subroutine pack77(msg,i3,n3,c77) use packjt character*37 msg character*18 c18 character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 integer nw(19) integer ntel(3) if(i3.eq.0 .and. n3.eq.5) go to 5 ! Convert msg to upper case; collapse multiple blanks; parse into words. call split77(msg,nwords,nw,w) i3=-1 n3=-1 if(msg(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .or. msg(1:3).eq.'DE ' .or. msg(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') go to 100 ! Check 0.1 (DXpedition mode) call pack77_01(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check 0.2 (EU VHF contest exchange) call pack77_02(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check 0.3 and 0.4 (ARRL Field Day exchange) call pack77_03(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check 0.5 (telemetry) 5 i0=index(msg,' ') c18=msg(1:i0-1)//' ' c18=adjustr(c18) ntel=-99 read(c18,1005,err=6) ntel 1005 format(3z6) if(ntel(1).ge.2**23) go to 800 6 if(ntel(1).ge.0 .and. ntel(2).ge.0 .and. ntel(3).ge.0) then i3=0 n3=5 write(c77,1006) ntel,n3 1006 format(b23.23,2b24.24,b3.3) go to 900 endif ! Check Types 1 and 2 (Standard 77-bit message (type 1) or with "/P" (type 2)) 100 call pack77_1(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check Type 3 (ARRL RTTY contest exchange) call pack77_3(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! Check Type 4 (One nonstandard call and one hashed call) call pack77_4(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) if( go to 900 ! It defaults to free text 800 i3=0 n3=0 msg(14:)=' ' call packtext77(msg(1:13),c77(1:71)) write(c77(72:77),'(2b3.3)') n3,i3 900 return end subroutine pack77