// Status=review - Notice the [green]*GREEN* and [red]*RED* markers on the waterfall frequency scale. Decoding takes place at the end of a receive sequence and is organized in two stages. The first decodes take place at the selected Rx frequency, indicated by the green marker. Results appear in both the left (“Band Activity”) and right (“Rx Frequency”) text windows on the main screen. The decoder then finds and decodes all signals in the selected mode(s) and the displayed frequency range. The red marker indicates your Tx frequency. .Signal Presence NOTE: At least eight JT9 signals are present in the example file; all but one of them are decodable. When this file was recorded KF4RWA was finishing a QSO with K1JT. Since the green marker was placed at his audio frequency, 1224 Hz, his message “K1JT KF4RWA 73” appears in both decoded text windows. The “Band Activity” window shows this message as well as all the other decodes at nearby frequencies. The CQ lines are highlighted in [green]*GREEN*, and lines containing “My Call”, in this case K1JT, are highlighted in [red]*RED*. - For this step and the next, you may want to pretend you are K1JT by entering that call temporarily as “My Call” on the <>. Your results should then be identical to those shown in the <>.