subroutine pack77_01(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Pack a Type 0.1 message: DXpedition mode ! Example message: "K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -11" 28 28 10 5 character*13 w(19),chash(20) character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 logical ok1,ok2 common/hashcom/ihash10(20),chash if( return !Must have 5 words if(trim(w(2)).ne.'RR73;') return !2nd word must be "RR73;" if(w(4)(1:1).ne.'<') return !4th word must have <...> if(index(w(4),'>').lt.1) return n=-99 read(w(5),*,err=1) n 1 if(n.eq.-99) return !5th word must be a valid report n5=(n+30)/2 if( n5=0 if( n5=31 call chkcall(w(1),bcall_1,ok1) if(.not.ok1) return !1st word must be a valid basecall call chkcall(w(3),bcall_2,ok2) if(.not.ok2) return !3rd word must be a valid basecall ! Type 0.1: K1ABC RR73; W9XYZ -11 28 28 10 5 71 DXpedition Mode i3=0 n3=1 call pack28(w(1),n28a) call pack28(w(3),n28b) n10=ihashcall(w(4),10) !Get the 10-bit hash code call hash10(n10,w(4),0) !Save this hash and its callsign write(c77,1010) n28a,n28b,n10,n5,n3,i3 1010 format(2b28.28,b10.10,b5.5,2b3.3) return end subroutine pack77_01