int SoundInThread::nrx() { return m_nrx; } int SoundInThread::mhsym() { return m_hsym; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- inputUDP() void SoundInThread::inputUDP() { udpSocket = new QUdpSocket(); if(!udpSocket->bind(m_udpPort,QUdpSocket::ShareAddress) ) { emit error(tr("UDP Socket bind failed.")); return; } // Set this socket's total buffer space for received UDP packets int v=141600; ::setsockopt(udpSocket->socketDescriptor(), SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *)&v, sizeof(v)); bool qe = quitExecution; struct linradBuffer { double cfreq; int msec; float userfreq; int iptr; quint16 iblk; qint8 nrx; char iusb; double d8[174]; } b; int n60z=99; int k=0; int nsec; int n60; int nhsym0=0; int iz=174; int nBusy=0; // Main loop for input of UDP packets over the network: while (!qe) { qe = quitExecution; if (qe) break; if (!udpSocket->hasPendingDatagrams()) { msleep(2); // Sleep if no packet available } else { int nBytesRead = udpSocket->readDatagram((char *)&b,1416); if (nBytesRead != 1416) qDebug() << "UDP Read Error:" << nBytesRead; qint64 ms = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; nsec = ms/1000; // Time according to this computer n60 = nsec % 60; // Reset buffer pointer and symbol number at start of minute if(n60 < n60z) { k=0; nhsym0=0; } n60z=n60; if(m_monitoring) { m_nrx=b.nrx; if(m_nrx == +1) iz=348; //One RF channel, i*2 data if(m_nrx == -1 or m_nrx == +2) iz=174; //One Rf channel, r*4 data // or 2 RF channels, i*2 data if(m_nrx == -2) iz=87; // Two RF channels, r*4 data // If buffer will not overflow, move data into datcom_ if ((k+iz) <= 60*96000) { int nsam=-1; recvpkt_(&nsam, &b.iblk, &b.nrx, &k, b.d8, b.d8, b.d8); if(m_bForceCenterFreq) { datcom_.fcenter=m_dForceCenterFreq; } else { datcom_.fcenter=b.cfreq + m_fAdd; } } m_hsym=(k-2048)*11025.0/(2048.0*m_rate); if(m_hsym != nhsym0) { if(m_dataSinkBusy) { nBusy++; } else { m_dataSinkBusy=true; emit readyForFFT(k); //Signal to compute new FFTs } nhsym0=m_hsym; } } } } delete udpSocket; }