Auto-Sequencing algorithm for DXpedition station: Start: CQMsg = "CQ VK9MA" (or "CQ UP VK9MA", "CQ 116 VK9MA", etc.) TxMsg = CQMsg Ntry = 0 QCALL = "" # Callsign of current QSO partner go to Transmit Transmit: TX # (... takes 13.6 s) go to Receive Receive: RX # (... takes ~14 s) N = number of decodes # RxMsg[i], i=1,N if(N == 0) go to Transmit J = index of a reply from current QCALL # RxMsg[J] = "VK9MA QCALL R" if(QCALL == "") # No QSO in progress Select new QCALL # Op chooses a caller if(QCALL == "") TxMsg = CQMsg # No callers, we'll CQ again else # QSO in progress if(J >= 1) # Expected message was received log the QSO with QCALL QCALL = "" Select new QCALL # Op chooses a new caller if(QCALL != "") TxMsg = "73 NOW QCALL " # Start a new QSO else TxMsg = "73 " + CQMsg # No callers, we'll CQ again else Ntry = Ntry + 1 # Expected msg not received if(Ntry <= NtryMax) go to Transmit # Ask for a repeat else QCALL = "" # Max tries exceeded, abort this QSO Select new QCALL # Choose a new caller if(QCALL != "") TxMsg = "NIL NOW QCALL " # Start a new QSO else TxMsg = "NIL " + CQMSG # No callers, we'll CQ again go to Transmit Auto-Sequencing algorithm for those calling the DXpedition: Start: TxMsg = "VK9MA MyCall" InQSO = false Transmit: TX # (... takes 13.6 s) go to Receive Receive: RX # (... takes ~14 s) if(RxMsg[i] contains "MyCall ") InQSO = true TxMsg = "VK9MA MyCall R" go to Transmit if(RxMsg[i] contains "") TxEnable = false go to Receive if(RxMsg[i] contains "CQ VK9MA") TxEnable = true go to Transmit