subroutine iscat(cdat0,npts0,nh,npct,t2,pick,cfile6,minsync,ntol, & NFreeze,MouseDF,mousebutton,mode4,nafc,nmore,psavg,maxlines,nlines,line) ! Decode an ISCAT signal parameter (NMAX=30*3101) parameter (NSZ=4*1400) character cfile6*6 !File time character c42*42 character msg*29,msg1*29,msgbig*29 character*80 line(100) character csync*1 complex cdat0(NMAX) complex cdat(NMAX) real s0(288,NSZ) real fs1(0:41,30) real psavg(72) !Average spectrum of whole file integer nsum(30) integer ntol integer icos(4) logical pick,last data icos/0,1,3,2/ data nsync/4/,nlen/2/,ndat/18/ data c42/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ /.?@-'/ nlines = 0 fsample=3100.78125 !Sample rate after 9/32 downsampling nsps=144/mode4 bigworst=-1.e30 !Silence compiler warnings ... bigxsync=0. bigsig=-1.e30 msglenbig=0 ndf0big=0 nfdotbig=0 bigt2=0. bigavg=0. bigtana=0. if(nmore.eq.-999) bigsig=-1 !... to here last=.false. do inf=1,6 !Loop over data-segment sizes nframes=2**inf if(nframes*24* then nframes=npts0/(24*nsps) last=.true. endif npts=nframes*24*nsps do ia=1,npts0-npts,nsps*24 !Loop over start times stepped by 1 frame ib=ia+npts-1 cdat(1:npts)=cdat0(ia:ib) t3=(ia + 0.5*npts)/fsample + 0.9 if(pick) t3=t2+t3 ! Compute symbol spectra and establish sync: call synciscat(cdat,npts,nh,npct,s0,jsym,df,ntol,NFreeze, & MouseDF,mousebutton,mode4,nafc,psavg,xsync,sig,ndf0,msglen, & ipk,jpk,idf,df1) nfdot=nint(idf*df1) isync=xsync if(msglen.eq.0 .or.,0)) then msglen=0 worst=1. avg=1. ndf0=0 cycle endif ipk3=0 !Silence compiler warning nblk=nsync+nlen+ndat fs1=0. nsum=0 nfold=jsym/96 jb=96*nfold k=0 n=0 do j=jpk,jsym,4 !Fold information symbols into fs1 k=k+1 km=mod(k-1,nblk)+1 if( then n=n+1 m=mod(n-1,msglen)+1 ii=nint(idf*float(j-jb/2)/float(jb)) do i=0,41 iii=ii+ipk+2*i if( .and. iii.le.288) fs1(i,m)=fs1(i,m) + s0(iii,j) enddo nsum(m)=nsum(m)+1 endif enddo do m=1,msglen fs1(0:41,m)=fs1(0:41,m)/nsum(m) enddo ! Read out the message contents: msg= ' ' msg1=' ' mpk=0 worst=9999. sum=0. do m=1,msglen smax=0. smax2=0. do i=0,41 if(fs1(i,m).gt.smax) then smax=fs1(i,m) ipk3=i endif enddo do i=0,41 if(fs1(i,m).gt.smax2 .and. smax2=fs1(i,m) enddo rr=0. if( rr=smax/smax2 sum=sum + rr if( worst=rr if(ipk3.eq.40) mpk=m msg1(m:m)=c42(ipk3+1:ipk3+1) enddo avg=sum/msglen if(mpk.eq.1) then msg=msg1(2:) else if( then msg=msg1(mpk+1:msglen)//msg1(1:mpk-1) else msg=msg1(1:msglen-1) endif ttot=npts/3100.78125 if( then bigworst=worst bigavg=avg bigxsync=xsync bigsig=sig ndf0big=ndf0 nfdotbig=nfdot msgbig=msg msglenbig=msglen bigt2=t3 bigtana=nframes*24*nsps/fsample endif isync = xsync if( .and.,1.5) .and. & then nsig=nint(sig) nworst=10.0*(worst-1.0) navg=10.0*(avg-1.0) if( nworst=10 if( navg=10 tana=nframes*24*nsps/fsample csync=' ' if( csync='*' if(nlines.le.maxlines-1) nlines = nlines + 1 write(line(nlines),1020) cfile6,isync,nsig,t2,ndf0,nfdot,csync, & msg(1:28),msglen,nworst,navg,tana,char(0) endif enddo if(last) exit enddo worst=bigworst avg=bigavg xsync=bigxsync sig=bigsig ndf0=ndf0big nfdot=nfdotbig msg=msgbig msglen=msglenbig t2=bigt2 tana=bigtana isync=xsync nworst=10.0*(worst-1.0) navg=10.0*(avg-1.0) if( nworst=10 if( navg=10 if(navg.le.0 .or.,0)) then msg=' ' nworst=0 navg=0 ndf0=0 nfdot=0 sig=-20 msglen=0 tana=0. t2=0. endif csync=' ' if( csync='*' nsig=nint(sig) if(nlines.le.maxlines-1) nlines = nlines + 1 write(line(nlines),1020) cfile6,isync,nsig,t2,ndf0,nfdot,csync,msg(1:28), & msglen,nworst,navg,tana,char(0) 1020 format(a6,2i4,f5.1,i5,i4,1x,a1,2x,a28,i4,2i3,f5.1,a1) return end subroutine iscat