subroutine pack77_3(nwords,w,i3,n3,c77) ! Check Type 2 (ARRL RTTY contest exchange) !ARRL RTTY - US/Can: rpt state/prov R 579 MA ! - DX: rpt serial R 559 0013 parameter (NUSCAN=65) !Number of US states and Canadian provinces/territories character*13 w(19) character*77 c77 character*6 bcall_1,bcall_2 character*3 cmult(NUSCAN),mult character crpt*3 logical ok1,ok2 data cmult/ & "AL ","AK ","AZ ","AR ","CA ","CO ","CT ","DE ","FL ","GA ", & "HI ","ID ","IL ","IN ","IA ","KS ","KY ","LA ","ME ","MD ", & "MA ","MI ","MN ","MS ","MO ","MT ","NE ","NV ","NH ","NJ ", & "NM ","NY ","NC ","ND ","OH ","OK ","OR ","PA ","RI ","SC ", & "SD ","TN ","TX ","UT ","VT ","VA ","WA ","WV ","WI ","WY ", & "NB ","NS ","QC ","ON ","MB ","SK ","AB ","BC ","NWT","NF ", & "LB ","NU ","VT ","PEI","DC "/ if(nwords.eq.4 .or. nwords.eq.5 .or. nwords.eq.6) then i1=1 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'TU;') i1=2 call chkcall(w(i1),bcall_1,ok1) call chkcall(w(i1+1),bcall_2,ok2) crpt=w(nwords-1)(1:3) if(crpt(1:1).eq.'5' .and. crpt(2:2).ge.'2' .and. crpt(2:2).le.'9' .and. & crpt(3:3).eq.'9') then nserial=0 read(w(nwords),*,err=1) nserial !1 i3=3 ! n3=0 endif 1 mult=' ' imult=-1 do i=1,NUSCAN if(cmult(i).eq.w(nwords)) then imult=i mult=cmult(i) exit endif enddo nexch=0 if( nexch=nserial if( nexch=8000+imult if(' ' .or. then i3=3 n3=0 itu=0 if(trim(w(1)).eq.'TU;') itu=1 call pack28(w(1+itu),n28a) call pack28(w(2+itu),n28b) ir=0 if(w(3+itu)(1:2).eq.'R ') ir=1 read(w(3+itu+ir),*) irpt irpt=(irpt-509)/10 - 2 if( irpt=0 if( irpt=7 ! 3 TU; W9XYZ K1ABC R 579 MA 1 28 28 1 3 13 74 ARRL RTTY contest ! 3 TU; W9XYZ G8ABC R 559 0013 1 28 28 1 3 13 74 ARRL RTTY (DX) write(c77,1010) itu,n28a,n28b,ir,irpt,nexch,i3 1010 format(b1,2b28.28,b1,b3.3,b13.13,b3.3) endif endif return end subroutine pack77_3