// Status=review - Start _WSJT-X_ and select *Configuration* from its *Setup* menu. Enter the following information: * *Call Sign*: * *Grid*: * *PTT method*: choose from RTS, DTR, CAT, VOX, or None. * *PTT port*: if you will use RTS or DTR, choose a serial port. * *PSK Reporter*: check to enable sending reception reports to the {pskreporter} mapping facility. * *CW ID*: Check to send your callsign in CW after sending 73. * *CW Interval*: set the time interval for sending your CW identification. Default is 0 (never). _WSJT-X_ does not implement full transceiver control, but it provides a way to ensure that _WSJT-X_ can read and set the radio’s dial frequency. To enable this capability: - Check the box *Enable CAT* - Select your radio type from a drop-down list - Select a *CAT port* (not the same port selected for PTT control) TIP: If you need an additional item in the list of devices for the CAT port, edit the configuration file +wsjtx.ini+ and add your requirement as +CATdriver=+ (for example, +CATdriver=/dev/tty.usbserial+) in the group of entries marked +[Common]+. - Set the port parameters *Serial rate*, *Handshake*, *Data bits*, *Stop bits* as required for your radio - If you use {dxlcommander} or {hrd} to control your transceiver, you can configure _WSJT-X_ to communicate with the radio through that program. Entries for these programs appear at the end of the drop-down list of supported rigs. [[FIG_CONFIG_STATION]] image::images/r3666-config-screen-80.png[align="center",alt="Configuration Screen"] Leave *Split Tx* unchecked for now. If you are using CAT control, most radios will allow you to set *PTT method* = CAT. Some radios support two types of PTT assertion via CAT control: one takes audio input from the Mic connector, the other from a rear-panel Data connector. The simplest CAT configuration sets *Polling interval* = 0 (no polling the radio for dial frequency). _WSJT-X_ can then set the radio’s frequency, but the program will be unaware of subsequent changes made using the radio’s panel controls. With most radios you can set *Polling interval* to a small number (say 1 – 3 s) and the program will follow any frequency changes made at the radio. Note that you may not be able simultaneously to control the radio from _WSJT-X_ and from another program. Some experimentation may be required; refer to the documentation for your rig-control software and your radio. It is best to have the radio and any interface equipment turned on and connected before starting _WSJT-X_, and to exit the program before turning the equipment off. - Click the *Test CAT Control* and *Test PTT* buttons to see that you have established the desired control of station functions. - Select the devices you will use for *Audio In* and *Audio Out*. - Click *OK* to dismiss the *Configuration* window.