#include "fastplot.h" #include "commons.h" #include #include #include "moc_fastplot.cpp" #define MAX_SCREENSIZE 2048 FPlotter::FPlotter(QWidget *parent) : //FPlotter Constructor QFrame(parent) { setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen,false); setAutoFillBackground(false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true); m_pixPerSecond= 12000.0/512.0; m_hdivs = 30; m_jh0=9999; m_HorizPixmap = QPixmap(703,200); m_ScalePixmap = QPixmap(703,20); m_w = 703; m_h = 220; m_h1=20; m_h2=m_h-m_h1; m_HorizPixmap = QPixmap(m_w, m_h2); m_HorizPixmap.fill(Qt::black); m_HorizPixmap.fill(Qt::black); m_ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::white); m_bPaint2=true; m_x0=0; m_x1=0; drawScale(); draw(); } FPlotter::~FPlotter() { } // Destructor void FPlotter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) // paintEvent() { QPainter painter(this); painter.drawPixmap(0,0,m_ScalePixmap); painter.drawPixmap(0,m_h1,m_HorizPixmap); } void FPlotter::drawScale() //drawScale() { if(m_ScalePixmap.isNull()) return; int x; QRect rect0; QPainter painter0(&m_ScalePixmap); painter0.initFrom(this); //create Font to use for scales QFont Font("Arial"); Font.setPointSize(8); QFontMetrics metrics(Font); Font.setWeight(QFont::Normal); painter0.setFont(Font); painter0.setPen(Qt::white); m_ScalePixmap.fill(Qt::black); painter0.drawRect(0, 0,m_w,19); painter0.drawLine(0,19,m_w,19); //Draw ticks at 1-second intervals for( int i=0; i<=m_hdivs; i++) { x = (int)( (float)i*m_pixPerSecond ); painter0.drawLine(x,15,x,19); } //Write numbers on the time scale MakeTimeStrs(); for( int i=0; i<=m_hdivs; i++) { if(0==i) { //left justify the leftmost text x = (int)( (float)i*m_pixPerSecond); rect0.setRect(x,0, (int)m_pixPerSecond, 20); painter0.drawText(rect0, Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter,m_HDivText[i]); } else if(m_hdivs == i) { //right justify the rightmost text x = (int)( (float)i*m_pixPerSecond - m_pixPerSecond); rect0.setRect(x,0, (int)m_pixPerSecond, 20); painter0.drawText(rect0, Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter,m_HDivText[i]); } else { //center justify the rest of the text x = (int)( (float)i*m_pixPerSecond - m_pixPerSecond/2); rect0.setRect(x,0, (int)m_pixPerSecond, 20); painter0.drawText(rect0, Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter,m_HDivText[i]); } } } void FPlotter::MakeTimeStrs() //MakeTimeStrs { for(int i=0; i<=m_hdivs; i++) { m_HDivText[i].setNum(i); } } int FPlotter::XfromTime(float t) //XfromFreq() { return int(t*m_pixPerSecond); } float FPlotter::TimefromX(int x) //FreqfromX() { return float(x/m_pixPerSecond); } void FPlotter::setPlotZero(int plotZero) //setPlotZero() { m_plotZero=plotZero; m_bPaint2=true; } void FPlotter::setPlotGain(int plotGain) //setPlotGain() { m_plotGain=plotGain; m_bPaint2=true; } void FPlotter::setGreenZero(int n) { m_greenZero=n; m_bPaint2=true; } void FPlotter::draw() //draw() { QPainter painter1(&m_HorizPixmap); QPoint LineBuf[703]; QPen penGreen(Qt::green,1); int k0=m_jh0; if(fast_jh < m_jh0 or m_bPaint2) { k0=0; QRect tmp(0,0,m_w,119); painter1.fillRect(tmp,Qt::black); painter1.setPen(Qt::white); m_t=QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hh:mm:ss"); painter1.drawText(10,95,m_t); } float gain = pow(10.0,(m_plotGain/20.0)); for(int k=64*k0; k<64*fast_jh; k++) { //Upper spectrogram int i = k%64; int j = k/64; int y=0.005*gain*fast_s[k] + m_plotZero; if(y<0) y=0; if(y>254) y=254; painter1.setPen(g_ColorTbl[y]); painter1.drawPoint(j,64-i); } painter1.setPen(penGreen); // Upper green curve int j=0; m_greenGain=10; float greenGain = pow(10.0,(m_greenGain/20.0)); for(int x=k0; x<=fast_jh; x++) { int y = 0.9*m_h - greenGain*fast_green[x] - m_greenZero + 40; if(y>119) y=119; LineBuf[j].setX(x); LineBuf[j].setY(y); j++; } painter1.drawPolyline(LineBuf,j); if((fast_jh < m_jh0) or m_bPaint2) { QRect tmp(0,120,m_w,219); painter1.fillRect(tmp,Qt::black); painter1.setPen(Qt::white); painter1.drawText(10,195,m_t0); m_t0=m_t; for(int k=0; k<64*fast_jh2; k++) { //Lower spectrogram int i = k%64; int j = k/64; int y=0.005*gain*fast_s2[k] + m_plotZero; if(y<0) y=0; if(y>254) y=254; painter1.setPen(g_ColorTbl[y]); painter1.drawPoint(j,164-i); } painter1.setPen(penGreen); //Lower green curve j=0; for(int x=0; x<=fast_jh2; x++) { int y = 0.9*m_h - greenGain*fast_green2[x] - m_greenZero + 140; if(y>219) y=219; LineBuf[j].setX(x); LineBuf[j].setY(y); j++; } painter1.drawPolyline(LineBuf,j); m_bPaint2=false; } painter1.setPen(Qt::white); painter1.drawLine(0,100, m_w,100); m_jh0=fast_jh; update(); //trigger a new paintEvent } void FPlotter::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) //mousePressEvent { int x=event->x(); int y=event->y(); int n=event->button(); // bool ctrl = (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier); QPainter painter(&m_HorizPixmap); int x0=x-n*m_pixPerSecond; int x1=x+n*m_pixPerSecond; if(x0 < 0) x0=0; if(x1 > 702) x1=702; Q_EMIT fastPick1(x0,x1,y); int y0=64; if(y >= 120) y0+=100; if(m_x0+m_x1 != 0) { painter.setPen(Qt::black); painter.drawLine(m_x0,m_y0,m_x1,m_y0); //Erase previous yellow line painter.drawLine(m_x0,m_y0-3,m_x0,m_y0+3); painter.drawLine(m_x1,m_y0-3,m_x1,m_y0+3); } painter.setPen(Qt::yellow); painter.drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y0); //Draw yellow line painter.drawLine(x0,y0-3,x0,y0+3); painter.drawLine(x1,y0-3,x1,y0+3); update(); //trigger a new paintEvent m_x0=x0; m_x1=x1; m_y0=y0; }