subroutine qra64a(dd,nutc,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol,mode64,mycall_12,hiscall_12, & hisgrid_6,sync,nsnr,dtx,nfreq,decoded,nft) use packjt parameter (NFFT=2*6912,NZ=5760,NMAX=60*12000) character decoded*22 character*12 mycall_12,hiscall_12 character*6 mycall,hiscall,hisgrid_6 character*4 hisgrid logical ltext complex c00(0:360000) !Complex spectrum of dd() complex c0(0:360000) !Complex spectrum of dd() ! integer*8 count0,count1,clkfreq real a(3) real dd(NMAX) !Raw data sampled at 12000 Hz real s3(0:63,1:63) !Symbol spectra integer dat4(12) !Decoded message (as 12 integers) data nc1z/-1/,nc2z/-1/,ng2z/-1/ save if( .or. go to 900 nft=99 nsnr=-30 mycall=mycall_12(1:6) !### May need fixing ### hiscall=hiscall_12(1:6) hisgrid=hisgrid_6(1:4) call packcall(mycall,nc1,ltext) call packcall(hiscall,nc2,ltext) call packgrid(hisgrid,ng2,ltext) if( .or. .or. then do naptype=0,5 call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,1,dat4,snr2,irc) enddo nc1z=nc1 nc2z=nc2 ng2z=ng2 endif maxf1=5 call sync64(dd,nf1,nf2,nfqso,ntol,mode64,maxf1,dtx,f0,jpk,kpk,snr1,c00) npts2=216000 naptype=4 do itry0=1,3 idf0=itry0/2 if(mod(itry0,2).eq.0) idf0=-idf0 a(1)=-(f0+0.248*(idf0-0.33*kpk)) nfreq=nint(-a(1)) a(3)=0. do itry1=1,3 idf1=itry1/2 if(mod(itry1,2).eq.0) idf1=-idf1 a(2)=-0.67*(idf1 + 0.67*kpk) call twkfreq(c00,c0,npts2,4000.0,a) call spec64(c0,npts2,mode64,jpk,s3) call qra64_dec(s3,nc1,nc2,ng2,naptype,0,dat4,snr2,irc) decoded=' ' if( then call unpackmsg(dat4,decoded) !Unpack the user message call fmtmsg(decoded,iz) nft=100 + irc nsnr=nint(snr2) else snr2=0. endif ! write(78,3900) nutc,snr1,snr2,dtx,nfreq,kpk,idf0,idf1,irc,decoded !3900 format(i4.4,2f6.1,f6.2,i5,4i3,1x,a22) ! flush(78) ! write(*,3006) idf0,idf1,nfreq,jpk,kpk,irc,decoded !3006 format(2i4,i6,i7,2i4,2x,a22) if( go to 900 enddo enddo 900 continue if(index(decoded,"000AAA ").ge.1) then ! Suppress a certain type of garbage decode. decoded=' ' irc=-1 endif return end subroutine qra64a